Make peace with dangerous unicorns. The Desert Home

Accredited former Marine Corps officer and PHD in physics and many disciplines of logic Jim Fetzer and The Raw Deal on 23 March 2024 measles baby in 2017 fake used iStock photo and photoshopped in "measles" they didn't even change the photo name so it's more proof medias are full of propoganda. We call this an outbreak of digital measles. This is the same problem with finding viruses they do it digitally in silico not in real form. It's easy to fake and people are gullible. When these frauds are exposed the exposers are met with massive resistance. Wikipedia will not allow original sources when it wants to censor while it presents itself as accurate and truthful.

A video online explains how to wipe your but, but I want to change the world so I'm already doing it for billions.

Tucker and Roseanne Barr react to her "viral" Trump speech.

When things go "viral" we could compare this to virology. Roseanne spoke publicly, digits catalogued/copied what was presented and it can be reviewed over and over again and again. It's never the same as being there. You are not touching Roseanne, she is not touching you. You are not in the same room with her. You are presented an illusion. That is why we call what virology does as hunting dangerous unicorns as what is presented is not real but calling a video of Roseann's speech "viral" is a misnomer, as in virology there is never a real virus making a presentation at all. Everything virology is built on science fiction, pure unadulterated science fiction. So when you hear about viruses think sci-fi movie featuring aliens from planets that do not exist.

Wind and solar farms are not saving the planet they are saving portfolios and pensions.

They say colonists are bad as if no one ever lived in a colony.

Congress dances around the issues literally dances.

Methane coming up in wells West Virginia, fumes, causing illness.

The public is now claling electric cars lemons, all of them, they won't buy them, they won't rent them. ROFL suckers. Electric transition of everything is a fraud.

So the political bandwagoneers and it's passengers do not trust Russia and now it trusts Russia in what it claims happened in Russia? Was it another "gun free" zone? Gun full states would tell you how much safer places are when guns are carried but as always the whole matter goes around and around in triangles.

Cops murder deer in road for not getting out of their way. So the poor deer IN THE HEADLIGHTS like duh drops dead IN THEIR WAY. They couldn't figure out another way of getting the deer out of the way? Where are these idiots getting their training? OMG. Never get in their way BUT wait, let's say benefit of the doubt dictates that the deer would be killed anyway as it was basically in the busy road and could have caused a bad accident that harmed people. Sad though. Do not watch this if you are sensitive to this kind of thing done to poor animals. Maybe he was given away to some homeless food needers for 6 month supply of meat?

Genetically modified pig kidney? Claim is not absolute proof. Story telling as usual by the medi SIN industry. People gobble it up. Eventually it all ends up in the same receptical.

One of the worst ongoing virus propoganda pieces written by Mark A. Hewitt on blood supply being allegedly contaminated by gay men. OMG are we still in the dark ages? There is no virus. The dude claims gay sex spreads disease. We have heard this crap repeated for 40 years now. No virus was ever found in anyone's poop chute. People who hate gay sex occurring in their world around them refuse to look at this fact, no virus exists to transfer, the entire field of virology is a hustle. Sorry dude to burst your rampage against gays bubble that makes you feel superior, there is no disease transferred from people to people, air to people, animals to people, disease is a condition of a body that is created not caught. Labels abound to describe old conditions used for marketing new products. The blame of a virus for the lie called HIV/AIDS is 40 years old now and the religious folk that hate gays latched on to that to use against them. It's very disingenuous but alas that is how cults operate on it's flock of see gullibles. Dear Mark, if you have absolute evidence of this wild claim of contamination by any virus please provide it to Dr. Tom Cowan who keeps requesting all these Hustlers In Virology (HIV) provide solid proof of their ongoing lies and assertion$.

When Germans go on holiday.

Apparently God is psycho. Look around He's made all sorts of psycho things and people. Sayers say we are created in His image. Really now? If that is true which all religions preach then God is psycho or we have got it all wrong. A very good contemplation on life and ERRth and rerererere incarnation and learning by Eric Dubay who lerrned that the ERRth can't be a spinning aquarium.

US politician who like most all of them put their political survival over everything else says that one world leader in the headlines is putting his or her political survival over everything else. An interesting article at the Ron Paul Institute.

In San Francisco instead of creating solutions to homelessness while also keeping in place proper protocols of human rights non-abuse of systems that would merely herd them away like cattle to camps to get the fuckers off the streets they are more concerned about letting cell companies install latest G outside people's bedroom windows. Claims of course are safe and effective so that people have warp speed services so they can become even more artificial and depend on fake intelligence. Ever try to talk with someone who's face is attached to their phone?

If this is true that we breathe electricity not oxygen then when we are indoors at businesses that spray chemicals all day those are taking away the electrical charge that our bodies need in the misplaced quest to kill dangerous unicorns. Note at the end it's "piece on" not "peace song". LOL

The arborist might look at this tree and say it's dead and is a threat to the public and officially chop it down. Are we allowed to question authoritay? How do we know when this is and isn't good science? I saw a tree chopped down by the electric company that looked all green and healthy and the guy said the arborist knows what he's doing, that they can tell inside if it's rotting, something is wrong with this as they chopped it all down, the trunk looked fine. Bernie Madoff said to investors more than once that he knew what he was doing when they were seeing something not adding up.

Funny coffee pitch featuring Alex Stein who got his start taking an interest in city governing issues at his local council meetings.

FDA Agrees to Remove Anti-Ivermectin Posts Off the Internet in Lawsuit Settlement

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reportedly settled a lawsuit brought by three doctors who who accused the health regulator of interfering with their ability to practice medicine and prescribe Ivermectin to treat the fake disease "covid" which was a marketing scheme to rebrand flu and introduce speedy ways of introducing new flu shots. Once again those waving the red flags at the beginning were correct. Listen to them next time instead of treating healthy sceptics like something you should avoid. Viruses do not exist. Ivermectin is still a drug though. All viruscide drugs are based on poisoning.

If you are serious about cutting carbon emissions ban sugar and carbon infused water. A can of soda pop contains 12 ouces of mostly water but has 40 grams of sugar a whopping tooth decaying cellular modification mess. The carbon covers up the disgusting super sweetness. You know how awful a sugary soda is when it goes "flat" like the ERRth. That's because the massive amount of sugar remains, you taste buds then are not tricked by the carbonation, telling you YUCK spit this out as it's harmful. That would save more energy than you can even start to imagine as all the medical systems wouldn't have to treat people as much they'd be healthier. Although it's not practical nor fair to ban what is still technically food, will the carbon emissionists be charging a carbon tax on soda? Probably hoping the public never figures this out as if they started charging a carbon tax on carbonated water the public would notice the absurdity of carbon emissions and realize the enormity of this climate change carbon blankets that don't exist fraud.

NuClear power plant in New York a state that hunts dangerous unicorns for fun and profit to be fake safe said by shutting down peoples lives and the NuClear reliable (not disabled energy) power system it would save the planet because of 1/2500th of space being polluted with carbon which is a life giving mineral and does not make their imaginary blankets in any atmosphere but that of their air head minds. So the dodo craticals are now realizing that emissions went up and having words for dinner saying they are healthier than bugs and words have plenty of protein so they will live on that. The illusion persists though that there are planet heating emissions without equal and opposite cooling. What planet are they living on? It's not Earth beit round, flat or pyramid shaped, they are in science fiction fairy land, the planet they live on has no shape nor is it in shape.

Kevin Kiley and Jay Obernolte of California are claiming they have the way the truth and the life of deleting homelessness by making it illegal to be homeless. Once again those who are well to do are clueless and rather just call the calvary in and go to war and cast out the undesirables like what happened when the US pushed out the natives of this land making them homeless when they already had homes. The case of Grant's Pass Oregon vs. Gloria Johnson and all others situated is in their cross hairs. They like all Republicans make it a crime issue as the predominant matter. They disingenuously lump all the homeless together associating it disingenuously with crime. They want to stop homelessness using street sweepers. This is treating people like dirt and trampling on their basic human rights. Homeless already went through many problems that these governing representives of those who keep amassing more and more wealth don't have because the systems are set up to serve them. Here's how cities handle things, homeless use the public toilets or ones in stores, to be clean and such, then cities and stores shut the toilets off from public use. The old homeful man that has to take a piss 5 times in an hour then pees in his pants. Then they think he's homeless. The dude couldn't use the restroom in the store because they say they shut it off to the public because of the homeless. Sure that makes sense, just makes it all worse. That's how communities operate, just keep making things worse. How many who were working and invested everything in a good business they had are now homeless are there now that were screwed the fuck out of their businesses while the state "shut them down" to chase other dangerous unicorns which if it had a brain would never do so that it could lavishly feed the pHarma hands that feed them, the modern A medi SIN scum bags? I have watched these governments present their solutions over and over again it's always the same results, money all goes to special interest groups, never solves it. No one seems able to get a grip on the real problems as they are lost in the loft with the hay and maneur. Now the big fake safety concern they voted on was a computer program called TicTok that does video in a flash and connects people everywhere often exposing all the liars and cons in governing. The case claims that inevitably public homeless camps that evolve on their own inevitably lead to crime. That's like saying building cities inevitably leads to crime. It's like saying building oil wells inevitably leads to spills. They may, but it's very disingenuous and deceitful to claim that is a given and it also is incredibly misleading to lump everyone that is homeless in this same camp so to speak of leading to crime. I do not support Kiley or Obernolte's self serving high horse approach that does want to make camping anywhere in public illegal. A homefull person could lose their homefullness one day and have it back a day later, goes to a park to sleep, suddenly in their hard nose approach of "stopping crime before it starts" that person is then a criminal because they made them one. We are already seeing laws being passed all over the place making staying in an RV a crime if it's past a certain time frame. PEOPLE OFTEN NEED PLACES TO REST EACH NIGHT AND THE GOVERNMENTS ARE ALL MAKING IT WORSE AS CAPITALIST FEUDING FOR GAIN IS THEIR PRIMARY GOALS. This is humanity we are dealing with here. Give people a break. There is so much money being shoveled into the already rich capitalists all around the world who get more and more homes and travel and stays in houses that go off rental markets so these rich can live in massive luxury while others fall through the cracks. Do these politicians deserve all this cash flow? Then the medi SIN system players step in claiming they want to help those who fell and it becomes more beaurcracy and manipulation for massive self serving profits. It repeats several times that "homeless encampments and crime go hand in hand". We could say that same thing about industrialized societies everywhere. It's a bogus argument. Orange County was dealing with these camps springing up near rivers and industrial areas where there were bike paths some years back. The homeless there were said that their being there "offended" many of the homed and businessized. The whole thing is complicated. If someone identifies as a homeless trans sexual one day does that make them homeless forever? Will they have people then show their homefull papers please? At least they say please. They d didn't say please with the Kovid Runaway Fraud (KRF). Politicians are quick to pat each other on the back saying they cleared them out, then they return, and they clear them out and they go elsewhere. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO GO? Not my problem is always their solution as they set up things for their friends to make money off of. What exactly is the proper definition of homeless anyway? How does homed or not homed identify? When a person goes to work and leaves their home they are homeless. They come back later they are homed. When people try to build homes the cities, states, and federal agencies will stop them if they build a small shack to sleep in even if they own the land. They have a billion stupid reasons for this, like if the homeless who when homeless are 176 times more likely to commit a crime (because they are desperate) if they build a shack that does not conform to 7 billion "safety" and rid the township of crime codes they are stopped from doing so. There are some fair reasons for this in some ways and many unfair and nit picky nonsense. Everyone knows this. This never changes. So while all the fighting goes on and on and on with all those who have all the resources, they waste those on fighting constantly, and then blame those who get thrown under the bus for causing it to crash. The rich all know how to solve this problem, they do not want to. It's called sharing. One of the examples of why the homeless need to be thrown under the bus to both help them and fix public places is in San Francisco the convention cancelled. Claim is loss of $40 million revenue in 2018. Please, spare us your crocodile tears, there is more wealth in that town than very few other places in the world. The USA which as a reminder is the Unintact States of America could fix this in a flash, cut off the medical system and research grant system by 99% and hand it out to building owners to convert them to truly affordable housing, for the homeless that might be that they buy it for $1. Start there. Again this is called sharing, and the value in return will undoubtedly be greater than what is shared. Sharing money with war machines that simply destroyes lives and makes more homeless is not a solution. The case does make the case for making criminals out of the homeless, it says it right there, claims of homelessness and crimes escalating by 175 times is totally disingenuous. Anyone that says it doesn't make being homeless a criminal act is not being honest with the public. Then as they do that they arrest more homeless and guess what then they have more stats showing that same thing because they simply labeled it as such.


The marketeers claim the bulb is better for the environment but they emit radio frequencies, use the same amount of energy, contain mercury, the lighting is not as clear or soothing, they use your energy as look at the whopping cost of replacing these. Money uses energy. The more you have to pay the more energy used. Diode lighting is a scam. They worked great on computers to let you know it was on or off. They are horrible lighting.

One day I realized I did not have to go to war with my body. It was when I landed on the moon and reflected back at my life on ERRth. If you say I haven't been to the moon, prove it.

Charles Schultz tried to warn us about Lucy's doctor while using the best medicine he could make fun of.

Lucy was more genuine than anyone in medi SIN.

40 years of Fauci's lies that covered the world in lies and treated the gays with poisons.

The good doctor knew it was a poison and gave it to them anyway. Well some of them kind of demanded it so what was he to do? Maybe he could have called it what it was in stead of a treat. The photo is off a bit, AZT remains in use just not in as high a quantity as to make it obvious that it's a poison. Treating disease or imaginary disease in healthy people often relies on the absurd notion that trying to kill dangerous unicorns won't kill healthy cells because they claim they "target" the infected cell but the science never explains the mechanisms with absolute proof. Dr. Peter Deusberg in the 1980's repeatedly tried to warn people that it's like dropping NuClear bombs on a forest to hunt for rabbits while expecting the forest to remain untouched. Medias refused to ever run that story as they had created the panic and if they presented the truth the public would have shut off their drama boxes. At that point they started making so much money off drug ads after the 1986 congress giving immunity to drug companies they wouldn't dare offend their sponsors by presenting the truth of the dangers and fraud of the "aids" drugs and so here we were yesterday in 2020 with it's abuse as we never saw before. Now people are paying attention.

The idea presented by HIV is that you "catch" a virus and it destroys your home called your body. Their answer to this problem is to blow up the virus. So they tell you to carpet bomb your home (your body) with their chemicals. This approach is as retarded as would be to tent your home for dust to kill the dust and remove the threat. Virology has never proven their absurd assertions that their "virus" acts any different than dust. Their science only shows that cells deteriorate and make dust. They call this "a virus buds from the cell" used to sell you chemical warfare on dust. The human body cleans out thing daily and through out the day and night that you live. It assembles this all in what we see bud from our bodies making it's way into the TOILET. If you think you are under threat from viruses or your home is under threat from dust, have your trusty scientist you can trust to scam you out of your cash prove that viruses never end up in the toilet. For that matter don't bother as they are already wasting your cash on testing poop supplies at your local sewage line for viruses. Need we say any more, they lie when they say they find them in a sample of blood or in the sewers and their science then already admits that the body shoves them the fuck out in to the toilet which it does constantly with things it does not need. Hustlers In Virology (HIV) should be defunded as we don't need their hustles to be well.

*the year was 2020 as the fake-a-demic was unfolding and Canadian's woke leader Trudeau was called out for gambling on a casino that NO ONE WOULD INVEST IN not even the taxpayer wanted to gabmble on this but Trudeau did so he did what he does, only serves the Queen of England, that is his oath of office, to serve her majesty, he has stated this clearly.

In the 20th century the governments wanted everyone to have a sake in everything. Not any more they want to take it all for themselves now that you all worked hard to make it all for them. David Knight show 22 March 2024.

They say that waking up and breaking up is hard to do.

I really think it's time for you to break up with your abusers and no don't go see another THErapist.

Now here's some real news from TicTok is a free speach platform that unlike congress follows the constitutions orders, Santa Clause is a product of Coca-Cola sugary sweet endocrine disruptor used to push winter sales to the moon and create the flu which is then blamed on another imaginary thing used to sell you penetrating industrial chemical waste. In other words, big sugar created Santa to push their product in winter. Chris Kringle was a thief! Makes ya think who's behind all these bans, gee could it be, Satan who has a Clause in his contract?

Centered Deceptive Collusion (CDC) releases a report on heart problems but it's BLANK! OK America has it gotten through your think skulls yet, they are a spoiled brat that keeps crashing dads car, steals mom's money from her purse, gets drunk and does drugs all the time, does no work around the house, and need to be cut off.

Ayok has another meltdown, so had the Wicked Undesirable Witch Uvthawest (WUWU) when will we hear some real news or should we just dump all this fake news bullshit.

Dr. Drew talks with Michael Yeardon who's been chicken belittleing us with fake falling apples not far from the tree with fake unproven genetic manipulation and other scary tales. THAT'S NOT MY DOG? Idiots everywhere.

Adam keeps looking at her adam's apple.

Paul Harvey 1992 on global warming and the hunt for dangerous unicorns and apples falling not far from the tree on dunce caps and the existential threat of exponential $tudie$ and press release.

"It is a key part of meeting ambitious state and regional climate goals". Who would say this? Really now this is so retarded. Reaching climate goals? What are we managing the weather now? This is what cults talk like. They say they can do things that defy logic. Branch Dividians were going to be picked up in space ships. It was stated by Maine's governor who also joined the Branch Covidians (BC) way before it was fashionable on Project Runaway.

Inefficient Energy (IE) is killing off close to extinct endangered bird Great Indian Bustard. Saving the planet is a fraud. It's run by industrialist$ and hustler$ and actor$. Government$ solution is to retrain the birds to not fly into towering propellers that barely produce anything but theft of your green $$$ energy in your wallets. Physics and real science says not to build this crap as it's wasting energy and there is no way woman can manage the weather no matter what they do any more than managing volcanoes and earthquakes to stop those from happening.

We come into this world with freedom of speech. Sometimes our very 1st speech is annoying, we soon start crying and whining when a bad man hacks off a huge section of our private part. That speech is guaranteed, we don't have to ask for the right we just are born with it. It's too bad some sickos think they can take some of our body parts from us and use them for expensive scientific searches and selling it to cosmetic companies. We didn't know how to speak English. Now we do. Stop the sexual abuse of baby men. Ban circumcision which is a horror and an evil deed. Why can't congress understand this? Today they babbled on about cutting another thing we use to freely speak. Can congress ban TicTok? It can't ban the bloody hacking torture of baby men slicing off part of their dick, many in governing have tried, so how can it ban a stupid computer code used to freely speak or is that what congress is all about these daze is circumcising our speech too. Why is congress so obsessed with cutting things off. Circumcising TicTok protects us from harm? It will leave it with a lifetime of experiencing sex like a silent black and white film instead of color just like what happens to men when their dick is partially amputated of it's foreskin. Take a look at Routine Infant Circumcision Horror (RICH) way back in ancient times compared to the sick horror ritual of dick cutting now. It's 666 times worse! The devil is in the details.

LGB, no T a lesbian speaks out saying how she could have been pushed as a child into hacking off or pasting on body parts to fake "reassign gender" and glad she wasn't hustled by all this crap as kids are indoctrinated today. Instead of teaching kids to accept themselves as nature or God or Goddess or some alien made them they teach them to not accept themselves. Even physics sitting at the table with biology says is not even possible to change ones sex, it's only cosmetic.

The High Wire episode 365 freedom of speech case at the Supreme Court. Aw what do Supreme Courts know. In Germany theirs sided with the facts, Dr. Stefan Lanka proved viruses DO NOT EXIST. Plaintiff in the Critically Important Murthy v. Missouri Censorship Case Speaks Out!

Powers 100,000 homes? The sales aliens say this all the time when they try to convert you from reliable robust on 24/7 energy to intermittant, never reliable, schizophrenic, disabled energy that demands like a spoiled child massive handicapped parking lots in deserts and farmlands and vast open spaces where prior to these invaders we would go to as a way to recharge. The sales departments don't tell you that they only power 100,000 homes night lights. Here's a new junky diode lighting one if you are into that kind of thing.

Plastic bags covering dry cleaned clothes have a warning to keep away from children as there is risk of suffocation. In the 2020 hindsight period of history's delusion daze people donned their gay apparel of face masks that are made of bags that cover dry cleaned clothes, only difference is they added some tiny holes to make you safe. Makes no sense to wear those and suffocate to be healthy unless you mean HELLthy. HELLth industries are mentally ill and evil doers. Beware the advice of politicians and television news reports. They are ill. Makes no sense to wear Virus Collectors (VC) ones face right there where if you are expelling them you can breathe them back right in. There were never any biohazard red bins you see in doctors offices ANYWHERE! It was all a big fat fraud to up sell rapid vaccines that are junk science at their marketing best. BTW even Californians are fed up and see through the BS now.

New variant BS-24.7

To be fairly unfair and inequitable Alberta drew up a map to of course make any wind farm close to the Rocky Mountains in Canada off limits while the flat lands which primary beauty is because it's UNSPOILED views for many miles. So the rich who suck YOUR MONEY in many nefarious ways that you don't notice, like inflation, which makes it seem like one of those things that just happens, they get to live in those fabulous Rocky Mountain view areas using your money as that's what they run on, they don't produce viable energy, they take it.

"Lunar eclipse" is coming soon. Supposedly this is when the moon falls into ERRth's shadow from the sun which then is on the opposite side of it. That would be if we suppose the ERRth is a ball, the moon is a ball, and the sun is a ball that is 666 trillion times bigger and is 7 billion miles away which is laughable. There are other explanations that make more sense. We live on a flatette not a planette unless you mean small plans or small planes which are flat.

Tim Pool reports on Biden associate that testifies. Then reports about Trump may let his building be "seized" as then it could qualify for hellth care. It's had seizures in the past. Hellth care thinks it has a cure. Doesn't matter it's a building it qualifies. Tim, you should call it culttunism.

Post cOvId Nineteen Kondition (POINK) aka Extended Cold (EC) or just common cold is also known as the scam marketing term "long co-vid" as in long coronation processes on video. Some are calling for the cult to trash that term. Too bad they don't leave the cult.

Virology is theo-rhetical science it is not absoulte nor proven science. It's filled with rhetoric. They make up things as they go. It does not follow the scientific method of proving it's assertions. It's a traveling medi-SIN show. Tom Cowan discusses some of these aspects 20 March 2024. In part of the show today he speaks "as a virologist" as none responded to his challenge to explain to him what they think virus isolation is. He dons blue blocker glasses to have a different look to make it clear. The word clear in virology might also mean something different, like to them it might mean opaque with clear glass covering it so you can see through it. ;-) Tom has a great sense of humor. Knows not to take everything too seriously especially things that are opaque like virology which presents itself as clear yet to the casual observer remains appearing to be opaque until the virologist and friends present their assertions in such a way as to make us believe what is not real observable facts. We might similary simply imagine that this blue blocking scientist is Dr. Peter McSpikey Protein Shake who takes up the challenge and explains his assertions of isolation so we all can make sense of it.

Interesting statement about water not being components. Question about thyroid and hormones and getting off those drugs which are addictive like coffee.

They can claim what they want but they are talking about things that are completely invisible. They can't prove they are there and do what they claim as it's impossible to measure and watch them in action. Doubt this? Ask your doctor or scientist to present video. There only cartoons. It's like watching Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote cartoons and believing that massive boulders fall on animals heads and squash them and they are still alive but maybe dazed. In the 1980's daze modern medi SIN repeated their lies so many times many people were caught in the cult. One day I thought "where is the test for the new virus they were scaring everyone with saying it's only found in sex". There was a blood test for finding antibodies but finding antibodies in the blood never before meant someone was in danger it meant the body is working properly. I called a clinic and asked if there was a test for "HIV" in the semen because as a male that's where all the fearmongering in their science was telling us it was located. They were baffled by the question then said they did not. They would always claim it's in body fluids. What about the test for sweat and spit? No, it does not exist, they claim they can only get it from your blood. The claims without any evidence was that blood only has it and that any of the 68 health conditions all known to have other causes were lumped into one called AIDS and it was a gay disease. They were scrambling for the cause and as always ended up blaming a dangerous unicorn and in that case blamed that butthole surfing for it claiming without proof that is where blood is found in that act and it transfers to a penis and winds it's way up into the body and has parties and never cleans up. That was when I realized something was terribly wrong with that whole branch of science that is now what I refer to as Hustles In Virology (HIV).

An example of what's real includes spirits. Jeff Berwick talks about it while walking on the moon with Lucy who is the most banned Chiuaahahhaaa in the world.

During the blame Dangerous Unicorns Scare Theater (DUST) of the pre 2nd millennium (as if there were no millenniums prior??) they would blame a virus for everything rather than alcohol. The scare really took off when Rock Hudson a famous movie star who came out as gay was then tagged with HIV and he claimed he died of it. Maybe it was Old Age And Lots Of Al-kuhl (OAALOA) and not a dangerous unicorn.

The 1920's film is called "Wise Guys Prefer Brunettes". It's a Hal Roach comedy. Some of it's memorabelia is expensive. If a blonde becomes brunette the hair may look that color but it is not. I mean it's colored that way to look that way but if a man only gets his rocks off seeing a brunette and marries this blonde, well eventually she's going to miss coloring her hair at times and he's not getting what he thought he was getting as he sees the blond roots start coming in. It throws the whole thing off for him. Virology does this to people. To get their rocks off they are attracted to colored explanations. The reality though is that at the root of virology's colored explanations is blond. Just thought you'd like to know before you marry him or her.

When the power output drops in wind solar disabled enertgy systems, which are disabled and park theselves way too long in those handicapped parking lots everywhere we see them, the back up systems that power on and off using fossil fuels make out like bandits grabbing piles of your cash stored in banks. Sounds more like wastes of energy as it takes energy to make all that stored money. Yea it is. They are a scam. Even Warren Buffet said they won't invest in them unless they get free money (yours) from government handouts that prop these movie props up that provide illusions like a movie of them doing something they are only putting on an act. Here's where they were first assigned handicapped energy parking in California at Palm Springs.

Ex pert skiier testifies in congress committee on climate change. Can't tell public official what carbon dioxide is other than saying it is a gas. Says he notices change in weather regarding ski slopes. Looks under 20. This is ROFL funny. This ski pert then says carbon dioxide is a big part of our atmosphere. Has no clue how much carbon dioxide danger is there. It's 1/2500.

The good senator asks more questions and looks at this skiier's past ex pertism. Notices he publicaly stated "abolish the police". ROFL. This is democrats ex pert witness on climate change who has no clue how much co2 is in the air as he's skiing. When this whole climate nonsense started ramping up over 20 years ago I hopped onto Google. With in 5 minutes I figured out it was a fraud. He could have as well. It's easy. This appears to have been a choice witness of Mr. Whitehouse, a Dodocrat of course that thinks he can control the clouds and is always dancing around issues. Part of the public loves song and dance!

Ex pert who of many fell into the pHarma blame virus trap yet again for the 666 billionth time and kept doing the same things repeatly expecting different results now are scrambling to scrub the internet of all their junk science papers and tout themselves as perts again. Buyer beware especially with Dr. Peter McSpikey and his hellth emergency kit of which it's promises reminds me of those multi-level marketing kits that promised you unlimited opportunity become independently going no where fast and riches when they take you to the moon where they discovered gold foil lame' on fake space craft. Next time you see you are getting hustled by fear of dangerous unicorns gang look for the absolute perts who never screwed the fuck up like they always do as they are all lost in virus delusion land, not the ex perts. We need more perts who understand that the entire field of virology is junk science. McSpikey's "emergency kits" are said to treat you for the ILLUSION of Spike Protein Unicorn Disease (SPUD). Peter goes all over the place preaching spike protein is now a huge problem quoting junk science all around Earth.

Sky News Australia reports: A new film that labels white people as the “most dangerous animal” on Earth is already considered a box office bomb only a week after its release. The American Society of Magical Negroes hit cinemas on March 15 and has only recouped just over $US1.5 million. The movie, directed by first-time filmmaker Kobi Libii, follows a young man who’s recruited into a secret magical society. The film is currently sitting at 2.6 out of 10 on IMDb and 30 per cent on Rotten Tomatoes. Maybe they are taking this a bit too seriously I am guessing. I want to see it!

Woman sues woke hellth care system in UK. Says woke idea-ology has infected everything. They are injecting critical race theory into training. She feels discrimination now. It wasn't like this before says politics was left out of work they just focused on WORK not this horseshit. If CRT was fair, equal, inclusive, justified it would criticize all races.

Bill Maher makes fun of Americans who are suffereing. The cons in con gress changed the way they count unemployment in the 1980's which is when they rebranded 666 hellth conditions as caused by dangerous unicorn they never saw fly by except in their imagination$ in the boardrooms and marketing departments of pHarma and governing goonism. Jimmy Dore points out this flaw and makes fun of the latest same old liar regime. Says that if they counted it properly unemployment would not be 3% it would show it's 15%. Maher says just cheer the fuck up as he's a millionaire and sits there smug on his high horse looking down at the peasants. Fuck you. He's another out of touch useless snob. Same with that useless John Oliver. Comedy barely exists anymore, it's all high school kids putting people down to make themselves feel better.

If a culture gives up it's ancient folk art symbolics how is that winning? The "gay" community long ago took back it's own adoption of symbols and words. When queer was one that was often used disparagingly and in fun, gays turned that around and made it theirs. It totally took the power away from the disparager. They should do that too with other things though instead of fighting it, some words are worth fighting to adopt for. It's just so odd that some ancient symbols wrapped up in community, love, peace, seasons, life, growth, nature could be abandandoned as it has. Just sayin'. Old 1941 short film provided for reference only in how to make a good presentation and understand the basics of how symbols evolve. Note: an interesting reference to "northrace man". We have middlerace man, southrace man, eastrace man, westrace man, and some women involved.

Sometimes the Fishing Line Outdoor Sun Reflection (FLOSR) gives away the fake moving imagery. We saw this on Bewitched sometimes but we still enjoyed the show as Endora or Samantha were flying in the room or sitting up on a platform that we saw the wires. We see this on NASA the last fraudtier and we still enjoy that show. Here we see some gaffs in their fake space station as like Bewitched it's done in a studio. When is CON gress going to stop this criminal lying fraud of a starship enterprise? Never! It's their cash cow using your money! The lies of all these cons are round like the PLANEettes going in circles. Getting it yet? Planet. Plane ettes. It's a plane. Air plane. Flying on a PLANE, a flat surface plane. Earth is a plane-ette as the bigger plane is as massive and as vast as that imagined infinite "space". IT'S OK TO WAKE UP FROM THIS NIGHTMARE IT'S SAFER ON THE FLAT ERRTH PLANE and it does not go in circles like their reasoning.

Remember this Horseshit In Virology reporting (HIVr)

In 2020 hindsight we now know viruses do not exist. Testing is garbage. The science knows this. Some people knew this since the 1980's when HIV was first discovered to be the best way to indoctrinate the masses and sell pHarma junk science products and barriers to fake viruses that work as good as border walls while also providing pacifiers. How did the public know that the vaccine was the fix for what was never proven to exist? A company that made it and sold it told them? Wow that's really retarded.

Common cold. It's better expressed in communicable language as Common Oil Latency Disease (COLD). If you look at a lot of your processed foods you will see junk oils. These would include CANOLA and PALM. For one they are not foods that we would normally eat. More important though is they are different than the oil we would find in an avocado. They are more like motor oil. They will often say soybean or canola oil as an ingredient or soybean or palm oil or GAG ME WITH A SPOON valley girl cotton seed oil, who eats cotton? When soybean crops are not available they go with these junk oils of canola or palm. This happens every winter. You notice you start coughing more. Doctors are clueless they do not study nutrition in all it's forms. Allergies start up, check the oil. It doesn't tell you when they change formulas, so you can't! Although soybean oil is not the best oil it's at least from a food source and isn't quite as much like motor oil in it's physical properties, in fact they would never use soybean to replace rape seed oil (canola) in industry where they use canola oil as a lubricant for machinery in certain applications. They would never see instructions saying "use either canola or soybean oil". The rape seed and the palm seed are not foods. Rape seed making canola oil which was a trademarked name that was short for Canadian Oil is used more for industry because of it's sticky properties. It sticks and coats your throat and insides. It sticks to machines like motor oil. You are not a machine and should not lubricate your throat with this oil any more than you would use motor oil in a salad. Same with palm seed oil. These are found often in foods. We keep blaming a virus and it's not that at all. Gulp Oil Slicks are what causes common cold along with problems in temperature regulation, expelling particulates of matter, and the latency period between the body's ability to handle all this mess of these oil slicks. It's like the Gulf Of Mexico as it was pristine hundreds of years ago, compared to when oil started coating all the beaches when the pipe at the bottom of the Gulf Of Mexico burst, that's your body, that's what happens with all these junk oils, you coat the insided like that black oil coated beaches and duckies. You then have a cold. If it gets worse you have the flu. Your body works overtime and overheats to get rid of all that crap. Blaming viruses that do not exist is junk science and awrnry push to feed you more junk in medi SIN that the body also has to work to get rid of. As it works harder they call this stimulating your immune system. Sometimes they claim once that happens you are immune. When that fails then they say "the virus mutated" we have a new app for that. Kaching.

Motor oil in those delicious cookies.

Do Americans not know that products made in China are junk? Why do they buy vaccines made in China then that contain Wuhan's chemical waste that escaped from the factory disguised as a lab? Don't they already have immune systems? Frankly no one has one, they have response systems. Who is telling them they don't have what it takes to be a man or woman that can fight off objects that are 777 trillion billion octillion times smaller than they are? Is it Superman because he feels threatened he might lose his job if you are so strong and he can't even fight an illegal alien rock? Yea it's marketing departments. The biggest one of all is your government.

Q: If you believe viruses do not exist do you also believe bacteria does not exist?
A: It's not about beliefs. Viruses are proven not to exist, this was even done now in court, bacteria is proven to exist.
Q: I heard you believe that even bacteria is not the cause of disease are you saying it's ok to drink sour milk then?
A: No more than I would believe drinking dirty toilet water would be ok. Bacteria floats in the air everywhere it doesn't make us sick, it's the toxins they produce when they are eating their food sources and pooping it out. When milk goes sour the bacteria gets there from air, it grows, multiplies, breaks down the milk proteins, digests, goes to the bathroom right there in the milk. When the milk smells good we know it's ok to drink as there's little bacteria there. When it's smelling bad we don't drink it because it would be like flushing the toilet of poop down our throats. It's the toxins the bacteria excretes that is the problem, not the bacteria itself. Then modern a Med I Sin Science (MISS) completely misses the boat and the target saying look it's over there, the bacteria, shoot it down but it's more like seeing a shell on the sea shore and saying it's the shell that bombed Pearl Harbor when in reality it's the explosives that came out of the shell that created havoc. What comes out of the bacteria is what does the harm. If we find a lot of bacteria in our bodies, just like with finding many shells at the sea shore it doesn't mean that there is any danger if time has passed and there is no symptoms of war or dangerous things happening all around. Testing should be for toxins not bacteria and certainly not for dangerous unicorns that they labeled as viruses that are science fiction stories and it's telling how people fall for the novel.

In the 1980's when HIV was exclaimed a new disease when it wasn't the public in the Unintact States of America (USA) declared it chose an actor from Hollywood to lead the nation. I'm not kidding but it was a joke to expect an actor had more than acting skills on such a level as being in such an odd position. He was ok for a while then caved to overactivism pressure to give immunity to pHarma companies to bring experimental poisons into vogue and they then were in big demand. I watched those poisons kill my gay friends while pHarma's portfolio friends got fat and happy. Those are the only indentities on the planet that have immunity. It wasn't given to human bodies by God, or by men. Immunity only exists in legal wranglings. They pledge their allegiance to that immunity.

Government wants (cares less what you want) to protect U from dangerous ideas which is on par with protecting you from dangerous unicorns and we see how that repeatedly plays out over and over again while expecting the same result of insanity to change. David Knight show 19 March 2024. At 59:09 South Carolina Republicans propose Medical Freedom Act — but it is OPPOSED by GOP Governor McMaster who just endorsed Trump and now endorses Trump lockdowns. Go tyrrany! Make WHO king, queen, and jester! They are already a joke.

Most interpretations of "the bible" don't even have flat ERRth right let alone anything else besides the word "the". This guy calculates it better. He uses more science than all the media celebrities regurgitate all over us combined. See his science displayed here where he uses curved plexiglass to show Tropic of Capricorn angles work on a flat ERRth when there is proper angles in not just a dome over earth but a concave on both sides more like negative refraction corrective lenses for humans eyesight.

Strong man kills innocent young trees, no, old and middle aged trees. Society calls this arborism in euthanasia (pronounced youth in Asia which is rather weird). The trees will eventually be creamated. If this offends then language should be banned. Letters should be banned. Doing that simple thing would save lives of many an assembled pulp fiction.

Isolating our selves from science fiction might be healthy.

The GI track meet features going 2 steps foreward with it's sex change delusions and then 5 steps back and it thinks it's getting somehwere. I guess it is. Sky News

I think the sun is like a magnetic ball that is circling where we live.

McCullough has one hand waving to get attention on how wrong government was on the shots, his other hand is waving to get attention to his emergency spike protein handy dandy fix you up kits that are rather pricey vitamins and herbs. Wave away dude I ain't buyin' it. Janae Shamp a Republican with sense and obviously does her research of Arizona's District 29 speaks. McCullough reminds me of those windsocks infront of used car lots in Los Angeles, he's cute and entertaining.

Junk science which is invited into our homes often is like the gay dude has his straight friend over who he's all hot for and the straight dude says he only drinks Schnopps with blueberries, mentions he's horney, and the host never has blueberries in the freezer, but tells him "Hey I happen to have blueberries and Schnopps I'll make you one (planning to make many)" so he goes in the kitchen, finds something in the refrigerator the shape of blueberries......PEAS......throws some in the shot glass, turns on the blue LED lighting in the living room and offers it up. The straight guy notices his hard dick bulging out of his sweat pants more than the drink and asks about that, gulps the shot down not chewing the "blueberries" so he never knows what they are nor cares as he gets drunk and well.......we know the gay dude never isolated a blueberry from the refrigerator, but the straight dude thinks he did, and well he got what he really wanted anyway the best blowjob he could ever have imagined as only gay dudes know how it's done. Sex is natural sex is fun sex is best when it's won on one as the gay George Michael said, did you think he was saying one and one? No, that's two, it was won on one.


 Now that I may have your attention, or maybe you left the room, if so come baaaaak, here's a video that well describes the junk science of what virology claims is isolation by taking peas and carrots, milk, and chicken, blending it, and claiming it's normal. It would isolate it on your plate and say there's your dinner. It would be like, the science of virology and it's fake isolation of things is nothing but science fiction as seen on the big screen in a theater that doesn't even exist.

Wrong George M. video this is the right one.


Please keep in ming I AM NOT TRYING TO SEDUCE YOU


If you have not yet seen this The Reese Report has an EXCELLENT short presentation on why virus isolation has never been done to prove by real science that any virus is anything more than science fiction story telling and mentions what Florence Nightengale had to say about health many decades ago.

Here's more REAL SCIENCE testing out the "zero" water filter using cola soda, coffee water, brandy, milk. The readings on the tester did not exactly register zero. Once again marketing hustle by ZERO water! More like ZERO/TRUST now. But it did filter out a lot of parts per million. Why can't it filter out the food coloring from cola? Because those particles are wayyyyyy smaller than parts per million parts. That's like how air filters on your face NEVER filter out particles they call viruses. Think of them as food coloring floating in the air ready to color your world no matter how much you try to avoid it's flavor but the coloring of viruses is invisible meaning they don't even exist.

Here we see that his sample with coffee after filtered with net zero systems still looked like and tasted a little like coffee.
Brandy had 18 ppm in it as it was poured in the top of this device. Obviously the tester does not measure alcohol. After filtration only went down 3 ppm to 15. Said it tasted like watered down brandy but enough to get you drunk. So this water filter would not filter out much of what could be in your water supply that is similar to alcohol. That could be MANY THINGS yet they make the claim that it filters out everything. TOTALLY LYING TO THE PUBLIC THEN. Gee when did marketing ever do that? Then he puts tap water in and notice the filter is all dark discolored now. Reads 114 ppm on the tester. Reads down to 2 (he says) but we did not see him pour the water from the container to the glass so we cannot be certain he did not use reverse osmosis filtered water from another source. This is how editing can easily trick us. We have to make assessments "is this guy trustworthy"? We have to "trust" his science. We have to verify or just "trust" him. Even in this simple display we have to "trust". In virology they are so full of shit it's obvious now to so many of us they are editing their way to riches and making up stories.

Sounds like Scotland is a nice place to live..

On yet another day where being alive is a good day as always the robot that is also known as a smart device and AI told me what to do. It made many references to other databases to allegedly be able to fully understand, interpret, and apply what it was saying and wanted me to do to fix the other database to make the world a more secure place. I spent 9 hours learning what it wanted. I did exactly as per it's instructions. The whole process failed. I would be better off listening to artificial fruit tell me what was needed to be enjoyed which is ignore what artificial things tell you to do. I had learned that decades ago about artificial people and corporations who claim they know more about my wellness and health than I do when they havent got a clue about even the fundamentals. Most doctors couldn't answer how much Vitamin C is in an orange and an apple. We need Vitamin C every day. Apple a day keeps the doctor away? Ain't much Vitamin C there folks. C is very important for REPAIR. It would be like taking your car to a place that fixes cars and there's no mechanic. No repairs done with out Vitamin C. Some nutrients are stored such as Vitamin E so they are not needed every day. Doctors do not get training in nutrition they are heavily indoctrinated in medi SIN. They all to often practice their SINS on you. They are not professionals, they are all practicing, really, that's the legal definition, they practice. It's like expecting a full scale Superbowl performance 8 months prior than when they present it as they are PRACTICING. Lots of goofs. Let me know when these in medi SIN are ready for the show. All I see is practicing and it's pretty bad. Like watching kids in Kindergarten, no, more like when kids are 1 year old performing a Shakesperian play.

I did not allow myself to be a pHarma voodoo doll for them to play with their artificial health elixers in their latest performance. Others jumped right in during The Brainwashed Interhyperoverreaction of Technology Empire (BITE) between 2020 - 2024. Remember the brainwashed losers that threw good people in the trash? They were all over the socialist boob medias. They are all over the sellebrity landscapades. One said to his HUGE HUNG audience that those who have a brain and don't feel a need to be pHarma's human voodoo dolls that they should be thrown in lakes of fire for everyone elses health/a> and banned from society not even being so kind as prior societies to send them to an leper colony. They are the scum of the ERRth, not the audience, the hysterians. Here's one of those pushing the voodoo doll thing. She knows nothing about anyone's health and does not care she is more of that artificial intelligence telling you what to do like Clippy. Ask her how much Vitamin C is in an orange and an apple. She probably will have her cell phone tell you. And when seconds count to "keep the public safe" she will check with her bosses what to do as she did in meetings before this nonsense as to what the script was for this show.

Drug pusher says "we need to see everyone get updated" as if humans are now apps. What a scam.

That's what it's all about, what their portfolios need, what their illusions need, what their master$ need, what all the China's waste disposal mechanisms need, what the governments need so they can keep wasting your money and have their indulgences, what the mega HELLth industrial complex needs for fat retirement accounts and what their many mansions need, and what their jets need and how to get all that from you just like in any cult. This industry is built on lies. Trump's in on it, they all are. They have never proven their assertions. Their science is junk. No virus is real. No Santa Clause is real. It's all illusions presented for marketing hustle.

The bitcoin gospel is now reminescent of a Billy Graham revival. Bitcoin is not regulated. That is a problem. It has no real value. It's not even real PAPER! At least with the dollar it's real paper and fancy at that. It's backed by a very solid and very complex set of real things. I'll stick with paper not plastic.

Kicking up dust since 1924 he might have been a life/guard at the Salton Sea which does not have a problem of sea level rise why is that? Sea level goes both ways.

Saturday Evening Post 9 August 1924 one hundred years ago featured this cover in color which was sold on ebay recently for a mere 113 dollars and 5 gallons of gas as gasoline was about 10 cents at the time. An original of this is so impossible to find they come up only once in 100 years. Lucky!

An article about Horseless Carriages (HC) is an interesting read though hard to read as the scan is not great it's worth the effort. View this one at look for the "speedy truck" ad that features "no carbon cleaning".

People think that looking through the microscope to "see what's going on inside a cell" is like looking through a microscope to see what's going on inside a fish egg. Not even close. No microscope in the universe can see what's going on inside the cell. It's too small. It's sub nanoscopic. So they make up stories and call this rotting branch of science virology.

The protestor thinks America needs to be abolished? Dude asks him how. Response is leave the adofmweopdsaws and aermoal the afwmoeaoc oeafu, ddioa. Nothing he made sensed any sense. Trained in America's school system obviously.

Jimmy Kimmel wears Oprah face but he forgot the foreskin face cream she brags about using, a product that depends on routine child abuse by doctors to amputate half the flexible lips of the baby man's dick so that it can make sellebrities feel pretty or is it feel more masculine? It's pretty sick and should be banned, instead government protects this horror show and not the child, that is it protects the horror of this cutting ritual in the Unintact States of America (USA) whereas sane protective countries like the European Union completely ban this sick ritual.

Damon Imani invited on MSNBC's Lost Signal show


GLBTQ+eieio community. The L stands for LABLEMAKERS. G for GAY already includes females and males. Theys on one hand want no lablels, while they create new ones and keep adding on. For example with this men and women thing demanding that government not label humans by sex like for example not referring to females who can create new human life as mothers to appease the nuts and fruits of sexual transformation theater while demanding you label them properly by sex which they claim should not be labeled. This is labeled C for CONFUSION. Then if you correct their labels they get really mad as if they alone own letters and labels.

The refrigerator does not give out any radiation, the microwave does, the cell phone does, the electric car does, the old Chevy does not.

Shill Gates blabbers on about health as if he's the go to guy. Now it's sorta like the flu he says but different. He's shuch a liar. Shills his penetrants for big things. Billionaires are perts in making money and pacifying after they scare you, with their products, it's all a big sham. They are not perts in your health they have not even met you. They don't know what you eat every day and analyze it effectively. Most doctors are not even trained in nutrition. They are hustlers, all in it for the money, take the money away they won't be doing shit for you. You think they are going to bring you warm soup when you have the circular reasoning flu that changes with the seasons? Get a grip. They are in business. Oh there's that smirk again. Where is that smirk interpreter they usually have one on stage.

He must have trademarked his smirk and smile. Why does ANYONE listen to rich people preach from their pull pits? Why do people listen to ex perts? They are all perts in cash flows not your health. The big lie that makes the latest drug hustle foundation is there's a new virus in town. They can't show it anywhere except in cartoons and fake imagery, like where they show microscope image of liver cell sample from a diseased liver from 20 years ago and lie to you saying there they see the virus right there, it's all nonsense. Viruses do not exist on this planet. Tom Cowan explains this better than anyone. Get out of the virus cult while you can. The ship is sinking. They are now changing it to war on cancer again. Those are their lifeboats. They can't cure cancer or any disease, only you can. They never talk about how sugar causes cancer. They will claim they discovered another virus that causes cancer. More HIV. Everything they say in blaming dangerous unicorns for any disease is a lie. Where is the virus? It does not exist anywhere. They call their made up nonsense a virus, they always always always have a profit motive, always.

Now the planet saving tiny homes are having additions being built on making it no longer tiny making them only 1/2 the ecoresponsible thing they were. ROFL. Notice the illusion of disabled wind power being there to power everything up sitting fakely right next to this one that's become a mini estate now previously called McMansions. Label making like this was also called at one time MARKETING.

The warning of side effects caused by all vaccines is BLANK in the pFirst one "approved" by Fools Drug Authoritay (FDA). They are actually never approved they are only "authorized" the two words have very different legal meanings. McCullough appears in this segment misusing and malusing that word. He has a habit of misusing words. This is what hustlers do.

The other blankety blank is blank, supposed to be a full report that is redacted from the CDC, has no print. Why does this bullshit organization even exist? "CDC redacts every single word..." after study on heart problems after vaccination. "The entire thing is redacted".

McCullough "testifies" that the agencies are involved in a cover up. No shit Sherlock. So is McCullough involved in a cover up for some reason? He refuses to present the fact that no virus has ever been proven to exist. He's been made aware of this fact which is in absolute mesure which is unlike anything in virus hunting. He started off pushing these vaccines. Then he changed his mind and went against these but he still pushes drugs now called "virusides" shooting these poisons up little kids noses to "prevent viruses" that don't exist and he's actively promoting his vitamin and mineral and herb and who knows what supplement product company every where he goes claiming he's got the magic cure to spike balls. Spike proteins is the bandwagon now, they don't exist.

It's all medi sin traveling side show business. Dr. McSpikey travels the world appearing at these official hearings to sell his wares. I'm guessing he's rather wealthy. Has one of those foundations they all use to pretend they are doing it all for others. Notice his hesitation in saying who pushed against the 55 year wait time for safety reports, then chooses to say merely "the plantiff", which was CHD, Children's health Defense run by the more honorable Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who's been fighting big pHarma lies for decades, where this was featured. Doesn't McCullough know about RFK's work? Obviously did not want to bring attention to his more honorable work that calls out pHarmas viral lies as McCullough lives off it. Says they were a "genetic transfer technology platform....first time human beings have ever been injected with foreign genetic material" as if no one has ever had sex and been injected with foreign genetic material or as if  humans have never breathed in the air full of genetic material. Maybe he means illegal aliens. RNA has not even been proven to be in the penetrants, a patent does not prove it is there, it only proves assertions, McCullough is regurgitating WHAT PHARMA TELLS HIM and he's putting on a show at these meetings. The pHarma industry does this all the time, makes assertions with out absolute evidence and with their slick marketing and droves of insiders in governing making decisions for us all bekauze they kare, shovels piles of your cash their way. I find Dr. McSpikey to be rather disingenuous and part of the problem.

Mounting Losses Mean Sweden’s Wind Industry Faces Total Financial Collapse

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha your money up in smoke. All those lofty promised floating in the air of dislogic mislog and mallogic along with plenty of misphysics malphysics and unphysics based on anti-metaphysics, causing the propellers to chop those magical fantastical stupid utopian squeaky clean dirt free dreams to shred and fall to the ground much like this disabled garbage energy does to birds bats and butterflies all day every day these props also known as movie sets run.

Some portfolios are also laughing at all the money they grabbed from you. Sweden is famous for its Swiss bank accounts that would hide money, how much of it is there. How much is hidden by bitcoin now? Sailors used to pray to the gods for wind when they were stuck at sea. They were much smarter than those today who sail away into fantasy lands of fake clean equally intermittant wind energy to power the complex industrial world as a replacement of robust reliable energy because they watch too much fucking TV, teach at and get brainwashed by school curriculums that ignores reality.

On a side effect note, governing banned sailing across the seas in commercial shipping hundreds of years ago without carrying crates of limes on board. This is why sailors were called limeys. They found, without spending any money on research, that they didn't get the plague when they had lime juice every day. Something later called Vitamin C. It's a nutrient provided by nature that we need daily for good health. Modernists don't always know this as they are too busy sailing the seeas of television which teaches the wonders of sugar cereals, candy, Gulp Oil Spilled Foods, and miracle cures that used to be sold in traveling medicine shows. In the modern age we get fooled into thinking the more money we throw at research the less we will go in circles. Moderna medi sin tells us take this or that pill to be hellthy. They are right.

In Arizona the poor Navajo Indian tribes who "had their land stolen" have all mineral rights TO THEIR LAND and are selling their coal to China. They were selling it local for reliable robust coal fired power plants. Parcels of private land owned by others who might be citizens do not have mineral rights where Chevelon Butte disabled wind energy project is being installed covering a whopping 49 square miles. Mineral rights are owned by the state. "Clean energy" is mandated by the state. What if the ultimate plan is to start mining lithium if it's there or other minerals. Land owners get nothing unless they are poor Navajos. Now that they are ruining Arizona's little Grand Canyon with ugly wind turbines it wouldn't surprise us to see them mine for minerals next and really destroy it's pristine state and the Chevelon Canyon River could end up polluted along with the underground water.

Here's a nice video from a Navajo astronomer. He talks about energy.

No more treating Germans like crap. 6 million lies. If you are familiar with the populations of Los Angeles County that would be wiping out 2/3rds of the population there. It contains 9 million people. How is that 6 million # even remotely possible the way the story is told? Makes no sense. Even with all of todays technology and transportation it's impossible. Blue areas in the map below show Los Angeles County covering 4,700 square miles. The city of Los Angeles is 3.9 million. Germany has a population of 84 million covering 138 thousand square miles.

Speaking of space, Kevin Kiley was cool in trashing Newsom's totalitarian failures in the round circle virus fraud but now he's on a freight train claiming he's going to try to get the Supreme Court to clear out homeless camps in California. Clear them to where? To new camps like in Germany? They are already built. Saw one the other day in of all places Palm Springs near the tram in an industrial park. There's a pretty view there.

Kiley stated, "Since I drafted my letter to universities that still have COVID mandates, several have already dropped their absurd policies." Why would any one go to be educated at any university that is so stupid to even have them a short time? Viruses have never been proven to exist. 

Tyson highly processed foods using mostly robust oil and other natural energies is eager to replace Native Americans with illegal aliens. Boycott? Why eat their processed garfable products. Get healthy. Someone's probably hoarding put options.

Great presentation on climate change by Quick Dick McDick who does not disclose his clip dick status.


Dirt block sold for $8.2 million

Another "Saddam's got weapons of mass destruction" lie now the lies are all becoming so obvious all they can pull out of the rabbits hat is TicTok. Ron Paul a former senator knows the game.

No wiping out of gender in legal documents in Ireland. Seems it doesn't even make sense on it's face the liberal nuts claim to be equal there need to be no gender then they also say to be equal they can switch genders. That is a sign of mental illness so nice to hear that Ireland is sane.

Police in Toronto tell people leave their car fobs by the door. What planet are they on? 5x more auto thefts. Gee maybe had they not put out the welcome mats to theives from foreign countries they wouldn't have that problem? What dodos.

March is claimed to be women's history month. I tried to find men's history month but there is none as men's history is celebrated every single day. Seems unfair that women only have a month. Then again women do less than men as far as physical strength goes and without men there would be no women though without women there would be no men so really every day is when every one of the only 2 sexes celebrate their history.

Planet Wokeness sides with one person's feelings instead of 99.999997% of it's customer base by saying the man can use the women's locker rooms. So does he only use the women's area? What if he decides he feels like he's both man and woman and 27 other genders or identies of animals and doors and whatever space alien he feels he is 100% all the time which one does he use then or does he use both and request the facility provide litter box, cage, dirt, whatever those other identities would use? Trans gender is a silly term, it's better stated as modified. We modify our hair color if it's born blonde it does not make it blond if it's modified to black. If we have an event where we only want people with black hair there for some theme we might say they are only allowed in if they were born that way. The modifieds who claim a different sex who don't even look modified as in their junk hanging out in the women's showers and bath are being abusive to others. The groups that shove this in our face is abusing the word "equality". In this case the man has his junk. He should be using the male locker room. Judgement free character of Planet Fitness they say is why. They are making a judgement so that statement is disingenuous. If a transexual is playing a part of what is commonly known as a woman they should look that way physically. Matt Walsh asked "What is a woman?" and never got a good answer. Matt neglected to also ask if a foreskin makes a man and how many foreskins died in the holocaust or does a foreskin that came from a man that is put in face cream and put on a woman if that makes the woman a man. This mere making the assertion of a different gender does not cut it yet that is what the translogic keeps pushing on people unequally. Again anyone can then claim they are both genders all the time. How would the argument go against such claims? "You can only be one gender at a time?" Why? Doesn't fly. It's all stupid and is abusive to everyone else. Men can all start going in the women's lockers and mens' lockers by merely saying they are both a man and a woman. You can make your home look like a castle that doesn't make it one. You can decorate your VW Beetle to look like a Ferrari with a conversion kit to transform it's look, it does not make it one. You can decorate and rearrange your sex as much as physics allows it doesn't make you change into that other sex. It is very rude to force younger adults to be fully exposed to those of the opposite sex. PREFERENCE of what the one person's mind identifies as is like the person claiming they live in a castle when we can physically see they live in a typical suburb. If they start building moats because of their delusion that's a problem, and this is what people who merely identify as a moat or of the opposite sex when their physical properties do not indicate such is similar. It is a problem. It's like that castle owner starts bulldosing the streets to build their moat and people say that's a problem for many reasons and the castle identifier claims it is the one that should be able to do anything they please to be treated equal and it's nonsense.


He noticed the water was pink in the dog bowl. The first statement presented by the science was that the dog must have some bleeding of gums or a cut in the mouth. Then the science told him it was more likely because the dog had access to cow liver blood the day prior as liver and onions was on the menu so it must have dribbled into the water dish. Case closed. The other scientific observer though mentioned there was a dog biscuit that had fallen in the water he pointed it out it's right there in the bowl. The science had already been concluded though and overwhelming consensus took hold of the proofs presented that it was because of liver blood. Even though the science was all over the map the other science used a little more science that science concluded that it was because of the red colored biscuit that also creates red stains on the carpet. Now if we used NIH science it would stop at bleeding gums as there would be treatments to sell. It would discard any science that contradicts it's science. If we used the CDC science it would insist that we follow it's guidelines to it's bizarre forms of HELLth care to prevent bleeding gums by having a penetrant made of Wuhan, China's chemical waste products be used and insisted upon.

He refused the EV at Hertz which is herting as it gambled on EV car fleet. No one wants them. He finally got a REAL CAR. Collision repairs on EV double. CEO after the gamble is now out.

Sedona decides to allow humans to live in their cars as housing skyrockets as do all other costs people can't afford a place to live if they are even available. Did native Indians have this problem? No, not until Europeans invaded. Then again maybe they did and it wasn't written in their history books. Thing is the rich keep getting richer and acquire more homes to rent as if they were hotels thus the rich keep giving the rich their money to stay in these places and the homes are not available in a more fair competition space. And of course the residents are not at all pleased with the 6 to 1 vote because as always for them it's not wanted anywhere around them. Not in their back or side yards is always the excuse. The only difference is the bank accounts between these car dwellers and home dwellers but that does not matter to them. So if they were genuine they would help those have similar bank accounts as they do but that's not very likely as the system is rigged.

Claims that sea level rise are junk science as it's used to scam the public into new taxes, it's always about new cash flows. The entire ERRth holds water in more than one big body of water called the sea. For example here in the desert of Oman it becomes a flooded fresh water sea holding back 1/3 the worlds fresh water for a period of time as it sinks deep down into the flat ERRth, this water held in massive underground lakes, rivers, and seas can cause the flat ERRth to rise in some places and not others, temperature is also a factor, ERRth is now in El Nino cycle of massive ocean cooling, cold water expands, when it freezes we see it really expand. Where are the measurements of cooling deep in the ERRth? There are barely any and not at massive depths that can affect expansion and contraction of water. Everything climate change by man is hustle and junk science garbage. Climate sales departments don't present this but the internet does. How much water dropped from the sky along with blankets of carbon nothing at 1/2500 parts ratio prior to this water deluge ask the Sierra Club they won't know what to tell you nor will any one in climate nonsense blankets of lies. Head of a climate governing agency didn't even know the ratio of carbon to other air. It's all fraud.

The source of the sun is an unknown projection. We live on an electromagnetic something. There is something to this science that makes more sense than spinning balls that are claimed to be safe and effective.

There are no new killer viruses there are only new computer models and like the authors make things up. It's science fiction, not just science. Even the good spikey doctor Peter McCullough acknowledges this when he testifies how dangerous unicorns are saying the "representative model" and "in silico" is why they know this which is laughable. Viruses don't exist in the real world. It's all make believe like a video game. It can be played and you can be played. It's always to sell you drugs. Always.

Is it really necessary to beat a man with clubs who is bathing also known as swimming in a public fountain? They could wait till he's done, help dry him off, politely write a ticket maybe? How would Andy handle it? Why is it so gotta be done now now now stop that man now? Too much coffee?

Never forget the lengths politicians went to force rape with their profit motives. In this clip from Canada politician discussing matters of medi SIN rape, we might replace the word vaccine with rape for it to make any sense. Safe and effective against illusions. They sell you rape kits for profit. Government pimping for drug dealers. Viruses proven to not exist in court by doctorate Stefan Lanka in German Supreme Court. Memos all get shredded by HELLth authors who would see their business model$ crumble if the people read them.

Influential apps need to be banned?

A dominant news platform Tic Tok is a threat to national security? Like a threat made by a mouse telling an elephant to go or he would have all his mouse friends come beat him up? Author of the science fiction speaks. I think the threat is advertising dollars, lies being called out brilliantly, and to political donations.

Repatriate them! Jim Fetzer report 17 March 2024

Another rocket goes straight up and hits the plasma.

Gaming studio tried making fruit salad for it's employees with artificial fruit and failed. No we don't have to discuss this. We don't eat artificial fruit and it's not scary.

The plague is a myth. Sam Bailey explains. She was one of the ones that called out the covid lie from day one while others rode the bandwagons to riches pushing usless tests and poisons as if rape is acceptible when it's done by a doctor.

More disabled energy junk parking lots popping up this one in Texas. Explain to us again how this saves the planet?

Damon Imani gets to interview Don Lemon from one of the many lemon networks that push poisons over lemons.


The Desert Home fully supports ripping legal immunity away from drug lords that use TV/SPACE as their platforms. The Let Injured Americans Be Legally Empowered Act, or the LIABLE Act, would "allow Americans who took vaccines that were misleadingly promoted and forced onto many Americans via federal mandates to pursue civil litigation for their injuries". Drug companies are the only body that receives immunity, your own body never is immunized, the entire thing of your body receiving immunity is a big fat lie. We have response systems not immune systems. Oh I'm sorry, I inequitably offended thin lies, thin lies are equally lies. All legal immunity needs to be dissolved in the drug pushing world. No drug provides immunity why should portfolios get it. Dangerous Unicorn Hunting Regimes (DUHR) should be abolished.

Bill Maher and others fully supported WHO for decades.


Disinfecting what is not infected is absurd. Clorox wipes contain QUAT poisons. QUAT are "designed" to "kill" viruses. Viruses never have even been proven to exist and EPA says that citric acid "kills" viruses so why use poisons when lemon and vinegar would do. Because we believe the propoganda that tells us the are safe. They are safe for portfolios, they keep the rich from being infected with poverty. Replace QUAT with lemon and vinegar to kill dangerous unicorns. If you care about everyone's health you might consider kindly mentioning to your hospital to stop cutting off baby men's dick lips and suggest nicely they stop using QUAT poisons there for your health as being confined in such spaces where the oxygen is depleted by poison air and elephants are ignored is not good as public HELLth officials keep spreading their farts everywhere.

Poisoning people and surfaces is not healthy it's HELLthy. It's healthy for big business big portfolios of stocks and bonds and it's all your money being used to feed this lying monster that keep telling you that you are virus breathing dragon and everything you touch is infected with dangerous unicorns. It's all Horseshit In Virology (HIV).  More on QUAT infectants of poison found here at Children's Health Defense run by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

QUAT virus insecticide poisons R Us says the medical industry and HELLth departments, and now are appearing everywhere, they are coating your hotel rooms in this poison now, doctors like Peter McCullough who routinely spreads dangerous lies at government hearings use this viruscide poison to kill dangerous unicorns shooting it up the child's nose as treats. Stop this poisoning of our indoor spaces and indoor membranes.

Businesses in the desert are violating law if they refuse to accept cash? Federal statute (U.S. Code Title 31, Section 5103) makes it clear that "United States coins and currency … are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues."

Archie Bunker was racist. That was a problem? Lionel was at his house all the time. Louise was there chatting away with Edith and knitting. They talked discussed politics on and on like neighbors do. TV now sucks. It spreads lies. It used to entertain. Archie was also religiousist, devotedist, workist, accomodatingist, conversationist, humanist, lovingist, committedist, swellist, accepts invitation to Lionel's weddingist, looking out for neighbors because they were humanist. George Jefferson was also raceist. They were always racing against each other. He was also like Archie. One would win one race the other would win another race.


Notice how Louise's mother isn't afraid of catching things that don't exist when she takes George's drink. Television now helps us become afraid of dangerous unicorns. It was so much more fun to watch in the 1970's.

Safely and effectively the vacuum attacks the cat. What do injected poisons do to innocent blood cells and tissues when they try to vaccum up messes? Actually they are more like NuClear bombs they just blow up everything around them. Seems like an absurd strategy to go to war with viruses in your homeland ya think?

"Not a contracted physician" Dr. Little said he can speak his mind but was kicked out of the cult hospital board meeting? Discussions on ivermectin? He treated one of the first patients had Karposis Sarcoma (a part of the AIDS family of label making companies) in 1985. Says it was more compassionate then that it was during the hustle of Kovid Syndrome (KS). Says "during this operation khovid-19" I think he said the mayor was the only one that got ivermectin. I think they claimed he was out of order for spreading truth? What free country is this?

Brian is a stupid dog there is no cure for cancer nor will there ever be. You are being played. 666 trillion dollars have been sucked from the public some of that sent to Swiss bank accounts now turned into untraceable bitcoin for promises that if only we spend more money on curing cancer research there will one day be a cure. The entire medical governing system is corrupt. It's run by politicians and drug money.

Transport secretaryland who doesn't even take shorthand doesn't even know how many Battery Operated Vehicles (BOV) charging points there are. How stupid are these HUSTLERS in governing and how much does their investment portfolio bulge before it bursts into flames like those batteris these stupid people think they are smart riding on.

An0maly on Bill Maher being sneaky for Biden. It's how they operate. An0maly talks about voting for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Immigrants to Ireland were moved to Crooksling for St Patrick's day, decided to go back to Dublin. All this energy moving people around and building walls that don't work wasted, well not entirely, follow the money you see politicians with their pots of gold lavishing in the luck of the Irish.

Born that way with testosterone needles? Sorry no dude. Pick all the pretend "genders" you like, have them all working at the same time you are what you were born one or the other. Get over it. Meanwhile those drugs and treatments could have fed a family of 8 for 17 years or provided housing for 5 years. Some of them died. The Unintact States of America has no longer has it's priorities STRAIGHT.

When you refer to me please use the proper prefix, attach all of them as I identify as all of them. If you are going to make demands so will aye.

Kicked off a plane for wearing shirt with Palestinian flag. Symbols are thus proven more powerful than people's brains.

Ban on traffic stops changes in Tennessee and senator speaks her mind on it.

Now we know they are messing with you. Government rule would make those who speek well of fossil fuels go to jail for 700,000 years about as long as it takes a fossil to pump out more fuel. Fossil fuel advertising act in Canada. "More people are dying from big oil than tobacco". That might be true, but also the lack of oil would kill MORE many many many more, half the population. What I like about using forensics on this claim is that proves that smoking deaths are exaggerated, turns out smoking can actually make one's health better.

Here's how the climate cons have their brainwashed minions fake save the planet.

Cover the entire ERRth in this white colonist industrial disabled energy crap and what you just created is like the child saying they are Superman because they put on a cape, it's garbage trickle psychotic energy that does nothing to help the environment nor does it work even 1/2 the time and it's 100% relying on oil to even put on it's show. To all cult members of this climate con game that merely TRANSFERS your energy to their portfolios, get out while you can.

Energy used to remove these after they provide net losses of energy is $700,000 each says the article at Stop These Things! Where does that energy come from? You. Ever hear of inflation?

One of the climate clowns pointed out correctly for a change that this 70% number is a low estimate, stating it's actually around 1000% of Earth needs to be covered in these. This means if we use correct interpretations of math that the clean renewable handicapped space allocated for this disabled energy will consume all open space turning them into dedicated preferred disabled energy parking lots thus we will have to expand outward and place them on the only place they work their best shining light on the need for robust reliable always on energy, by placing them on the Sun. Setbacks should not be to limited to our rising energy bills, setbacks should all be measured by this 80 million mile distance. By doing this we will again have enough open spaces to recharge.

Another clown was spotted here nosing around the goofy vaccine hustle game.

This is an issue with solar as well, note during this clean energy industrial age they solved the land fill problem by merely assigning massive swaths of land where we would go to recharge to solar panels which when they reach their expiration date will not require energy to be moved to other landfills, they will be left there to rot, making the plastic problem look comical.

At one time the "in silico" world made fun of Washington DC being backward, relying on old computers, not keeping up. This was the 1980's. Now they have endless drug fueled parties! Portfolios are demanding it to keep them healthy. Evidence of all this drug ab workout use is the gawd awful ugly buildings these companies are introducing to make skylines look stupid smart. Someday these buildings will rot like old rust belt industry buildings where they made steel. It's not sustainable. This is a very good read at Ron Paul Institute about how capitalism has changed in America and there is no public/private separation any more. How computers have changed the world is another part of the story, a bizarre dystopia that it's remants of the sick approach to "protecting health" by avoidance of dangerous unicorns at all costs became the fashion statement of all governing runways everywhere. Funny thing is that Project Runway clued us in, maybe pre programmed many, to what would come one year later when Kovid Kapoor donned a plaid face diaper Oxygen Deprivation Device (ODD) claimed to filter viruses and the whole Computerized Information Spreading Device (CISD) world went along with the fraud because they rely on their TV news for medical advice as do their stupid doctors lost in their mediCULT that throws the absoulte science in the toilet. has new coloring book for kids and adults "First Do No Harm".

In the 13 March 2024 Tom Cowan webinar he mentions a quote and that modern biology has lost it's way.

There are no specific diseases only specific disease conditions. All disease, at some period or another of its course, is more or less a reparative process, not necessarily accompanied with suffering: an effort of nature to remedy a process of poisining or of decay, which has taken place weeks, months, sometimes years beforehand, unnoticed. - Florence Nightengale

Clover good luck day is Sunday March 17th this year. View Today's Date flat internet calendar to view other holidays this month.

Company that admits it gave the public a different product than what it tested and this same company has the biggest CRIMINAL fine in world history is a trusted partner in television broadcast brainwashing cults. Dr. Tom Cowan calls out the many lies in the entire industry so if you still believe they have RNA in a vial study his work.

What is inclusive of disincluding Christians and Caucasion heterosexual men? Yess I will accept responses from crickets and elephants in the room named QUAT.

TicTok is not owned by China government American manufacturing is. What isn't made in China? Interesting that any time someone blames China it's "allowed" but when someone blames Israel that is suddenly not alowed. That is what is called double standards which is standard in the Unintact States of America where they carve out exceptions for the professional child abuse of cutting off 50% of the skin off a baby man's dick for fun and profit, a sick sick ritual of abuse that congress does nothing to stop, instead it feels it needs to ban TicTok to keep us safe from harm. This might be called projection as many men in congress were likely abused as a child this way and to face what was done to them is very very difficult even impossible as it leaves not only physical scars but also incredibly deep emotional scars. Ron Paul keeps having to repeat to the brainwashed media brain that banning computer based discussion platforms is stupid and it still doesn't get through. TV is a waste of time though some on that platform have tried to wake people up to this child abuse horror that is not TicTak it is circumcision. One TV doctor had a man on his show/segment who was in late teens was circumcised and he said his sexual pleasure went from Technicolor on a big screen in Dolby surround sound to black and white silent film from the 1910's after being deceived into allowing the sick medical profession that professes a lot of dangerous things to hack the fuck off 60% of his ease of sliding naturally born dick skin. Am I singing to the crickets? Everyone is too busy with other more "important" things than protecting children from routine child abuse by doctors? Over the last few decades more people have become aware and are realizing this horror and will not allow their sons to be abused this way. So weird that it's a choice. It should not be a choice, it should be banned.

Many overlapping inspections how is it possible that door flies off plane? The plane is an illusion.

Dr. Jane Ruby and Robert Barnes discuss global management of food supplies that seek to destroy their enemy, the Amish Farmer that grows truly organic foods and raw unprocessed healthy cow's milk without buying chemicals from the real enemy and penetrating the skin of those animals on these farms with unnecessary wars on dangerous unicorns. Government works hand and hard with chemical pushers. It's not about health it's about wealth. No busybody work with Amos Miller for decades as no one gets sick. Lots of work with corporate food factories, multiple violations, lead found in foods, keeps these agencies busy, can't have business model that would make them obsolete. The full show.

Raw milk. A woman explains that it lasts longer, fresher than the scientific fraudster Louis Pasteur versionized milk.

The government that kare$ about your HELLth works toward ban of social media never bans Dorito$.

Hear the hype scream yet again with it's tantrums. America is in 666 trillion dollars of debt it yells! On and on the fear porn. Oh baby. "Incredibly, the DTC retains 'custody of more than 1.4 million active securities' valued at more than $87 trillion" the article says. How much was that national debt again? They never tell you what America is worth as that would spoil all the fun they have. They never let go of Halloween always wanting to keep you spooked so they can grab all the candy which makes them sick.

NuClear Power is safer than Ted Kennedy's car. It's safer than living in any American city. It's safer than driving. The "waste" is usable, recyclable. "The unused part of spent fuel needs custody for 300,000 years, but it can be destroyed instead of storing it, by turning it into electricity and fission products." Custody? That would be ERRth handling it like it handles everything. Might we destroy it by incineration. How about doing what cults do, sacrificing it to the gods by throwing it into a volcano, what, will it explode? ROFL

Instead of building homes for everyone on ERRth we build movie sets of propeller towers that suck energy based on black energy. Claims are made that these propeller sticks would as Apex pulls the plug on Winding Stairs that it would have According to company documents at Apex, upon completion of the now abandoned project, the planned Winding Stair Wind project would have generated up to 210 megawatts of energy from approximately 50 to 70 turbines. Is that over it's exaggerated life of 30 years? What mega watt HOURS is it ACTUALLY  going to produce. They tend to only offer about 7% of claimed amounts of "up to this or that amount". These companies always give you the high estimate of what they might in incredibly rare ideal and impossible climate conditions could produce but never tell you the watt hours nor what amount of what is produced is actually used. They might power many homes night lights. Many times they produce power that is TOTALLY UNUSABLE and it's dumped yet they will claim they power 666 trillion homes. You could be looking at a wind turbine blade towing up there in all it's industrial revolution magnificance and it's burning up unusable energy in this energy dump process that is often necessary to keep grids stable. Industrail wind is all sales pitch. They are a scam. They cannot function without using your tax dollar energy. It's like we are witnessing decades long Enron 2.0666 that prances around in the dark like a leopard ready to pounce. For example "N.B. Power has asked permission to begin charging a "balancing" fee for having to deal with constantly fluctuating production levels." That's your money based on FOSSIL FUELS. Wind and solar cannot make green $$$ to put in your pocket it can only take it away.

Ahhh what's this hustler got to say now? Not to plant trees? Notice after his vomit of carbon dioxide he grabs his trusty glass of oxygen hydrogen molecules. Sign of being uncomfortable with having just lied.

Wicked witch babbles her stream of lies as how many stock options are being traded with congress side information while this is being broadcast, so now it's about protecting themselves from TicTok, the congress is all in it together. This is the same congress that goes head over heels to protect children from abuse while not protecting children from having the baby man's dick partially cut off and sold off to be an ingredient in beauty creams.

Here's an intelligent and honest voice, Marjorie Taylor Green speaks about social media censorship.

Expert who likely never even was a pert in the first place claims we are all only as healthy as our neighbors. This statement by some actor at the World Economic Forum. Notice it's about the world's economics which interpreted means it's about the health of portfolios you don't have access to as only the rich do. That statement made about only as healthy as our neighbors is based on the lies of pathogens. My neighbor eats Doritos day and night and weighs 666 lbs. My neighbor is hauled off to doctors 5 days a week. I am healthier than my neighbor. The doctor avoids me. No cash flow. This statement of the dude wearing a dress and long hair vomiting out this regurgitated air filled with deadly carbon dioxide nonsense is an example of the officially brainwashed retards that are feeding the public their marketing horseshit which is healthier to eat than junk food. Notice the point of everything said is to perpetuate fear of dangerous unicorns in order to sell drugs thus they are all drug dealers.

Now they are going after your water. Dangerous unicorns in your water. Be scared. Accept the bills for junk science testing to find these dangerous unicorns. Kaching away. Note this is a picture. I never take advice or commands from 1000 words that pretend to be something.

He tries to be nice and maybe pet the little wild animal that obviously looks scared and surrounded by monsters, trying to figure out hot to exacpe danger, what a dumb ass. "Now he has a rabies problem" the post says. Actually he has a belief in dangerous unicorns problem as rabies "virus" never proven to exist, belief in Pan, ruler of end emics, is more believable. We live in a world free of any virus, the whole virus cause thing is based on a scientific lie to sell drugs and pacify and is the stupidest belief system filled with nonsensical claims. These belief systems without evidence started the lies that an imaginary object has super powers to destroy the entire human body dissolving it or something is like belief in the devil and being scared of 666. It started hundreds of years ago even thousands but certainly cave men didn't fall for this crap!

Monarchy is better than democracy? Well they did have castles and dungeons, must been great sex parties in those. Jerm Warfare has some details on the first statement but it's behind a pay moat.

There is now binary partisan support for building the moat at the Mexico border.

Real woman in sports competion sues fake woman in sports competition.

The movie star named Laika. More space science fiction. Real dog. Unreal space travel.

Spoiler: "She died a few hours after the launch as the craft was not designed for re-entry". ROFL. Why would they not design it for re-entry? The story is better having the poor dog die, pulls the heart strings for those who believe such fiction. They are all in on it together. Show business makes it's re-entry in our lives every day. The dog went home after only 2 takes. Reruns are still enjoyed to this day.

Discovery that indeed Maui fire that destroyed Lahaina was due to DEW (Direct Energy Weapon). This weapon of direct energy is also known as electricity from power lines that were re-energized that day thus causing sparks and with the hurricane force winds with dry grass AND DRY BRUSH THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN CLEARED AWAY LONG TIME PRIOR to ignite. Had it just been grasses it would have never been the fire it was, it would have been "easily extinguished" early on says those who brought lawsuit of electric company and other agencies that should have cleared away the dead brush. I don't get why Peggy Hall and her new sidekick Robert Brame who claims identity as a "forensic arborist" can't understand the simple physics of how fires often start by sparks like we learned in the Boy Scouts and instead keeps pushing this insane DEW nonsense. Where are Brame's credentials? I couldn't even find a web page of his let alone board certification anywhere such as from ISA. A recent video presented with this dude makes claim eucalyptus tree leaves should burn. I did an experiment myself. 17 times I held one under a direct flame, it was very hard to get it to burn, it only smoldered it did not catch fire.


Brame does not show live experiments or video footage, only snapshots, and a bunch of horse doo doo. Here's a photo he presents of the Paradise fire with claims or inferences that the trees should have burned. It's all insane or a hustle. Here's a photo where there OBVIOUSLY was no wind storm to FAN THE FIRE where the flames went UP instead of sideways and burned leaves and branches. There were winds blowing fire sideways in Paradise and Lanaina. Hellooooooooooooooooooo. Anyone home? Don't waste your time even watching this garbage. 6.66 days later I still can't find any credentials for that man or is he identifying as a man and an arborist? Who knows?

IN contrast this video of hers is a great investment of time of reflection on what happened in 2020 where 2 weeks rolled into many months and years and how Peggy responded and thought about how everyone in California is falling for it hook, line, and sinker realizing that that when they all said "we are all in it together" the better interpretation of that sentence is "we are all in on it together". She tried to wake people up, and some did.

This whole ban tick tock thing is another government marketing hustle. Tucker Carlson and Rand Paul has a perspective that is quite liberal. China does not own it. Investors own it. Some of those like 7% are Americans. 20% are employees of Tic Tok. Others are investors world wide. Company has a version that is censored for China. The HYSTERICALS in the Unintact States of America House of Mismaldisrepresentatives can't see reality, yet again and again expecting different results. Any time anyone assignes blame in simple terms like "China did it" or "it came from a lab" it's marketing nonsense.

Sea level rise if it exists in more absolute measure is likely merely land level sink. We already know about this in the Coachella Valley and Central Valley's of California and other areas of the world so why isn't this presented in modern medi SINS hustle boxes? Don't waste your carbon dioxide breath and farts on talking with humans who are hopelessly lost in brainwashed & lost delusion land though.

Matt Walsh the he/him/man calls out the horrors of chopping off of reproductive body parts to "reassign" them elsewhere and is such a flaming hypocrite as he does not call out the atrocious horror of chopping off body parts off baby men where those parts are added to sellebrity face creams. He tells the Pull Heart Strings Tale (PHST) of not getting a Christmas present Nintendo and then as he stated directly "creating a web of lies" so that he wouldn't suffer the slings and arrows of peers who all had their Christmas wishes fulfilled.

The Country Of Portfolios (COP) is trying to buy TicToc and gee what would they do with all their gain$?

Damon Imani has chance to throw in his wit and charm to the debate about repirations as if these haven't been flowing for at least a hundred years now after Slavery Ended Folks (SEF) featuring Michigan governess of pronouns and formerly fat dude that are alway$ race baiting.

"The deep state are lying about your immune system"? How? It cannot lie about something you don't have.

Prisoners may have been given a death sentence by injection but not the way it's normally presented say some. Emphasis on the word MAY but keep in mind they all may have just received PLACEBOS in that covid fraud experiment that was all about creating new flu shots. There are no new diseases only label makers pumping out labels. No mention about the elephant named QUAT and ODD Oxygen Deprivation Devices. Spring is coming soon it will be May.

Jimmy Dore says retirement age has been raised to 67 and the public is not aware of this. Was that one of the many tricks of the covid hysteria fraud? All sorts of ODD things happen when a government deprives it's people of oxygen. Features the stupidity of a fast talking sell-ebritiy Hollywood actress Ben Shapiro who comes from an entertaining family of course. Jimmy also discusses the LGBTQVC+ shopping laws in Florida and the real reason the House of Congress voted to ban TicToc is because it ruins the control of their narratives, like those ones that a dangerous unicorn is ready to kill you if you are 6.666 feet or closer to others. Senate has not voted on this.

Social Security website visited on Today's Date 14 March 2024 says this!

"The current full retirement age is 67 years old for people attaining age 62 in 2024. (The age for Medicare eligibility remains at 65.)"


I would guess that with only 110k views that no more than 2 million people know this. It says "full retirement age". A search on the site for "partial retirement" provides zero results.

This is kinda funny Michael Knowls responds to lovely question from an admitted "man" who's "masquerading as a "woman" because what he is "wearing women's clothes? What makes polyester anything a woman's or a man's clothes? What's funny is how he responds to question about him being caught wearing "women's" panties.

How's that for news you never hear in shit stream medias. You're screwed by your lovely government that really cares about you so little that it's only the drug makers and dealers that get immunity from being sued while they amass piles and piles of cash and can all retire in style whenever they want.

Representative of illegal aliens who wants them to have free money makes claim in yet another committee that the state makes billions of dollars from illegal aliens. We can't find any evidence nor can Tom & Jerry. Speaks about silos and The Real OC.


Have a visit with Jim Fetzer and Steve Falconer today 14 March 2024 another great day as we are all alive. In this episode it's again The End Of Covid as we notice the clown show of virology and it's hustlers of deception.

Virology never proves any virus exists it only proves they know how to prove there is COMPUTER CODE this is what they call "in silico" science to throw you off the cookie crumb trails. No virus is ever proven to be part of their strange biological brews that resemble raw sewage and some technician saying look there's poop from aliens on Pluto in there. The alien was of course never proven to exist, only claims made, in virology this is what they do, the virus is never proven to be anything more than an alien from another world. Dr. Tom Cowan has some great explanations as to why we live in a world free of viruses already and always have but I think he fails when he starts to talk about fats in the diet and heart disease. On one hand he focuses on the "structure of water" in the body as a base for health and understainding it's repair mechanisms, on the other hand he keeps tossing around this clam that fats have nothing do to with that promoting being careless which fats you eat and how much. It's so absurd. Water flow and it's "structure" in the body is similar to it ouside the body. For example, stuff some Crisco down a drain that is flowing normally, see if your structured water flows down the drain. The pipe is like blood vessel pipes. How Tom can ignore this is insane. Never throw out the baby with the bathwater though down that Crisco clogged pipe that is now jammed with saturated fats that don't dissolve in water. Then again as we look at more of the science lard melting point is 84 to 104 degrees F. Body temp is maintained at 98.6  without any stupid smart app. In silico science would like to sell you an app to maintain it better. Doctors would like to sell you an app that cuts off body parts they find repulsive or need to sell to make sellebrity face cream anytime they say they are unnecessary. Now we looked up shortening like Crisco, it has a starting melting point of all numbers 98.6 to 113 degrees F so lo and behold what if the flu with a fever is about the body melting this shortening so that it flows. Does ANY doctor anywhere even have a clue of these PHYSICAL properties, no, they are drug dealers.

Democrats think they can control the climate. That is retarded. Either that or they are all very smart people who are conning you. So which is it? Millions of wind and solar farms and panels in place, the weather is only getting worse. Freezing cold wind in Southwestern states again. Gee maybe it can't be controlled? Huge massive uncontrollable movements in the oceans with La Nina and El Nino are in control, man has no power AT ALL to control climate except in green houses, the ERRth is not a green house nor a marble. Must be a con job then. They are not stupid.

Explain to me again how this is saving the planet as greedy energy portfolioists are busy ruining the planet with more planned obsolescence by creating disabled handicapped energy systems as the public remains distracted and obsessed with picking one candidate of a handfull who were all produced out of the same mold, from a factory infested with mold, one they expect will be their chosen savior like the last one that saved 1 trillion people from certain death of dangerous unicorns by penetrating the mind and body with virology that is merely "in silico" science. All they ever find is ones and zeros in models. No virus needed. It's a big scam merely providing safe and effective heart damage as we learn vaccinated pilots EKG no longer normal so what does government bureaucracy run by pHarma do? It merely changes the figures to reflect what provides themselves with immunity from legal harm.

What part of inclusivity don't these people understand. The sane city of Huntington Beach now bans flying pride flag on government properties. The sane people describe where does inclusivity end if you let city fly sickening rainbow fucked by chopping off body parts for inclusivity transpride flag, there are those who come from Dixie that love their Confederate flag, there are the Satanic Pride flags, Caucasion pride flags, there are the Fundamentally mentalist mentally retarded flags, Palestine and Israel flags, there's about ten million other flags all of which are works of art, there's the Maplethorp art flags, David flags, Venus flags, Pan flags (god of debauchery and mischief as we saw flown world wide during the PAN demic). Get a grip retards. See this is what is sickening about the Sexual Preference Flag (SPF) it always seems to represent hypocricy and delusions and drug pushing as they are always pushing drugs to give treats to HIV (Hustles In Virology) that make the producers of these drag shows rich. Example of latest SPF that includes body part removal as being celebrated, approved of, promoted. As you can see there is a confusing message of the arrow pointing to go straight.

This ugly flag that does not represent many who have sexual preferences should be retired and put in a museum like these self absorbed inclusivists claimed should be done with the Confederate flag which they even had removed from the Mississippi flag, replacing it with flowers in the flag. Yea, next time there's a civil war see how well those flowers fight for your lives. Why does a cartoon (flag) have such power over some people's minds? It's like they are watching the Bugs Bunny Road Runner cartoons and rushing out to the deserts to save Wile E. Coyote so they can bill insurance. Watch the cash flows during these flash floods of hyper pro he/she/that over activism! They should not call this a pride flag, it should be called a disinclusive sexual preference flag. Straight fundamentalist Christians and many others are not included here. In contrast American flag includes everyone. That is why Huntington Beach bans such non inclusive flags on public property. Here's that rainbow crap fake equality in action, Denmark is expanding drafting women. It's ironic. Some laugh and point the finger, few will do anything to argue with anyone but the choirs. The 666 guy has a better set or reasoning to fight with. The equality goons don't seem to care about logic.

National TV is not inclusive. Imagine if they gave RFK Jr. the same airtime as the goons. Everyone would vote for him says Rogan. That's exactly what the owners of all these TV networks don't want. TV has been hijacked. Many of the most popular networks are actually supposed to be governed by and reflective of what the people want but like with science being hijacked they have for decades thrown much of the public under the bus. When there were fires in California in 2020 hindsight they ran tons of covid shot ads and stories while ignoring the fires. Since the airwaves are a public entity don't you think that the public should have been receiving nothing commercial and only what was the real emergency not this fake dangerous unicorn hunting emergency that made portfolios of the already rich even more billionaires in one year.

Harvard (and other institutions) achieve scientific consensus by elimination of the science that does not agree with the consensusizers and those who disagree with their consensus consentually disagreeing with those who rely on only their own science. More on Martin Kulldorff an outspoken critic of the fraud of corona policies that started in 2020 hindsight used to push new flu vaccine technology that also was planned to be the next fraud of treating cancer all based on portfolio health of course first, foremost, absolute using the hunting of dangerous unicorns processes as it's base scientific method. Virality project tried to find mis, dis, mal, con, pro, mush, sludge, pink, blue information to provide safe and effective portfolio gains. Un pHazed by 140 lawsuits as drug companys are the only entity to have IMMUNITY to harm the drug dealer/manufacturer tests it's Papilloma Dangerous Unicorn Product (PDUP).

Federal Slave Owners Administration (FSOA) deems TicToc a national insecurity threat. ROFL. Injections of poison sent from communist government now "in silico" with authorization by that same authoring authority of authors are deemed not a threat, as heart issues continued to rise as if they were horney, due to penetrant poisons quite possibly, while an internet toy is "a threat" seems rather illogical. As a reminder, dangerous unicorns are a threat yet they remain as imaginary story telling entertainment. Still no ban on foreskin removal. It's as if the security of the young male body is claimed to not be under threat by Pastor Edward Doctors Scissor Guy's Knives (PEDSGK). The Unintact States of America (USA) has a priority problem. So as some become obsessed with picking the correct president that all come out of the same mold, others at least try to provide information about assault scissors so some people can pretend to cut the umbilical cord to what distracts from what is really more important, banning assault scissors.

The Defender, a family company of Robert F. Kennedy, Junior, often sounds the sirens against fifth generation cellular service, this time bragging about funding a lawsuit against Verizon that gave them a win of, are you sitting down, merely winning the right of an anti 5G group to be a an intervener but I never see any measurements of their assertions that 5G causes any health problem. The Defender routinely trashes vaccines while not trashing basis for any vaccine, the core theory of viruses "causing disease" yet it's clear to anyone seeking the truth that viruses were never proven to exist and in the last decade were proven absoultely to not exist so I tend to think they too have not proven 5G causes any harm to the general public.

A week after primaries in California and they still haven't counted all the votes figured out exactly how to make all the votes only count for Democrats

The new 460 million dollar bill. Use it for California nuts to build bus stop equity even though bus stops already all have homes rather than use it to build homes for human beings. Yea, ban TicToc, such bad programming taking up space as good programming is becoming homeless.

Princeton economist and a Nobel recipient changes mind about inviting freeloaders in to the country.

Never throw out baby Satan with the bathwater.

Gender transition is as fake as mammal transition. There are two sexes, there may be multiple genders as one make them up out of the creative proces, even infinite genders like there are infinite artistic expressions. An expression of the Golden Gate Bridge in art does not make that expression the bridge. A human cannot transition into the opposite sex any more than a human can transition into a different species. It is a sick society that celebrates hacking off functioning body parts that humans were designed and built with and instead of teaching people to accept themselves gets into the business of conversion therapy which I thought was banned in the gay rights daze. All the attention on fighting this change sex insanity is another artistic expression that is making money, while those same people fluff off as "not the same thing" of the same butchering of body parts, the routine amputation of baby men's protective bodywear on their most prized posession attached to their brain and entire body, the part between their legs, removal of foreskin, is a sick sick sick ritual. Baby men are being treated like shit while the opposite sex is protected from that horror. Meanwhile all the self serving bandwagon crowds keep entertaining each other inequitably as they ride their fake equity bandwagons.

Spoiled rich kid in Canada throws another tantrum. Car thefts in Toronto tripled. The rich kid holds press conferences as a solution. He should put that in a vaccine and mandate the press conference penetrant if we are to build on his logic. Rich kids are losers. As he's called out with more facts the kid starts yelling they need to ban assult cars or something weird that makes no sense. This is hysterical display in Canadian parliament!

Nice that they get a laugh since much of governing is a joke.

Shop for food at the store and 99.666% of it is packaged in plastic. Get to the checkout and want to carry out things in plastic bags, they try to disuade you from doing so by making you pay for bags to fake save the environment. 666 times more plastic in the grocery cart surrounding foods, what was done before the invention of plastic? Obviously humanity did not exist then. They often don't provide the Single Use Bags That Were Used Multiple Times (SUBTWUMT) rather offer ones that are 8 times as much plastic and often people just buy these and throw them away after one use as they are harder to use to pick up all the other shit we have to deal with that climate goons penetrate us with. She noticed this while she was shopping. They also want you to fake save the planet by buying reusable shopping bags that break and don't last long and get dirty fast and are made of 27 times the amount of plastic. When was stupidity mandated? Can we please repeal that?

Kary Mullis who is a Nobel Laureate who invented the foundational technology of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) "testing" methodology that was misinterpreted by the ongoing Hustle In Virology (HIV) speaks about the fraudulent science of climate change. Says the scientists do not even have anything in their contracts that mandates them to tell the truth. So next time any mandates of penetrants of any kind are offered up we might demand they present their contracts that show that they are equally and equitably mandated to tell the truth. Ignore the ad scrolling at the top as that message is also not mandated to tell the truth, the truth is there is no spike protein.

As we can see here in the election results so far once again California is not about peace & freedom, it is about Democracy. Only 11 thousand out of 40 million voted for peace & freedom. No surprise, they are a warmongering state, war on viruses, war on nations, constantly building war machines there so the rich can enjoy more wealth, managing in silico war devices made in China that wants war with Taiwan, managing all warring and managing and maintaining lockdowns instead of freedom to secure a robust HELLth governing system that is all about wealth not health. It's so bizarre.

Currently Steve Garvey is ahead of Adam Schiff OMG. Oh they will fix that using Democracy.

I voted Garvey. More bizarre is the states new corrupt Democratic mob rule system. It now just lumps everyone together instead of each PARTY. So the top contenders in all parties are thrown on the top of the pile of candidates then in the November selection process, so forexample it would be race between the turtle the hare and the rhinos. They should call it that, selection not election.

Huge funding vote on "mental health care" is 50/50. Dr. Fill Portfolios came out hustling this so all they need to do is make it tip to yes so it will pass as California is a totalitarian medi SIN state. There is no way in HELLth care it will not pass.

That will allow the state to institutionalize the "mentally ill" or "mentally challenged" or those deemed "mental cases" because they vote for Trump or are a threat to their parties. It's a big money scheme and adds more risk of quarantine based on junk science. How'd that last q thing go. Years?? Oxygen Deprivation Devices (ODD) forced on babies and swimmers? What? I voted NO a big fat NO what part of no we don't need more tyrrany don't you understand the H, the I, or the V as in Hustle In Virology (HIV).

Walmart put their smart thumbs on scales. Charged too much. Some things never change in business. Lawsuit settles. Agree to pay customers $45 million. See if you qualify for $500.

The View hosts make disparaging reaction against things that are so obviously gay. Damon Imani so thoughtfully points out these ongoing flaws of those who would react about how gay it is to see a hunky wrestler almost totally exposed as nude on stage of an elegant award event that for once in it's dreary life actually got a bit comical. His style calls out their total hypocricy on issues such as "degredation" of women as they celebrate the naked display of their degredation of a man naked on stage. These are the same types of sellebrities like Oprah, Sandra Bullock, and Ellen who laugh about men's private parts being amputated and put in their face creams.


Todays salty sea level check


Sea Level Checkists Who Use Fear Porn To Sell You Stuff (SLCWUFPTSYS) always ignore and divert attention from the more Absolute Inclusive Doable Science (AIDS) regarding the weird idea that an ice cube can melt and cause the world's waters to rise, even Noah and his pairs would laugh at this notion. Does anyone in the climate cult measure how much volume is in that ice cube and as it spreads out how much it would make oceans rise? No of course not, that math would destroy their fun and profit. The cult also does not ever mention storage systems of water above ground and underground. Nor does it measure storage systems above ground in the air and certainly does no measure it. Such measurements are impossible. They are all hustlers.

Man helps coyote in the desert giving him drinks of water.

Dumb ass victim of ongoing lies accepts penetrations of poisons* 3x in one year that were made by a company that has the biggest CRIMINAL fine in history. *culda been salt water placebo or meningitis vaccine placebo though as covid was an experiment on humans to the delight of PETA that doesn't care about humans. FDA pointed out the alleged solutions to the lies of medi SIN being a penetrant could be any of those 3 items. They disincluded malincluded and misincluded people who saw through the lies as a way to save the world from the Kryptonite strain of their lies. It's a strange play. Did not get any awards for best performance.

Shilajit (pronounced shill-i-jit and shillagitimate) another joke on the public. They do this crap all the time. For example "comirnaty" which never became a licensed product, they put RNA in in the middle of comity to split the meaning of that word which is getting along in harmony. Dangerous Dame Dr. Lee Merritt first pointed that OUT. Health Ranger Mike Adams warns the public about shillagitimate but he pronounces it different. Says there's a lot of lead and arsenic in the product. No actual measures provided though. Harvesting rock tar. Yummy. Aluminum, lead, and votmit.

Here the new NASA smirks it's way to the moon song and see the photos of it's kids 3rd grade arts project that went to the moon powered by gold foil lame'.

Pandemics are all fake. Viruses do not exist. The assign fake cause and label healthy people part of the pandemic, it's Horseshit In Virology (HIV) and HELLth care of only portfolios using people to accomplish their goal$$$.

Net 0 targets designed by delusional narcissists. No body who is honest with a degree in any area of the sciences with the exception of virology as that is not a science it's a sales pitch fraud of a hustle, would claim we can live in a world of industry with no emissions without plenty of omissions. Net zero is a marketing term like covid which is not a new disease. Net zero acts like this, you live in the USA, you make $100. Taxes suck $51 leaving you $49. The forty nine goes to China leaving you with zero. You get tax credits by Uncle Sam the predator and child abusor who does nothing to stop doctors for amputating sexual body parts from babies and providing them for sellebrities to laugh about the baby man's foreskin being in face cream. Those tax credits add up to $39 so you are happy. You buy gas that like drugs only costs pennies to make, you get billed that $39 for a 1/4 of a tank. Back to zero.


Yea, surrrrr, again tell me that man is not as creepy as it looks, run! When politicial PARTIES invitations say who they have that will run they are never running, it's people who see this creepyness that run the hell away.

Carbon cleans the air just as it does in our water filters. At a continued BALANCED ratio in world wide air levels of 1/2500 there is never a problem with too much of it except in limited areas when wild fires or EV fires occur which then balance down and out naturally over some days. No permanent blanketing ever occurs. If anyone in these bandwagon sciences has a carbon blanket please send it to me so I can insulate the homes of the homeless to keep them warm in winter. Understanding these basics outside the cult keeps us mentally charged. I am a pert in this matter having studied bandwagon sciences for over 40 years now.

Snow navigation during Nordic Response 24

America The Unintact States of America were clearly affected when it was unintacted. Something happened to it's brain, it's always getting hustled, always looking for that next fix. In the 1980's it was "tear down this wall" and then 2 decades later in the 2 milleniums it is "build the wall". How do you build a wall in a river? Fundamentalism is insane. Media bandwagoneers often throw the Devil In The Details (DITD) off as he keeps pointing out reality about building a wall in a canyon that requires water flow and walls that stop wildlife from flowing and migration and forraging for foods. This is why Trump is a hustler so obviously.

When the Wall Came Down: The Berlin Wall and the Fall of Soviet Communism - Picture 1 of 1

Democrat party, Republican party, we need less party more work. Vote indepentent candidates.

I'm sorry gang members of the Republicult I don't think slime face it Trump will win again. Beware those who dangle carrots.

Bill Gates claims he wants to destroy the coal industry. Don't buy any of this horseshit. He knows exactly how industry works, he's hustling you. Watch him point out the absurdities of wind and solar. Smirky multi billionaire who's wealth is 100.666% based on use of oil, claims he's not part of the "problem". What a joke.

Climate cult cons tell us next that they will solve the problem of EV charging by building inductive highways. Mentioned on David Knight show 3/13/24

Miami apartment building flooded. Water fighters do what they can to clear out water from apartments. Building made in China.

Next time someone delusionally says "zero tolerance" to this or that such or say "zero tolerance on cheating" like in class cheating on a test, ask if they apply that rule to cheating death.

Interesting hearing Jordan to Hur: Biden had a $8 million book deel in the works, violated rules Jordan says.

California Islamic Scholar Dr. Ali Ataie: "The Earth Is Flat and the Moon Landings Were Fake"

Puberty blockers pre scribed by block heads that circumcise cells are deemed dangerous and being blocked in Britain. That won't happen in the Unintact States of America (USA). Britain does not circumcise their baby men and their lives are whole and intact because of it.

This guy Roger Hodkinson in Canada threw all the gays under the bus when the HIV claimed "now it's monkeypox" new improved marketing threat in 2022. Claimed it's because the virus spreads from gay sex. He's the idiot and a pompous cheerleeder. He was like talking with Laura Lynn Taylor Thompson saying we don't have to worry it's only a gay thing and here's the Throw Under Bus (TUB) part, said angrily that they all should have been locked up/down for the first 5 weeks and the whole thing would have been over. He believes in viruses. Beeeeeleeeeeves. Not has proven absolutely, just believes. It's a religion. Virology Is A Religion (VIAR). Throws the memo out that viruses do not exist. This was PROVEN many times and even in court now viruses do not exist, we live in a virus free world. By the way it's 2024 years now after Jesus was subject to scissor guy cutting the fuck off part of his dick in a sick religious ritual and we still see people do other things stupidly based on beliefs. It's like they think this absolute proof that viruses do not exist is foreskin, "unnecessary" as they preach their gospels their actions say they don't accept humans as God made them perfect in his image with a rather loose hood over the male phallus for protection, a lifetime of protection, and pleasure, and comfort if left the fuck alone intact, says it right there in their Bibles. Some like Laura Lynn Taylor Thompson Smith Jones or something who has a daily pod broadcast reads the bible at the start of each episode. Do these people not read and understand what they are reading? Religions are weird. Their bibles even say their Satan is the god of this Earth. Messes up heads somehow. I read their Bible at one time in the early daze, I kept reading it over and over again expecting a different result which is the definition of insanity. Hodkinson spoke with another extremist Bhakdi about the fake spike protein nonsense.

Free speech allowed at Walnut Creek council meeting March 5, 2024

Questioning intelligence is banned. Notice but don't question why in the chart (obviously made by artificial intelligence that's as good as artificial fruit) it shows market value in billions Apple at 2.6 where in the article it says Apple market value is 2.6 trillion.

What happens when the savior of the environment is Crucified by investors?

If solar is the leader in sucking subsidy energy what is making all that $$$ energy being transferred is solar making it or is it reliable Earth based robust energy? Obviously solar and wind are being propped up using black gold. This puts to RIP the ideas that we are saving energy or saving the planet with these disabled energy systems. "Issac and Mitch conclude: Despite claiming to be ardent followers of tHe ScIEncE wind and solar advocates live in their own universe of alternative facts that deny the basic physics and economics of the electric grid."

Busy bodies at the Centers Of Spreading Delusions (COSD) present new deadly amoeba found in tap water they claim without proof after centuries of those looking out for us in governing goonism have told us tap water was safe and treated with treats that make the treatfull water safe. In the report it mentions these amoebas found in soil, gee with all the winds what happens when they get thrown around in the air. They as usual present the term "immunocompromised". This word is a blend of immune system and compromised. We don't have immune systems so we have to wonder why would they keep using that term, to deceive us as usual maybe for financial gains? Of course.

RuPaul the drag performer who is a man is all about free speech vowing not to ban books in his book store. That promise did not last long, he is now banning books. What a joke. The left is a joke. Reality sets in. I watched this same nonsense of inclusion/exclusion create a DISASTER that killed my friends with HIV drugs that government knew was a killer drug and pHARMa knew was a killer drug and FDA knew it was a killer drug AZT as it was NEVER APPROVED FOR USE because it was toxic and killed the rats in testing thus it's RAT POISON because of the drama the activists fell into the traps and demanded these drugs and simpley would not listen to anyone warning them they were HIGHLY TOXIC KILLER DRUGS. This same thing happened with "covid" sane voices ignored, jumped headlong into the drama. Medias and news papers all owned by big portfolio all rode that same bandwagon shunning those who would explain the toxic meds were not the solution. I watched many friends die not of a dangerous unicorn, of the poison pills and coctails of Hit Hard Hit Early which was another marketing drug pushing fraud. Imagine seeing your doctor and he or she or it starts hitting you hard when you are sick. I wonder if RuPaul's bookstore would carry a book from the 1980's by Dr. Peter Duesberg or one from Dr. Tom Cowan who keeps pointing out that viruses do not exist. Not likely. They are addicted to the drama and are too narcissistic to even begin to look at how ugly the whole HIV/AIDS lie is and the pushing kids into hacking parts of their body who delusionally think they are not born as they were meant to be.

Farmers are tired of growing food for governments that treat them like maneur.

Doing some claim checking which few people do they prefer fact checking which is like looking under rocks to find dirt and saying "see that causes dirt" I EAT MY WORDS. You go girl!

Positively False and Fauci vs. Duesberg are there available on the fabulous RuPaul's book site as are Sam Bailey's great work "Virus Mania" again YOU GO GIRL.

RuPaul famously created some great disco tunes in the 1990's. Christian fund-A-mentalists who trash him/her for trying to help children start to learn about their sexuality early in life which can help them immensely as they become adults be better prepared to both enjoy themselves and protect themselves from those who might harm them with penetration they don't want like with injections of medi SIN's poisons which is raping the body often throw out babies foreskin with the bathwater and Holy Water and think this is something to celebrate.

Alec Zeck speaks on the covid/fraud at the Kansas City Convention Center.

Jim Fetzer reports 11 March 24

Casualty #'s in Gaza are fake. They are fake estimates like what was done with this fake rebranded flu with a new name that was used to introduce new flu shot technology they are faking these numbers of civilian deaths for purposes of drama getting attention to sell stuff as always, here is at least one observation as to why the numbers are not real. Medias and government did the same thing with the Maui fire in Lahaina, claiming 1000 or more dead many being children to hustle fear and get attention while the Astute Observationists (AO) like Peggy Hall calmed people down shortly after saying she is certain almost all children were safe as adults and neighbors most certainly look out for each other and in an emergency would quickly get children to safety. She was correct, 100 adults and some of those children died overall in a fire that destroyed almost all the buildings everywhere. Medias mostly perpetuated the junk claim that it was over a thousand. Billionaire SELLEBRITIES like Oprah foreskin face of course also appeared at that with some junk charity of hers with the rock of Johnson horrible movie star or something, they all do this same crap every time. I watched and studied the AIDS Horseshit In Virology (HIV) that killed my friends with killer drugs back in the 1980's and 1990's same thing of drama used to hustle by sellebrities to bring attention to one's self using fear, claiming it was all about others, and always hearing that kaching in the background with every move they made even cashing those condom stock profits selling condoms to prevent dangerous unicorns where when HHS secretary then said clearly condoms cannot stop a virus any more than a chain link fence stops flies. Back then the news was heaving it's puke all over us with HELLth care's made up numbers of deaths in Africa out of thin air to scare people and sell drug poisons and junk tests that do not find viruses ever. Those behind these lie$ just lie and lie and just continue to lie and the public eats it all up as they are addicted to the drama. These are some of the same horseshitters that tell us penetrants from foreign countries are not stealing our jobs.

Here's more of the same sickening drama by all these sellebrities, Tim Tebow reads about sexual abuse of a child to CONgress which never wants to hear anyone read about the ongoing and allowed sexual abuse of babies where baby men have part of their dicks hacked off, permanently scarring them physically for life, removing part of their sexual function, causing horrific bloody pain in this amputation ritual cult, no, just crickets there. Stupid fucks.

When something "goes viral" which is a term that caught on to describe popular replication of videos, memes, texts, and other medias, literally it is nothing but ones and zeros being replicated. When you understand that in claim checking the science presents that virology is based on ones and zeros replicating in the lab, not objects, just ones and zeros. This is called "in silico" science. Every time you hear these HIV tell you they discovered a new variant all they have is ones and zeros. It's all computer models that are nothing more than fantasy of their fake viruses.

You can boast all you want about fact checking, I prefer to follow paths of claim checking. More reliable results. More on "in silico" science can be understood here.

John "NBA legend" Stockton (who is that?) sues the state government of Washington state (it's a state state state be sure to state that it's a state and not a district) for the covid fraud and the question of covid even existing is mentioned. It exists because it's a label for the flu. All labels exist. No label causes disease. No virus exists. Governing goons in public HELLth keep throwing out the memo that Setfan Lanka proved in court no virus exists.

Kristi Noem of the House Of Representatives (HOR) South Dakota signs rule making people be deemed haters in the fake free country of the Unintact States Of America (USOA) which is unconstitutional as it's not anywhere near equal treatment. Seems about as solid as the claim that people are all virus breathing dragons. commentary by An0maly

Maine gives trespassers 2 years free housing while it's citizens that are homeless struggle with mountains of "show your papers please" before allowed past the walls of FREE HOUSING.

Boos not booze is now illegal in NYC. The FDNY has gone full North Korean: Those who booed must turn themselves in for punishment and reeducation or be 'hunted down.' Better get that off the books by Halloween.

The debate of what causes 69 different diseases lumped into one new scam of an acronym never ended.


David Crow pointed out before he died in 2020 after 3 massive doses of radiation from cat/scans that 5g does not cause disease nor do any imaginary viruses.

If you want to learn about "The Wellness Company" and it's nutritional products start here.

Drugs to "kill viruses" are all poisons. That's the basis they were designed, to poison the imaginary cause. The causes of disease are poisons. Most of modern a medi SIN is a fraud, a dangerous cult, and an error in judgement though there is no errors in billing for massive gains to portfolios. The whole concept of vaccination is like they designed a bug spray for the house, your entire body, while you are living in it, telling you it's healthy to tent your body for termites when the cause of illness is poisons while also adding the cockroaches to your house saying if they put them in there they will fight each other and the bug spray is smart and it will target them all easier. It's complete insanity and the most disingenuous Hustle In Virology (HIV) to make money. That is the roots. Stop fertilizing the roots of this disease of big pHARMa and see what happens to health and wealth when people stop getting poisoned. Stop getting tests that are built on junk science, they find no virus it's all a fraud. This inclueds measles, there is a skin condition that is real, but the junk science cause is named a virus that does not exist. It's a made up causation fairy tale to sell DRUGS. They are drug dealers. The whole system is run by drug dealers. Doctorate Stefan Lanka proved in a courtroom that the measles virus nor any virus exists in this world. Doctorate Tom Cowan explains we live in a virus free world. Wake up people. You are being constantly hustled.

Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson & Wolfgang Wodard

Says not to be afraid of viruses, they don't spread around the world they are not stable enough to be concerned. What is a real concern is modern a medi SIN penetrants made of chemicals derived from petroleum like paint thinner or anti freeze and mercury. Don't even worry about "spike protein" we are around "foreign proteins" constantly. We don't catch disease. The idea that we catch viruses that knock us down is like claiming that the skyscraper catches dust and it will fall over and kill everyone inside. It's absurd sales pitch hustle and always has been. There is no polio virus, there is no sars virus, no virus exists.

Here the drug dealers are protected from harm that comes from dangerous signs that expose their dangerous killer drugs while our grandparents are routinely killed off by lies. Others like Wolfgang Wodard who speaks with Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson about the fraud of rebranding the flu in order to sell new formulas of chemical waste penetrants into the drug lords subjects bodies. "It's always war" whenever they say that you need to go to war, run, do not be recruited, there is no need to go to war to be healthy. Notice a clip is presented by public HELLth department pushing the flu shots still named for "covid" where they say "we need people to take these shots". Fuck what they need, it's about what we need and that is to not be raped by modern a medi SIN junk science penetrants and it's money hustles that have become massive frauds bigger than Enron and other hustles combined. They are wearing sheep masks shouting "WOLF" to scare people about dangerous unicorns with an agenda to sell drugs as the fix but when we rip off the mask we find they are monsters. They do not care about health. No one's taking the "boosters". They are not children anymore. The public has woken up. The see the fraud. They will never be scammed by drug dealers again. Wolfgang has some great ideas about politics and insights. The industry makes up stories to scare us. Send in the war machines. Kaching. It's all junk hustle.

We create disease we do not catch it. If you have a disease that can be caught, send it to me via snail mail so I can scientifically prove to you that it can't be caught. I will throw the envelope in the air and let the disease fall out and catch it. The whole idea of catching disease is a joke. It's used to SELL/DRUGS. If you claim a "virus" causes disease and I can catch it, send that, no don't bother, they are sent air mail every day already, everywhere there is air there they are all day long everywhere, every breath, they don't do shit as they DO NOT EXIST they are dangerous unicorns.

"The diversity chief at Johns Hopkins Medicine, once one of the premier medical institutions in the world, sent an email to staff bemoaning the “privilege” of white, middle class, heterosexual, English speaking, Christian males." Hows that for prejudice.

This weeks designer fraud disease is bird brain fever. You can be brainwashed as much as you need by turning on your junk medias.

Phil Donahue interviewed Lisa Monet who did not vaccinate allow modern a medi SIN rape her baby with chemical waste products. She does not trust Dr. Dascience.

Canadian military told him take it or fake it regarding the pHARMa penetration orders. He was one of those many conspiracy theorists who were of course as always correct in their analysis.

Here's why HELLth departments don't want you to smoke they want to keep you from cheap meds you can benefit from while also enjoying the pleasure of smoking as known since the beginning of time. If there's one thing we have learned is if the doctors, the governments, the TV's all are in cahoots to demonize something it's probably something to consider that they are probably lying to you or spreading LIES with agendas all based on capitalism. We should have learned this using 2020 hindsight after they demonized breathing. Nicotine is naturally in many foods. Don't smoke your potato salad though as all that oil being burned leaves toxic residue like what happens in the body when you burn oils for energy due to Gulp Oil Spills.

But the FDA that brought you "approved" covid penetrants of pesticides for your HELLth says it's addictive. The voted on it. That's the science, a political vote. This is on par with how the astronomy committee voted on whether Pluto was a rock or a planet, changing their votes with the wind.

The science could not make anyone addicted to nicotine but they could show that heroin, sugar, cocaine were addictive. It is a chemical made by man ADDED to tobacco that makes it addictive (is the claim pyrazines are the additive). Pyrazine is a food enhancer flavor. See the label says "natural flavors" that's pyrazine a chemical additive, that is what is addictive, so you might notice your PROCESSED FOODS ARE ADDICTIVE.

Tobacco highest containing nicotine. Eggplant next highest. Actually you can eat more nicotine in a food than smoking a cigarette. Third is tomato. White potato, celery, zucchini, italians eat a lot of nicotine.

Nicotine in food, hello nutrient. Why does governing always lie? Follow the money. Their business model is scaring you. Teach you to "be dependent on them". They have all the answers.

If you are concerned about CANCER study the cancerous effects of SUGAR. Big medi SIN will not study this you will have to do this on your own. There are tons of books on this subject. If it was nicotine that caused cancer why would a pack a day smoker die at 100 years of age and not at 40? Sugar? Body building and repair food choices?

How to beat the fake disease of covid which is a rebranding of good old chicken soup fashioned FLU with nicotine.

Dangers of a cashless society. Norway is guaranteeing right to use CASH.

If fossil fuel based internal combustion engines were going the way of the dodo bird Ford wouldn't be filing patents on new versions of old faithful. They know these will make them money. Similarly drug companies filed patents for new mRNA styled penetrants that would make them money, not because they do what they say as just because a patent is filed, it does not mean the product that is being patented even works. In this new Ford patent it appears it's merely claiming an improvement on systems used already such as those "smog" requirements in California that burns up all your green $$$ energy which was made using fossil fuels.

Alex Jones is finally starting to TRASH/TRUMP saying that if Trump continues to shill for pHARMa he will go on the "warpath" with Trump. That almost looks like that thing called "integrity". He's got a LOL analogy about mother working hard to cook for Thanksgiving and shitting all over the table. THIS IS A GREAT SHIFT and important broadcast. Newscreep magazine refers to Jones as a "conspiracy theorist". That and many medias now are on par with The National Enquirer. They believe in alien viruses that don't exist and project their delusions on others.

Their next fraud is that vaccines cure and prevent cancer.

An0maly says that Alex is doing what he always does, he heard him talk like this before, doing it for attention.

Our bodies are a country. Do not let any chemical invader penetrate the walls that God working hand and foot with The Devil made called your skin. It is a fortress. Never allow penetration of medi SIN through your SKIN.

The Bro Code includes giving dudes heads up when modern a medi SIN is fucking with everyone and when bros find out another bros date is using bros and lying like big government and big pHARMa.

Just because it's "bipartisan" does not mean it's good. We saw this bipartisan ship sail with it's warheads of vaccination for everyone go to war on everyone's bodies with it's hunt for dangerous unicorns. What a disaster. Everyone was recruited. Some of the cannons were filled with salt water. Other cannons had meningitis. Yet others had the penetrants of pesticides aka viricides. Going to war on illusions of impending disease is lunacy. It's like declaring war on Japan again after the Pearl Harbor event 70 years later as a preventative measure, that's exactly what virology does.

Dangerous unicorn hunting is like deer hunting using bows except that deers and bows are real.

Wind turbines are a nuisance and waste of energy, they are built on foundations of fraud. Those affected by the horrible noise they make sued and won. "The plaintiffs described the noise in evidence as like a cement mixer, or an aeroplane flying overhead without ever landing."

Nature Positive Plan obfuscation fear mongering of doom and gloom same old marketing crap. Uses circular arguments that lead you in, you get one guess, yes, CIRCLES, while creating less for you and more for the marketing schemers. They present an "offsetting" plan where if say a housing development is made, more nature has to be set aside. It's part of the corrall humans into Gaza like open air concentration camps while convincing people that it's going to be a paradise where you can sit in your prison all day and be mesmerized by pixels. The reality is these methods use more energy and are worse for people and nature. Compliance and enforcement standards are part of the corral plan. The marketing bullshit is translated by Sky News Australia. Listen to the environment god tell us about what's "unacceptable". These plans are what are unacceptable. It's part of the insane "net zero" lie.

Trust your TV it never lies it ONLY ENTERTAINS.

If it's closed why is the door open?

Word art. Wart. Hear the music not the wart.

I don't trust anything Ed Dowd says. Never once says there were placebos. Never once points out indoor air pesticide spraying all day long. Never mentions breath control oxygen restriction.

In European countries where they don't amputate sexual body parts for fun and sick religious profit they have no problem with the true natural male form showing it off with statues that present the male private part in public as it was designed by God, Satan, and others involved in the assembly of man. This is not the case in the Unintact States of America where showing off male private parts with it's foreskin intact would make it obvious something is terribly wrong in this part of the world where child abuse is protected by governing BODIES. In the presentation of the discovery of these bronze statues of Greek warriors who were anotomically fully INTACT mention is made of a number of uncertainties regarding the history of these objects, yet the sales slime in VIROLOGY today makes claims of certainty of the history of the objects called "viruses" that they can't even prove these objects actually exist! Virology is a total joke.

Real tumbleweeds. Fake viruses. Zero genders.

Some complain about shoveling snow. In tumble weedology they prove tumble weeds exist. They isolate them from houses, cars, sidewalks, ground, they are proven to exist, when they blow around they are seen, they never do this in virology but this is about what virology does to present an illusion as if the virus is a tumble weed that blows into the cell home and wreaks havoc. The science is such junk it's as if they are telling you that tumblweeds will literally destroy your home cells. This is how their science should be compared, their imaginary virus is more like a tumble weed and they tell you that it opens your doors and windows, gets in there, makes itself at home, then replicates, makes more tumble weeds, then those weeds grow up and then they show you this picture above and says that is proof that it replicates, breaks out of the home cell, or pushed out by it's parent tumble weeds, and causes the whole neighborhood to be ruined by these replicated tumble weed variant viruses. There are ZERO genders. We have only 2 sexes. There are multiple PERSONALITIES. Get this straight. The gender crowd is manipulating you with their misdismal use of language.

note: as seen in the video the plow and comes in to move these tumble weeds out of the way ineffectively, and is not powered by disabled energy, it is effectively powered with robust fuels, thus it keeps plowing all day and eventually gets the results it needs. The plow is also real, isolated from other things, virology never isolates viruses to prove they are anything more than imagination gone drunk on greed.

Doctors with sick sexual amputation fetishes have influenced and are influencing HELLth policies and getting away with their crimes. 'It seems to be the case having seen substantial evidence' senior clinicians influencing transgender treatment policy have a 'fetish for the castration of minors'.

Ever reliable NuClear Power or forever intermittant disabled and severely handicapped trickle energy of wind and solar, which do you prefer? One powers humanity saving billions of lives, the other, if it were 100% would only "save the planet" and cause 80% of humanity to be wiped out.

How the mind sounds before after and during an ice plunge.

Hustlers In Charge Conning Us Perpetually (HICCUP)

Bernie Sanders another piece of fraud. The only one there fake protecting himself PART TIME for the camera when the POC was speaking in the State Of The Unintact States Of America Dog And Pony Show (SOTUSOADAPS).

or is it the editors that's frauding us?

Three floating wind farms off California's beautiful central coast claim made "They’re expected to produce more energy than the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, which accounts for about 9% of the state’s energy portfolio." That is absurd. Lawsuit by fishing groups.

James Roguski stumbles upon some valuable data documents secret for over a year negotiating text on amendments to international HELLth regulations that could create concentration camps if you have sniffles. Too much power would be given to declare another FAKE EMERGENCY or a pre action alert, allowing one person fearmonger on 3 different levels. It's tyrranical insanity. Early action alert could start spraying everywhere. It's all coming from these out of control kachingers all just looking at their portfolios. Listen to his short presentation

What is the purpose of all these diodes flashing in yellow really? They are not rushing to the scene nor in traffic. Is this show business or is there a real purpose? They seem distracting. There are warnings about such STROBE lighting at concerts and videos. View at 12 min

Cowboy tool pie.

Dangerous Unicorn Busters is a movie much like Ghost Busters but in that film the ghosts were real.

3 German soldiers 1938 on motorcycle unusual sexual suggestive pose.

Conservationists have expressed alarm over the surprise discovery that a Singapore-based company has started construction of a wind farm inside the Philippines’ Masungi Georeserve.

Look ma! Another "green" energy charging station powered by diesel generator!

No one can find a virus in nature. All viruses come out of lab computer modeling. It's all Horseshit In Virology (HIV).

Requiring any penetration is malpractice. Vaccines are a cult.

Rand Paul "What kind of moron thinks you have to vaccine somebody [to be let in a hospital] when they have the disease already". That would be Fauci and friends who are nothing more than ego maniac$, shill$ for pHARMa and treatment CASH/FLOWS.

People think that Artificial Food (AF) and Artificial Information (AI) will destroy humanity. More nonsense. So Musk is suing a non profit after he gives money to it as it's being used as a profit generator, so he's suing as it's turning into closed source garbage. All this crap is not new.

Boeing the diversity and disbled energy inclusion company has another fail. Soon the goons in woke retardation will require all jets fly using 10% renewable handicapped energy and be able to land on handicapped ramps.

4 years later after the forced breath deletion madness of HOSPITALS the woman is told she cannot be allowed into "private property" without cutting down oxygen supply, brainwashed idiots. They send down all the hospital staff to protect the indoor air from dangerous unicorns, air that is already highly filtered, sprayed with pesticides. Modern a medi SIN goons all brainwashed. Cannot even understand the need for oxygen. Why is the guy holding a fire extinguisher there's no fire. At least 10 staff standing watching intimidating. Watch the staff start covering up their names, why? They did nothing wrong they think but they hide, this is all Horseshit In Medi Sin (HIMS). The staff cannot hear any thing the woman says that is logical, that is sign of a cult. This happened in March of 2024! Watch what happens.

“The government violated the Charter freedoms of millions of Ontarians with health measures that were based on fear, not science. There is no evidence to support the idea that peaceful outdoor gatherings, rendered illegal by the government, caused any harm,” stated John Carpay, President of the Justice Centre

Tony the Fauci tigress is a deranged psychopath. Del Bigtree of his show The High Wire Episode 362 starts off with segment on this delusional man's mania comparing him to an arsonist who comes back to watch the fire burn acting like anyone else. It's amazing to us who see through his lies that anyone on the planet could not also see that he's psychopath. I watched that piece of waste deceive my friends starting in the 1980's pushing his coctail drugs on them all of whom became DEFORMED by the poisons and they provided death. His "truths" he explains them as "side effects" no they are direct effects, they are all DANGEROUS POISONS. They are now up to 9 shots of their corona schmooze to be "up to date" when they all know that "the science" never once proved any of it's assertions of a floating threat. EVERYTHING VIROLOGY SHOULD BE DEFUNDED IMMEDIATELY. Fauci said "I am the science". The science is psychotic. This is where people have to wake up, the science of virology is based on illusions, which are psychotic. Bigtree has been at the forefront of calling out the medical systems lies for over a decade. The problem though with Bigtree is he keeps perpetuating the lie that any "virus" is anything more than a dangerous illusion. We live in a virus free world.

In the show presented is how Canada wants to make "hatred" on par with "murder" where they can be put away for life for having that emotion, they want to make non offense based on "hatred" that might want to do something "hateful" to be on par with a murderer. It's insane woke garbage as usual based on lies.

The FDA "authorized" did not "approve" the covid vaccine. The HELLth departments violated law by claiming safe and effective. This was mentioned in the show by Aaron Siri the ICANN lawyer about 37 min. Fauci stated this violating the law. Biden stated this everyone jumped into the bandwagoneering violating the law.

In the 2020's people believed cartoons told them nothing but the truth

Rand Paul perpetuates the lie of "spike proteins" and any natural virus which nas NEVER EVER BEEN PROVEN TO EXIST.

Support the LIABLE act by Rep. Chip Roy in Texas congress and H4907 removing the IMMUNITY from manufacturers. Vaccines DO NOT provide your body immunity, they only provide manufacturers from liability, they are immune to being sued and responsibility for their garbage products.

Fauci said decades ago the best immunity is to get the infection yourself and let your body fix it. The other side of his octopussy mouth says 7 other things over the years. Of course we now know there is no such thing as immunity nor immune systems we have RESPONSE systems. This term "immune system" really caught on in the 1980's HIV nonsense fake virus scare when people were starting to go to gyms and health spas all the time especially in California, which then in 2020 hindsight was so deranged it shut down it's health clubs as a priority so they could be so concerned about HELLth and creating wealth. Notice whenever multi side of mouth face Fauci talks there's always smirks. Psychopath that loves attention.

Double standards become transitioned standards that make no sense and violate basic rights. "The teacher was ordered to use the 14-year-old student’s masculine pronouns in class; the teacher was ordered to use the students’ feminine pronouns when dealing with their parents."

Court doesn't care about the absolute science, upholds locking people away in homes after 8pm to stop the spread of dangerous unicorns.

The bogus history of VIROLOGY by Falconer, Stone, Bailey

"Without isolating something from other things you cannot ascribe properties to it" says Dr. Tom Cowan. He speaks routinely about the problem of science representatives claiming they have proven any "virus" exists. Is this why doctors cut off 60% of the skin that circumferenceates a phallus of the male human being? To prove it exists and thus be able to ascribe properties to it?

Deskinning the male phallus is like deforestation of pristine Phillipine jungles with one difference, it DOES NOT GROW BACK.

When the modern a medias and governing cults tell you something it's the opposite, they pretend they are looking out for you, but they can only see as far as themselves, you don't exist. Example, they said to be penetrated also known as rape by modern a med iSin to stay healthy from the rapist that went viral, makes no sense unless you know that it's about keeping themselves safe and their portfolios healthy as they all make money from these lies. Look at their salaries, mostly pHarma cash flowing in.

Is this what flying on a plane at night looks like now?
Ugly ass blue DIODE lighting?

OMG, I'll walk instead. This is sick.

Who says Joe Rogan is gay? He sure doesn't appear that way interviewing Riley Gaines boobs.

What is foreskin reassignment surgery? We hear about sex reassignment surgery and know this is about the ONLY 2 SEXES. We know foreskin is removed for no reason other than the desires of the cult but is it put back on for the desire of the baby man who grew up and realized the horrific amputation that was done on him without his permission? No mention of this in the State of the Union babble fest.

Penetration Of China Chemical Waste Into Humans Shill (POCCWIHS) now hustling that penetration cures cancer and makes your car get 666 mpg. An0maly has better analysis of the State Of The Union (SOTU). Mentions if Hillary Clinton had been president instead of Trump the public would not have bought the China Virus Horseshit In Virolgy (CV/HIV) lockdown crap.

Wind farm goes down one of the turbines won't be replaced the other section remains off line because of computer problem for 2 more weeks. This is what you get when you depend on disabled energy.

National Institutes of Hellth refuses to disclose how high the piles of cash they get from pHARMa so Ron Paul introduces a bill to nowhere that would force government to disclose to the public these conflicts of interest. ROFL good luck with that. Never happens every time, they are all in it together.

With the help of Kevin Kiley the Department of Transportation is stopped from imposing another mask mandate. This bill will become law by tomorrow. Kiley is also working on stopping so called "camping" on public lands which would include sidewalks of people who have no where to live. Ok dude, so where are these people supposed to go? Concentration camps? This is where Kiley FAILS. He was great at stopping the other tyrrany's of the dangerous unicorn mess but then reverts back to what Republicans are well known for, other tyrrany. He isn't providing any solutions to actually helping those who have no where to live and it is a complex problem. Has a rather pompous standard simple minded attitude about this as do most Republicans who focus first on themselves and their portfolios. Mean while government is ending subsidies of internet service for the poor while subsidies of the rich and their assett managements continue to soar. Well at least we can be assured the right to breathe on public transport starting in 2024.

Dr. Tom Cowan calls out the fraud of virology. Asks for any scientist to properly prove their assertions that any virus exist. Puts call out for any of them to show proper isolation of any virus. Watch him explain his request and how their science is like throwing a tool box at a nail on a wall to "prove" that a hammer causes nails to go in a wall, that a hammer exists, and what the hammer is made of when the hammer was never isolated from the other tools and there is no proof the hammer exists as the tool that "hammered" in the nail. My prediction, no one will respond as they all know they are using junk science that cannot be proven with proper science. The science used in virology is totally junk. Thus without proper isolation of claimed virus, we live in a virus free world and all funding and claims of virology are complete and utter fraud.

Make your home 100.666% virus free. It's easy and will not cost you a dime or dracma. Take that thought of viruses being a threat and throw that thought in the toilet and flush. Let the sewage treatment plant handle it. Since viruses only exist in the imagination anyone can do it except for those bound by the cult.

Andrew Kaufman, MD presents how biosolids are a trick on farmers and not good for our health. Everything that's going down the drains in hospitals, industry, homes is ending up in sludge that is called soil amendments. Sewage treatment is not what it seems, it's a way to spread it out over bigger areas. They don't actually remove the chemicals. Organic compost can contain these chemicals.

Here's an idea, ask how hard the environment has to work to deal with all the toxins created by China's industry that makes these crappy light bulbs to fake save the planet. LED lights are horrible lighting. They are harder to look at thus the eye tends to look away. They need to be banned.

You walk into a wall. There's a thud. The picture hanging falls. It's ok, your head has a bump. What caused the bump? You notice a nail in the wall that was hidden by the painting. What caused the nail to be embedded in the wall? Maybe your head did that. As part of analysis you first conclude that heads must be what was used to embed that nail. Rather than perform a proper science experiment using heads you are told not to do that as it would harm the test heads, your friend tells you that what is used is a hammer. He points to what we know as tool box. The next day you are in another home and you see a hammer. You throw it at the wall it at the wall to "hammer" in a nail. Takes a number of times, and creates some big holes but finally you get that nail embedded. You then as a scientist conclude that you know the hammer exists. You present your findings, and everyone that looks at your work says that you never isolated a hammer, you did not prove that a hammer exists in the home, you insist you have as you think that a toolbox is a hammer. This is a bit like virology except that it would be like no hammer has EVER been proven to exist ever anywhere in the world. In this example you are the only person in the world that never proved that a hammer exists. You think that by using what we know as a tool box you just used a hammer. Your friend comes over and sees all the holes in the wall, you say you proved hammers exist in your home. Your friend opens the toolbox you used and says "there isn't even a hammer in there". That's really how stupid virology is but it's not even able to find the hammer in a toolbox as it's so small it cannot even be seen in normal magnification so they just MAKE EVERTHING UP. Virology is all about NOVEL storytelling, they said it right there, it's now like totally in your face, they called it a NOVEL VIRUS meaning it does not exist except as a story. Now it's hammertime!


Hello, my pronoun is REPUBLICAN. We live in a Republic not a Democracy. I like clarity and accuracy in language. I did not vote TRUMP as nominee so don't pin the coming multi level marketing horseshit that will come forward from that hustler billionaire on me if he wins. I voted DeSantis for nominee along with 1.5% of what is the intelligent population. Reason was bottom line basic and simple, DeSantis kept Florida running smooth, did not shut down his state like the loonatic partiers in California and New York did to fake control dangerous unicorns as the Lunacratic party focused on their cash cow raw milk puss adventures in giving disease it's treats and preventing portfolio drain. Are people really that stupid they didn't see how Democrats and liberal medias wanted and worked hard to give Trump all the attention with all their antics without a plan? They want him there as nominee. It takes away the middle ground voters that will end up going with a Democrat as they will appear less annoying. We can thank the Fundamentalist Fools that are lost in illusion land. People need to start going to Dramadarians Anonymous meetings. They actually believe Trump The Savior when he says he saved 1 trillion lives. Trump is a winner, only in being the Sleasiest Salesman (SS) the universe has ever been so unfortunate to host. So get ready MAGA gang, he's going to get the rug pulled out from under him. Ego maniacs are easy to trick. Law of nature. We have a Lunacratic winner again for 4 more nauseating years.

Selling off West Bank March 10 is illegal Jewish man explains to public officials.

Man who single handedly ruined the economy, destroyed businesses, lies and lies about what ever he needs to to make the sale, killed oxygen supplies, introduced chemical warfare on your public spaces killing oxygen for you to instead breathe in pesticide fumes, which continues, it's even in your liquid soap now in public places OMG it burns, would you vote for that? Millions locked into the MAGA cult are doing just that. They feel he is Jesus and was crucified. Jesus was a construct of the Roman empire which never fell. Fret not, an equally group of liars have more magic tricks, for one, they won't have to do much of anything, all the fence sitters are the smarter bunch. There is no way in hell they will help Trump after he started the end of their businesses, forced them to do what they did not want to do to be slaves of this shit system of "well you don't get to eat if you don't let us penetrate you" hustle that makes them all rich as they all just tell their stock brokers buy pHARMa!

$50 bills are making a comeback. Increasingly using $20's is not cutting it. President Grant is singing from the grave. Andrew is claiming dismismalinclusion.

New York City installing checkpoints at subways like at air ports. Free country? Yea right. Next they will not let you leave your home without cavity search and other penetrants from pHARMa to fake protect you.

Miami is now making the same mistake Palm Springs did decades ago coming down hard on Spring Breakers, with a new commercial, saying "Hey we need to talk......we are breaking up." ROFL fools. The breakers never returned to Palm Springs after that, as it was no fun. Palm Springs begged them to come back. They never did. Palm Springs lost sooooooooooooo much revenue from a mere week long PANDEMIC of debauchery. It caused a mere week of noise and PANDEMONIUM which is what HELLth officials had fun with for 4 years from 2020 to 2024. The commercial from Miami experts is a bunch of full of themselves on their high horse preaching down on the party goers. So when the city declines and goes into ruins like it had by the 70's but then found it's niche, and restored it's old buildings, and welcomed the party crowds, that included debauchery, which PAN is known for, it will be funny to watch them do the same thing Palm Springs did, beg for forgiveness and acceptance and inclusion where the breakers then shunned Palm Springs, went to Mexico. Maybe it will move to Fort Lauderdale. Maybe Miami is lying like as is done in most "breakups" like what this couple did.

Trump-19 is no more serious than the flu, it's official.

Study shows EV create 1,850 times more particulates. Back to the cult drawing screen. No the cult will move forward at all cost no matter how much more particulate matter is generated as that is what cult's do.

Many of us say this to the TV but it never listens


we also want to say this to the medi sin industry and it also never listens

EPA wants to ban car repair "for your hellth"

Slime stream media blames "lysteria outbreak" affecting 2 people on raw milk with no proof only slime stream assertions made by slime stream HELLth agencie$$$$$$$$ just follow the cash cow milk to see where all this is always going, to their retirement accounts and current mortgage and fancy car payments. When I drank raw milk when it was available easily in the 1980's I never got sick, not once. Gee maybe it was because the milk was healthier than the processed cow puss they call pasteurizes, not as in green pastures, as in scientific fraudster Louis Pasteur.

THE FRAUD OF VIROLOGY started 400 years before scissors guy amputated a huge section of skin from Jesus dick! It's no wonder Jesus never returned would you go back to a planet that did that shit to it's baby men? It took until 2024 for humanity to realize how cut off they were from the way the life and the truth that dick skin amputation is sick and perverted and evil and the worship of viruses are belief systems and simply non existent dangerous unicorns and really we live in a virus free world. Discussion here.

The ideas behind vaccinology is making the person a little sick, so that it stimulates an immune response, by penetrating the body with cow puss and other crap, so they are ready to be protected later when they eat so much junk food they get real sick from the dangerous unicorn, it's all pretty sick.

#1 book in all of virology and communicable diseases on AMAZON this week is Sam Bailey and Mark Bailey's new book. Tom Cowan talks about this in his weekly podcast dated March 6, 2024 and #77 in all books sold on Amazon. 38 min talks about narratives how they put you in a box early on. Mentions he met with Louise Hay 30 years ago at a conference, she was involved in meta physical healing, wrote books on mental connections to disease, was one of the rare few in the world that brought the gay community together that included those who had "AIDS" in the mid 1980's for healing without being afraid of being around them as she knew that you don't catch disease. She wrote a book "You Can Heal Your Life". A hot gay dude named Louis Nassaney helped rocket her to world wide fame and fortune with her works when he learned about here and studied saying those ideas of mind and body connections helped him stay healthy. He also made changes in his diet and always exercised. Talks about Ralph Baric research not being any different yet somehow it's been made into an intrigue. I watched many a David Martin's presentations that would slam Barrick's work thus blaming a "lab leak" and realized that is all more nonsense and I think Martin's in on the game, presents a ton of fear mongering, acts like he's an expert, never once have I heard Martin mention placebos. Fan Wu did not find those sequences of the "genome" that he published. Fan Wu made up an imaginary virus. The other imaginary virus made up by Barrick. Tom explains how they MADE UP THE LAB LEAK THEORY THROUGH PATENTS AND WORK OF RALPH BARRIK concocting imaginary genomes, and patent it and make gobs of money for all involved. TOM'S EXPLANATION IS EXCELLENT they played us for suckers. This shit has been going on for decades, with HIV, with polio, and the Everything Virus (EV) not to be confused with the Everything Bagle (EB). They created on purpose a NARRATIVE of fear to sell to the world because that is what hustlers do. Tom invites Barrick to prove his gained function "virus" and speculates this system is a money laundering system, maybe they just bought the viral delusions, but regardless there is too much money being hustled for this science that does not ever prove it's assertions of any dangerous unicorn to cause harm. 51 min gets into some thoughts about urinary tract infections, chlorine dioxide, healing.







If you or someone you know believe that viruses have been isolated and have a rebuttal or scientific study to show us, please submit a short paper or a short video to and we will review & address these in a future webinar. Please note that the requirements for submission can be found in this video.

Dr. Tom Cowan puts out request to all the scientists that claim they proved any virus exists to prove their assertions.

Only crickets were heard so far. They cannot. They will not respond. They never do.

I have been studying Tom's work intensely and it's the only thing that makes sense, they have NEVER proven any virus exists, they cannot isolate any such particle, they keep making claims that they do but they lie, the whole thing is story telling to sell drugs and pacify.

If it was so cut and dry they would have their secretaries simply send Tom this proof, a copy of their alleged scientific papers that prove this. This is what always happens they do not want any debate, or respond, that would expose their lies. I watched this same thing happen with fake HIV in the 1980's. Fauci refused debates, they all refused, sat on their high horses and looked down at the peasants and told them "get tested" and all their bullshit. They are all liars.

Citric acid from lemons and limes kills viruses says EPA. So why do HELLth department$ demand like a school bully to use pHARMful chemical$? You get one gue$$. Now we can't simply wash our hands with soap and water without being bombed with chemicals, they put virus insecticides in them now. They DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH.

They are standing in line to be penetrated by modern a medi sin, they watch a guy being carried out on a stretcher, do they stand in line or turn and walk away and go home free of their injection of chemical waste products? People died from warp speed has admitted he made a mistake? Hell no. Does the MAGA/CULT turn away? Of course not, cults do what cults do. Here's one of the cult leaders in the John Kerry air worship cult babbling nonsense. He is concerned about e-missions. Emissions are about selling eproducts that in order to make eeverything robust ERRth based fuels have to be consumed at 4x normal in order to save the portfolio.

Electric cars, trucks, bicycles are going to all be in the trash heaps in 7 years or so, some even sooner. Fewer parts standardized. An old bicycle has standard parts, interchangeable quite often, they last decades. Even bicycles 100 years old are more environmentally friendly. Electric bikes are planned junk heaps. Even at a few years old electric bikes starts getting hard to find parts.

Amazing discovery CO2 spray for your home. Cleans the air with carbon. 3/7/24 @ 4:21 am pt

Iran mountains sheep herding

Vehicles deluged by massive boulder falls in Peru

Russia celebrates world youth festival 180 countries partcipate, some disinclude themselves such as the Unintact States of America and a few others only sellegrate on nerves with their dismismal fake inclusion policies.

Centered Dis-ease Conniving (CDC) is not interested in whole body consideration in their quest for world domination that only considers approaches of penetration. Feed your fear get tested with junk science.

Trump comes in acting like Superman, tells you to wear amulets of Kryptonite for your health

David Knight show 3/6/2024 CDC is now in the relax all the HIV guidelines moving at warp speed to control indoor air by poisoining it with remanufactured chemical waste

Kary Mullis woke my ass up big time. He invented the testing. He said it doesn't work. He said it can't find a virus. TV said "I can't hear you"

For Every $1 pHarma Gave Trump They Got $2,000 Taxpayer Dollars how do you become a multi milionaire in a year making $200 per year?

pHarma's criminal past

Someone did the math. Mass calculations by NASA does not compute. This guy should send a bill for 66.666 billion dollars to the government as it saves us from spending that next year to fund these liars in the mind space program.

After what Trump the patsy swamp creature did to the world to lay groundwork with executive order in September 2019 to start the fake-a-demic fraud you have to be an idiot to follow along in his marketing cult. David Knight explains.

Equally as stupid is Bill Maher the sometimes funny comedian. Tim Pool laughs as Bill makes fool of himself and exposes his poor research and understanding of comedy. Prosobic made a joke about Trump making a joke and it exposes the overall stupidity of the Democrats overall just brilliantly which Tim even says he's jealous of the brilliance. It's a great critique. ROFL more funny on top of funny. Maher for 40 years put the WHO on a pedastal which with himself and all the Democrats set the stage for 2020 hindsight watching the world be shut the hell down to hunt and avoid dangerous unicorns to the point of blocking oxygen for their HELLth and then waiting in long lines for their penetration by modern a medi sin from their therapist. It proves they are all insane or idiots led by the nose of television brainwashing. Maher is real close to 70 years OLLLLLLLD. Past prime comedy talent and most certainly not one to listen to regarding anything HELLth as the public is tar and feathered by HELLth departments and pHarma penetrants.

We reject definitions by any historal ignorance of context that ignores The Holocaust of baby man's sacred God given body parts and only favors those definitions that fit methods of deceit and religious fanaticism that causes proven calculable with absolute measure physical harm. We accept definitions of words that are not contradictory to logic as anything less is being used to manipulate masses of people.

Listen to CDC director babble viral nonsense as they daily shred the memos that clue them in to there being absolutely no virus causation of anything, proven in court by Dr. Stefan Lanka years ago, covered repeatedly by Sam & Mark Bailey, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and many others. Thus with no cause being a dangerous unicorn all penetrations are not needed except for portfolio$.

CDC is a vaccine company says RFK Jr.

Bureaucracy rats. Bureaucrats. Democracy rats. Democrats.

Say 6 million lies over and over again and expect a same result

Were indians ever homeless?

Pour Catsup on the Screw You World Order with Damon Imani and eat it

Sellebreties are puss pushers Got Milk Puss??

Howz this for a way to save the planet

Men pretending to be women keep winning in women's sports

Transgenic beef, milk, beets, lettuce to be made with transexual body parts? Modern a medi sin keeps raping everything it can.

Head of drug you company was also involved in 9/11 summit on biological defense pandemic flu scam starts April 2019 Alex declares the fake demic David Knight explains lab leak is a fraud they are computer printouts, there are no viruses everything virus is sorcery

Supreme court unanimously decides Trump can not be banned from ballot

Congress REP says Guam could tip over, he's kidding, the internet thinks he's an idiot

If you beeelieve this junk news fed to you by the HIV I can't help you

Democrats routinely WASTE/ENERGY on theatrics

 wind farms are movie sets making the producers rich

Desert Island of Palm Springs seen providing plentiful handicapped energy parking spaces for white colonists to get some sun thus presenting illusions of powering the world with clean energy they are entertaining and putting on an act

and like on Gilligan's Isle these white colonists are trying to get back to where they belong, on the Sun, to cleanly stop deceiving us, so enjoy the show or some I M O V I E S  today's date and weather found here and install elements of i N T E R N E T M A T T E R "tune in to what matters"

Clean energy freaks in governing plan to install wind farm on top of nuclear submarine and force removal of it's reliable energy source favoring that of disabled energy. Temp jobs. Permanent disabled parking. Relies 100% on fossil fuels to function at all. The only jobs these ever create is con jobs. There is no such thing as a wind or solar 'farm'. There is only an ugly inaccessible disgusting to look at industrial site that wastes energy and ruins the environment. The revolt against disabled parking spaces for camouflage energy starts here.

Saturn is a reflection of ERRth and the rings an energy of plasma field trip. The Moon is not a reflection of ERRth rather a reflection of the bigger universe. 3/4/2024 6:04 pm pt


We can accurately say the ERRth is flat as it's a dot on the Moon. The universal plane is what's infinite not space.

The bigger universe of mass is what is round. We live ON the universe not IN.

We live on a ball but not a marble.

ERRth is curved but only at a mere ..........................................666th of what you were told. 3/5/2024 5:22 am pt


Woman scolds San Diego County board of supervisors, a very rich county, for kicking out flood victims to instead make room for illegal invaders. This is the same county that kept declaring fake emergencies, to push invasions of penetration of chemical waste into the people of that county by Gary powered by therapists money.

More believable than the official 9/11 narrative.

San Bernardino County rep. Jay Obernolte chairs the SST subcommittee oversight and investigations hearing on electric vehicle fires. Batteries are enveloped hard for water to get to them to put out, they put out the surrounding fires and this is why they reignite as water does not reach it. Fire chief Dan Munsey is introduced in this hearing to speak on these dangers. California fire prone, I think these things are a danger and should be banned. Also talks with an AM show about tailpipe plan nonsense. If these obsessive clean freaks were genuine they would seek to mandate horses. And wait for it, at the end there's an incredible innovative idea. listen in

In depth analysis of who owns free speech by Amazing Polly.

LA Times and Sacramento Bee long standing news papers join in on the Newsom bashing for his carving out a minimum wage preference for those businesses that bake bread. They could see the rather mild favoritism there. Where were they when PAN was having a field day when he declared a fake emergency and told everyone the dangerous unicorn was going to get them? They were with the HELLth department goons and their bo$$es at pig pHARMa pushing all that crap. Quickly donned Paneragate (like Watergate) no one could care that it helps stimulate health to reward restaurants who bake their own FRESH bread. Funny they didn't call it Subwaygate, they bake their own bread too. You see viruses get all the attention because people are easily hustled in that arena of things they can't see and hustlers that push that fake virus narrative have all the cash to throw around to bribe public officials and everyone that can help spread the news that a dangerous unicorn just came to the West from China of all places.

PAN ERA BREAD something is very fishy here. Pan is the god of mischief and debauchery. Pandemics are mischievous endeavors to get you to submit to medi cults debauchery.

Why does everything now have to be gay? Tranny formed the stairs rainbow puke. These are more dangerous to walk on more likely to slip and fall KACHING. The rainblow flag stands for drug dealers who killed my friends with their rat poisons. I never wave that sickinging piece of crap. "Hit Hard Hit Early" was especially deadly using their rat poisons, not one of my friends survived. Rainbow organizations all make money from these killer drug companies.

So while CON gress is all in on protecting all sexual expressives congress still does nothing to stop child abuse by hospitals and doctors done to innocent baby men who have a big part of their full sexual expression amputated away from them shortly after being "welcomed" into this world, turning their sexual life from the point that scissors guy comes in to take a big part of this sexual expression from him, making him transexual by cutting off half his dick skin and doing who knows what with it, making his sex life of pleasure from that day on into lifetime become a silent film instead of color.

Does stuffing a sock in your mouth cause myocarditis? Dr. McSpikey never asks that question, he's got vitamins to peddle. It would interfere with proper breathing. So why does everyone keep blaming the devilish penetration and not the details of godly suffocation masks to avoid dangerous uincorns floating in the air that could poke and kill everyone with their horns. Notice the military stuffed socks in their mouths to be safe, oh my error, that's a tent in camouflage not a sock placed over their breathing apparatus to cut down oxygen supply. So hellthy. Actually the science says more air gets into your lungs if you have a sock in your mouth. How is it that anyone could be duped into going along with this scam? I think it's too much dependence on TV after all Kovid set the stage in March 2019 one year ahead of schedule. Everyone ran to their sets when this fraud started and thus penetrated with modern a medi sin's lies. It was a setup.


So here we have injections and sprays of chemicals and less oxygen for our hellth and we think this is smart. Since dangerous unicorns are so dangerous are we really that stupid to believe that viruses are real? They have never been proven to exist. It's all a hustle. We live in a virus free world. Time to rethink these wars and the entire approach to fighting dangerous unicorns. It's a start. To kill these illusions chemical fumigation typically reserved for fighting real bugs but starting 2020 it was sprayed in all indoor spaces thus cutting oxygen supply down exponentially. By the time the vaccines arrived over a year later all warped and such people were forced to work indoors while basically the house was tented for termites for OVER A YEAR. Then when we get sick we go to hospitals that use more chemicals in pills and more penetrations and we are lucky to get out of there alive. The entire idea of an exponentially tiny invisible critter of the imagination having such super powers to destroy a man that is 777 trillion million zillion times bigger is illogical and illusiory and so not at all scientific process. We are being conned by those who would rather we not even exist. They treat us like bugs. To use pesticides constantly while breathing in the fumes is really stupid or just following orders which when it comes to noticing how it affects your life is stupid or part of some bizarre cult.

Project Next Gen Erator of Endless Streams Of Cash (PNGEESOC) notice how they always show microscopes, these NEVER find viruses. Also the turkey basting, no virus there either. Viruses have never been proven to exist. Next they plan to have you inhale your vaccines made of China's factory chemical waste. Kaching.


Therapeutics? The-rape-u-tics. What's in a name?

Billions awarded in grants to the biotech companies to find new ways to study, prevent, treat, go to war with dangerous unicorns. The science is all HIV. The Hustle In Virology continue$. Indian Tribes never had homeless problems because they had smaller governments and worked with their own healers instead of medi sin men in pHarma. They did not have inflation, they had reliable energy, took care of the ERRth on it's flat axis.

HIV also doesn't tell you nor study about the flu season as it relates to what happens when your body's furnace flue is stuck and the fuels burned or the fuels that just get tossed around. The science presented by the HIV does not tell you about how the oils in your food supply change with the seasons. Look at the back labels of your coffee creamer. It says that it either has cotton seed oil, canola oil, soybean oil or motor oil. Those all have different properties. Motor oil is not actually in coffee creamer or is it? Look up the properties of high oleic oils. They are like motor oil. They are highly processed. They are not healthy and gunk up your system. They are in everything, snack foods, everything processed. The virus hunter that never once saw a virus in action in any cell never looks at these CAUSES OF DISEASE. Does not fit their busine$$ model which the best one was Kovid, 2019, March, Project Runway, wearing a plaid air filter that was for a fashion statement, the science laughed, it said "you don't put an air filter on both the exhaust and intake and expect it to function". 

 This is in the SPACE of your computer screen. Traveling in SPACE between the cracks of the warped mind. Stationed in the ozone layers of hustle.

In compuer code a JAVASCRIPT variable is a container, it is not like tupperware. In virology
isolation is whatever story the scientist feels like telling us. Varied scientists may or may not agree on all the details but the Devil is always there. Their science is not actually isolating anything as we would think like isolating a sheet of paper from the container called "trash" when you decide it is no longer called trash as it is a bill you need to pay that fell into the container. In virology they always bill you and it costs you massive sums, causing inflation and never ending printing of money, even though they never isolate any threat they call "virus" to prove it actually exists. The science fiction they use is so bad it's not even coming close, instead they do the opposite, they mix more stuff in a blender, including chemicals that cause reactions, then pour it out, say "Look ma there's a virus" laughing as they spill it all over the kitchen lab floor. The cleaning crew comes and mops it up. Then they go to their computer, spit out some code on that container, tell you it's mapped the genomes and sequenced each and every part, into the billions of pieces available, and thus wala, they have an isolated sheet of paper that belongs in the container called trash. When that printout either on paper or on a disc or through the internet, leaves the lab, they call this "escaped from the lab" or a "lab leak". Politicians are clueless so they just do as they are told by these Hustlers In Virology (HIV).

In 1929 Lily tested vaccines containing mercury a known poison on 27 people all who had meningitis and all died of meningitis. There's no testing since the 1930's. Do drug dealers care? Congress is well aware of this Horseshit In Virology (HIV) and they were first in line to push the latest round of penetrations, they are all in this HIV together. Mode rna medi sins make fake diagnosis of healthy people with fake claims they are "infected" with a pathogen also known as a "pathological liar generator" so when you think about it, the quickest route to infection is by your ears.

America's best doctorate of conniving insinserity admits that the Kovid penetration does not work to stop runaway misrespiration. Suggests trying new vaccines of course, that's his model. Americans rush to their TV's to get the latest scam in medi sin for their HELLth. The HIV will claim they can beam down Scotty to patches that will be their saviors from what they create by eating processed crap for food. The HIV said it themselves in 2019.

 Traffic stops are inherently dangerous, why does government insist people take such risks? Video compilation shows smashes on the highways and commentary. Maybe people should be told to only stop in parking lots off the highway? Ramp up the safety campaign maybe. World leaders spent trillions of your dollars chasing dangerous unicorns in that war on the invisible, even going to such extremes as making people STOP where ever they were, insisted on 6.666 feet distance for fake safety, to avoid lightly floating fake viruses, here we are talking about real dangers from real massive speeding, thousands of pound objects zooming right by you within that 6.666 foot distance! That money could have been put to multiple much-better uses like for these safety messages on TV and billboards instead of those cartoons showing Bumble Ball spiked nonsense of floaty nothings in the air and methods of penetration. I would never stop on the highway like this. I would get off an exit find a calm traffic free zone for SAFETY/FIRST! Condoms are not a substitute.

Now there's another cause of AIDS? Claim made by "top scientist". When I hear that term what I see is a man standing a mountain of scientific papers that's as high as Mount Everest, claiming that he read them all, that he built the pile of papers himself, and is in touch with the villagers needs on the other side of the world, in other words, about as helpful as any jackass would be helpful hauling a ship across an ocean. More click bait. Viruses do not exist. All science based on what is imaginary is junk. AIDS is junk science already for 40 years caused by Horseshit In Virology (HIV). Now the claim is Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. We don't even have Immune Systems we only have response systems. Immunity only belongs to the legal departments of vaccine companies. No matter what their product does to people to harm them with China's chemical waste penetrating their skin they are immune. AIDS was always caused by many things not one imaginary particle of nothing. It's merely a syndrome. Syndromes have multiple causes of no absolute specificity. In the 1980's they listed about 68 different health problems (diseases) under that umbrella which all had different causes, then they sometimes blamed them all on one virus never proven real, and other times what caused them prior, it is and was the most schitzophrenic form of medi SIN ever. It's like "the science" as they call it grouped 68 people on the side of a mountain, saying it's safe to be there. Then "the science" claims that one of those 68 or more is responsible for all their deaths and then "the science" claims it knew Mount Saint Helens during that period of time was ready to explode any minute (accurate science based on real things) and spew lava and melt snow and kill many people in the way while "the science" also said it's safe to be there. The science is so full of itself.

Many wind turbines feed Canadian pensions of those who wear turbans

Proud collector of firewood


Don't ski near ski lifts

Guy uses ladder like stilts

If you support Trump....

This is basically what drug companies do to you when they stop at the saloon for a drink.

Elderly woman shares how the city of Lakewood in the state of Colorado in the Unintact States of America that has a history of cutting off necessary things such as body parts on baby men cannot afford to keep supporting the illegal invaders and how now in her retirement she has to shop at Goodwill

Virology is a cult. It believes in things never proven to exist. It heavy handedly insists it is the way the truth and the life and that no one has salvation in any other way than following it's belief systems and penetrants. Many of these believers are not even on the same boat they are on the same space ships lost at that.

In the 1970's the 1920's and every decade there were the doomsdaysayers that claimed all the telephones would go out and it would be the start of another war. Now a daze they claim "in 2 months the internet will go out and it will be start of another civil war". All nonsense to Get Attention Yours (GAY). It's all GAY.

Some people live under the poverty line. They have to listen to billionaires boast of their so called suck sess. Others live under the CRUSHING WEIGHT of the poverty line. They don't even get a chance to hear these high horse full of themselves billionaire$ babble on about how great they are. One that irks me is that Kevin O'Leary who got mad at New York City and threatens to do business in Oklahoma instead. Go do business on Mars. Go away.

Fires in Texas - compare size of southern California regions.

1684 square miles burned

check National Fire Situational Awareness page here

Larger than the Salton Sea, as if it stretched from Los Angeles to Indio
or even from Santa Barbara to Palm Springs

No this is not caused by participating in climate cults, that causes stupidity, where one hops on that bandwagon whenever there is weather or fires they all yell around each curve ahead "it's caused by carbon blankets" which don't exist.

Beware the hustlers of "climate change" that never explain what atmospheric change over years as does the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

During normal conditions in the Pacific ocean, trade winds blow west along the equator, taking warm water from South America towards Asia. To replace that warm water, cold water rises from the depths — a process called upwelling. El Niño and La Niña are two opposing climate patterns that break these normal conditions. Scientists call these phenomena the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle. El Niño and La Niña can both have global impacts on weather, wildfires, ecosystems, and economies. Episodes of El Niño and La Niña typically last nine to 12 months, but can sometimes last for years. El Niño and La Niña events occur every two to seven years, on average, but they don’t occur on a regular schedule. Generally, El Niño occurs more frequently than La Niña.

We are now in El Niño

Anyone telling you we need more industrial electric windmills to solve this "problem" of weather change patterns that cannot be changed is a hustler.

Putin says we need to unite and make billions of lives better. I haven't heard that yet from the NIH or any politician. Putin should be President Of The - United - Countries Of Planet Earth (POT-U-COPE) as always the Unintact States of America (USA) was first in line to be dis-mis-mal-inclusive.

Why do people fight for other ethnic groups instead of their own? Because they get sucked into the belief that if they don't they will be sent to HELLth care, thrown off the wagon and under the e-bus that just exploded and caught it's battery fire, or be labeled undesigner jeans.

Virology sees this and thinks it's a monster. It's a dinosaur. Actually it's a representation only, of an artifact. It is not real. It may appear real but it is not real. Similarly in virology what they see as monsters is not real.

VIROLOGY is such a liar it woun't even admit that dinosaurs are dangerous unicorns nor will it admit that viruses are dangerous dinosaurs. Artifactology will tell you dinosaurs are extinct and correct you if you start looking for dinosaurs and start wildly claiming that the artifacts you discover are living things. In virology they look at artifacts and artists renderings then make a movie out of it to entertain you like a horror flick. It's terrific story telling. It's so well produced most of the people keep thinking it's all real. They tell people they found living dinosaurs and witches in the forest. Their junk science is so bad it keeps saying extinct viruses are living things to sell you proper penetration, some call this rape, others call it vaccines. There are those who puch this rape on the public even going as far as to purposely create a panic so they can sell you their wares. Touch the red checkmark to see them speak about this scam of theirs plotting away.....

Not one of these beings on stage are my doctor I don't listen to anything any of them have to say I flush it all down the toilet along with all the other shit my body gets tired of dealing with. Long ago I figured this out, if dangerous unicorns existed they would be processed out like a common cold. Check the toilet every day, it's in there if it exists and it's disposed of. No fear. No retarded protocols of avoiding the air. Just avoid hustlers and politicians that use you.

We might know dinosaurs WERE real but they are not currently real. Virology is a lot like this, it looks at ARTIFACTS and makes wild claims and speculates without absolute proof of anything about what the artifacts did when they were "alive". They never see them in action "in a cell" ever. They make up stories, act as if it's real. They create cartoons. If the science was honest it would call them ARTICLAIMS or simply just DEAD/ART. Many good doctors of science have pulled this whole Hustle In Virology (HIV) apart like a frog dissected in science class to show that virology is a dead science like with fake viruses it's only living because we see mouths move telling us things. Even snakes won't buy their snake oil.

Now the fraudsters call it the flu. So we allowed these Hustlers In Virology (HIV) treat us so well over the flu. We said it was rebranded flu on day #1 of this fraud. David Knight speaks about the science's flip flops 3/2/2024 and mrnalbgbqwerty+2 vaccine being determined after sucking ten trillion of your dollars to be no good. How many times is the public going to keep falling for these same vaccine scams and expect a different result.

Everyone ignores the airephant in the room.

Do stars exist?

Buzz Aldrin said they saw stars in the telescope. Two other astronomy men were also asked if they saw stars on the moon, one said no, one said he didn't remember, then here Buzz said no. Middle man on the panel talks about gravity notice his smile and laugh. This is obvious signs of acting 3 minutes in saying that they found their work within the lower gravity was enjoyable obviously recalling being pulled up and playing around on the movie set with wires. Notice astronomy man #3 laugh at 6 min when #2 explains lowering cameras down ladder "with what could be described as clothesline", why is that funny? It's only funny in the context of it all being a hoax and they all know it. Comedy is completely dependent on CONTEXT**.

watch this press hustle here by touching any one of the astronomy men's growing noses

Astronomy man #2 mentions at 6 min that immediately to his right was a 6 foot deep crater. I don't recall seeing a 6 foot crater when I was on the moon nor in the official cartoons they presented and #3 is distracted by something to his left oddly. Then the audience roars in laughter at something that was happing off frame**. Then as they got back into character by 9 min they were all losing it again. They tried to read the script had hard time not smiling and laughing. So telling when we analyze this decades later. Watch more squirms as Buzz is explaining their interactions with gravity #2 and #3 trying to not burst out in laughter. 18 min #3 mentions "carrying this thing off" and laughter by audience and him is also telling watch him squirm, that's sign of knowing that he's really carrying off something! Says "we were closer to home than the .... might indicate". Yea home was a few miles away. #3 again smiles and smirks about "a line of craters is difficult to explain" that makes sense only in context of it's all make believe. #2 says they were in moon's shadow which was eclipsing the sun". Tried to capture event but "our film was not sufficient" wipes his nose, a sign of Pinnochio nose growing. Moon was not illuminated by the sun it was illuminated by the ERRth. 22 min #2 "we were sorry to see the moon go" then quick turn of #3 and smiles and smirks, indicating they never went it's all a big joke. 24 min questions from audience start. 27 min Buzz asked how it felt to step on moon, led into big release of pent up laughter for the fliers in fake space. This is what happens in acting when they have to act serious for a while and just can't hold back any longer they see an opportunity as Buzz made light by saying they realized they were in another world as they kept orbiting the moon. 28 min question about space program misplaced as a priority ignoring other pressing society needs, #2 has a big smile as he finishes answer. 29 min Buzz says "computer" was solving problem of landing, computing power those daze would take centuries to complete note all the figiting. 31 min tours and "what is most important advice for Apollo 12" asked by a French guy, #2 had very hard time answering seems to indicate having to improv really did not present one piece of advice as what was most important just said the plan was fine as it was. That's insane there would be at least one thing. 34 min Buzz says foot not on surface for long periods of time when walking that makes no sense if gravity is less the time the foot would remain on the ground would be more as they are walking slower so he just made that up. #3 is always writing doodling, diverts from bursting out in laughter, then when questions arize uses that opportunity to let it all out. 36 min astute audience question notices "hostile" look from distance and warmer colors on the surface (camera differences). They should not be so different. #3 responds the sun angles change it's character. Maybe. Then goes on to say differences at dawn and dusk. Wait just a minute there Pinocchio nose the moon dawn and dusk is over a 28 day period, it's like he's explaining the ERRth 24 hour cycle as being on the moon, were they there 28 days for one full dawn and dusk? Look out there dude you are going to poke someone in the audience with that thing. Says "midday the moon takes on a brown color almost becomes a rosy looking place". ROFL. Fidget central! 43 min question when you looked up at the sky did you actually see stars? #2 Armstrong says "we were never able to see stars from the moon or on the daylight side on the surface through the eye (points to his eyes) without looking through the optics" (what optics?) the eye is optics, did not recall earlier when filming (in capsule?) seeing stars, #3 says didn't see any, I guess Buzz did not answer as Armstrong cuts in before Buzz finishes the first answer so Buzz did not answer the audience person 2nd part about stars. 43 min question about dust look at their body language, expressions. When they returned they entered "quarantine" which offers suggestion that is part of the script that is used on ERRth to push drug injection$. At 52 min Buzz answers question about what it all means then finishes, it's quiet, all we hear is #3 doodling he's lost in doodle land. LOL. Audience roars. #3 so figity! Armstrong answers how much fuel left with "30 seconds or less" what are the chances of that. Seems to not have that on the top of his head, had to dig through things like an actor. Then says "that sounds like a short term but it's.....really quite a lot". ROFL. 55 min question from audience to #3 Collins about a "colorful expression" when there was "a problem with docking". 57 min Buzz does not recall his knees touching the surface at any particular time yet photos show distinct smudges. 58 min audio goes away for 2 minutes. August 12, 1969 the space theater landed on ERRth in it's premiere press performance. This video was not showing the accompanying pictures presented on stage left. This version contains added visuals that they were looking at and referring to. **This might provide CONTEXT. When on the moon Armstrong said temperatures were not high. Long version 37 min with pics, Buzz mentions cross sun lighting is different than down lighting. How long were they there? Lift off does it burn oxygen that is not on the moon fort location? It's rotating as if it's hanging from a cable. A space craft would not do this in "space" unless that space is......signal lost. 40 min look at craters, best explanation is aliens landing on moon and kicking up dust like is done on internet matter. There was a problem with corona! What are the chances they could see moon corona withease as they left the moon fort, one in a Pi chance? Seeing the corona was "most impressive" still did not see stars with their own eyes. ROFL. This shows at about 1 hr 5 min on long version. If you have ever been away from all the light pollution on ERRth you see bazillions of stars, like a carpet of them, there is no way in any moon fort they could not see them if they were floating around in space 200,000 miles from ERRth's light POLLUTION or if they were standing on "the moon" even in daylight as they present there is no atmosphere to get in the way like hello we never went to the.......signal lost.

In this next black & white presentation also from the 1960's of which black & white reflects glaringly how sex becomes like black & white instead of color after well paid hospital thugs cut off a huge section of a baby man's dick, sex changes from color to silent film, we see the space scientists showing off their instruments, a computer ROFL device that we notice at the top has a differential from an axle of a truck, acting as they all are acting to be a part of how this computer works in this science fiction presentation where we also see the astro-NOTS have trouble remembering seeing stars "on the moon".

Astronomy man or actor points pencil to a differential a word that has many uses in language. In a vehicle it allows wheels to turn at different speeds on  the same supporting axle. Think about how this might be applied to the sciences of "space". The science of presentations likes playing these games with the public turning at different speeds to present illusion$ that always lead to profits.

They don't even present the math right showing the angle/sextant as the craft is supposed to be circling the inset. Claim was made of superimposing the star on San Francisco. ROFL. The astronaut is said to and shown in diagram as seeing stars. Neil Armstrong said he did not even see planets let alone stars. Like virology and it's science of telling lies space science tells us that they look at stars to navigate but they don't see stars. Obviously another fraud.

Apollo moon fort made by 3rd grade class notice only kids can fit inside this and it's not suitable for trees only moons as we see even the feet are made of paper mache' gold foil lame' and PVC threaded couplings that broke when it was moved into place. This art project obviously went to the moon fort in in the astronauts garage or in a desert back yard at night. Keep in mind they fit a scaled down Jeep rover in this fort. ROFL.
ever wear an air conditioner on your back
and take it camping so you stay cool
WITH a car battery to power it for 5 minutes max?

movie makins is what's really cool!

speaking of going in circles

Wind energy provided 666 trillion NEG-a-watts in 2021 when Texas power grid failed because of this HANDICAPPED DISABLED CRAP WORTHESS ENERGY SCAM that came within minutes of causing the entire grid to shut down for months in the middle of winter. Juice The Series points out the serious flaw in relying on psychotic energy that goes ON and OFF when it wants to.

The threatened democracy of Ukraine suspends elections to make sure it keeps it's democracy going. We prefer representive republics like we see in the United States. Democrats keep erring by claiming the US is a democracy, no dear, it is a republic.

Farmers break through police roadblocks in Brussells Belgium, they farmers are protesting climate cult's demand$ that would put them out of business and do nothing to fix what is not broken.

What antibodies?

He spent 4 years learning that antibodies "make us immune". Then Gallo came along in the 1980's and flipped that science upside down with no evidence. Tom Cowan tells his story figuring out that "viruses" are dangerous unicorns. He's been a family doctor of 37 years then dumped that system of lie$. At about 18 min we hear about "no antibody specificity" and a neurology journal editor said he will not accept papers based on antibody specificity as "the whole thing is a fraud". Spike protein is a fraud. Everything virus is fraud.

History and another perspective on GLAAD questions what they actually stand for.

She won't participate in the loony lefts made up prolanguage. They obviously haven't even read a book.

Woman talks to a duck wearing a black beak.

"Mass Formation Psychosis" is another of endless new marketing constructs, in this case it shifts blame from the manipulators to those who become manipulated.

The world now has an abundance of Well Educated Idiots (WEI) we need more Less Educated Intelligents (LEI)

An0maly says Kid Rock "shit for brains" wants the Unintact States of America to massacre 10's of 1000's and presents a reasonable analysis. Comments on the stupidity of following certain people like those who recommended artificial genetics that even the CEO of Bayer was pleased about as a fake way to prevent disease. An0maly seems to be getting nastier to people he doesn't like. Trashed Tim Pool. Seems like he's flirting with jealousy and not being completely honest about his popularity. Put out request for consulting work. I think now that interest in the dangerous unicorn fraud has waned he's not getting the viewership taking rides as much. He's a nice guy but all these followers of religious unicorns are messed up. Unicorns be they of God, Jesus, Devils, 666's, particles of nothing that do nothing, or talk show hosts ratings do not exist so those who hold unicorns on high horses have some waking up to do. Ok you challenged me yet again, how about this, you believe God created everything, call in God right now to create a person, male or female, standing right next to you. Why can't you and God do it? Because there is no God. Only woman can create another person and it's a process based on physics and biology not God nor of Jesus as they are unicorns that keep poking you.

Progressive loons attempt to colonize small Alberta town with rainbow crosswalk. They do not care how distracting they are and how dangerous they are. They should all be banned for many reasons first is safety second is you can't allow one religious sect of rainbow sexists to permanently install their expressions of faith on public property without allowing all others to do the same and if you do allow all that it becomes chaotic and unworkable.

Defending kids from False Adentity Delusions Syndrome (FADS) a very good presentation on how to spot liars, they obfuscate, divert attention, and other things. A state like California land of fruits and nuts and avocados can cancel rights of parents that live in another state? Mental illness. Puberty blockers are poison. Hospitals make the horriffic painful bloody mutilation of foreskin, separating from the body, irreversable, depriving one of an essential private part. It's a sickness. It's abuse. When is congress going to stop this torture? Professions prefessing ignorance? Affirmitive care for LIES.

Once you go FLAT you never go back as you start to really see the world around you through the lens of internet matter and take off the marble colored glasses. What if it's the ERRth that is ever expansive in all directions infinitely and not space! I don't like this going in circles model any more. Notice how you feel if you place yourself in the center of your Flat World, not imagining spinning balls all over the place. See what I mean. It's more balanced. Feels solid. You are on a solid surface that is infinitely solid. Trust that that feeling now.


Disease X, Misease X, Malease X all coming soon to an internet theater box office near you! Seriously that's not all folks! They keep making up designer diseases made of the same fabric. It's like how Kovid appeared on the world's finest stage, TV, wearing plaid air filter to place over both the intake and exhaust which was fashionable but made no sense. There are no new diseases just new marketing hustles. For example the corona virus was claimed for decades to cause common colds as seen in the AMA dictionary 1989. We create colds we don't catch them. The flat ERRORthers need to get a grip of these COVID label designer genes were presented by the American Med I Sin Association as the common cold, for which by the way the science of that disco era stated was caused by an infinite array of viruses that were ever changing. How is it viruses always originate from either China, Spain, or Africa and not Jerusalem or Switzerland? The CHAYNAVIRUS says Trump.

Corona Viruses are the Common Cold accordingly to the American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine 1989 page 1051 and a hundred thousand other dead trees this was printed on "to make the world a better place"

Calling the common cold "covid" is like putting a designer label on jeans they are still jeans no matter how you brand it.

We live in a world free of viruses. We don't live in a world free of drama. 

 Red Cross like everything virus related speaks out of it's 8 sides of it's octopussy mouth saying contradictory things about covid blood now having it's antibodies wiped out so it won't accept gay blood (blood cells that have sex with homo blood cells) nor will it be inclusive with blood that was vaccine-ated equally. Gays have dealt with this Horseshit In Virology (HIV) for 40 years now and yet they still keep getting tested with Junk Science Amplification Devices (PCR). So what, was the covid injection a nuclear weapon and the body was Hiroshima? That's another lie it was carpet bombed. The science of everything virus and the carpet bombing of blood cells for health is all over the map and makes NO/SENSE. These hustlers tell us their artillary targets the cells. Drugs just slather themselves all over every cell, it doesn't target anything and we live in a world free of viruses so what are we going to war with? It's like they are telling us to have the hotel rooms clean for other guests it would have to be bulldozed. Our bodies have house keepers. They were called antibodies. Now they are called daily pills or monthy injections. It's insane.

Unintact States of America (USA) keeps sending billions to rich country instead of sending it to itself to fix homelessness.

On California's "clean energy" the real problem is "dirty politics"
Van Snyder states on the internet: When Mitsubishi Heavy Industries sold Southern California Edison a defective steam generator for the San Onofre Nuclear Generating station, SCE decided to shut it down instead of bringing a lawsuit. Senator Barbara Boxer almost broke her arm patting herself on the back for her rôle in it. Then she had a hissy fit when SCE asked the PUC for an 18% rate increase to buy coal-fired electricity from the Navajo. Jerry Brown bragged that California CO2 emissions had been reduced. Is "leaking" emission to the Grand Canyon actually a reduction?

btw Navajo Nation sells a lot of coal to CHINA as one tribal hand appears to be washing another political hand and we have so much applause now as the state of Arizona shut down the EFFICIENT ENERGY coal plant for the US citizens there near the Little Grand Canyon to install DISABLED ENERGY of wind and solar farms are an environmental disaster. What you don't see in the pretty TV ads and marketing brochures is that they run on oil, massive machinery generators, wiring, plastics, everything made using fossil fuels, and will be tripleing the needs for new landfills besided them being landfills themselves, and endless supplies of GARBAGE PARTS at end of use cycles that instead of promised 20 years or more are around 10 years all built using your money. Look at all the electric companies that came in to install power lines and poles for the Navajo Nation residents FOR FREE using your money. Navajo Nation owns all the mineral rights of their massive amounts of land where the Navajo Tribes sell the coal all around the world including to China. These companies that you subsidize if you are a US rate payer do not install power poles for Chevelon Canyon properties for free, or wherever you live, an area where your subsidied tax dollars are feeding corporate wind and solar disabled energy PORTFOLIOS for the rich all around the world. learn more

Hopi and Navajo tribes in Arizona push for seat at the table for all water projects such as water based electric power and the dams that would create a reliable and constant water supply for many sacred people downstream as they cite sacred lands as if those are more important than other colonizers besides themselves. There are many PROPOSED hydro projects that include the scam of pumped hydro energy storage that diverts ground water and wastes energy that concern them rightfully so. 4 new dams planned on Little Colorado River MAY SAVE millions of lives. Indian tribes have a devotion to the Earth where as colonists worship electricity so they can go online or at church to worship their god and dress in all the necessary attire made with electricity and all the fuels needed in the industrial revolution that keeps going in circles just like those spinning propellers of nonsense about wind and solar being different while not being different as in HANDICAPPED ENERGY PARKING LOTS.

Electric car made in the 1970's AMC Pacer never caught on and there is a good reason for that despite it's stunning air-o-dynamic design and these cars in clean efficient reliable power house gas version are incredibly hard to find vintage rarities.

Beyond Pathetic (BP) British Petroleum lost $1b in wind power and just flipped from cutting oil by 40% to increasing it

Speaking of dynamics The Man After The Moon notices the reflection of the studio's SQUARE lighting, not that of the sun, as foil was easier to work with on ERRth and less messy than glitter which would have hidden the studio lighting better

ignore that the surface of the moon lit by "the sun" in this image does not appear as you see the moon in the sky as WHITE at night

Gold foil lam'e was a nice touch on this NASA funded arts project made for a 3rd grade science class 1969 years after Jesus had part of his dick removed by experts in crucifying body parts* and ideas that make sense. "One of the most famous prepuces arrived in Antwerp in Brabant in 1100 as a gift from King Baldwin I of Jerusalem, who purchased it in the Holy Land during the First Crusade."

Immediately the DIRECTOR said CUT!

THEN/NASA then presented it to the world as landing on moon's TV studio - then in 2024 the head space administration yet again went to the movie set to present the same nonsense fakery expecting a different result as seen on TV again and again as if it was real and like Jim Carey pointed out on The Tonight Show "and they bought it" before the director said "CUT!"

Wait, what was done with each and every one of those 666,666,666 foreskins CUT the fuck off?????

pFake news presents us this official pFoto of the latest con game shoppe. Notice the SQUARE sun reflection. That would indicate studio lighting. Another telling visual is the fake moon in the background, it's obviously an OLD photo of fakery from decades ago. If this was real the moon would look like a satellite ball-oon image as we see on Google maps, clear, precise, not fuzz. Paleeze. The bubble wrap hides the square studio lighting better as we can see here here. Notice how the solar panel is reflecting blue sky and whispy clouds. Also notice the blue sky on the foil covered curtain rods. I hear NASA's explanation is this was done in a blue room a computer glitch.

Who buys this horseshit. It's a space craft they say, it takes up SPACE in a room somewhere. I call it a studio craft or a 3rd grade craft. GOLD FOIL in space ROFL imagine hopping on an air craft here on ERRth that looks like this nursery school science project. Compare to SMOOTH and AIR-O-DYNAMIC jets made by exceptional real engineers who get ABSOLUTE results. Even cars would not be made this way. This is why the Tesla actually did make it to the circular reasoning. What a carnival ride.

Message just in from the craft itself and the aliens that boarded it to help the USA navigate it better using their smart technology though they weren't all that helpful as it landed on Itzide. They report that the moon is not clear because the camera is focused close and it's just from an old cell phone after the directors said "CUT costs!". OK aliens, tell me then why is the moon so friggin dark. The Studio Square Sun (SSS) is lighting up the paper mache' moon. It should be white just like we see a full moon or at least as bright as looking at the Sahara Desert. There's other anomalies such as the lighting is coming from one angle, but the moon mache has different shadow angles. In the gold foil there's a dark reflection and also lighter but this cannot be reflection of the moon mache. Obviously this is a test, of the Columbian American Who's Noticing What System (CAWNWS). One solar panel? That charges the cell phone which of course was "damaged" when it hit the moon on landing at 6 mph warp speed so we will never get any photos of the "moon" still this was a success as it added to the pile of distractions and intertainment adventures to keep our minds occupied and cash cows from farting and ruining everything. Our art department gives this performance 4 stars out of 100.666

Yea sometimes we saw those wires on Betwitched too, didn't stop us from enjoying the show

Why get this one?

Although Robin Windsor's death on February 20, 2024 at age 44 was claimed by vaccine blameists to be due to the spike glitter his dance partner stated this was "an absolute tragedy he felt there was no way out" indicating something else may have been part of his dance out of this lovely world of ours of which he and so many others around us are such a wonderful part. The sad part is that he too helped support HIV nonsense with charities that all push pHarma drugs that as happened in the daze of aids would routinely HARMa us as viruses have been proven IN COURT to not exist by Doctorate STEPHAN LANKA.

Senator Hawley is an example of how Republican's distort reality, as he questions the science of Mayorkas claims, he cites claim by one border agent we never met that "600 agents were taken off criminal cases to make sandwiches". No context, just that. There could be many good reasons for making sandwiches as a priority, like saving lives, maybe while in the field, if it was true, and temporary. I can't stand when these Republicrat liars in CONgress pull those stunts to try to create a sound clip they can disingenuously use in junk news broadcasts, while Democrans act like they are saints as if they are looking out for us. ModRN A. Med I Sin does this same stunt work all the time with it's lucrative self serving Dangerous Unicorn Hunting (DUH) agenda$.

Here's a mattress that puts you to sleep in seconds and puts the company in liability of financial harm like all products manufactured by companies when they have flaws. In this case notice how the way it's wrapped and then opened after delivery. This is not funny. Stop laughing.

There is an exemption though for harm from DRUG COMPANIES like pFizer which has the world's largest criminal fine in the billions, they have IMMUNITY. You don't have that as immunity is a marketing construct. We have response systems not immune systems.


STOP calling for the end of modeRN A. rape Med I Sin shots, if people want modeRN A. Med I Sin Sadism & Maschosism to rape them let them have it BUT ban this torture for kids, when they are adults they can decided and while at it how about banning DIRECTORS from saying "CUT!" as they head for the foreskin that covers the head to protect it.

START calling for the end of NO LIABILITY OF FINANCIAL HARM TO CORPORATIONS THAT MAKE NEVER TESTED, HARMFUL, JUNK SCIENCE VACCINE DRUGS laws, all based on lies about viruses that never use the proper scientific methods they use the marketing methods of sleasy sales departments. In the 1980's Ronald Reagan, savior, signed laws that congress got conned into, to protect DRUG companies and financial market's portfolios, not the public from harm, so they could never go bankrupt for pHARMing people no matter how much they pHARMed. It all evolved after the lie called HIV took hold in everyone's consciousness and the gay mismalhyperprooveractivists would not stop screaming (you really had to be there in the 1980's to realize just how bad the screaming was). This is why the rainbow flag to many represents harm and is not something I nor many people embrace as it has always embraced and always been inclusive of holding up on high drug manufacturers that are responsible for killing my friends with rat poison AZT/AIDS drugs.

If rats "carried disease" then why does no one get sick at the rat infested temple 300 miles away from town in the desert of India that honors and worships rats as spirtual beings having come back to earth to save us from Jesus and religious dick hacking rituals? It's no wonder why Jesus never returned when you read about scissors guy in other temples. So were all the rats vaccinated with the 100 shots required on schedule to go to rat school? The science clearly shows that those who worship rats are protected from dangerous unicorns. Watch the guy drink from the same bowl of milk.

Rats don't carry disease they only carry syringes of chemical brews.

"Which side am I on?" asks Peggy Hall "You tell me!"

Mosquitoes also don't carry disease, they carry dangerous unicorns but those ride on the mosquitoes backs, and embed themselves in human beings imaginations, they are not riding inside mosquitoes blood sucking syringes, that suck suck suck blood, not inject junk science as if they are vaccines. If viruses were real mosquitoes would not be injecting them into you, which leads us to questioning why well funded agencies in the Palm Springs section of ERRth don't tell us this, they keep perpetuating the lies that there's something so small it fits in a mosquito syringe and even though the mosquito sucks blood somehow the virus defies physics and flows the opposite direction, it's pretty stupid and thus we have to question why this lie about mosquitoes as "carriers of dangerous unicorns" keeps being spread, is it stupidity or is it money or both or some other phenomena?

For clarity let's ask the man on the moon as NASA just sent another fake arts and crafts project there in the year 2024 after Jesus gave up his foreskin so that you wouldn't have to after the internet has been screaming about their lies for years now, take a look for the gold lame' clearly seen on the fake craft Apollo project with it's paper mache, and no/tice no photos were sent back to ERRth yet as apparently the cell phone fell off the outside of the craft and was hit by the Tesla car that orbits the moon, smashing it into bits, now it's just more space junk imaginary nonsense that people keep belieeeeeving, a phone cam which was held there using duct tape falling off during entry into the moon's atmosphere which like viruses also does not exist. Proof of this was found using the Pharma Portfolio Draining Science (PPDS) that keeps showing us we already live in a world free of viruses while repeatedly all these organization$$$ keep throwing out the memos for some rea$$$$on.

OMG FINALLY someone made the internet work properly sideways but then they immediately go and break it with log in requirements as they present articles about places dropping facial recognition requirements. So the internet concludes they/he/her/wow are hypocrites just like the religions of the flat ERRth, the internet keeps inherently requiring recognition of everything so it too is a hypocrite just like how the gays blamed Jerry Falwell who stole Jim & Tammy's empire by equal trickery as the tricksters acclaim trickery equality.

The Real Smart Eric Dubay pointed out the Laughable Lunar Lander (LLL) once upon a time of waking up to the lie$ all around us. Thing is all the money being stolen from the public to present fake space travel is not a joke as we look around us here on ERRth and see so many better uses of OUR MONEY than building rockets that travel to the Bermuda Triangle, falling there into the ocean SPACE that's off limites "to be safe" as we all know that triangle is a vortex that sucks in aircraft, because the TV told us so, entertaining us all the way then they cut to the studio created fake space CGI movies.


Installing solar and wind capacity is the buzz and the scam to get you to part with your green $$$ energy in nefarious Enron 2.0666 evil ways. This is like adding more capacity to Chernobyl the nuclear meltdown power plant in Russia during war. It's like adding more capacity of homes to Love Canal an area in Niagara Falls that was condemned due to chemical waste. It's like adding more capacity on an AMC Pacer installing 10 more fuel tanks so "it will get you from Los Angeles to New York without having to stop for gas along the way" but then it can't even drive down the street one block because it's now so heavy and the motor does not have the strength to push it.


 Coachella Valley Mosquito Vector Control District agenda items

on 2/13/24 maximum $138,000 expenditure for arial drones to help control dangerous unicorns and no more than $2000 for a biologist to attend American Mosquito Control Association Annual Conference March 3-8, 2024 and there's also an interesting letter from the public as part of this 103 page agenda packet



on page 42 they claim there are "infectious mosquitoes" with a forecast like predicting the weather and climate change and promises made by politicians that change like the weather


NOTE: West Nile Virus has never been proven to exist using proper scientific method reference BIOSTATISTICIAN Christine Massey's work here

ALSONOTE: If viruses were real then HIV would have been carried by mosquitoes as well. They wouldn't need to have sex with you to spread it all they'd have to do is fuck you with their needles according to "the science" like how pHARMa does so spread it's lies.

On page 46 mention was made of their "medical entomologist" leaving job and the replacement, a "lab assistant" not fully trained "to achieve laboratory and biosafety proficiency for all project components" and that the district analyses mosquito poop (excrement) labeled "excreta" so what are they presenting here, is there dangerous unicorns in the poop? If so then why does the science not conclude that these critters are not a threat as the body eliminates what it does not need when there are not roadblocks like those caused by Gulp Oil Spills?


on page 47 they show some of the processes as in a flow chart, notice the many COMPUTERS used, this is what is called "in silico" sequencing which is junk science that does not absolutely prove any "virus" exists (see report about these machines used to mislead the public here) note the word INTERPRETATIONS which are like trying to interpret what Martians are telling us when they land on Earth, the Hustlers In Virology (HIV) will insist their interpretations are accurate but there is no "gold standard" by which to measure and compare, their science is like explaining what Martians look like when they have never been seen nor quantified, ever.

on page 48 they present how they set sugar and poison "house fly" bait traps near crops. FDA allows a certain amount of bugs to be in foods. That means baited flies are in our foods and those poisons. This may be minimal amounts. Why are they baiting house flies? Are they carrying dangerous unicorns as well as mosquitoes?


In the discussion and conclusion the boric acid did not work, which surprised them. Notice "in the lab" they survived the bait and in the wild natural environment they were thought would be too "drunk" on the bait to be able to accomplish "host-seeking behaviors" and there is a big unknown in "the science" as is often the case there are usually MANY unknowns that like with proving viruses actually exist continue to be unknown thus the non-junk science would conclude that there is no proof just assertions about virus behavior regardless what can be proven or not regarding "vectors" that would by the way include WIND and air flow everywhere which carries such dangerous unicorns everywhere more than any mosquito could.

Also note, the "host-seeking" behavior of a mosquito is code for drilling into humans and sucking their blood, but if these were in deed "vectors" for viruses that have never been proven to exist by proper scientific method, then there is a problem in claiming such transmission as when they drill for blood, they are NOT INJECTING VIRUSES, they are sucking blood. To be clear, ask for proof by these agencies where the evidence is of any virus being on the mosquito knitting needle. There is no virus on the outside of it's drilling needle or on it's tip as for one viruses have never been proven to exist, and for two, they keep presenting this false notion that mosquitoes inject viruses into people when all they do is suck blood so the paradigm is a fraud. We might also look into the suggestion of using ATSB*, it's costs, patents, who's really making big money off that, and it's toxic effects on air, water, the body, etc. and exactly what the toxin is that is added to this bait that apparently doesn't work as in tended and how much was spent on all of this?

*Attractive Toxic Sugar Bait

Is this toxin getting on flowers and pollen? How do bees feel about being inTOXINATED this way?

Search results on term "ATSB virus" provided this

The science presented that the mosquitoes that suck vaccinated blood are dropping like flies, wonder why.

further study on dangerous unicorns found here at INTERNETMATTER.COM

National Citizens Inquiry shows newscaster working at Global says standard reporting went out the window during the "pandemic" and they shoved nothing but propoganda on the public, not doing proper journalism.

Owner of The Toronto Star filed bankrupcy in 2023, gee I wonder why, could it be due to sick stories like those that told people who were not vaccinated with Wuhan originated chemical waste products that they did not deserve ICU beds.

 Canadian woman paralyzed by injections of Wuhan's chemical waste during the PAN dementia years so what does their social HELLth care offer her, to kill her off, to put her out of her misery after government made a killing from the patents it own$ from the chemical brew that paralyzed her.

Government needs to be SEXUALITY NEUTRAL. If the Alphabet Acronymists (AA) can paint their flag on a cross walk then any other religion or political bent can do it too and it becomes another mess. Besides that, the fundamental need for safety trumps all decorating demands. No sidewalk crosswalk should be painted in rainbows in any public place and most certainly not on walking areas that include moving vehicles that can be distracted by the colors and not see the persons. At least on this one they added an arrow to show which direction to go, straight.

here's more photos of political statement flags that make crosswalks more dangerous notice there are not EQUAL numbers of all the other political statement community flags in these places, only the ones presented by those who demand EQUAL TREATMENT that color our world with insanity

So in Canada they wish to make it illegal to try to tell a boy that he is a boy and not a girl when a teacher tells the boy that he is or may be a girl even though he was born a boy in order to "protect" the child in their personal quest of gender "identity" that the teacher told them to embark on. The problem with this is that then the teacher is doing conversion therapy.

There is no "transgender" anything there is "transpresentation" as offered up by Jimmy Dore Show with the commercial for The Wellness Company and Dr. Spikey McCullough who was called out on his testimony in official governing committees for pushing "in silico" science as if it's not just like the game of PONG and his denial of the proper science that proves we live in a virus free world. The McSpikey Company keeps pushing the lie that there's a "spike protein" with barbed wire around it attacking every part of your immune system so you need to buy his products to "fix the problem" using his expensive vitamin and herbal brews. Reminds me of multi-level marketing scams.

Polar bears in the news again while the fish they eat gever get any press. They keep recycling lies, polar bears were never in danger, it's the fish that are in danger.

Net ZERO cult replaces efficient coal fired blast furnaces used to make steel with electric arc furnaces that are not powered by wind mills hon. These massive furnaces that cause climate change with all the heat they generate are still powered by coal, or natural gas, that is burned to create electricity using 10x the amount of these ERRth based CONCENTRATED fuels thus even more HEAT so the whole net zero cult is a disgusting transfer of green energy, your green $$$ to their bank accounts. Same players that brought you Enron scam of the 1990's, financiers.

The Civil War was not a civil war divorce was not an option? Why? $

Trump "shoving" man video is fake news analysis by Tim Pool a very good presentation and warning on how medias manipulate the public.

Tim also talks about the far left being a dangerous cult pay attention to the "mic check" chant!

Starting in 2012 with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act hoaxes became stronger for the "greater good" of manipulating the public.

January 1st, New Years Day which is Christiandom's celebration of the circumcision of Jesus Christ. The 1979 Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church (United States) names this day "The Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ", a Feast of the Lord. Is this what is being consumed when they eat the body and drink the blood of Christ? Oh My God (OMG) that is sick. At least sick sellebrities use the foreskin that in this cutting ritual tortures the baby man causing severe pain to put in their "beauty" creams which tends to make them look rather ugly rather than consuming it. Sorry gang this religous disease is not on my plate anymore, I started to worship rats instead, also Satan doesn't do this crap to anyone.

Be ware the array of covid-19 theater cult actors and players on the world stage.

Solars are not what they seem and they don't flare so no it did not cause a glitch in electronic systems for cell phones.

Peggy Hall invites RFK Jr. for an interview

Sports news caster hot mic moment after he had said "What a guy!" questions himself saying What a guy? That's fucking gay! annnnnnnnnd of course all the project-a-phobics are calling for his removal from the flat PLANE-t called ERRth to solve their mental illness.

House committees ignore billion-dollar cost of Renewable Energy Standard Technology (REST)

The idea of moving to Russia is in vogue don't tell the DBWOE9RYUA2POE4JMWELABGT+666 cult though that "It's ok to be gay in Russia" they will lose too much funding for their constant propoganda & drug pushing campaigns and lose a lot of money from rainbow weird political in your face sexual nonsense flags.

Shill Gates says not to plant trees. Notice after people lie they always need water. The science keeps telling us this. It also then tells us this is proof they are trees.

Race #1 says they are being replaced by race #2 and they now deserve repirations by all races except their own. There was racism in the 1970's, such as how Archie Bunker was claimed to be racist, and as a racist invited in his race #1 neighbors in all the time to be courteous and for fun having their arguments like boxers do in sports, discussions about race, presidents, and work. There is also livingism still happening today, living varies quite a bit amongst people, are all different yet many are forced into treating other lives equally, thus the person who lives with pets needs to be equal to the ones that don't so there are new policies being made that makes it all equal so no one feels unequal, this is also being applied to science, although virology is already insane they say they need to make the number 4 be equal to 2 so 2 + 2 is not equal to 4, 2 is 4. Good luck with your insanity.

Never forget how the leaders of the fake free world psychopathically shut you down to wage a war on dangerous unicorn$.
John Oliver realizes Russia is friendlier than the Unintact States of America but they still put their video guests 6.666 feet away to be safe from dangerous unicorns
San Francisco governing is high horse acronym elitist retarded banning bans makes more sense than their retarded ban of the city from doing business from conservative states
Poland is the latest country to join the Europe-wide nuclear power renaissance
Unintact States of America (USA) vetos humanitarian cease fire Jim Fetzer reports but then guest goes on into microwave target nonsense

What more proof does anyone need the Unintact States of America is a dangerous cult. As a country and "unity" of states that all are bound to religious freedoms and equal treatment it lavishly and unequally supports a religious state that embraces and exercizes ancient bizarre religious sacrifice rituals that permanently disables baby men routinely and horrifically and painfully and this practice has been allowed in the Unintact States of America violating human rights as it routinely ignores this Holocaust on man HOOD. Actually though the Unintact States of America is built on a great foundation of the US constitution, Bill of Rights, endeavors for freedom to self govern, and other documents, ideals, fundamentals of balance, and has operated on the public in some fantastic procedures that have indeed protected human rights, for example completey banning cutting off female private parts but it fails miserably at protecting baby men. Once that is done no longer can the individual as a teenage boy and adult man self govern his sexual expression as half of it is cut the fuck off forever making sex like a black and white silent film instead of full living color. The Unintact States of America has just been hijacked and brainwashed by television and cults in certain matters of ongoing wars on dangerous unicorns and protecting religious rituals over the most blatant abuse of children. Never throw the baby out with the bathwater nor the man HOOD they say, so they just put it in face creams to fake look pretty as some of these sell-ebrities boast which makes them look real ugly. I will never forget nor forgive Sandra Bullock, Ellen, Oprah for laughing about foreskin face creams as they cared more about food sources being housed in chicken coop Taj Mahalls instead of protecting children from sexual abuse at the hands of the medi sin's dick cutting industry that removed their protective 60% of their phallic skin for profit and sick religious sacrifice rituals. Well, maybe I would forgive them if they handed over their riches to those who were abused as children a horror that mames males for their entire lives that they laughed at and apologized and worked diligently to restore equal protections and REPIRATIONS for all who were abused this way where they thought it was all so funny on their huge TV broadcasts. I can't see them ever doing that though. They will continue to ride their high horses, chant the "woman's rights" drivel while trashing men.
Rule by infinite "emergency" was tested out 40 years ago in San Francisco when it repeatedly kept declaring "health emergencies" with a new label for 68 old diseases "AIDS"
People called out the lies and abuse then and got no where, government continued to declare a public threat every two weeks for 40 years and of course the lie spread to every state and county HELLth department which by the way none can prove any virus exists, they admit now they have no evidence anywhere that any virus exists. So when 2020 arrived, those who noticed these tactics all knew exactly what was planned with covid-19.666. Article by looks at our commitment to freedom 4 years later. The problem always lies with lies. The public gets brainwashed. Many never understood the fraud of a virus never proven to exist except on TV drama land causing all 68 diseases that all had different causes so they were not prepared when their masters at pHARMa scared them into a novel science fiction virus that also does not exist. They got sucked into the lie of any vaccine protecting them, they offer ZERO protection every time.

Vaccine injury reporting system shows woman has the RSV vaccine shot in her arm, now permanently disabled. When did it make a shred of sense to inject chemicals into your body? It is rape. Modern a medi sin is a DANGEROUS cult. Viruses have never been proven to exist they are like believing Satan and Santa having gay sex is real. We live in a world free of viruses. Trump pushed this crap on the public and profited as did other politicical monsters and idiots and sales scum that only care about making the sale and emassing/maintiaining wealth. Remember when truckers protested this Horseshit In Virology (HIV) that claims to have a life you have to be pHARMAs roaming lab rats. They are still fighting for freedom but keep winning. In 2022 Canadaian's government run by pHARMa banned travel across borders unless they were roaming lab rats and showed their devotion to the cult by submitting to the Kool-Aid as in Jonestown in the 1970's. Government there owns patent on the injection technology. Conflict of interests abound. Same with CDC. What a shit period of time to be a human. Let history recall this treatment of people on grand scale by mentally ill cult leaders. Healthy people corralled and penned up made into slaves of this shit system of drug pushing scams. Many so brainwashed they thought it was a good thing. IT IS A CULT.
The best doctor in the world Tom Cowan Wednesday webinar February 21, 2024 references a friend Bill Huston

American National Parks no longer accepting American National Currency. Did some other country buy the US?

AF is revolutionizing the food industry. Naysayers keep coming up with conspiracy theories about Artificial Fruit not being healthy.

When "the science" looks at this photo it can easily figure out that it's not real fruit. When "the science" looks at "viruses" in electron microscopes and it's song and dance theatricks it cannot in reality figure out anything absolute, they make stuff up, then the dangerous unicorn salesmen will insist you buy their lies as they keep telling you fairy tales about what their science fiction characters will do to you if you don't buy their products typically using fear like all cults do, fear of death it the most prevalent tactic.

Similarly artificial women should not be appearing in real women's lockers. Canada's possible new premiere agrees. We can see examples of real clowns and artificial clowns here. And another clown is seen here, you decide if it's a real clown or artificial clown. Spoiler alert: the big huge gray airplane is a clown.

Tim Pool has an excellent analysis of New York committing fraud against Trump. I like to call it Same Ol' York.

New improved covid-19.666 lgbtq-sa-mRNA vaccines

The "sa" is self amplifying like the "lgbtq" that always amplifies itself as in tempertantrums. So we now have a vaccine that is based on fighting dangerous unicorns that has fits makes demands turns pyramids of logic upside down. Also it's approved in fake emergency use there is no licensed product approved by FDA in any of these fake ass prevention measures filling portfolios of the drug lords and their friends who have drug stocks in their portfolios. As everything they say is fantasy it's easy to make improvements as it's all based on illusions.

NO vaccine "stops transmission of disease" as disease is a complex CONDITION OF THE BODY disease is not a package that arrives air mail.

Multimillionaire having bought bitcoin cheap a decade ago who lives off the wealth of the system of banking and commerce worldwide as THAT is what makes any croto graphic "currency" have ANY value tells us how bad banking is and how horribly tyrranical governments are as he sells the public his idea of having 7 billion governments on ERRth instead of a few hundred. What a hustle.

DISCO IS BACK but no body's dancing

Listen to smug ASS/HOLES that shit on everyone else taking everything for themselves, want you to eat bugs that fed on rotting garbage besides the rotting garbage they all laugh about everyone else suffering, the smug John Kary calls air in a green house pollution so next time you are in a green house wear a gas mask they are self centered lying psychopaths and their followers are lost in a cult.

The "first person to die" of the stupid injections of Wuhan chemical waste products was alleged to be "Tiffany Dover". I remember it being "William Shakespere". Or was Billy the first one to die of "covid" oh yea that's it, then the fake solution was a vaccine, we saw that coming on day one of the fraud. So this video of Tiffy looks fake. Who dies right after a vaccine? Hello? What if the world's a stage? What if the entire 2020+ madness was a screen test. Notice more people on screen than ever. Who's paying attention, who's not, who's the best customers! Who's there becoming stars? Bingo. Even Kovid became a star, wearing a plaid face mask in March 2019 one year ahead of the game. What are the chances of that?

Man threatens to set himself on fire. Police arrive. They want to save him from hurting himself. That's great. Why don't they use a hose?

Theater Of The Obserd (TOTO) by Dangerous Dames

reliable robust dependable energy poses serious threat to handicapped sputtering energy being treated equally
Dubai features conference where the new buzz is octupling exponentially NuClear energy by 2050 instead of tired losing climate change goals as full coal powered steam ahead the European Union of Fascists want to ban repairing cars after 15 years. They should do that with buildings first. This will be automatic with new extension cord cars as batteries will die and car will not be worth repairing. Planned obsolescence at warp speed making portfolios mega rich and the people poor. That's just what kings and queens want. EVs to be hit harder with fees. So you have to go to work 5 more days that week using more energy going there and back and at work using energy to fake save the planet as those managing all this marketing hype get richer as you trasfer your energy to them so they can use more energy.
e-i-e-i-o-bike scooter fires in London every 2 days a fire! Thus all that carbon emission savings goes up in smoke!
Why is it no one has someone that can hold the camera and take a photograph any more?

French Senate needs to destroy the bill that makes it a crime to not follow an army of bullying drug pushing peers' Delusional regime (Dr.)

Art. 223-1-2 . – Provocation to abandon or abstain from following therapeutic or prophylactic medical treatment is punishable by one year of imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros, when this abandonment or abstention is presented as beneficial for the health of the persons targeted when it is, in the state of medical knowledge, clearly likely to result in serious consequences for their physical or psychological health, taking into account the pathology from which they suffer…

as if modern a medi sin isn't a train wreck

That would make warning people that PrEP contains rat poison illegal as you watch them die in front of you while your other friend stopped taking it after one day and you tell the friend that keeps ingesting pHARMa poisons that it's killing them like when you told them in the 1990's Hit Hard Hit Early campaign of chemical toxin "cocktails" promoted as necessary to kill the dangerous unicorn of Hustles In Virology (HIV) that it was not a unicorn that was killing them it was the drug cocktails made so strong no one could drive, and then finally 10,000 years later the doctors woke up and said the same thing you were telling your friends, some of whom listened, so they got the warpled guidelines straightened out enough to not cause them to crash all over the place just some places as big pHARMa always sets up drunk prescribing to fill their portfolios as the more accidents the more they jack up insurance rates. You see the problem is all these "representatives" are brainwashed. This is a long standing problem in the world but people are starting to understand more as they visit places that surgically remove the embedded concept of a particle of matter 666 trillion times smaller than superman's worst enemy, crypto currency, could act stronger than a speeding bullet train to nowhere in California. These kinds of rules of what you are not allowed to say is no different than what we saw in Hogan's Heroes, who were the model of California's lockdowns in 2020.

Timcast called Los Angeles a "fecal palace" that is so unfair. It's a fecal empire. Actually no it's a pretty cool place. There is more freedom to be yourself in Los Angeles than anywhere though we might include San Francisco which even with it's problems is still a very cool place. is intertraining.

California has a history of establishing concentration camps

Transpeople don't exist. There is only MUSS. Made Up Sexual Status. If they can make up what they were born as then we can make up anything, thus we declare we are the ERRth now get the fuck off us and return to the planet you whence came.

Damon Imani appears on The View yet again & gives the ladies who discriminate against gentlemen as there is a disproportionate inequal inequatable number of men on The View a chance to once again provide any example of their assertions to the crickets about WHO's puppeting WHO who who hoo hoo

Artificial intelligence is like artificial fruit,
doesn't even look real let alone taste good
or actually provide any substance. Most of television relies on fake intelligence. We already see where that gets us.

In 2019 Fauci and friends found a way to get people to take flu shots that they were shunning because they simply do not work as the sales man promised, they created a panic, declared a fake emergency, made all their friends richer than they already are. What a nobel thing to do. They are so nice.

Get in front of the 8 ball instead of behind the 8 ball

File:8 ball face.jpg

If you like 8 balls check out this vintage 8 ball corkscrew see if you notice the 8 ball was put on upside down. I notice things like this. I am a pert scientist. I am not an ex pert scientist, those are not as smart. Not one scientist I presented this to amongst all the ones you have been told are experts could see this error. It was so obvious to me and some other perts I work with at no charge to the tax payer. If the ex perts can't see this they can't see anything in virology. They look at this under their electron microscope and say they found a billiard table. It's a magic 8 ball.

 Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Luke Storey discusses HIV does not exist nor any virus and germs are not cause of disease

The science is so bad even Nobel Prize winning Kary Mullis the inventor of PCR "testing" for viruses went up to the guy Luc Montagnier who was assigned credit as having discovered HIV with no absolute proof any such particle exists and the guy couldn't prove it existed! In other words the man who is credited for discovering HIV never discovered it which is pretty much par for the course in the world of hunting dangerous unicorns they call "viruses". The junk science claims on one side of it's mouth "the virus mutates rapidly" while the other side says "ok then dude what # mutation are we up to now after 40 years of this crap it's like you are telling me tales of 1950's based science fiction stories that because it showed us moving images of monsters destroying Japan it proves they are real and you haven't even shown us your viruses moving, you just keep passing around ink blots at parties and smoke cigars entertaining all your rich friends who are filthy off all these lies about dangerous unicorns." Other claims that side of his mouth claimed that radio waves could recreate "pathogens" as the other side said "ok then if that's true then radio waves can also create whatever is needed to flush that shit down the toilet every day."

In 2020, Montagnier argued (people argue too much) that SARS-CoV-2 the virus that causes COVID-19 (never proven to exist as anything more than an idea) was man-made in a laboratory (on a computer not in a pietrie dish they just do things in-silico on computers now) and that it might have been the result of an attempt to create a vaccine for HIV/AIDS which is the most retarded label ever made it's like saying you caught the SNEEZE/FLU as the science says sneeze causes flu because it spreads viruses. If you really break down their bastardization of language you see HIV is assigned cause of AIDS but AIDS is a broad category of other diseases as many as 68 different ones or combinations thereof, thus they are saying HIV causes 68 diseases, but the science also says that all those 68 diseases have different causes, this is a direct contradiction in their science that is better referred to as their science fiction. One of the stories in this science fiction was "the virus hijacks the cell and makes copies of itself". Nothing in nature does this. The hijacking is the Hustlers In Virology (HIV) hijacking health care for massive profits based on lies.

full 1.5 hour interview here  Wikipedia entry reference on "discoverer of HIV"

mean while as good producers of information continue the slime stream medias ignore that yet another mandate has been quashed as illegal and a violation of human rights in New Zealand which was one of the worst shut down countries in the world as it jumped on the bandwagon of chasing dangerous unicorns and mask manufacturers are suing Canada for $5.4 billion for being misled with their misinformation and disinformation and malinformation and coersiveinformation on fake covid which was merely a huge world wide rebranding of the flu and other diseases just like what they did in the 1980's with one new label AIDS for old diseases no problem they will just print more money as always

the WHO was founded on IMMUNITY to prosecution for any crime points out David Knight on 2/19/24 show thus a criminal operation no one gets immunity from vaccines and says pFizer killed more people than the head of Russia

Covid is such an obvious fraud. If there was a plague as seen on TV shit boxes wouldn't the homeless that are most suseptible living in squallor be all dead? Yes, if there was a floaty invisible thing that travels every where air travels, yes, they'd all be dead, but you see modeRN A Medical Delusionsists (mRNA/MD) and its hypnotists has an agenda, and it's often pretty ugly. The vaccine was THE TOP GRO$$ING gross abuse of the public for profit over any drug in history.

There's a land and power grab by UN masquerading as repirations and helping indiginous without defining "indiginous" they can make a claim to your land by merely saying they once used it, as if Indianigiounous never "took" it from someone else. Time to give land back to Barbarians and Vikings that never fucked anyone with medi sin's septic chemical brews. It's like saying Caucasions took land from Germans and French and whales took ocean from tuna and it all has to be given back. Buyer beware of all this huslte in race traps, beware it's the kings and queens and mega corporations that will benefit from this, not you, they will present it as for the greater good, that would be THEM not you, and the Indian Tribes as they sell all their rich mineral resources to China to make it's communist parties able to party and use all the resources they want while it all drains your savings it is a very important discussion! Courts are saying Indians own all land under Vancouver. That lays foundation to take land. That means mandatory pow wow's coming and whatever else they decide to gamble on like rain dances to fix climate sameness that always changes on it's own dance schedule. Oh sure indiginous will protect us from Russia and the fake threat they strike a pose. While you were shut down for experimental medi sin land grabbing your entire body, all this scheming was happening though it's been in the works for decades. This is a part of the UN 2030 agenda of Fascistio-Communistic control and it's marketing schemes being used to mislead and enslave the people everywhere on Earth. Many more videos presented here start with this on UNDRIP and who is indiginous

Illegal visitors: the US is going to need them all to inexpensively clean up all the exponentially growing piles of waste from all rich people's toys including their poor use of energy electric cars as they break down, the batteries and wind turbine blades need disposal, all of the "save the planet" crap that will end up over filling land fills so whatever it costs to house and feed them now will be pennies on the dollar for what it will take in money down the asphalt tar roads that are all made from fossil fuels.

Clean energy chemical waste dump catches fire

Notice the massive tonnes of carbon being emitted by clean energy. Are they (you) being billed or given carbon credit increases so they can keep up this scam.

Net zero is a marketing scheme, we already have it in nature though climate is really not a problem, for those who are worried about it study reverse radiative forcing.

I wrote about the gays boycotting Exxon/Mobil many years ago how it hurts the small business that doesn't take sides. No one listened of course they did what e-motions dictated. It was West Hollywood, the mob boycotted the gas station there on Santa Monica Blvd. The owners suffered great financial loss but it wasn't their fault what the big corp was doing that pissed off the gays, the QWERTYs did not care. They do this crap all the time. I wrote billions of times why viruses don't exist, starting 40 years ago HIV was and is a fraud unless you are calling it Horseshit In Virology. That led to demands government fix the problem of people dying from abusing their bodies with drugs and alcohol which led to repurposing old toxic medications that were never approved by FDA in the 1970's as they killed all the rats in testing. Guess what happened to my friends after that drug was authorized only for experimenting on my roaming lab rat friends, it was never an FDA licensed approved product ever. It's the gay Holocaust. So now we have the truckers who usually don't get into petty boycotts but they are mad now as the liberal goons keep throwing them under electric busses all tied up into knots now from the stupid extension cords everyone trips over to fake save the planet which is code for build my portfolio. The truckers in the east plan to stop delivering to New York City after the bad judgement on Trump telling him he owes now hundreds of octillion$. Again I say stop boycotting everything you are hurting small businesses and 99.666% of them are all good people harmed. Watch mad trucker explain and listen for liberal whines and endless demands and con jobs and lies and the usual crap like "if they live in this country they are our slaves they cannot refuse to do what we say, that is a threat to Democracy" but we are not a Democracy we are a REPUBLIC. If you really feel that bug up your ass to boycott something you might consider this instead.

Sick societies think baby dick cutting is funny as seen in ritual skit performed on SNL in the 1970's where a diamond cutter rides in the back of the luxury car with the ultra smooth ride to show how they cut diamonds the fuck off about half the baby man's skin from his God given body part from what is rough. Note that most of this was done on baby men without their permission so to blame any man for the horrific effects of such torture and child abuse done on them as a baby would be unfair. Where is the repiration plan for indiginous foreskins stolen? It was on the indiginous territory of many a man's body and removed by force during the Holocaust then and now. And what the fuck was done with that skin? Was it the body and blood of Jesus used in sick religious ritual for real? No of course not no one would ever do any thing sick and torturous to a baby man to his body part that is connected directly to many functions of his brain in underground tunnels or above ground where it's obviously seen and known as happening anywhere on ERRth ever in any time in history or present when he can't escape as a baby. All references to such possibilities occuring in history must be lies.



The Hugely Inefficient Energy Fraud (THIEF) keeps pick pocketing our green $

this is what Arizona's little grand canyon is starting to look like at Chevelon Butte

these are movie sets presenting energy theatrics, some are calling this wind and solar farming scam Enron 2.666

they are powered by your cash which is all made by abundant natural fuels

to the right of Interstate 10 here at Palm Springs, California is a reliable natural gas "peaker" power manufacturing facility it's hardly seen

it reliably provides the energy this area needs especially in the summer to keep those air conditioners running

the tall illusion of powering the area with wind is severely handicapped energy it's that simple

they simply cannot produce the power needed ever

In 1997 an investment broker told me these wind turbines are a scam that only get built because they run on your money
in subsidies (taxes) saying "Investors will not put any of their money into them without the taxpayer
propping them up". So as homelessness and other huge problems grow more
of these white colonist propellers in the sky provide us pacifiers
to make us think we are doing good. They are better labeled PROPS.

They present an illusion of clean energy. Behind the scenes they are a net loss of energy and create chaos in the grids,
like a broken down car in stop, go, stop, go traffic, the grid tries to push them out of the way
having to do this all day every day, and every going no where fast,
they rely 100% on oil, gas, coal, and Nu Clear energies to even function at all,
they draw power from the grids, they sit here parked doing basically nothing
but put on a show. If you watch closely you might notice how they redirect your money to pensions THEY POWER PENSIONS.

Chevelon Canyon in Arizona will be the world's largest handicapped energy parking spaces allocated at a total of 150 square miles!

learn more or less @ i N T E R N E T M A T T E R . C O M

*1969 years after Jesus had part of his dick removed by experts in crucifying body parts is acronymized as 1969 AJHPOHDRBEICBP

The Desert Home tends to base itself on concepts and adventures in collage and natural healing and prevention of dis-ease instead of modern a medi sin and it's ongoing Hustles In Virology (HIV) along with spotting and calling out unicorns when we see them presented as real by hustlers in every area of the sciences including that of energy stolen from us by distraction.

The Desert Home