is where the walls started talking & they wouldn't stop  today's date & weather  power outage maps  West Camp wind farm & roof top solar sucks energy  monkey business  New Biology with Dr. Tom Cowan  going in coronas  FDA vaccine committee meeting on biologics makes more sense to the tune of Mad Villan  visit the 14.666 minute fashion district project


Proper Exceptional Allopathic Reasonable Logical Science *PEARLS

Dr. Jane Ruby's Florida home is still there. This morning's coffee chat she asks is modern a medi SIN the anti-Christ? No. It's circumcision. That's the anti-Christ. He was sliced and diced at birth. Moderna. Created by the department of defense she states. ModeRNA. Notice anything? mRNA. mode rna. Tom Cowan has interesting things to say about RNA which does not exist asking and answering a question that goes something like this, "does any mode rna rape devices contain any RNA at all." In this webinar September 27 2023, Dr. Cowan discussed COVID shots and if they make you make spike proteins, and whether they actually contain mRNA. He broke this all down and looked at the science.  Did any public official in the a.faucidae strain of pests ever say they needed to create a pandemic in order to force new flu shot technology? Billions of doses of mmmmmmm RNA junk science is planned to produce RAPE/SHOTS. The big plan is genetic engineering (alleged not proven) injections to treat cancer. Good luck with that. Cancer is better described by Tom Cowan than corporations' Horseshit In Medi SIN. Again, Tom Cowan addresses this illusion of RNA *rhino nuclear acid. Actually Jane, it's got more to do with water logged wood preservative the main ingredient, not in the micro grams that can't even be seen, in the fraction of liters! Have these hustlers gone into the cancer spreads thing yet? Oh maybe that's why they love it when people talk shedding (another non proven thing). That gets people once again scared of catching disease from others. RNA "we think of it like an operating system". What horseshit. No proof any of this is a program. Royalty get royalties! You don't unless you too own a piece of modified logic. A shot to prevent cancer while you have cancer. Junk. A microgram is one millionth of a gram. Shots contained 5 micrograms to 100 micrograms. 100 micrograms is 1/10,000 of a gram. That's not a very big amount. We might want to focus more on wood preservatives. "Active ingredient is mrna" is what pHARMa claims. THE active ingredient? What does that mean "active". Moving around? There's nothing there. There's plenty of waterlogged wood preservative sitting there "inactive". When it's in the body then it's active! The pHARMa industry loves playing around like PAN the mythical GOD of mischief and debauchery who headed the PAN demic fraud. It's said that a man named Tony was his secretary. MRNA has never been proven to exist. Marketing departments make it. DNA contaminated. No isolates. Widespread adverse reactions from bacterial cultured JUNK injected/raped into bodies and waterlogged wood preservative. WATCH & study

New film "First Do No pHARMa" mentioned on The Highwire with Del Bigtree October 17 2024. Covid and flu season? Cold, video, flu. In other words it's cold and flu and all on video tape with a new title. It's another western, silent film, drama, Hustled In Virology *HIV. Vacines are a fraud. They don't work. You work for them. "Flumist is back the world's least effective product ever made" says Del Bigtree and many others. Vaccines are "shedding" dogs are shedding neither cause death unless you wear masks over your breathing apparatus and have your doctor rape your arm with waterlogged wood preservative (polyethelyne glycol) which is the fluid in that syringe of "vaccine". do blood cells wear protection like this man working with vaccine's main ingredient?

Virology is 100.666% scam. Trillion$ available to fix every pothole and dumpy building if you rip it away from pHARMa and modern a medi SIN. CDC is a policy organization not science. Basically it's like that stupid boss that won't listen. The FOIA request uncovered by ICAN reveals CDC flu data botched for decades. Corrupt may be a more accurate way of putting it and the Standard American Diet *SAD of media drive thrus for junk science news just keep pumping it out as their sponsors are pHARMa. Support and study Del's work and ICAN.

Those who believe in trusting the science don't understand science. Vaccines are not antidotes. Many people think they are. Those who sell this product have no interest in educating the public on this sticking point. Tom Cowan covers the fake immune system and antibodies in the discussion about RNA. No where in science has any antibody been proven specifically. Studies are almost all not even science like the one Tom looks at regarding antibody response to measles, mumps, rubella vaccine MMR. It's like modern a medi SIN's science pulls rabbits out of a hat in it's magic trickery. Watch Tom's presentation on RNA nonsense here. Study relied on rectal temperature. Doctors keep thinking "someone must have proved this" in regards to fake proof any MMR shot or measles vaccine reduced death rates.

Why should Americans support or tolerate illegal immigration. It's selfish to be not respecting the laws of the country. Demonicrats don't care they are being selfish. Job given to the illegal aliens? Demonicrats love it. They love to demonitize the citizen.

Vice Clown of the Unintact States of America offers up and pours a lot of salad dressing on the issues and even slathering it on simple questions then runs away as the questions sit there and can't catch their breath (then she tells them to wear a face diaper). Lakama does not even offer word salad to make dialectible salty vinegary flavored oil slicks edible. Some people are gobbling it up without let us notice David Knight has good critique of La Kama's nonsense dressing on October 17 2,024 years after Jesus was sexually abused as a new born baby by "the church". Fox News host Brett Baher knows more about anything than the clown. Vote for him. Many real clowns are less retarded than this clown. She puts on the biggest red clown nose as she trys to put on the public and some people don't even notice it, must be the rose colored glasses washing it out. What a drag show! The Clown Nose covers face and mouth which never says anything. In the show David also comments on a man who was "persecuted for a thought crime" in England inferring it's now becoming an circumcised state. The man in topic "prayed silently" in front of an abortion clinic (abortion clinics do not horrifically amputate a living breathing child's foreskin like Christian church does) which is SPEECH. Might ask David some time "Is cutting off a living child's private dick skin free speech and do you support this David and where would you have a director of this horror movie say CUT and put an end to this torture scene?" The man was declared guilty of harassing quietly in word but loudly with action just by being there as he won't stop doing it and it's known why he's doing it. It would be like standing in front of a church with a sign saying the church abused Jesus when he was a baby by slicing off a huge section of his dick skin and expecting the church to understand it is free speech as the church goers have to walk right by the man to get to their cars in the parking lot. There are buffer zones at abortion clinics. He did not care. Maybe it is becoming extreme in England like a 10 mile buffer? Maybe it's biased as David and other Jesus circumcision deniers all seem to be mentally retarded which is basically what his "prayer" claimed as being so innocent and "freedom of speech now turned into thought crime" is viewed as being dumped onto those who struggle with pregnancy and it's heavy emotional issues that can accompany choices that need to be made about what is inside their body and being more like mother God than a man who is not carrying another possible human life. Seems it would be fundamental for Christians to see how the choice here of aborting a FETUS not a child a FETUS a directly and physically connected part of the mother and no one else is up to the mother GOD to decide, not anyone else though it seems fair to put some reasonable restrictions on that it's a very very complicated matter though less complicated when people understand that the matter is mother GOD and mother person are both involved with birthing issues and the scales of justice should tip in her favor of decision making and this is so obvious yet no one with religious logs in their eyes can see it while Clown La Kama does see this clearly even with her big red nose. These religious folk are always going around being such obvious hypocrites as the clowns know all they have to do to see it is turn a little to the side when the clown nose is in the way. There's a big difference between wearing a big red clown nose and wearing logs in one's eyes like Jesus pointed out after enduring the horror of being held still as a helpless baby and then the priest sliced the fuck off part of his penis skin and turned into a lamp which is where he got the idea of being light of the world. Clown noses weren't invented then. Life's a birthday party. Celebrate an other birth this day.

Modern medi sin and govern meant is sick. Robert F. Kennedy, BC (Best Choice) points out that if all the obese people in the USA take Ozempic a drug that costs $1400 per month billed to the public it will cost $3 trillion a year. No pot hole fixes for you! Cities crumble because obese have to have their 3x more food allotments than others and $1400 per month prescription that's the priority! They could just eat less and get some exercise instead of sitting in front of the boob toob if we had better governing that would not be about senators all just filling up their portfolios as they all make gobs of money from these drug stocks. Drugs never work anyway they are lazy asses. So then the TV news anchors report it's a "hate crime" to disparage fat people and people sit there and watch and shovel Gulp Oil Slicks and get fat and it's everyone elses fault as these news anchors shovel all the money into their portfolios and claim the homeless put themselves there and should get a job promoting shovels.

Home made ungreaser.


Equity pushers are having a convention. Only those who can pay the fee can attend. Only those who pay electronically can attend. Someone look up that word equity again there seems to be a mistake.

Yea Russia also claimed they landed on the moon but the brain keeps noticing it's fake too because it looks so real fake and anyone with a brain today can see how fake it is yet it was presented as real over 60 years ago. They do this crap in moderna mediSIN all the time too. For some reason they forgot to set the wake up call to 1970 and it finally rang 2,020.666 years after a priest was pleased to cut off part of Jesus dick and sellebrate this mental illness every New Years Day that was the day that liars all agreed to tell the public to shut down normal life for a fake 2 weeks (they redefined 2 weeks to actually mean 2 years minimum) as a method to stop the spread of dangerous unicorns. Might be a good time to change calendars. Are there any cultures that are not obsessed with this sick ritual who have their own non new years day calendars?

this clip of "the moon landing" would end up on the foreskin cutting room floor today

 Pot smoker finds Atlantis in the Sahara Desert.

An acronym suggests children stop eating meat to help adjust the weather. Nothing about saving red blood cells and saving muscle and bodily functions no only a message about saving these hustlers portrfolios. WHO is a billing company.

Forget weather control and creating hurricanes govern MEANT has moved on to bigger things. It is going to replace the moon. This will shock everyone. People like their electric shock treatments from medias. It will provide 666.666 trillion more junk videos available on the internet world wide. Just click anywhere! 99.666% chance it will be more worthless crap. Meanwhile lonely potholes in roads keep sobbing saying no one will help them and they are thrown under the busses and are told they should get jobs.

California hell T.h departments retrostarts it's sleasy man dating app again telling it's hell t.H. kare workers up north in 4 counties to breathe less for their hellth and to save the planet from killer carbon dioxide and oxygen that could contain one or more dangerous unicorns. There is 3x less carbon in the air they they say. Official number of CO2 is 400 parts per million. That is a mere .0004th of the air. CO2 is 3 parts, carbon and oxygen. There is one "molecule" of carbon and 2 molecules of oxygen. The climate cult cleverly conflagerates "carbon" with "carbon dioxide". Crafty little fellows. So the atmosphere is actually comprised of .0001th carbon. That is one particle of carbon per 10,000 other parts of air. Anyone who tells you that blankets are formed in this ratio that "trap heat" are either lying scammers makin gobs of money with carbon capture schemes and wind and solar junk energy or just not very well studied on this hustle.

Wearing masks.

We live in a world free of viruses
stop throwing out the memo.

Digital slave traders.
Let that sink in.

The Dollar Vigilante has a talking dog. Says he gets no views. I counted 10,643 in one day. The guy is a billionaire, owns like trillions of shitcoins. Trashes the systems that fund his empire. So silly. Love his cartoons. Has a great sense of humor. Says there's weather modification. Liberals who say they can control climate of course say he's insane "no one can control the weather" they say. They always project their own mental illnesses. Condensation trails called "chemical trails" with no evidence, where is the test sample of the "chemtrail" collected by a helicopter or plane that follows right behind as the "chemtrail" is being seen these do not exist just blabber. He's funny. Certainly called the Kovid Runway debacle right.

Apparently Russia has real men.

Clown show.

Yes govern MEANT does use people as roaming lab rats.
1945 August 19th they sprayed DDT on a city named Rockford Illinois (ill annoy) to test their theory to see if insects were carriers of the "germ" that "caused infant paralysis". It was applied like CHEM TRAILS flying at 100 feet over neighborhoods by the army's preventive health department. They of course were told by the science that it was safe as none of the owners of all the cash flow were underneath the spray. 150 yards wide fog of the poison at a rate of 215 gallons per minute. They used "the army's miracle insecticide". It was a peace time mission where this makes sure they all keep busy and billing the public. The plane carried 500 gallons. If you haven't done the math yet it took 2.666 minutes. The alleged infatile paralysis epidemic was not caused by a pest unless that word was definition changed "transitioned" meaning chemical poisoning and govern meant dictate for the protection of portfolios. The corporations then all used this cover of blaming a germ infecting a virus as they do today. It's all HIV *Hustle In Virology. Polio was caused by chemical poisoning, not a dangerous unicorn. WATCH this public service message from 1945 a time when they just started ramping up the foreskin holocaust which now has massacred 666 million foreskins and that war continues on to this day. Women have a special carve out in the law they are since the 1990's protected from sexual amputation rituals by doctorates who profess foreskin was a mistake of the creator (the woman) where as men are not treated equally so any woman who blabbers about unequal pay should be ignored.

Today Coachella Valley Mosquito Control & Portfolio Filler District sprays toxins all over lovely neighborhoods in the desert to kill mosquitoes thinking that it was proven 79 years ago that mosquitoes carry dangerous unicorns which the science fiction story tells that are mighty evil doers that spread disease. It's all based on this junk science and it continues to spread the fear and illusions that disease is carried by bugs which the valid provable science keeps quietly saying is an absurd concept as disease is a complicated condition of a body, no pest can carry it as it's attached to humans, disease is created not caught.

In 2021 hindsight the fake news blabbernut Rachel Maddow on MSNBC hype network claimed "the virus stops with every vaccinated person the virus cannot use a vaccinated person to go get more people that means the vaccine will get us to the end of it". ROFL news fucks are idiots. Anyone who believes these freaks are mentally retarded. Fortunately by being exposed to clean and reliable information people can be cured of all forms of mental retardation caused by modern a medias that tend to sell teeth rotting sugar and chemical treats that poison us and make us subject to massive Gulp Oil Spills and make our ducky cells have trouble moving about and often suffocate.

Pitching 2 wheel motor cycles that don't fall over is like the xSpace rocket that goes in reverse the CGI remains stable the physics is impossible. These will never be built. Taking pre orders. $250 reservation fee. Are they accepting CGI pictures of cash? How about building it first. Caveat emptor.

The septic truck took a dump.

Imagine PEACE replacing chaos.

Senator Ron Johnson mentions the PAN demic fraud was a control valve.

Mesa pattern of fraud garbage? What's that? "Trump's gonna lose."

Kevin Kiley writes, "The Commission, with several Newsom appointees, rejected a request from SpaceX to increase its launches from Vandenberg Space Force Base." Maybe that is because those in California govern MEANT song and dance understand that if the Xmovie set is so close to people the people would see through the fog.

Tornado before Milton in Florida tore up 5 year old multi million $ solar farm that occasionally provided partial needed energy as these are handicapped systems well now the farm it doesn't work at all. Did not the climate cult hire engineers? Why only marketing departments?

Australian lawmakers and officials have got the message and are now coming forward in droves admitting they were misled by Big Pharma and of their puppets in govern MEANT into coercing the public to be pHARMa and med i SIN rape voodoo potion dolls.

October 14 2024 was COLUMBUS DAY. Every day is Indiginous Peoples Day. Now they want that day ONLY theirs? Kinda selfish.

Matt Walsh goes to the ends of the planette to prove poorly we landed on the moon while going nowhere to point out man's disachievement of man's most private body part landing on the floor, on sellebrity faces, and in bank accounts. The "in on it" claim is garbage. Walsh is an annoying pompus ass.

Here's some thing better to listen to Tamara Lich from Canada's border protest of truckers and Chris Barber of the freedom movement and all that's happened since the hell of 2020 hindsight of governments everywhere in cahoots with the biggest medical fraud of the entire time humans have been on the planette.

Wind and solar, bad investments for shareholders and taxpayers.

Racist presidential candidate for the entirely non racist Unintact States of America will forgive loans to only one race in the race for president who would vote for that those who are racist. The way this racist talks never even completes a comprehendible paragraph that would get a grade above D- in 5th grade English and her statements are not even word salad really, they are better described as food waste.

Do you remember the first time in your life that you realized that things might not be as they appear? For many of us it's when we learned Santa does not bring presents or when we realized Jesus and Noah and his ark is a made up fairy tale or when pictures we see of planets are NASA computer graphics and no man or monkey ever landed on the moon they made all that up.

A wall came over to the desert home and told a story during the card game saying, "vaccines are all poison". Mike Adams guest explains a case where Irvine hospital insisted patient allow them to rape her with meningitis vaccines which are not even experimental they are known to be poisons. Story here. 50% are injured by vaccines. The entire basis of treatment by medi SIN is to poison the body. It used to be done with strict limitations for short periods of time. 500 micrograms of aluminum. Boo! Halloween! Does not report to the viewer how sub tiny that is. It's 1/2 of one millionth of a gram. No mention of the massive quantity of waterlogged wood preservative. The reporter doesn't even know if the patient had the initial purpose for being in the hospital, mono clonal antibodies, and whether or not that would be the cause. What kind of investigative reporting is that. It's uncovering a memo in a waste basket while the elephant in the room is making noise and no one notices. Still the medical system is sick. She went to CHAT gpt for reference materials. ROFL. 1986 Reagan and con gress shield of liability has a role. Vaccine safety was never done after that act. Vaccines are junk science. This is why Kennedy and Trump are a better choice than salad dressing. Misled by California schools vaccines are not needed nor are they legal to be required as the federal disabilities act has more power than the state. When did raping bodies with medi SIN make any sense? Watch the money trails. Lots of lawsuits including requiring PROOF of the junk science claims of virology and what HELL thdepartments keep blabbering it's fake claims that are merely sales pitches. Kenndy's Foundation is also mentioned and involved in these protections and lawsuits HUGE CHANGE in the legal cases based on 1905 Jacobsen case can bring the real science into the courtroom now. Story here. This is an EXCELLENT PRESENTATION AND WIDE EYE OPENING regarding health freedom and taking down this sytem of tyrrany of raping children and adults with modern a medi SIN. Lawyers always win! Vaccine "outbreak" at Disneyland years ago it was just about taking away rights to be medi SIN rape free. Not even the right strain. She stopped vaccinating her kids. She would put a travel ban on anyone coming from Japan? So Alix Mayer's fighting for freedom and calling for tyrrany. It never ends. There are no spike proteins spreading. Vaccine shedding. She's on the right track though shedding is nonsense used as more fear porn by the producters of all this medi sin industry drama used to keep those theater goers buying tickets! There is only cytopathic effects in these petrie dishes no evidence of any specific particle "entering the cell and replicating". Visit the foundation's legal updates here. 10 lawsuits brought during the PAN demic era.

IEP students DO NOT need a medical exemption to attend school.
Peggy Hall and Free Now Foundation are suing Orange County read article here. This matters to every Californian.

Next time a store, pharmacy, TV ad, asks for you to donate to research watch this explanation on where your research dollars go and how it helps not you or your friends or family or community it helps your masters monkey business.

Make Cancer Great Again *MCGA you can bet they will to find $olution$ to that pre$$ing problem rather than explain what it really is. It's not virology that is a dead and rotting in a pit of medi SIN sepsis putrid sludge stew with it's portfolios every where laughing and partying their assetts off on their boats. The managers will revive cancer. It was killed off in the 1970's when people got tired of hearing everything caused cancer, everything except what actually causes it. They blamed pencils, AS *artificial sugar now known as artificial information *AI, and being spoon fed, even money caused cancer and turning your TV set knob to a different channel caused cancer back then before like with COV/AIDS the public figured out the scams. There will be mRNA shots for every cancer and all sorts of new cancers "never seen before" that is because they were not looking in that file cabinet of names. There's always a new marketing buzz. It's why there's that awful ringing in your ears. The Hustle In Virology *HIV always talks in circles. Pam Popper and The Wellness Forum Institute on cancer screenings healing etc. offering a VERY BALANCED APPROACH with a strong emphasis on well informed consent which is something we saw starting in 2020 modern medi SIN rampantly ignore, hide, lie about, railroad the public in it's quest for existential threats of billing.

Offshore wind handicapped energy systems, the sales departments all just make things up out of thin air actually they don't even go that far as the air has a full no carbon in it anywhere at .0004th of the air.

Not one of information's representatives have spoken about Miss Representation. They talk about Miss Information but where's the discussion about Miss Representation. If we had a dollar for every time they blabber their never ending misrepresentation of Miss Information we'd all be zillionaire$.

Extremely danger us HURRICANE tornados to hit west coast of Florida on Wednesday

There were torna does pronounced torn a doos though it's not anything like what was hyped with 15 foot walls of water in fact in Tampa and Sarasota they say the sea level lowered, it pulled water out to sea. It was a tropical storm, it surged only 6.666 feet in some places. Hype was full power. This is also called disaster preparedness and portfolio filling. Electric city aka electricity came out more on the east coast than the west when it all started. That was odd. There must be a conspiracy theory to push on that. Hardest power out areas east of Sarasota in the country. No 666 foot surges in Tampa Bay not even 2 foot. Some of the winds are gusts of 60 mph not 145 mph. It's a tropical storm. Whooping cranes "went around neighborhoods warning residents". Yes it was dangerous. Yes I am minimizing the hype.

Whooping cranes swooped down to take a stroll on the quiet streets in Florida everywhere, these ones were heard tweeting "Squawk, look everyone flew north believing their homes would be under water omg hysterical I can't stop laughing"

Now we know why they were not flying south, they were out for a stroll chatting to each other about how stupid humans are to believe anything TV news tells them about the climate instead of getting outside and a real feel for it. CNN again set up their stage with fake horizontal rain and lighting to make it all appear so real as they often hire actors to play roles. This time it was their long standing one that's part of a rich history of grand performance.

potentially the wrong information

COMING SOON Florida all red on the power outage map. The Desert Home accurately predicted Florida would become a solid red state though even a 5 year old there could see that. That is valid science. Electric poles and wires are proven to exist. Viruses are a sham proven to be a fantasy used to sell drugs and fake tests.

View of hurricane just be it a computer graphic compilation and interpretation artists rendering of close to earth data provided by weather balloons or other aircraft spinning in our atmosphere or even ground based radar representation of models that look "real". 

Notice the added "curve" and CGI space junk. Why is it shadowed? Why is the hurricane covering 1/2 the entire earth? Obviously if this was real the space junk would have been lit up by "the sun". If this was real why would any engineer place a camera behind what is carrying it, it would be like a photographer using a tripod that takes a picture of the tripod. Think about this just does not make any sense unless the purpose is to make sure the viewere thinks it's a satellite. Or just continue to believe that everything you are told is always true. Ask your doctor of physics. This image really makes more sense saying "it's a representation" when we ask Miss Representation as she points out the word to us again is "re presentation". None the less we do know that hurricanes are real and viruses are fake and such dangerous unicorns can never create storms but in the mind.

Why can't people get this? Respecting people's beliefs and representations as they see them is key.

Virology makes up stories. To cover their lies they make up more stories. Like when they are pressed at showing exactly how they found a virus none of what they say makes any sense. One of the silliest excuses made in the 1980's when asked why there was no test to find it yet they were going around claiming they found it they claimed it hides. When people were not dying nor getting sick they claimed it hibernates, incubates like an egg, can't be seen until it's too late. It's like they want us to believe these imaginary viruses camouflaged themselves with other pieces of blood cells like when army men don bushes and grass to blend in. Virology is a rotting branch of biology. It should be trimmed away thus allowing a more healthy approach of The New Biology by Dr. Tom Cowan to grow along with other holistic approaches. We have also noticed how virology likes to camouflage where all the money is going.

Carbon capture and sequestration is dangerous, unhealthy, a theft of people's money. Carbon dioxide gas in the air is nothing at .0004th of the atmosphere, cow farts add .00000000001th more and mother nature subtracts it all keeping a balance. The hustler$ in green energy are building pipelines to concentrate carbon dioxide in a scheme to grab your cash. Pressurized at 2100 pounds per square inch. They pipeline the lies about them "needing to capture and store it underground" when mother nature handles it for free. Let's be clear, carbon dioxide is not a poison. When these concentrated pipelines burst then there's a massive surge of carbon dioxide and if people or animals are downwind of it in such high concentratioons they can't breathe not because of poison but because of IMBALANCE. Kamala cast the deciding vote for this waste of energy. She's all in the green energy scam. Watch the 1/2 hour presentation by climate activist Kennedy for a balanced perspective. This is one of the green monster machines' crafty little games to deceive once again. Pipe blew in Mississippi, she was on the floor couldn't breathe, driver "My car stopped it won't move" it was choked had no oxygen to burn fuel! "It was so hard to breathe". Emergency responders arrive and their gasoline powered vehicles all die from lack of oxygen. See where this is going? The hustlers will claim everyone needs to be electric.

The Pipeline Deception

"Kamala’s carbon pipeline climate scam impacts human health, destroys the environment, and costs taxpayers billions of dollars. Let’s get President Trump back in the White House and me to Washington so we can stop this massive boondoggle." - Robert F. Kennedy

Must watch! What's so crafty about these planned pipelines is that it builds on the fear of CO2 as a poison gas (which it is not as found in atmosphere) and the deceivers will use this to keep their carbon control schemes a rollin'. They will have to admit these pipelines are bad after they make gobs of cash then they will present the idea that other solutions are better and because the public is again brainwashed to believe carbon being bad in it's non concentrated state they will be duped into those schemes. It's kind of a bait and switch used in marketing constantly where they say things like "Oh it's just like the soda bubbles so completely safe" they say. Sure in bubbles in small amounts, not in massive pipeline expolsions of it compressed.

Dr. Jane Ruby talks about being prepared for the coming hurricane today Tuesday from the East Coast of Florida in Palm City. Walmart sends 60 trucks filled with food and supplies going to Ashville North Carolina to help the people hit by the hurricane flood waters. Walmart for President!
 Orange County admits they have no records indicating the existence of ANY virus. Fire their asses! Imagine that all these years we thought they had plenty of evidence, they have plenty of our cash, they code word it "virus". When they say they need to test for viruses now you know what they mean, to test to see how much their cash cow moo$.

The delusion called "virology" is being exposed by a lot of people now. Christine Massey shows us official FOIA responses by Orange County admitting they have no records showing the existence of any virus. When the public healthers say "you need to be protected from virus" it means the sick system needs to hold your cash and treat it well so when they don't give it back now you know why. The hellth system goes in coronas and that's why we now call the SCIENCE a "mad villan" it sings the song and dance to the choir and around the issues of THERE ARE NO VIRUSES EVER PROVEN TO MAN but offers plenty of real billing to go around and they shred the memos of how in the mid 2010's Stefan Lanka proved in German court "viruses" absolutely positively do not exist. Most cash flows don't pay attention. So when will they get it right, a few years from now? Not likely learn when @ 
Here's an example of junk science similar to what is used to find and study imaginary viruses.

Man "shows us" by scientific experiment that white paper "does not burn"
but red paper does.

First problem with the junk science he presents is the focus of the magnified sun dot is bigger less intense heat on the white paper a disingenuous little trick by the scientist here. The focus of the magnified sun dot is intense and smaller on the red blotched paper. The red is made using a marker of red coloring which has volitile organic chemicals that BURN EASILY added to the paper. It's basically like placing a few drops of lighter fluid there in red. Thus it catches fire easily with the added heat from the more intense magnified sun dot. View the presentation. Basically this is the kind of science used in virology to trick people even some of the scientists and doctors, especially the public and politicians. They can't find "viruses" as they describe them so they add chemicals to a biological sample of blood or snot to make make it burn so to speak. Then they say "look that's what viruses do to the cells, it's right there we can see what they are doing" as they are pointing to a biological mess of burnt particles of what came out of bodily fluids. It's Hustle In Virology *HIV. This is the kind of science that is being hustled on the public world wide by drug companies, public institutions like the CDC, FDA, NIAID, all of them who continue to spread the lies of pseudo science. They are all full of it. The inventor of the very technology these Hustlers In Virology *HIV are using (PCR) to test for corona viruses said "Fauci is a liar, he has no problem looking into the camera and lying" and it's well known those improperly used PCR tests are not able to find virus yet the HIV all go around saying get tested with their JUNK/SCIENCE.

Virology is a septic system as is modern a medi SIN which sells chemical potions and poyzons that don't work 97% of the time except in making portfolios healthy.

PAN de Moneyium - Pan is the vintage god of mischief and debauchery.

 Once upon a time the Rulers of this world introduced PAN as our new god. They called on him to lead a PAN demic.

Pan is an imaginary creature but the public believed him to be real. They also believe in dangerous viruses that are imaginary. The cult leaders of today leading their flocks tell the sheeple "in order to get your life back" aka salvation "you need to be raped by chemical waste products" branded with new song and dance most often as seen on TV. Arms tell the brain "this aint right" tries to say "NO". The rapists don't care. As rapists always do they keep pushing for what THEY want.

Who's got the longest running and biggest DRAG SHOW on the planet? The Catholic Church.

How now pox cow eating the grass noticing the medical community's monkey business over there in the bushes.

Plaid gas mask designed by the one and only Kovid Kapoor!  You caught Kovid? Did he fall off the runway? presented in March 2019 one year before PAN had his big break

What actually is a corona?

Be safe. Don't katch a corona.

click on the halo to see what coronas really are

Corona virus is not new it's the common cold going in circles
and new novels of science fiction, you don't catch a cold you create it. Gulp oil slicks often the cause. Disease is a recipie. Ever hear of pHARMa marketing departments? Yea they are pretty sleasy. Even get govern MEANTs involved in their sales pitches. Viruses don't exist hon. Ohhhhh we just got it. Corona virus the imaginary cold and flu virus. Now we know why they never cured it. Now we know why they just give us treats. Modern a medi SIN treats us like their farm animals.

Rabies. Not What You've Been Tawt *NWYBT

And then there's the doctor who injected poison disguised as a poison. How does anyone know these "doctors" aren't injecting fuel? Certainly vaccines are fuel for their portfolios and billing departments.

Assault lighting! Light Emitting Diodes.

FEMA is now about "disaster equity".

This Halloween we are dressing up as PEACE & Miss Information.

Going to war with disease makes no sense. End the war.

i N T E R N E T M A T T E R . C O M M U N I T Y

The Dessert Home & Homo


"The world's a stage, we live in an orchestrated pit, this is the script."


imagery belongs to it's creators allegedly viewed absolutely in fair use principle of teaching, commentary, reference as part, some images are public domain provided free to use shutch as the peace symbol amongst greenery that loves humans holding peace down keeping it grounded and as they rise above fear & misblight as that's the way the world works and nothing presented here is medical legal or any kind of advice only in formation & entertainment

 when someone "accuses" you of spreading disinformation know that it's another trick to keep playing you as when the people are informationed with lies and junk science, absolute disinformation is good, welcome, and necessary

used in a sentence "yes I am pleased to disinform you of the lies you were told about dangerous unicorns"

for example people have been informationed on choosing one President or another when it's clear the only good choice now is Walmart

consumer product recalls  unicornology  STOP  clean energy  flat earth timepiece  historical reference 9/11