Make peace with dangerous unicorns. The Desert Home.
these are movie sets making the producers rich

and like on Gilligan's Isle these white colonists are trying to get back to where they belong, on the Sun
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and install elements of i N T E R N E T M A T T E R "tune in to what matters"

New improved covid-19.666 lgbtq-sa-mRNA vaccines

PrEP can prevent Hustles In Virology (HIV)?

Main ingredient is low dose rat poison kinda like how we are offered low dose aspirin which only kills a headache.

Charter of Rights in Canada court case the government violated, abused power, those harmed can sue government for harms, truckers in 2022 protest. Ezra Levant speaks with the attorney.

First business on Front Street opens back up after surviving the firestorm of August 8, 2023 in Lahaina, Hawaii as on that fateful day one videographer says "everything's gonna burn"

When the most heavily subsidised industry on earth can’t make it pay, you know the economics must really stink.

Replace a battery in BMW $71,000! EV come EV go!

Modern medi SIN cut off my prophylactic. I was wearing one at birth. Sick bastards.

Pertussis vaccine contains 25,000,000,000 killed H. Pertussis (bacteria) per cc. Yummy.

Prophylactic? Wraps each cell in a coating of dead bacteria for protection? Wakey. Dr. Spikey was there on the Arizona committee. He believes in viruses. He talks in circles. He's a cardiologist. He should stick with heart matters. Blames the vaccine for heart problems while ignoring elephants sitting on chests called the QUAT species. Promotes viricides sprayed up the nose of children. That rhymes with pesticides. Chicken pox vaccine can spread the virus from those who get the vaccine. Vaccines are junk.

Totalitarian dictators are also "most published" so are psycho killers so being "most published" and Disney characters are "most published" so it means nothing in regards to quality of information presented. I find McCullough's information lacking quality as he routinely dismisses any challenge to his dangerous unicorn theory and does not talk much about the robust causes of heart troubles, instead blaming salt water injections that he ignores constantly that the vaccines were also placebos in the experiment that the Hustlers In Virology (HIV) used the public to introduce new technology for flu shots as big pHarma's latest scam.

Why does McCullough fail to mention SALT WATER PLACEBOS were also used? Explains why so many people had no adverse reaction but he has no statement explaining that. He should know better. Says 4.2% had initial reactions to the shit show product from pHarma cysts. Plugs his McCullough protocol without stating it directly to "cure" people of imaginary "spike proteins". His presentation on this committee in Arizona should be taken with a grain of salt solution covid vaccine placebo.

Episode 352 covers Measles, Mumps, Rubella cocktail given - no - RAPED to kids. It is rape to inject anything into anyone when they do not want it. Dr. Stefan Lanka proved in court measles nor any other virus exists anywhere. Most of America hasn't gotten the memo. McCullough got it, tossed it in the trash. Calls those who don't believe in viruses silly and other expletives.

See which politicians have signed the pledge to not sign any laws or mandates that would coerce people into medical procedures they do not desire. Obernolte is not on the list nor are any others from the desert. Why? So they would gleefully sign more mandates based on junk science of virology, and shit show experiments again like "covid" where we were first introduced to the show on Project Runway March 2019 where Kovid wore a fashionable plaid mask? Arizona has lots of politicians signing this pledge, New York has none, California few.

Mandates are for bullies

The High Wire episiode 359 on protecting vaccine exemptions in the show it's pointed out the science clearly showed the vaccine did not prevent anything other than depletion of pHarma filled portfolios which is why they are mandated. Aaron Siri interviewed Stanley Plotkin - father of vaccinology - ya gotta hear Stans responses on cut up baby fetus body parts used in making vaccines in the whole "trust the science" scheme of virology and prevention. The cells of the fetus MUST BE ALIVE for these "viruses" to grow on for their vaccines. Why is this not banned?

Del Bigtree of The High Wire was classic calling out what the ingredients are of these rape shots, do you know what's in that vaccine? Hint: keeps your car from freezing in winter! Watch him explain. Features Bill Nye The Clown Guy asserting without providing any absolute proof what so ever that "the science is settled" which is almost totally non existent in the real world of modern a medi sin as the numbers of factors involved are extrordinarily impossible to properly quantify to make such absurd statements that "the science is settled" it can be with a mathematical equasion like 2+2=4 or in physics where the strength of an I-beam for a skyscraper has to be measured at a certain scientific value of strength, but this is typically impossible in all of the health sciences and attempts to manage or prevent disease using one lever (vaccine) and in particular such claims in virology which in reality is basically studying dangerous unicorns are absurd to claim any of it's science fiction is settled. Watch him explain.

She sees smoldering turbine fires at the sea shore and says "What the fuck are we doing to our planet these pieces of crap are so flippin ugly do they actually make any energy for all the energy they use, they don't, then why am I being billed for this garbage disabled energy that hardly ever does anything but sit and smoke pot all day? I'm here every day crack of dawn all day selling sea shells and these things do NOTHING but put on a show."