April 1 2024 is called April Fools Day

Today is a day to make fun of, play tricks on, and see where you get easily tricked so you don't get tricked again like with the Kovid runaway game that caught many off guard. It was like a 4 year long April Fools joke.

Here is a great representation as to how I feel about the altering of my dick when I was born and thus the altering of my entire sex life for life never to be what it was supposed to be ever and an important part of my body never left to be what it was meant to be for more than a short time. In this artistic work altering the original image it obviously allowed the original to be left intact for decades. It has chance to express itself for a very long time. Not so with those men who were altered at birth by artists hell bent on expressing themselves how best fit their needs.

Proper pronouns? Are you referring me to the proper slang words like fuck it and master? If not please show some respect. If you feel you can demand we use pronouns an odd way we can also use all sort of words that we demand so stop calling me sir call me master and stupid fuck and fag as that is how I like to be referred to.

California plans to ban platic bags entirely. Fools. To save the planet they will replace them with fabric bags that leak like condoms through the mesh and what are these planet saving bags made of? Plastic. They warned us to avoid these cults in this bizarro state. Obviously there's some kind of money trail here follow it to find some pot of gold in portfolios everywhere. Your money being used to prop them up. When they banned thin use plastic bags at stores they added a fee. The grocers associations all loved this, kaching! So they went to governing committees and said it's a great idea and of course all the retards in governing chimed in their praise referring to the grocers accociation praise and it became a religious churchy bandwagony revival. Not practical it was for the climate cult's happiness and the obsessive compulsives feeling of being a step above the rest.

Public HELLth is very sick. What kind of moron.....

image of Ron Paul a Unintact States Of America (USOA) senator representing Kentucky and a lot of people who read he never calls out the child abuse going on in hospitals with cutting part of their dicks off only calls out penetrants that don't go through rigorous approval processes

The Corona Virus (CV). Corona is a Round Circle (RC). Viruses are not real they are illusions. Illusions goes in circles. Catching it yet? They're messing with you. There was no demic of Pan the god of mischief. It was an illusion. The producers all know this. The world is their stage. You are a player. What's your part? William Shakesphere was one of the first deaths. Hello?

OMG the building industry hasn't even figured out "do you vent a crawl space or not?" And you think figuring out nano particles that constantly mutate have one answer, one penetrant of China's chemical dump waste is the solution? ROFL you are an idiot. We saw many of these idiots dancing on TV and internet chat boxes during the Kovid runaway daze.

They also had their squabbles and still do on whether Pluto qualifies as a planet or a rock. By a vote they decide. That's the science they use in studying many things they can't see like with fake ass viruses never proven to exist. And to get people on committees to vote the proper way they give them money.

What was often called Easter was by the White House offered new branding as a day of visibility for colored people such as transgenders and qwerty's. The term actually means an artificial change of sex and forced hormonal changes using chemical formulas like what is done in witchcraft which is a colorful art and healing profession. What it's become is morphing transVESTITE into the word transgender. A transvestite is a man who dresses as a woman, may or may not identify as a woman all the time, but is what they were born. Some real conspiracies that are likely false include saying Alex Jones is a lesbian. If he or she was a gal changed into a guy there would be no receding hair line would there?

image of Alex Jones shows what we should always pay attention to, our book marks

It's 30 years after the virgin birth of the internet and they still haven't figured out how to make videos look right. Good news though that appeared 2.667 days ago on Friday is that when they crucify it .001 day later it will rise again in 2.666 days and be an imaginary savior again for all of humanity.

As you cannot see in the build back information better internet video mess the ants in the film are actually politicians in Manitoba in Canada a province that cut gas tax and the inflation is now lower than anywhere else in the state so this proves the virus causes inflation and cancer not chemical poisons eaten daily and the poison air coming out of empty promisizers.

When I realized Santa does not exist I stopped studying him. I was around 5. When I realized Jesus and the bible and it's promotion of child abuse using knives that slice off part of baby men's dicks I stopped studying the Bible. It just all felt rather sick. When I realized there was something that wasn't making sense about landing on the moon when they couldn't remember if they saw stars I stopped studying planetary science and started studying flat what's around us ERRth which makes more sense. Then realizing there is no such thing in reality of a virus, in fact Santa is more real as you actually see a representation as they describe, I kept studying viruses during the Pan sequence of events, but now it's getting to be a waste of time, it's another illusion. Lee Merritt calls out the lies about viruses and her analysis. What about that fruit fly that flew up your nose. Testing with 64 bases? What's really going on with tests. It's a disaster of illusions. Crafty. https://www.bitchute.com/video/glHEX6jqVNed/

Do a search "how to isolate a bacteria" you get a logical proven process". Do a search "how to isolate a virus" it shows a bizarre pile of illogical crap. They add all sorts of things to a sample brew they never isolate anything but you from your brain and then you just trust them to be smarter than you. They are smarter at conniving. We are all loaded with bacteria it's part of our "immune system". They can't find any "virus" as they don't even have a process of isolating the bacteria from the virus. It's all nonsense used to sell expensive drugs and treatments and steal your money. They make you afraid. You can't group together to fight the fake enemy. The only people that can save us from spikey blue balls is the science which is FAKE SCIENCE. Lee knows her stuff and is honest unlike the a.faucidae strain of presentations. Publishing was taken over so they could dominate a narrative for sales and manipulation. All of modern virology rests on one man John Franklin Embers he did not culture viruses. He started with "polio". She explains why it's junk science. The science created a poisonous slurry, injected it into monkey brains, said look ma there's proof, the monkey got paralyzed by the virus when it was like dumping in raw sewage down stream from a chemical factory. Even in 1980 the science did not routinely say that viruses were proven absolutely. That all changed when the a.faucidae version slithered in. This is a very good talk with Greg Reese. They used to look at fresh blood smears that would show things there, by the time it goes to the lab now the specimen is not the same. That's another industrialist scheme to look at under the microscope. If we did that with an electron microscope and looked at the fraud we'd only see a slice of what's really going on. The system has denied the magnification they need to use. All of the cancer patients had parasites. We eat parasites since day one. Tom Cowan adds a different layer than Lee, says the real problem is the toxins in the body, the parasites are there to eat the toxins. Lee still uses term "immune system". Lee mentions blood brain barrier, what the fuck is that, no one ever explains that, how can there be a barrier when the brain depends on blood like every part of the body. Nonsense. So Lee focuses too much on the parasites. Should get more into the toxins. Ace 2 receptor. Gamble on the ace? More nonsense. Venom blocks nicotinic receptor. Poison Harmaceuticals aka PHarmaceuticals sales and it's base of virology making it's hustles is like a bank robbery planned with the criminals setting up a distraction. Smokers did not go down like the non smokers in the Pan Fluemic. Lee chews nicotine gum.
