April 1 2024 is called April Fools Day

In 1984 on this day we learned that condoms cannot stop viruses, some of us learned better but during the misinformation age that started then a full 99.666% of the population did not understand this fact. Marketing arms bullied the public into accepting condoms as a way to fake prevent a fake virus spreading that men should wear condoms so their stocks would become erect.

Margaret Heckler of the Health And Human Services Department Of The Unintact States Of America (HAHSDOTUSOA) stated in that year and after that expecting condoms to stop viruses is like leaving the front door of the cabin in the woods open without a screen door and expecting flies to knock first and only enter when you have made them sign a terms of service thinking they have so many eyes one or more of them would read the fine print.

Those latex devices can stop pregnancy but they cannot stop viruses as the rubber is like 1970's disco polyester pants that stretches and the membrane holes let viruses through as they are trillions of times too small to be stopped.

Of course now in the 2000's we learn viruses don't even exist they are imaginary though we oddly still believe in Santa so that never stops marketing legs from kicking you in the head to get you to buy things you often don't need especially when they manipulate our relatively not absolutely fine systems of government to make you pay for it and be mandated to use.
