My foreskin was a church.

Believe me it was a place of worship.

This is real?

Mowed down by a bubble while running on cool moss? Mowed down by a PAN demic?

Is war about refreshing inventory?

Jim Fetzer and guests include Sasha Latypova December 27, 2024. Why is US news and others blocking the real news. Sasha:
No, is not a legitimate science. Virology is BS — it’s mostly an area of psychological operations in order to justify what they’re doing here. They say, “Oh, we can militarize viruses” — no, we can’t. I can have a 2-hour discussion about the scientific reasons why it’s not possible and has never been can’t make a “flying ebola” — they still don’t have a flying ebola no matter what they do. Read the full description of this episode.

Sequences of dangerous unicorns are not real. She claims that we have so much cancer because of sequences, that's repetition of junk science SO/SHE misses the boat on that. Cancer is caused by recipies. Ingredients include sitting on asses and assetts all day, Gulp Oil Slicks, CHEMICAL SPILLS, and chronic sugar and alcohol use and misuse disuse maluse and abuse. William Dufty wrote a book explaining the health problems from sugar abuse. We have incredible defenses in our body. They can be called defense systems. There are no immune systems except in law. I think a better term is response systems. The body responds. Calling it a defense is not as good a term to use. The word defense associates with war and it's weapons. The body is more like a trash collection and dumping company and construction firm.

Fauci plays "advisory role". In the 1980's the bandwagon declared "war on the alleged aids virus". Going to war on dangerous unicorns is mostly about riling people up and making money while providing pacifiers for the fears they instill by design.  

Fund raisers gone wild

In the 1980s the overactivist ideals got deeply rooted in dangerous unicorn hunting and today it's spread it's roots to take over the entire field like wind choppers took over the entrance to Palm Springs. Doctors, lawyers, insurance companies and wars be they real or fake are the best fund raisers. In 2024 if you weren't fund raising you were not included. Businesses went to the Birdfear Summit (BS) to learn how they could protect their employees from harm make mega bucks for retirement with the latest flu scam.

 MarsX - we went there but we didn't go back to the moon? Think. This is a religion it's all make believe. Instead of pasing the plate they pass the tax bill in congre$$.

Bernard Valter - Trump's plan to save face on being conned about vaccines. Bill Gates wants to meet Trump to save face on that island thing. Valter is not wrong about Trump. Nothing will happen to these guys. They are all in the same money club. It's the money that's in charge. Trump will defund WHO a criminal gang but will leave Billy alone.j

Fauci the FRAUD/SEE - If anyone believes the pigshit that pours out of this man's mouth at this point they are hopeless.

ABC's of fake news - Who believes this crap? She's smiling and has to cover her face as she's ready to burst out laughing when he tells the fake ass story. You can hear in his voice the acting. All of them start smiling in this fake ass performance. Perfect example of how the news LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES to sell you all the shit inbetween all these stories.

 99.666% decline - Measles was wiped out before vaccines were introduced. Medi SIN and pHARMa seized the opportunity to claim they were the ones that "fixed the problem". There was and is no virus but Aaron Siri presents the moderna belief in viruses as a base to make his case as to not do so would be like walking into a church and telling the congregants there is no Devil in the details or preaching to a Democrat party that Fauci is not their God he is Satan's toilet matter that keeps clogging up the system. There is chemical assault and poisons that back when made way in commercially produced milk and pesticides at times causing an "outbreak" in a community. Food processing is a tricky thing sometimes there's chemical spills that were covered up. Drug ads and politicians never tell us that part of the story.

Soviets finally land on the moon - Before US astro nots went with Astro their dog others were there.

Silicone food - Sprays and injections in vegetables. Now I know my brain was telling me something. I have for 5 years now noticing a tasting/feeling silicone in all sorts of foods like never before. In April 2020 after the corona mirage moved beyond moons and deserts

Description - CoViD/EIEIO is not a disease it is a description made by marketing agencies.

95.666% of "hate" crimes on campuses are proven hoax. Victim hoodism for gain. Pointed out by the lovely voice of Quite Frankly™ December 27 2024 a day which he went back in the closet.

Australian doctor wins against CORONA/CULT in court

This is beyond HUG ❤ watch

There are tears of joy, not just in Australia but around the world. The criminals of our state health bureaucracy have been destroyed in the Supreme Court of Queensland. Here’s what Dr. William Bay said after the court made the decision:

I think vaccines are stupid , mate, they are absolute stupid, they are killers. They destroy people’s DNA – and I say this to you, to Australia and to the world as a licensed medical practitioner. This is coming from a licensed Australian medical professional: mRNA vaccines are toxic. They are bad for you, they are not good for you. They are harming your children, they are harming you. Everything you have heard has been there to deceive you. Today I have it confirmed in court. Let me inform you, the people of Australia, that the medical regulator has lied to you. The medical regulator APHRA has lied to you. Judge Bradley of the Supreme Court today declared me 100% right. WE WON ✊

The only doctor worth going to is this one and others like him or those in medical school who REFUSED to be experimented on with pHARMa junk science.

Another good doctor is Denis Rancourt who called out Corona Halo Illusion Treatmeants (CHIT) in 2020 immediately. He's also called out HIV/AIDS but mostlty only the halo itself listened with that most of the humans got their studies done on TV news. Rancort says he looked around after seeing reports on slime stream television news which gets all it's money from pHARMa commercials and was amazed there were no dead bodies in the street. As a scientist he looked at all cause mortality a more proper science to use. "Vaccines are a toxic substance". Hear him speak on this. Problem is like with all of these proper scientists like Rancort and the junk science spreaders..... NO ONE mentions the sudden fumigation starting in 2020 of indoor spaces with QUAT poison pesticides misleadingly called disinfectants. They are corrosive to lungs, surfaces, bedding, everything. The HELL t.H. compartments of portfolio management immediately declared war on viruses eveywhere there were humans and animals and air and objects. They never once had in history ever proved any virus was a real thing but the money flowing in told them not to listen to that.

The Trans Mission Paradox

It's over. HIV is dead. No more will the public buy the Hustles In Virology (HIV). The war on AIDS ended 1984. We realized then HIV is Horseshit In Virology and WAR is theft. Now we know for sure that viruses do not exist. Back then we only knew for certain that they were as worrysome as dust as that's about all they were proven to be at that time - cell debris - dust and dirt - and the human body has dusters and washing machines and plenty of soap to clean the dust and dirt away. We realized the hustlers were making what at best analysis was dust and dirt into Godvirazilla which was absurd. We tossed all the HIV labels in the trash. The entire virus hunting industry is a Hustle to sell drugs like rebranded AZT killer chemo drug FDA pulled off markent when it was more honest in the 1970's but then in the master planned community of planned hysterics as seen on Bill Maher's TV, that Dr. Frankenfauci brought back to life that drug as an experimental chemotherapy for AIDS used to feed his royalties and is now used daily as a pesticide placed in PrEP to "kill the virus" that does not exist as a prevention method sold to unsuspecting consumers as a way to have safe sex again. It's all Hustle In Virology (HIV). Sex was always safe. It never killed anyone in history unless it was being performed on a tight rope. Follow the yellow streams of paved lies. Some were very lucky they just pissed out the poisons said Dr. Duesberg who called this all out right away. He happened to be considered the father of retroviruses. They made him walk the plank when the pirates realized he wasn't one of them.

The Clear View

Bill Maher woke up. He was taking orders from a race hustler. Damon Imani saves the world. Hilarious.

view Damon's best parodies of The View for 2024

Now if only Billy boy would admit he screwed all of us as for the last 40 years he pushed WHO as being everyone's GOD in medi SINS and whenever anyone questioned the science of HIV/AIDS nonsense he made that funny look he makes that keeps him in business. He repeatedly blabbered things like "I mean really now it's the WHO" rather condescending towards anyone who questioned and pointed out all the flaws in what was being poured all over everyone like tar and feathers in moderna MED I SIN lies of all the pharma cysts which happen to make their medi SINS from coal tar and China's chemical waste repurposed into treat meants. AIDS drugs killed. Hit Hard Hit Early was a massacre. That pompous ass clown who takes orders from viruses just kept pushing the narrative so he really needs to apologize for being so stupid and conceited and throwing good messengers off cliffs while he and his audiences all thought that was funny and part of the act.

Dr. Sam Bailey

She's a trooper informing the world why viruses don't exist.

Samantha said,
"This year I was invited to publish a series of articles for what many of you would call a mainstream news platform. I seized such a great opportunity and we are pleased to announce that the articles have now been collated into a booklet that can be downloaded for free" View her work for 2024 here

Dr. Tom Cowan is another great one in presenting what makes sense in health and wellness. One of his weekly teaching sessions he talked about how authors of science need to first PROVE assertions made and if the fundamental most basic claim can't be proven there is no point in going further. Virology is a big mess of wild claims. None of it makes sense. Their first claim of "a virus" caused this or that, well, their science first tried to prove a virus was real, a necessary first step, they never were able to prove it, so they ended up saying "well it's there". That's like saying let's go see a football game, you arrive, you look around and see a bowling alley and they insist you are there at a footbal field. Actually their pseudo science is worse than that, it's like they take you to a field and say that is a stadium because field is a part of the term "football field". Really that is how stupid and conniving the junk science is of virology.

There's an endless array of claims made based on the ASSERTION of viruses causing disease yet they never proved their being anything real they just make assumptions. Now-a-daze it's become such a hustle they insist infinite variants are real. Similarly the science of astronomy claiming a ball earth that most people have assumed is true now in 2024 has never proven this claim. Supposedly going to the moon would prove that, but they never went, this is very clear at this stage. As with virology reliance on massive bizarre calculations that are not absolute measure are the norm in these poorly formed science projects that bill big now using auto pay approved by con gress. In con trast the flat earthers keep presenting measures that are provable rather basic yet keep showing how flat the land we live on is. It's like the globers first look up at the ceiling, measure relatively, not absolutely, and then say "well that proves the floor is curved". It's not science it's science fiction just like everything virus and "covid" and PAN. The globe model then tells the flat science prove it's not a globe. That's not how science properly done works. That's how scams work. First prove the globe is real and they can't do this. First prove the earth is flat, it's been proven look around it's flat. That's proof. First prove the globe, look around it's flat, then look at the sky, see round things, see them spin, see yourself as a baby looking up from your crib being told the mobile spinning above proves your crib is a globe.

Bible version of earth makes more sense

No one has absolutely proven what earth's shape is. Globe earth flat earth are religions they are all based on beliefs. We can agree to disagree and when we do that, then they say we must agree with their science, because the vote says so and is never wrong as the science is a vote just like what they did with Pluto being a rock, planet, rock again, planet and ultimately nothing provable at all. So then with vote in hand con gress again approves another $72 million dollars a day for their science fiction religion of outer space.

The better more properly performed analysis in science seems to keep presenting spinning ball would not hold water at level if at all. So the more authentic science continues at NO COST TO THE TAXPAYER here and it's better science than anything coming from billing companies often called govern meant.

 Joseph Hanvy latest working proven logical + makes sense model of flat explained.

 Container holds water. Ball does not hold water. Electrical charge fluid ceiling. Up and down. Terroidal field. It's so sad we fell for that stupid globe model that stole our cash as it's hustlers always beg for money from govern meant that now totals into the trillion$ which could have all been used so much better and now will as we all wake up to what are delusions of a spinning ball traveling in space a place where no man has ever traveled except in the mind and the space above our heads a few miles.

A salesman went to a bar at the south pole

A representative of insurance went to the Anti Arctic, when he was "there in antarctica" he said Candice Owens was right there as his producer. He looked to the side as if he was looking at his crew. I would like to see proof of this claim which appeared to be ACTING. Proof of his story would include statements by Candice Owens though if that comes thru that's not proof she was there she could be in studio or CGI editing involved or what have you, but let's see what Duffy insurance and assurance presents. Starting at 32:48 Hanvey shows the Duffy 360 degree view they claim they captured of the Antarctic sun. If you study the shadows of the building you can easily see that whole thing was faked. The camera is on a tripod in one position. The "sun" is in the distance ON THE HORIZON. The shadows act like a light source artificial or the sun in Colorado where Duffy lives filmed in winter. The shadowing DOES NOT MATCH the obviously fake Anti Arctic sun shown. Used green screen obviously for the distant mountains and sun. Likely filmed building and ancillary devices in studio. Layering. Trickery with computer editing software.


Why does the building get closer to the camera while the yellow truck gets further away!!!!! Gotcha. This is hilarious. Yellow toy truck is too small in the close up of building in photo on right. If this was real it would be bigger in proportion to the building. It's smaller than the yellow toy truck in photo on left where the building appears further away. Not possible except in image manipulation likely computer graphics. Notice the purple mountains majesty to the right of the building and longer shadow they don't match the other photo. This is supposedly from the one camera doing time lapse rotating slowly 360 degrees. Busted. A different camera appears in the frame, it looks to be pointing at the stars in "antarctica" during a 24 hour sun. ROFL. It is clearly not pointing at the sun. Maybe it's taking photos of aliens.

The "sun" is only a little higher with the short shadow, this does not represent reality the short shadow OF THE BUILDING represents some other light source NOT ON ANTARCTICA as is claimed. Look at the long shadow of the tripod by the table. Hanvey concludes we have to pray for these gentlemen who are propoganda pushing. I don't have any interest in wasting my time praying for this little stunt. I never trust sales men or women. They all deserve special scruitiny. Another interesting oddity, look at the sun on left and right. Left has a streak like a chemtrail at about 9:30 and the one on the right similar streak at about 5:30. That seems to indicate staging of the background using green screen as if this was the sun as it would appear in real life the lens flare effect on the lens would not change as it's following the sun! There are simply so many flaws apparent it's obviously staged. Excuses might be made claiming they changed the distance of the camera to explain the building being closer but that can't be possible as the yellow toy truck is smaller than the other image, again, the camera is supposed to be panning 360 degrees. Oh here's an excuse, the camera froze in 17 degrees below zero and wind gust blew it over yea they couldn't put it exactly where it was as there was a hole in the ice that appeared or some other nonsense. Also notice the sun is oblong same as the "chemtrail". If we use the science that the young insurance salesman uses we could say this proves the sun also rotates around itself and around chemtrails the same way it rotates around the Anti Arctic zone of our flat universe. I'd like to see Hanvey inside the buildings of the world's best telescopes working with those. Hanvey is amazing, he's a real scientist of value. 100 and 500 years from now his work will be referenced everywhere. Another problem the video is as usual with these hustles very fuzzy. Has Duffy uploaded 1080p version yet? Said the starlink wasn't working well "down there". It could all be an act. How do we know he wasn't paid by NASA to orchestrate this little distraction. They love setting us up. View some vintage space theater.

Amazon slaves rise up

They say no contract no peace. I tried to return something once. Took 9 months to birth that return with massive hassle talking to robot AI shit that pretends to be a customer service rep. The AI promised me the moon and a trip to Anti Arctica as a refund. I shoulda taken the trip.

Joe Rogan is such a hustler and what sell-e-brity isn't?

How religion and Christmas stole the soul

File:Komissarzhevskaya Nora.jpg

It's sick how people treat unequally the grinches who never stole anything as accused they just hate this stupid holiday as people force them to wear a red bow tie or red ribbon with greed sparkles undertow. They spend more time with shopping rather than being present, and could give a rats ass about the homeless suffering outdoors when they are the many homefull. The unhomed having tokens of care thrown at them instead of repairs, to selfishly lift their guilt for a fleeting imaginary wish down under a star, as peoples spreading the holiday spirts and goblins that make it a priority to gamble on fake money and delusions of saviors. The selfish delight disgusts. Many people complain they hate the holidaze but why? Maybe it's because they all know their minds are being raped and are being used and abused by sick religious contradictory fantasy dogma and never were taught how to stop being pussy whipped by religion and all it's goblins that on Halloween dress up as angels as God's first hand and most powerful angel of all was also shunned, from heaven, sending him to this hell. He is always shunned on this planette from giving his wonderful gifts of strength, healing, guidance and always banned from attending any of those holier than thous sell-e-brations. Think Jesus is ever coming back to this hell where priests in medi SIN keep slicing and dicing baby boy foreskins on their most creative body part for the intense pleasure of portfolios of these sickos? Think again. The alleged fallen angel is horrified every time he hears stories how they severed Jesus full expression of pleasure and pro creation every time he eats a bowl of Kellogg's Froot Loops. Check the calendar to see which date he is staying the fuck away from and why and how the Devil is planning to move back to Heaven as he says he's sick of this place where people still don't understand that they are the center of the universe and every time he tries to tell them the truth they shove shit in his face and do weird dances around the fax.

Dave Weiss dis cerned a rat

Flat Earth Dave calls out Will Duffy's little scheme that probably was planned years in advance.

Dave knew right away he didn't have to go to the Anti Arctic to find out what stunk to HELL and back it was apparent in the first email from the insurance salesman and actor that wanted to use Dave for his little stunt. Dave responds to the trash now being thrown at him as Duffy concludes flat earth now proven inaccurate as he claims he saw a sun that never set. Dave points out the hustle and the insurance guy's "crappy little church" of this "pastor" that popped up out of nowhere. In the sermon clip Duffy presents in his credentials. Was there even an audience or is it staged? Odd that the message in that staged sermon was "the bible says it's ok to lie and deceive". Read more on this analysis of a psyop in the making for many many years. Remember those playing this globe game have a lot of your money to lose if you wake up and smell the lies and deceit. Bravo Dave!

I beleive both Dave and I have the final explanation needed, earth is both a globe and it's flat, it's better described as earth is on the globe, it is not the globe. The universe is surrounding that. The solar system is hovering around the top of earth which is more like a pizza pie plate. This globe is approximately 666 trillion octillion miles in diameter give or take 666 miles. What we call earth is not a mere 8 thousand miles in diameter that is so laughable it's like was someone in the board meeting saying "sure let's say it's 8 thousand miles in diameter no one will figure it out" as calculators were not as readily available then. So on our 666 trilloctillion mile diameter universe globe we live on our fossil fuels will never run out that's why they are drawing The Line in the in the sand to help us understand this. This line is planned to be 110 miles. At the end of the line will be a period to remind this is the end of the sentence of modern man's slavery to design.

Plane crash

"The aircraft was exposed to strong GPS jamming which made the aircraft transmit bad ADS-B [Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast] data". ADS-B is "automatic" in that it requires no pilot or external input to trigger its transmissions. Becoming dependent on automation flying a plane that can be jammed automatically and remotely is good? There appears to be a link to ADS-B being environmentally friendly. "ADS-B technology provides a more accurate report of an aircraft's position.[21] This allows controllers to guide aircraft into and out of crowded airspace with smaller separation standards than it was previously possible to do safely." OMG. Safely? How about old fashioned giving enough space between flights. This is insane it's been built on climate change lunacy!

According to Flightradar24, the aircraft encountered GPS jamming, with invalid ADS-B position data starting at 04:25 UTC due to significant interference.[65] Analysts speculate this could have been intentional GPS jamming by local authorities to disrupt drone navigation, a tactic previously used in Moscow. It is hypothesized that Chechen anti-aircraft systems, possibly the Pantsir-S1, mistook the plane for a UAV due to a failure in the "friend-or-foe" identification system.[68]

RT shows crash. Wheres all the black burned areas on the ground and on the plane, where's the wings? OMG they are disintegrated, this is the back of the plane that's all that's left. Everyone's going to be sitting in the back from now on. You see those daze of screaming about being sent to the back of the bus, that was about keeping certain groups of people safer than others, the ones in the front were not as safe. The pilots died in this crash and passengers in the front.

Locked out of smart car

This does not happen with stupid cars and stupid trucks that horses ass California mismaldis governing banned. Smart cars are smart ass cars they fuck with you like the Hustlers In Virus hunting (HIVh). The Tesla fancy dancy mega expensive car was prewarming 20 minutes how much energy does that waste and wouldn't let the owner in with it's smart buttons. If it was keyed it would have been too stupid to play these silly games. These things are glorious junk. This is the problem with all this smart ass electronic everything. Keyed entry needs sensors. Cold and heat affects energy output. Break down faster. Only junk yards will want these mistransportation devices. Think Elon cares? He's moved on. He's got his cash. He's played the game. He's making more.

Someone or manyone knew people would be killed

HELL 666th minister in junk science "health care" built by corporate and portfolio greed is being investigated for murder and covering up deaths that appeared as soon as the magic covid bullet entered those lined up in front of the drive thru firing squads. All these trusted puppets are used by PIG/PHARMA and the moderna medi SIN killing machines setting up all these Hustlers In Virology (HIV) who are the stupidest people we have ever seen on the planet acting like robots. There is something really wrong with their thinking or maybe they only care about a paycheck and don't think. Weird as it may be the theory is to be abused by pHARMa to not be abused by what does not exist, viruses. A child screams NO DON'T SHOOT they do anyway, injecting pain, crying these medical drones could care less. Billing machinery does not care about anyone's health. Within 2.666 months the magic covid bullet caused the most massive harm and death rate than any other drug in history next to the killer chemo drug AZT that was shoved down the throats of half a million gays which many religious folk hated in the 1980's as they bought the lie that gays spread disease. Gays now referred to as G were treated like shit by governing bodies then. Equal marriage benefits only to those that were deemed one man and one wombman. Funny how every single report on what affects the religious folk leaves out that holocaust. Disease is a condition not something in a jar that can be scooped up and spread, it's not slathered all over anything, disease never spreads, it's not peanut butter, it's not syrup though marketing is full of it, it's a condition of the body that is CREATED by humans who routinely shove Gulp Oil Slicks down their throats using oil spills drunk on putting people in a daze, and slippery sweets, and created by greedy junk science and corporate methods of ridding corporate chemical waste for obscene profits. What they call disease is almost always garbage in, garbage piles up, bacteria already in the body ramps up and gets busy with it's bulldozers and response teams, the body goes into overdrive garbage out through what ever ways it can get all the garbage out often using all your energy to prioritize that over other things. Drink clean water and rest. 

Cable TV see the guy hangning from the cable? The earth is rotating there at the speed of a 78 RPM record which is 112,230 times faster than earth's actual roation of 1 RPD. It was easy to fool people then as they continue to be fooled today with rubber babies, FakeX, NASA/CGI, and viruses that do not exist.

Never trust what your eyes say is right there in front of you?

The players in this massive mind control game of globe earth do not want people to stop looking up at the heavens as if they did so and kept looking at the world in front of them and around them in a straight plane they'd see all these players and their demics of tricks picking everyone's pockets and would put a stop to that starting with ending the $72 million each day pouring into NASA and it's fake space station based on this planette instead of our communities. That's $72 million each day better used to restore our cities and people's lives. Think TRONald dump truck will do that on day one? He wouldn't do that on day 72 million. He's part of the problem. Like imaginary Jesus said as we sell-e-brate his birthday today as the world does as the Romans do as their empire never fell "the rich fucks never give away their wealth".

For the hit record Jesus was actually born in what is popular hit known as "August" which the Roman calendar of his day called that month SEX. Jesus was actually born during SEX.

Another reproduction of the fragmentary Fasti Antiates Maiores (c. 60 BC), with the seventh and eighth months still named Quintilis ("QVI") and Sextilis ("SEX") and an intercalary month ("INTER") in the far right-hand column

The calendar of Rome had and has 304 days. It had 10 months mostly 31 and 30 days each. It made more sense when the world was known as being what it is, flat, a planette, a smaller plane of the larger plane, a planette. The gregorian calendar is 365.666 daze that keeps our heads spinning which is a trick used to confuse and then embed commands, a method used throughout history in every culture, kingdoms, religions.

Omicron Islands are located in Anti Arctica. Omicron novels are in libraries and in doctors offices and in HELL t.H. compartments next to smelly socks in gym lockers none of which ever contain "viruses" as they don't exist any more than Godzilla.

Moderna medi SIN is so full of porn. Listen to Dr. Ardis explain what happens when people have a heart attack. They shove bags of salt into you. Go to the doctor these delusionists tell us to cut salt out of our diets. How about reinforce drinking clean water and lots of it to dilute it and provide rivers and streams and lakes that then can flush out all the junk as needed. Salt is a vital element of the makeup of the human body. There are 4 minerals that the body needs in abundance, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium.

Aspertame sweetner name change. Made by chemical companies that bring you gobs of poisons.

Viruses only exist in marketing pharma products at great hidden costs to the consumer of these treats.

Life is made up of viruses. The term "viruses" is marketing bullshit. Junk science is everywhere infecting everything.

The pharma stopped the animal tests because the animals were dying. This was prior to when businesses were considering making it mandatory to be Fauci's lab rat. Fauci and his lying friends including Redfield all make royalties off the poisons. So does the Trudeau family of corporations. All vaccines are poison. Some are mostly anti-freeze. I would love to see all pHARMa companies go bankrupt and CEO's instead of raping people with medi SIN start building homes with Habitat For Humanity be secretaries and housewives and garbage men and actually do something productive than it is now built on marketing greed. The pharmacracy inquisition is here.

Find your corona which the dictionary defines as a halo. So humanity was coronated making them angels. Pan was involved in the gayme. We endured the red ribbon crap long ago so we were prepared for the coronation of following the pied Panner who was a love child of sex between PAN and Pinocchio and how to deal with the cult as it ran it's latest bandwagon all over us. After a while we just had to let the air out of it's tires other wise it would have ballooned thus floated up to the 5th.666 dimension and there would have been no insane people left on earth. They add so much needed drama. They then just stole other wagons and rode on telling everyone to wear their red corona ribbon. They got so bad with their panmania they would take jobs away from anyone who would not wear the ribbon. These sick cults popped up in moderna medi SIN all the time. It's Christmas Day and the Gulp Oil Slicks are pouring in. The will blame a virus next week, they will go to their doctors asking for treats. They will be taken to the cleaners.

Cold, flu, pneumonia is not a disease it's a house cleaning crew busy working and throwing out stuff. The term "disease" used to be understood as such until pharma came in to harma with chemicals and it's sick marketing of always going to war with your body fighting invisible "enemies" as if when a crew comes in to clean a home and neighbors see piles of crap on the front lawn they would call in the military to blow up the whole property because they thought it was a disease and would spread to their homo. Hellth care protocols are most often now a daze is in this hustle of going to war with these made up stories. Never does pharma consider the primary need to have routine housecleaning. We dump Gulp Oil Slicks in with hidden motor oils in our foods every Xmas and Thanksgiving Day massive oil spills in the body and then dump in more crap in chemical waste from China's manufacturing. Follow the crypto. It's sick. All the clammor to inject that garbage is a hustle and now that the corona island disease of the mind is exposed with 2020 hindsight people are fully rejecting their chemical warfare. Thinking they are saving theselves and the planet now they reach for their shampoo and think nothing about China's chemical factory waste in that bottle and just about every other product they buy. So this is exactly like what the corona hustle non conformists endured by the cult.

Artificial intelligence is a bigger scam than Enron and covid which had babies.

Tesla fake "truck" can't get out of the snow.


Bring Back Mechanical Engines? Electronic controlled engines are garbage why not call for recycling? Because they are all plastic now which we now know recycling plastic is a lie. Antibodies showing up in workers based on FRAUD/TEST that can't find what does not exist? Junk science infects the world. Just add NO to the the sentence beginning or end. Perspective on wives having sex with someone other than their partner.

Book of the Year in the financial theme is "Hijacking Bitcoin" where if you had bought it at $3 per coin and bought 1000 of them you'd now be a multi billionaire. That of course would be in bits, not even real paper! A book made with passion while completely calm says Katherine Austin Fitts. "No serious fiancial official would ever touch [Bitcoin]". It's really another pyramid scheme! Pump and dump. Software creators moved away from original vision. Now it's stuck in by design only 7 transactions per second. This allows creating highs and lows and manipulation for fast profits. Milk'n institute mention. 2016 there was a bug found that could have made Bitcoin sink like the Titanic or Olympic. Disaster averted. Captains listened long enough ahead to steer the coin. Custodial Bitcoin based on promise it might not be there. RFK promised if he was prez for US to buy 400 billion worth of Bitcoin and they would be unreportable for the public. Unreportable??? Exit fraud.

No longer a christian

Isaac Deitz he read the bible when the others were not and they didn't want him to wear camo pants.

Mars was never the problem

Obviously a gift giver and martians are real because we can see them. In virus hunting the junk science tells us they don't even see them and that makes them even more real. So then they go around the world bringing presents remotely.

Cleared out the bar because of one swear word as he sang kareoke to an ol' xmas tune. You do know that Xmas is now owned by Elon Musk who drives cars in space and people think it's as real as Santa.

No divorce?

First thing to offer the friend after they throw up the blue pill before giving them the red pill, the Kary Mullis video where he says the testing he invented cannot find a virus. The entire medicine pushing industry uses his invention to "find a virus". The only variant of virus that can be found with it is the dangerous unicorn variant.

Never forget the 911 of the abuse of the public and the fake emergency in 2020 and all those that keep following after that emergency truck. Testing is a fraud so that too was abuse. This holiday thank Fauci for showing us the difference between the good people of the world and himself which is pure evil.

Merry Holocene.

Kung Flu

The Kung variant springs to life. Variants now are evolving at sleasy marketing and sales department speed everwhere we find a company selling biofraud treat meants spreading like septic tanks breaking that were built "safe and effectively" on stilts made like the rediculously crafted Apollo head space craft made of paper mache, wood paneling, and gold foil lame. The Kung corona is still just an illusion like the corona moon variant. Wakey wakey. The whole thing is a hustle. That's why it's called HIV - Hustle In Virology. All it would take is calling it Kung Flu and people would not get the shot. Call it a halo shot or an illusion shot and they flock like see gullibles.

5G coronation

The stupidest conspiracy claim is that 5th generation of cell phone technology suddenly has the capability of beaming satellites into cells of the body and communicate to them and make them do things they wouldn't normally do when they weren't watching so much cellular porn.

Cartoons only infect the mind or just tickle the funny bone. The story is about a silicon chip finding it's way into each cell and when they turn on the 5G they have super powers to create the disease ARDS. The corona version is CARDS. Play your CARDS wisely. Cabin pressure disease.

Florida weather or not

Dude on TV broadcast is bored with Florida weather starts talking like he's trying out for a movie.

Shopping the old fashioned way

Lifting the goods and not paying is a crime again in California. Gavin is pissed.

#1 song

It'll be freezing this christmas.

Swedish snow dude lives in cartoon neighborland talks about forced vaccination act. Who the fuck are these sick's that would hold down women and children and force themselves on them and fuck them with vaccines?

Fauci is a sick fuck. We have tried to warn the public about this viper since the 1980's as we took care of our drugged and poisoned friends who insisted he was god, until they died of HIPP - Hustles In Poisoning Protocols also known as modern medi SIN. Poisoning the temple of the Holy Spirit is evil.

Listen to him say in the congressional hearings in audio how all he wanted was to make everyone be his test puppy to practice his sick mad torturous science on, where aids drugs circumcised cells indiscriminately and sappy sales pitches were covered in Kellogg's Froot Loops and that he would do what ever it takes to force himself on others. See if you can spot the moment Dr. Smirk's mind reminds him for a split second about his dastardly plan and how fun it is to cleverly fuck with people and make royalties in this segment and the others simply read the movie script and count their royalties. Wakey wakey.

Here's another big pharma pile of horseshit. Now junk claims that a vaccine will prevent cancer just like the fake claims that polio was removed by vaccine. These are all hustlers lies. Hustlers in the science fiction of disease management changed the meaning of vaccine. It's like they are selling you AI fruit saying this apple is now an orange. It's all fake.

It's fake emergency season!

Berwick rushes off to Bahamas with family before THE/HIV lock everything down again

When is some one or many one going to stop the senseless war on bird brains? The most efficient body building form of protein - chicken eggs - is having it's production facilities - hens - genocided to fake protect us from harm. To buy a dozen eggs now is 666 TRILLION bit and byte coined dollars. Fake tests to find fake viruses used to real scare people into accepting electro shock therapy provided direct through TV and internet junk piles of junk science that is a rotting mess with wires all over the place shorting out minds that trust the HIV. These Hustlers In Virology are purposely intent on destroying our best food sources as method of packing their portfolios. They are going to spray poisons on foods in December 2024 then when people get sick in January from the real causes of flu, gulp oil slicks, sugary electrical shorts, chemical interactions, and the indulgence in poison alcohol, they will blame virus and manipulate how ever they can to protect their wealth as has been going on four hundred 29.666 years now and since Jesus was born which is when the priests started billing for hacking off protective hoods on the most sensitive body part found only on saviors. This sick money grubbing system must be desperate and on it's last legs as Kennedy Junior will head HHS and flush this shit down the sewer and eliminate testing for this junk science as we already know it's junk. 

Dr. Lee Merrit says they USDA needs to prove their test is valid, it is not. Do Not Comply.

Bird Flu they say jumped to humans. What jumped? The entire flu? Oh the virus. What virus? They can't prove any virus exists, not any of them. Oh oh the lid is coming off, what a smelly can of worms they have feeding us. Only bird brains would eat it.

Graphite. Made of silicon carbide. The bandwagon is playing the tune that it saves the planet and it's quite a performance.

Silicon. Silicone. Ever try to get that stuff off your hands?

Cell phones and cells hijacked by dangerous unicorns will not allow turning off tracking as a fake protection measure to gain more control using fear to exploit the public. Drones spraying the sky with jet fuel exhaust trails. Panic. Word of the day. Jeff, the siren is a daily test for fire fighting to make sure it's working, not alien invasion. Many of those in the eastern states. Jeff lives in the matrix doesn't go to the library much. Shorts out often. Maybe he was kidding again. Make the movie then write the book.

Fish flu

Humans are now catching fish flu. 4 cases discovered. 2 in China and 2 in California. Newscum declared an emergency. Fishers of men remain healthy as hellth authors started vaccinating the big bodies of salty oxygenated hydrogen hydrogen to cull all the fish in the Pacific Ocean to protect humans who rely on protein for life from the fish flu virus. The say it's not yet reached the fish farm of the Atlantic Ocean oh but it will. After everyone dies of starvation and junk protein abuse the authors of these hustles will again blame a virus. Some will question how they survived the fish flu holocaust of 2025 and compare it to the Medicull Aspirin Overdose By 20x Normal Dose Holocaust Of 1918 (MAOB20xNDHO1918) formerly known as the Spanish Flu where the over dose of aspirin made by Bayer made them bleed to death. The Hustlers In Virology will say they took the fishy vaccines but that "the rest of the public listened to RFK Junior and Del Bigtree and shunned the medi SIN industry products so they are all gone now". 6 billion people dead all but the royalty who work diligently to save lives. They had stockpiles stored underground, lots of caviar. They did not find the cause to be not enough food due to the culling variant of mad science and governing and efficient marketing hustles.


War saves lives now!

Unmanned drones allow massacres to become more efficient and attain higher numbers of dead humans. Govern meant sincerly to attain results of very few dead and quick surrenders to royalty but as always the greed regimes became too power full of them selves. Offering up Jim Fetzer's take on current events 12/19/24 with key point, the Russians are more democratic than Democrats in the USA! Well that depends on perspective and each matter. Raise your hand if you are tired of broad categories just be sure to do it in the acceptable ways that only democracy DICTATES.


Clean filthy dirty moss green energy

It only grows where there's not enough sunshie to expose what it really is.

Wind shredders towering 700 feet up in the air making the air dizzy and the views in shreds require oil changes every 9 months. 700 gallons of oil. No it's not natural oil collected from birds wings these spinning fans kill it's oil from the ground. Please liberal climate nuts we don't want to hear another moment of your delusions. If you have a problem seek help. Check yourself into a mental institution like Meathead did after he fell to pieces when Trump and the sane people won again. Trillions of green energy $$$ made from oil to create a movie set for energy theater. The show is called Enron 2.0666. No refunds your money is gone to the climate hustlers like that lying Allen Gore device and the portfolio friends.

Instead of growing crops to feed cells humanity bought the lie that it was healthier to plant cells on crops to occasionally feed electric grids that do not provide cells any nutrition. This forces people to grow food in cellars and balconies using occasional electricity from solar power that only provides it when the sun is out. That's the same retarded science that virology bases itself on and all of these schemes rely on massive amounts of reliable energy systems to keep billing you so you transfer your $$$ energy to them. None of these "clean energy" systems can grow electrons to feed the grid without regular deposits of your money from taxes called "subsidies". They are all NET LOSSES of energy. To get the point across of what these ponzi schemes really are we sometimes refer to them as Enron 2.0666.

Green energy is being used to fool us. No better example of this is seen here how they film the fake station. See if you notice where the green energy is and notice why they are laughing because they are haveing fun making movies.

Here's a man trying out for a role in a war film? Do you believe everything you see and hear?

Many people do this with their computers.

Solar wasteland of paneling that will soo be as popular as 1970's paneling was in 2024 on 4,000 acres. That's on 6.25 square miles! Says it powers so and so homes. For how long? For one second? Look at this ugly junkyard of handicapped energy.

460 million watts we don't know how many watt hours though. That would be peak capability at noon if they are even being that honest. The window washing job is huge how much water wasted? I estimate it only is capable of making coffee and toast at breakfast between 10 am and 2 pm for 235K households and running a night light only during the day. This would provide 5,363 watts each sunny day buring that time frame unless it's a cloudy day then that would drop to 1,000 watts that day. If you cover the planet with these in every open space only then could it power homes appliances during that 4 hour period. If you think the fix for that obvious probem noticed after destroying the planet with this crap is batteries, forget it, all mines are also covered in this shit. Everything these sales hacks say is a lie.


Doctor of what?

Congress needs to require doctors that orchestrate hellth and humanistic scams called medisin to have a degree in organic chemistry as this guy does. There is no science in the drug industry it's marketing. They invent disease. Drugs are all dangerous and effective at causing harm. They are made from petroleum. Hypnotize and drug them. That's their business model.

Vector poison

HELLth departments and ancillary arms of these horror shows define a "vector" as as a rat, mosquito, cockroach and fly, that can transmit disease, cause injury and be a nuisance to humans. Longstanding problem is disease cannot be transmitted, it is a process that is created and developed over time. They can't even prove any virus exists yet they go around spraying poisons in the air, feed poisons to animals, and bill bill bill for their services. Rat poisons to kill these "vectors" falsely claimed to "spread disease" are readily bought at food stores of all places. Rats die outdoors. Critters eat the rats and die. Cats eat the rats and die. Dogs eat the rats and die or get very ill or paralyzed and usually die. Explains the disappearing cats that naturally using teeth keep "vectors" in check when they are not poisoned by these sick departments of controlling "vectors". If humans can transmit disease [which we proved they cannot nor can any rodent other animal bird or bug] then they too are "vectors". Vector control departments could by basic definition of this word "vector" be in control of poisoning humans as humans are "vectors" as they especially went off the rails with claiming every human was a "vector" in the covid fraud which was purposly designed to sell poisons and new injection technology that removes all liability of harm for the greedy drug dealers. These departments of HELLth have done that with their poisons routinely. AZT is one poison that was used to kill off "viruses" never proving that to be real that are claimed to be spread by "vectors" which then could mean humans as like we saw in their sick horror adventures in poisoning over coronas which are OPTICAL ILLUSIONS these governing suggestion writers and declarers called humans "vectors". Their poisons kill off healthy cells. The gay holocaust in the pre millenium daze had it's human "vectors" shove AIDS/DRUGS down their throat because these sick HELLth departments and the doctors that just trust the marketing of pharma and their shills and Simon said to do so as all of them have the best most efficient billing departments in the world. It killed off my friends they deemed as and very heavily promoted as being "vectors" and the way to not be a vector was to submit to their big ass royalties. The gay community was especially Hit Hard and Hit Early with this war of on "vectors". There remains a lot of people who hate gays you think that poisoning them was not in some of the decks? Greed machines do not care about people and the poison industry is a big one. Wake the fuck up everyone. Poisoning vectors is sick quackery and genocide.


Newsom declares state of emergency for 9.666 EARTHQUAKE! It's a preventive measure.

No longer do the clowns have to wait for an emergency to actually happen they now can declare pre emergencies and scare the public with junk death rates and absolute junk science "cases" and prepare for the worst at warped speed and resources for those making the declarations. No liability if their predictions are wrong and they are free to play Political Vegas and The House will always win as they predict successfully how public will react in markets and shift assets around and win. Based on the lies that people "catch disease" floating in the air. So the California scum governor declared a bird flu emergency. There's not even a fake case oh but there will be the script is done, the dates for each act set, everything in place, and the show starts soon. What disgusting people amongst us how did the public ever allow these hustlers to have so much money and so much marketing force. A chart which will be all over every news network claiming 50% will die if they catch it. 40 fake cases a year. The 50% flashing neon makes it seem bad. They know all the marketing tricks. So masks are starting to show up again in California cult areas. Just in time for family gatherings to create havoc as the host says not allowed to be there without a mask that couldn't stop any virus even if viruses were real. Drones will be no news they got their extension already of surveillance powers continues 4 more years. That's what that fraud was all about. They could care less about anyone's health it's been a fraud for milleniums. All the culling of chickens was on healthy birds. Preemptive medi SIN. Always focused on one chemical solution. Based on pseudo science of viruses that do not exist and greed.


Manipulated data. Inaccurate analysis. It's so easy for these Hustlers In Virology to make "rates" appear as they wish to screw with the mind so they stir the public up so they demand government fix the prolblem. Over and over again they do this same tactic. In 2020 all the charts and news freaks that never research anything at a university library claimed 19-corona was going to kill everything living on the planette. That lying con man Redfield in that orchestration pit of CDC a vaccine company presents himself as an authority and he's just a cunning liar just like Fauci 2 shriveling peas in a decaying pod claims there will be a bird flu corona like the PAN festival again. I doubt the public will fall for this last ditch attempt at making gobs of money before Kennedy cuts them off at the knees but it will be forced enticed and incentivized on big farms within the week where these cons con con gress to hand over your cash to big farms as incentive too good to resist so it's worth it for them to cull all the highest quality protein so they get more of your cash from higher meat prices. When they look at chicken coops now they see "bill bill bill" for all the costs involved in reimburse the hustlers so they may easily refill their portfolios with federal funds stolen from taxpayers and raise prices for chicken meat and eggs so their investments in these corporate farms also stay healthy as that is all these sick disgusting people care about. The poorest will die of mal nutrition never getting enough from welfare but corporate welfare keeps getting bonuses. The poor and middle class will get sicker which is good for the medical system, more billing to govern meant to screw us and then stay sick from poison medi SINS. If the medical system was there to help people be well they are quickly out of big massively lucrative business if they got the results. Think about something, why would anyone TRUST their doctors and the science that is all over the map in this industry and your doctor only PRACTICES medicine. They are not professionals like your plumber they are in kindergarten or first grade. The plumber gets the results you ask for or doesn't get paid. Doctors and pharma always gets paid for their junk products even when they destroy the house. Their sick marketing con games is as bad as some drone sales department claiming the drone will do the plumbing for you, it will fly back and forth from the hardware store in China to get parts, install them, and test everything out while the portrfolio that owns the company will drool over the marketing claims that drones will stop wars and save lives.

Pharma goes bankrupt

Imagine a world where the players have to all work on farms. Gone is all the chemical waste pharmaceuticals produce. Gone is the disease created by those chemicals they shove down throats that are corrosive to cells circumcising many of them religiously and gone are the poison dart rape shots. Rubber glove trees celebrate. Machinery that uses diesel barely exists. Hands and plows work more efficiently. Side effects are joy and content. Communities come together. Plenty of harvests like when Pilgrims, Indians, turkeys, and pumpkins all worked together. The carbon reduction schemes no longer necessary as everyone works in harmony with nature and carbon missions no longer needed.

Notice Redfield's smirk every time he talks about his predictions. They are going after pets now too claiming they can catch bird flu. What is bird flu? It's horseshit in virology. It does not exist. Who are they anyway they have no authority over our bodies or our pets bodies. They can't prove any virus exists. They admitted it in writing. All agencies throwing this shit in our faces are liars as they keep up this game of making declarations that are simply false. It is now legally admissible evidence that can be used in court that they have no records of proper science having been done anywhere in the world proving their assertions, but they have lots of documents showing they all have immunity on so many levels legally so they just keep going. Just say no to these hustles.

The chorus keeps singing the same tune over and over again

Now as we predicted 4 years ago the chorus is singing vaccines to treat cancer reports RT news theater which is part of the same chorus of hustlers in medias that all make their biggest money from pHARMa junk science products where about 90% of what he says will not be understood by anyone so they will latch on to the 10% like "it treats cancer". This is such a joke if you understand what vaccines were all about until more recently they changed their purpose which by the way was what the corona hustle was all about as the sales of flu shots was tanking as they don't work. The science was that a virus causes a disease. To protect from the disease they inject the very thing you are trying to not get, a virus, which we now know is a fairy scary tale as they don't exist, to stimulate your immune system like coffee, so that it kicks into gear and "makes you immune". Yea people started noticing that the flu shot did not make any one immune as they kept getting it each year. Then in the corona hoax they kept pushing for more where it became every other day! The excuse the hustlers present is wearing off syndrome. So immunity wears off now? Or is it just for certain diseases which by the way is another bastardized term, flu is not a disease it's a condition that clears itself up when all the shit you eat during the holidays overwhelms your body processes and it forces you to lay down and slow down and stop being a pig and stop making your entire body a Gulp Oil Spill during winter when temperature regulation processes rely on proper clean energy for you to not get sick (Gulp Oil is a dirty fuel leaving carbon residue). So the genetic therapy injection of chemical waste from China's dirty factories will cure cancer. Yea right. No it's a therapy they say. That means it's a massage, mostly to the mind. So now after 100 plus years of the medi SIN system telling people that only medi SINS can heal them which was always a lie and they would say massage does not cure anyone they now say massage therapy for cancer is what cures them. Oh wait they don't say that they say it's a massage for your cells. They sells you cell massage in a tube.

Protein causes disease!

9 years later after a prick of protein the lady died? I don't think so. The mad science tells the world it was mad cow disease which is a fraud in diagnosis that has been thoroughly debunked as Horseshit In Medi sin. So the scare story is 2 lab workers died and they suspended research. This is how they manipulate the public. The clever folk who have vested interests in getting people all terrified of catching disease twist into a pretzle the causes of disease never blaming bodies wearing out and medi SIN treatments that are all poisons and now poison massage. We don't even have proof any of this claim of lab workers dying, I doubt it's real, yet people are addicted to their television drama and scare porn so sometimes like with the well orchestrated hustle of corona rings around the collar they get sucked in.

Dr. Jane Ruby 12/18/24: "Trump went from promising to never sell out the American people to a central currency and warning of Bitcoin as a scam in 2021 to becoming the most vocal salesman for everyone to buy, at the expense of all other assets. How did this happen and does it make sense. Beware the snake inside the house." The BINANCE segment is an outrageously deceitful sales pitch. "Put all your money in some virtual cyberspace?" PrEP act renewed for 4 more years until 2029. Vaccine makers immune to harm! Congress buys buys buys more pHARMa stocks! They are all prostitutes.

Cold minus 10. Dry air. No chemtrail breath. Sexual style supremacy test. Presents whores as being a lower form of life.

David Knight on free energy! Wait for it. The ad is one you will not want to miss.

Drones and kites and kids planes and balloons all banned in New York and New Jersey. Also banned footballs, golf balls, bad mitten birdies, baseballs, skipping stones.

Virology is warped junk science. Not just bad science it's septic. Dr. Andrew Kaufman presents how the science does not follow basic principles of proper science. It ignores completely Koch's Postulates. It's this bad, it's like claiming you are a teacher of math and you can't even add 1 + 1 and have a valid answer.

You should be interrupted.

Operation Warped Deception

Dr. Jane Ruby calls out the Simply A Sleasy Salesman Yoyos (SASSY)

Chemtrails is as stupid as climatechange. I can take my truck up to space and the exhaust will produce chem trails. There is moisture in the exhaust it condenses and makes white water vapor trails just like water vapor clouds condensing so we can see them. This is also what happens in 99.666% of the images you are seeing on TV and internet of "smoke" stacks that "pollute". It's almost all water vapor. Water is used to cool these generators of electricity down. It's so bizarre how people who know climate change is a fraud don't get that chemical trails being sprayed by planes is also a fraud. It's condensation in the sky from exhaust, HOT EXHAUST of water making steam and clouds in frigid air. Same as what happens when hot moist breath condenses in winter air. A plane is not going to carry both jet fuel and the same amount of chemical sprays and still be able to fly except in the imagination.

Dear sick Democrats and clean energy freaks and hustlers, please show us the democracy in Idaho where NOBODY there wanted wind crap fake energy farms and they are going in anyway. Southern Idaho north of Twin Falls will become another ruined wasteland of turbine movie sets that are there to present illusions and spinning pacifiers.

83 wind shredders will be demolished. Oklahoma viewscapes sing! Osage county $263,197,119.38 of green energy wasted. Enel told they trespassed. That's another $263 million worth of reliable homes that could have been built instead or ones in the cities restored. Visit Stop These Things weekly roundup.

Well well well

We are well, the scummish medi sin system is sick. In desperation to get 666 yearly shots of pharma goop into arms which is probably China's chemical waste and is definitely all petroleum based, probably some of the plastic which 99.666% can't be recycled for reuse so this huge amount is recycled into nanoparticles to make biological prevention measures injected not only into your mind but in your body. So the latest governator named Screw Some made a declaration. Bird brain flu fake ass prevention emergency. Chicken Little hired to scare everyone. A bird poop fell on his head. Newsom claims he's calling this fake emergency in advance. He's just doing what his pharma hustlers tell him. Why is there no penalties for yelling bird flu in a crowded theater? He does this crap like a smirking bully in the school pan ground CON stantly. Will his playmates he keeps torturing in each city cower and give him and his medical shistem friends their lunch money? Not this time the government will do it for them as alway$.

Cult leaders got rich

Appointed dictator Ursula something or other of EU govern meant cult hands $290 million to vaccine cult GAVI. She reads script that claims injecting poisons saves lives. Saving lives is a cult chant when you see products being forced on you going along with it. Study any cult they all do the same things. Savior complex.

Keeping the rich extra homed while throwing the homeless to wolves of Global Portfolio Alliance Street.

Vaccines are rape

Watch a child scream NO at the doctor's office and no one listens. Some think it's funny to rape children with vaccines when they react trying to get away from these sick people.

Greater Is Ray Elle. Analysis. Control points of oil.

 One week before Christ cried in sheer terror after suffering the crucifiction of his foreskin aka Trauma Based Mind Control (TBMC) Peggy Hall offers analysis of what the sick systems offer us in it's continued Horseshit In Virology (HIV) and govern meant. A governor cannot make a law. Grocery clerks and store management nor CEO's can make a law. If they pull this crap again just say no you will not suffocate yourself for governing deluision$$$$$$$$ and con games. Obviously this is another play for cash flow from Washington. Keep in mind these fake emergencies regarding fake ass viruses never proven to exist on this planet give legal immunity to those who would force inject pHARMa scum into your body. Listen to your body it says NO to rape. Orange County still did not terminate it's fake ass emergency that shut down everything it could to battle with dangerous unicorns. The medical system is totally corrupt. The quack quack proactive action is nonsense viruses do not exist. Testing is a fraud. They have not even declared an outbreak. Oh but they will. Fall for it again! Start wearing Oxygen Deprivation Devices (ODD) again, yea it's healthy to cut down oxygen to avoid dangerous unicorns.

"The risk to the public does not exist" the $tate of fear $tate$. They will take all steps necessary to stop the spread of the imaginary virus they say.

It is not necessary to do anything to prevent dangerous unicorns called viruses. They are imaginary. They are devices of the mind to create fear. They do not exist.

Matt Walsh "Am i racist" movie documentary snubbed by movie award ceremony which does not give awards to hypocrites. It also does not nominate endless streams of garbage from land internet land fills that makes documentaries in the trillions of worthless crap by the nano pico Sepulveda & Sunset Boulevard's movie set. The fund-a-mentalist imaginary Christ believers jump on this stupid bandwagon which Jesus pointed out as read in THE/BIBLE which is a junk information disease like AIDS/HIV is a process of playing those long in eye rolling games while trying to pick out the speck of dangerous unicorn dust out of other's eye.

Drones are causing new forms of AIDS and herpes as scientists discover the Grounded Publicity Variant.

If herpes virus, HI virus are transmissionable and the cause of a health condition then why do those have special properties that keep them grounded? Does FAA not permit them to fly? Are they too heavy? Is it because your body acts like the DMV and is too slow? Their size is about one billionth of a meter seems they all should be able to fly. The Hustlers In Virology make their marketing claims based on stuff they pull out of their asses like "oh it only transmits when you are having sex or pouring your body fluids over over potatoes". It's like those selling treatment for drone crashes and asymptomatic drone crashes* tell us the reason some drones crash is they get hit in the air by variant specks of dust that all look the same, some of which never get off the ground. The dud virus is like that, it can't fly like the other viruses but why? Are they the weight of an elephant? You see the junk science of virus hunting only makes sense from the perspective of grabbing your cash. No fake ass virus can fly then invade your cellular space inside of you then drill a hole into each cell then place it self on the Xerox and make copies of itself then push all these copies out of various other areas of these body's cells any more than the drones can make copies of itself inside a building. If then the hustlers make excuse of this blatant flaw in their junk science claiming well it's the body is making this happen because the immune system is weak that also is garbage as that is not how the body is designed. They did this already during the AIDS/DAZE excusing their junk science with excuses like this claiming it's an immune deficiency that is the cause and it was acquired. It's all junk marketing hustles for a universe full of cash to fill their portfolios. At least the PAN demic over drones this recent December every morn is about real objects that can cause damage. Viruses are unicorns. The very best any of the proper science can do is say they are merely cellular debris, shit coming out of the cells, which then if the person is not consuming proper necessary amounts of brooms, will get pushed out of the skin as pimples wich 666 thousand different names like pox, postules, rash, etc.

Lions do not bow. Artur Pawlowski stood against the scumbags in the HELL th kare industry in Canada. He came to Canada from Poland decades ago when communism was in place there. He would not keep his mouth shut when the scum played the PAN demic game on us.

Has anyone actually SEEN these displays of ugly LED drones in real life? Notice the PURPLE. Color coded purple and green to push this seasons's horseshit in virology. Santa brings presence to understand a new hustle will be found wrapped up in a big package for all by the scum industry.

The symptoms for the bird flu is if you are a bird. If you are a pregnant human you look for flu symptoms. They are the same. Some fast food restaurants are in discussions to have automatic injections of pHARMa poisons for these hustle flus while you order to protect yourself and others.

You're a coward!

Kind makes some people want to punch who'm ever is saying that too them and that's what Buzz Aldrin the Apollo 11 astronaut did. Candice Owen interviews author Bart Sibrel plugging his book on having been punched by a famous astronaut who was on the Apollo mission. It wasn't until an hour later he lets slip the devil in the details at 1 hr 3 min "[it was] when I called him a coward which is when he [Aldrin] punched me" then Candice does a quick flinchy bizarre smile. Bart was harassing Buzz and it just went too far.

Bart's position is it's obvious we never went to the moon - a light display and reflection of our main light source on the dome we live under - and he wants the astronaut to admit the lie. He purposely sought out Buzz Aldrin and asked and kept pressing him to vow to God he went there and place his hand on the bible swearing at God that he went to prove that he went there as if that would prove he's sincere and not lying. It's a clever little media attention game. It's not a new story just for Candice. I thoughrt there might be some fresh takes on the matter with her interview but I didn't hear any. It wasn't until later in the interview that a glaring inconsistency in his and Candice's drama queenery comes out. The guy made a movie documentary type "A funny thing happened on the way to the moon" a million dollar film he says. Interviewed with Candice Owen explains how he started to discover we never went there it was all staged. The film can be viewed for free. Inspired by this STORY, I decided to consider my own reproduction of the facts and reproduce "A funny thing happened when we hear the whole story where it slips out the real reason Buzz punched the guy was because after harassing him and insulting him long enough the guy challenged him to a duel saying you're a coward so Buzz punched him." When the interview got to that point I was so disgusted by being yet again scammed by all these hustlers in media that lead you into all this drama and story telling I just clicked off on that presentation as I just could not stand to watch either of them blabber on.

If coffee cups could talk

Dr. Jane Ruby and her dynamic energy coffee cup have a perspective today. Radiation. Potassium iodide? Potassium in potatoes, bananas, vegetables every where. Iodide added to table salt. Pills? Droneria. Hysteria. Paneria. Natural health cabinet. Does the president have one? The deep state as in down the rabbit holes of hell keeps singing chorus "sell everything you have and put it in crypto?" This is like putting all your eggs in one basket and giving it to the wolf that just bought Wall Street and an island in the Pacific called Maui that's now ready for big developer investors. Why would they want you to sell all your assetts and invest in the chorus. Getting stuck in rabbit holes.

Every year we are forced to endure this garbage. Time to buy fartcoin? Ripping to new highs? Sign of a bubble?

Or is this computer imagery like the space shuttle, Tesla car in space, and 666 trillion other fake ass things. So all that power so we can play while no one can fix the homeless problem yet another year while there's always money for war and the medical system black hole that just keeps getting bigger with more farts blowing out their asses.

Real science / Junk science

Joseph Hanvey rebuts some of the rediculous junk science claims made by an insurance salesman that thinks taking a trip to Anti Arctica will prove the world is a globe in 4 daze even though this was already proven.

Hanvey is a true scientist unlike most of the internet shills and he has a pure heart. He said a prayer for Will Duffy and others in the TFE brand of marketing lies asking God to help Will stop lying. Whoops! The video not there. Apparently he got smart after posting that and watching himself almost grovel feeling like he had sinned. Glad to see he removed it. Or maybe the google gods did it. Never apologize to junk science and those spreading it.


Flat earth? The Final Experiment? More like a song & dance. Haven't we had enough of those during the last 5 years and 666 lifetimes? Here's a critique of that performance where an insurance agent and pastor of a small church "go to Antarctica" to see and record the sun for 24 hours to see if it really is visible all that time in order to prove or disprove flat earth. Says people are wasting too much time on flat earth he wants to end it and get people to fix problems in the world. This is so laughable. It will just give them more time to play video games and poste their 6 hour streams of playing online.

Happy trails!

Chemtrails camouflage themselves all the time and the chemtrail experts are always fooled as they are all fools. California desert sunset in December 2024 is real & verified. They are colorful when the heat lamp sets. They are chemtrails made of water vapor. Yes water is a chemical. Hydrogen 66.666%. Oxygen 33.334%. Carry on.

7 lifetimes

I have some bad news for some people. We have 7 lifetimes on this planette. This well documented and studied in the metaphysical community. Written about extensively. The bad news is for the straights that are hell bent on being straight and would have it no other way. Our last lifetime #7 is gay. Thus everyone eventually is gay.


Clean energy is dead bird energy

Mama bird was on it's way to a county board meeting with some human friends by car to express dissatisfaction with massive fans they see as bird shredders that don't have protective metal screens as baby bird flew the coop to follow it's birthing bird so a bad thing happened while someone was producing a music video on the green screen out there in the desert and it was caught on camera.


Then the climate activist said they needed to build more of these handicapped energy systems that act like a drunken sailor and of course the climate rebuilding cult followed their leaders to the edge of the earth where they eventually were left to set sail on their own and enjoy the perils of the newly saved environ meant that features every square mile on earth covered in this shit where roads are all banned as they were in the way and no one can go anywhere.


How To Marginalize People By Only Referring To Them As People


The now nauseatingly woke united states department compartment of vaccine pushing and hellth and people and alien services that alway run on other people's money much of which is all ways making its way into the rich man's porfolios has vaccines labled as being for pregnant people. Gone is the ancient teachings of calling people men and women which was done since the first man was born out of an alien woman that was kicked out of some other universe and had no where else to go, this new languish - formerly known as language - is stated then more accurately based on their guidlines as pregnant men as there's only one gender. So can't they just say pregnant men? No of course not as that would make sense and offend those who have no sense. Obviously there are no women as they are just people now by definition except in Florida where when you cross the state line the women becomes real, they are acknowledged as what they are, made of the one gender, men who have a womb thus the term women - wombmen - wombmen - can create more wombmen and men, what more acknowledgement do they need to feel special? They are God who is a man. Again this proves God is a wombman and a man and that women are men thus there is only one gender.

Yes I write NOVELS I exclaimed when asked if I am serious or not but that does not mean what I say is not true. Some of it is based on the same novels written by hellth agencies that make up stories about novel viruses which are pure unadulterated fiction. These adulterers of proper science can't when asked properly provide proof any virus exists thus they started admitting this when they started referring to a novel virus they then called a corona which is nothing more than an illusion like a mirage. Story telling is big business.

The page at HHS, a vaccine company, explains "immunization" by their own definition not based on reality. Legal definition doesn't even match what they say. That should be first clue they are clueless. There is no such thing as immunization & there is no immune system. Immune system is a made up term to market products. I understand this really got popularized in the 1980's AIDS hysteria and drug hustle of that time where the gay overactivists that non fortunately got sucked into pharma lies demanded government fix their health problems or their illusions of getting infected by killer aliens that only travel via phallic symbols - with drugs no matter what the cost and no matter what dangers there were to not safety test drugs which were already proven horrific poisons - AZT a chemo drug pulled from market as it killed instantly. That was the beginning of the end of any form of valid science in drug dealing as it the set in congress stone the PrEP act in 1986 that freed drug manufacturers of all liability for harm. This freedom is extended now as of December 2024 into 2029 for drug dealers to be free of any financial or criminal or civil liablity for their products. In other words the vaccine can fall on a child like a dresser and no matter how much that injection of poison harms the child they are not liable whereas if it was a dresser or a sock the company that made it could be held liable if proven that it was the sock or dresser that was made wrong. Pharma products have no such liability. They are protected from legal harm. They only are the ones that are ever immune. Whenever you hear the term "immune system" think of it for what it is, it's a system of governing and wealth building and governing that makes sure that wealth building based on billing and royalties never ends it's reign.

"Enhancing the health and well-being of all Americans". What a joke. Better said as enhancing pensions for some, the portfolios for some, the massive wealth exponentially soaring for few, and the loss of money of all Americans. The term enhancing health is a sales pitch like the sales wombman saying this wig will make you look like a movie star.

Pregnant people cannot become immune to anything. It's like claiming immunity to poisons such as drain cleaner poison "oh the kids got their poison shots so they are immune to the damaging effects of drain cleaner" the prior pregnant person said.

They also got their shots of immune poison to make them immune to to dust, immune to being pregnant again, immune to becoming overweight, immune to creating a cold via Gulp Oil Slicks and immune to any and all 666 diseases that are on the childhood schedule as shown in the book "How To Make Million$ While Making People Think You Are Creating Immunity".

They fail at service except for their portfolios filled with royalties coming from drug dealers at pHARMa which is the only person that can have immunity. Remember a corporation is a person as per Supreme Court decision.

What happens in an indoor environment when formaldehyde is mixed with quaternary ammonium cat ions? Corrode the lungs? Chemical reactions? What about chemical reactions of those two chemicals then mixing with chemicals in the blood and lungs? Doctors don't even have a clue. They just add more chemicals! They trust the science of the chemical dealers! Wow. Drugs are chemicals. Chemical reactions. When 2020 PAN demia took hold of all logic, reason, balance they started spraying QUATs indoors everywhere. None of these agencies promoting this demand of theirs presented what the hazards are of these corrsive combinations. Corrosive air! I called a vacation rental home one day during the PAN demia and asked about the horrible smell of these quats, the owner said it was being used during the "emergency" and said they are corrosive to the bedding and the tile and everything in the room. Wow. My lungs just said NO I'm not staying there while those corrosive fumes circumcise my blood cells and lung linings.

Meanwhile governmeant continues to let child abuse of circumcision of outer body parts to continue based on ancient religions of the Barbarians. If they can't protect children from harm then how can they protect children from harm?

Robert Redfield is one slick con artist as are all of them there in the drug dealing hellth departments. Claims he came to believe there was a lab leak of gain of function research. This is a very clever con game to now acknowledge what they public has been mislead to believe. He cleverly goes right along with it acting as if he figured something out that Fauci missed. Be not fooled they are buddies in this business. He doesn't say there was an absolute science proven virus to cover his ass legally, he knows there is only novels on viruses in the lab sitting there on the shelf ready to copy and distribute globally and computer printouts of sequences. Here's a sequence: 1,2,3,4,5. Heres another sequence: 4,5,7,9,18,22,100,666 and here's another sequence: A,B,C,D,E,F,G. Get the point? A sequence is not a virus the way the public has been told as being "a scary killer of living beings". Redfield knows no virus is proven to exist he's no iodiot they all know that they know viruses are not living things and orchestrate others to go do the lying for them saying it's a living thing. He and all of them a the top of this pyramid scheme are orchestrator making those of us in the pit play for them and the audience so they can keep selling out shows. Seems so genuine and nice though when he's on stage. I'm sure he is with friends and family and enjoys reading novel viruses at home in a comfy chair.

It's now documented in Christine Massey's compilation of 225 FOIA responses all agencies admit they have no proof any virus exists as proven by proper science. He's part of team corona phobia orchestration. The orchestra of politicians and health experts followed the bouncing ball. Part of the orchestra that played the same tune in unicin was Rachel Maddow what she said doesn't even make sense and on the Highwire December 19 2024 that segment was played of her saying on MSNBC what Fauci said, that the virus stops with the vaccinated person, it can't transfer to anyone else. How? No one explains how? Does the vaccine kill it? The main players of this sales pitch game don't say that because they know viruses are not living things. Does the virus land on the skin? Of course it does, that is if it's not a fantasy to sell drugs that have no liability for drug dealers and makers they can not be sued. So if it's on your skin and you are vaccinated you can spread it. Like fucking duh helloooooo anyone home? Had your ground up monkey parts and cow puss vaccine yet? That's what they are made of.

"You're making them look like prostitutes of pHARMa" well yea that's what they are. They fuck with people's health for money. No liability. That's fucking with people's health. How about deleting that PrEP act? Start there. Make product manufacturer liable for proven harm. They will pull their shitty killer vaccines off the market in a flash. They were going to in the early 1980's as there was too many problems with vaccines and other drugs like killer AZT which is also known as killer chemical therapy also known as chemo therapy and also known as killer chemical rape. Congress won't reinstall liability it as it's running a moderna medi sin brothel and the money they are making from it is massive. Hard to turn away from all that cash now that it doesn't even take any work to keep it pouring in. 

The Highwire episode 403 calling out the crappy news medias really seriously putting them in their place as they never study anything.

Atomic bomb. Yea right. Nu Clear bomb. Word games. Manipulation.

Show business is a drag

LIYT Nights and Drag prepostview


Boiling fresh cow's milk to death is like a wild fire burning up a forest. Milk and testing wars. Boiling milk to "kill pathogens" changes it's chemical makeup. It's like burning wood, changes chemical composition. The effect with milk isn't so obvious as burning wood but it's there. The burning and intense heating process of pasteurization creates chemicals that were not there prior just like with burning wood. More bacteria is attracted to pasteurized milk than raw milk as bacteria's role is to break down chemicals. The control freak system of HELL th kare and pre inventions and protecting humanity from harm is a nice sales pitch but the real world shows that the raw milk will last longer refrigerated than pasteurized milk would last as bacteria is in the air everywhere and in the milk when it's bottled or should we say plasticed so it does it's job of breaking down the chemical composition which is changed when pasteurized. It's not healthier. There's big money in pasteurization. That's why it became big, con con gress and force it on everyone. Save the planet from overheating? It's boiling as that Inconvenient Hustler says? LOL where are the climate freaks? Turn off the boilers.

Medical system in military made her get two injections of pHARMa slime. They said stay home and recover. Recover from what? They know these are chemical assault devices. She had side effects. They are direct effects they are negative effects. All the drug pushers made money. pHARMa gets immunity. That is a direct product of gay hysterians who got over active in the 1980's demanding drugs. They were misled by the top experts who were at one time were good perts. They are exes for a reason. Legal immunity is the only immunity that exists. Well I suppose you can be immune to traveling to Jupiter using your wings.

Tony Blair excitedly state$ after seeing how much money keeps being shoveled into his portfolio by owning pharma stocks, "We are going to have a whole slew of new vaccines, injectables coming down the track soon."

Worried about the signature Hustles In Virology and how to avoid being conned? It's all here in my new book "How To Spot & Stay Away From A Dangerous Cult".

Whole slew of injectibles? They talk as if it's a new dinner recipie. These sick people are all giddy, because, they see their portfolios grow everywhere they go every time they tawlk. They have no clue what the ingredients are they don't care. That is sign of a dangerous cult. Listen to the distress in his voice these days. pHARMa and the lies about viruses is falling to the ground. The public is realizing the fraud is massive and these people are lost in a greedy chemical pushing cult. "We have to flood the system with testing" says the Faucistein madman, but as we keep reflecting on the past the inventor of PCR "testing" said in the 1980's "Fauci has no problem looking into the camera and lying to your face." They are all liars. Yea TV never told ya that did it. Redfield plays his orchestration games pretenting to be have tried to tell Fauci what's what as he pushes lab leak nonsense. Viruses are a complete fabrication of fantasy. No one believes them anymore we are awake. They are desperate. January 21 Trump says "You're fired". That's the day that that other anoying creep Peter Hotez releases the lions that were made in the lab that are 666 trillion times smaller than dust in hundreds of variants such as one has a mane, another has a white spot on fur on paw, all made up fairy tales on their LAB COMPUTERS. Yea folks, that's where they escape from, a lab computer that like a computer graphic film at the movies, is not real. And of course TV will hype it up and get people terrified, claim Trump and Bobby are not doing their jobs because they are stupid idiots.

Emotional. They all watch too much TV. She's overjoyed her mum got injected with pHARMa scum. TV never tells them viruses are dangerous unicorns. TV won't tell anyone that or it's revenue streams would dry up. TV is a mirage in summer heat 24-7 presenting illusiona of an oasis that is simply not there. You try to tell people it's an illusion and they don't believe you. TV tells them to get injected with solutions to the illusions they create. Oh look viruses at the oaisis. They are real no they are not real. Viruses cannot even be seen everything said about these imaginary things are fantasy. At least looking at an oaisis in the desert that does not exist is more real as you can actually see heat bending light into illusions though that does kind of explain what coronas are as seen in this video.


The religion of globe zealotism tells us look up in the sky as that will show you the floor you stand on is round. Meanwhile they have their elves grab money out of your wallet you left on the dresser.

Who are these globalists we keep hearing about as if they are a group of people. Seems the rabbit hole leads us to an underground bunker of BITCOINS and portfolios running the world powered by AI no humans involved anywhere.


"The Final Experiment" is not proper science, it is hustle.

You can see in the sunglasses he and crew are at the beach and the computer made shadow covers the F in TFE. The shadow of hand has blue color covering that. Fake. The computer was confused thinking it should make it blue, if it was real it would be black. Yes I am an anti-Scamite. Seems more like a scam to get a free trip to Antarctica and more!


this waste of time hustle

That's not Will Duffy. Odd that the science can't determine how to make the video EDITING software present proper names.

They seek a 24 hour sun "to prove globe" which is not scientific proof as there's too many other possibilities that could explain how the sun acts in the southern hemisphere. Once again and again and again we have "the science" present a pamphlet without even directions on where the rest room is when we need to vomit and eliminate all this junk science.

Quick question, at the equator as the world in it's orbit around the sun once every 365.24666 days always shows the sun moving from east to west then why would it not do that same thing at the north and south poles? They keep saying it goes the opposite direction in the south, that makes no sense. How many feet south of the equator does it change from seeing sun move east to west to west to east? At the equator are we just looking up at the sun and then each spring it's at an angle going east to west or is it west to east, then summer it's direct over head north to south then fall it's east to west, then winter it's south to north? If so or if not does it prove the shape of the earth? No more than a dump truck in space and it's rotation one way or the other proving it's actually there or actually a drivable vehicle nor does it prove it's size.

What is a false dichotomy? A logical fallacy that presents a situation as having ONLY 2 OPTIONS. Usually they are extreme opposites when in REALITY there are more possibilities.

We hear this done all the time in daily life. Politicians will press for a yes or no answer on matters that have various possibilities. Pastors will do this in fundamental religious beliefs when there are more possibilities even so many that we can only say are infinite. Links to videos and analysis regarding flat earth theories flooding the internet these daze as we have been in a daze from the globe earth theory both of which can be shown are not fully proven.

 Fake head put on fake body? What's that white ring around his neck? Pastor? Whattahuslt.e midnight sun proves nothing. Of course this also does not prove it's all lies as this one scene could be green screened for presentation using well thought out and perfectly accurate script while they still actually went there.

Rock star Will Duffy is a wealthy globe earth proponent as per Eric Dubay. Note he's got that background marketing technique in place used in all his appearances. Why do people trust wealthy people and slick marketeers?

Claims we can see everthying going on in a single sell of our body. Repeating the lies of moderna medi sin. That cannot be done. Belives in "science". He's always smiling like someone behind the camera is making funny faces and showing goofy videos. This whole thing is so childish. Talks about the science of Santa Claus. This is great entertainment for babies that are bored with Teletubbies.

The whole thing appears to be reading a script. 1 hour 1 min he comments on that! Pastor of Christian fundamentalist church. Run!!! Blabbers about wanting to help clear up debate on flat earth so people can then move on. Yea pay attention kiddies to this tactic these churches always use on their sheeple. Always seeking the truth they say. Ok dude here's your bigger challenge, prove Jesus is real and not an invention of the Roman Empire as pointed out in many books such as CREATING CHRIST: HOW THE ROMAN EMPERORS INVENTED CHRISTIANITY which explains Jesus being like Santa, imaginary and used as a distraction and filler. He'll just blabber some nonsense and move on. OMG that plastic smile is too much.

Even talks in the show of maybe not going there so the one above showing him "there" makes even more sense that it's in studio.

Eric Dubay comments on this. Eric has in the past used a ceiling to prove his theories.

Looking to the sky to prove Urth being round or flat is like looking at the ceiling of a 5 story lobby in a skyscraper to measure whether or not there's a bulge in the floor. The sun is not an object.

Pastors are all hustlers. They sell illusions. To expect reality to be spoken by any pastor as the priority of their quests is pretty stupid.

Joseph Hanvy has a model he keeps working on. This model makes more sense then any and all models of fake ass viruses.

image credit and property of Joseph Hanvy 2024

OMG Antarctica - Anti Arctica - the anti arc! Hanvy explains this here! "Everything is traveling west".

Where ever the person is standing in Antarctica on the flat earth model they see the sun as it's a REFLECTION on the dome as is the moon.

Reflected light does not prove globe earth. Joseph explains in great detail with many examples both his own and that of others. This man is proving himself as one of the world's best scientists presenting PROPER science and absolute measures that are absolutely available.

image credit and property of Joseph Hanvy

The sun is a representation. Huge hard reflective "mirror" above us reflecting heat is one way of describing it.

Oh and the failed flat earther Dave the app guy pops in on this. He's the one that shills people with "if earth is round and spinning at 1000 miles per hour why don't we fly off?" He's scamming millions of people with this line and stupid explanations. It rotates at 1 RPD that's why. There is no centrifugal force to cause anyone or anything to fly off. In this presentation with one pastor interviewing another pastor Duffy has this goofy smile like Dr. Peter McCullough. Birds of a goofy feather make millions of dollars selling fluff togather.

Hey Duffy show us all your ticket stubs and bills and real proof you went. I do not believe you any further than I can throw the CDC's drunk and drug fueld guide lines down the dirty flush every morning. Duffy says Fast tawking urth Dave turned down free trip to Ant Arctica why Dave??? You've said flat Urth can be proven with a trip there. Dave just wants 2 hustle.

But because of Duffy I was introduced to Hanvy. Perspective might show that when we think we are being hustled we are merely being introduced to other perspectives. Thus humans are perspectives. 

Here's a 1 man and 1 dog clown show that tries to put Hanvy on a globe earth based on seeing reflection of sun rise off planes. Duh. Notice the dynamic of his voice, instantly I could tell he's pitching like a salesman. A reflection of a reflection proves it's not a reflection? Reference dude Amorel says the kindness of someone making a different point swayed him. That's not science. Sales people use this tactic con stantly. His observation of Hanvy video showing "reflection of the sun" is not proof of his assertion against Hanvy, the reflection could be a reflection of a reflection. Is this near the ocean or large lake such as the Great Lakes where the reflection is bounced off the lake or that the reflection is mereley a reflection of the sunset in the distance which everyone sees and flat earth model explains? So this debunker hasn't proven there's bunk to de bunk and is trying to de bunk simple explanations using that same thing so it's garbage.

Hanvy hasn't removed his video.

Neither of these dudes talk about the light from the reflection of sky and atmosphere that remains lit nearby above and that light is lighting up the top of the plane, not bottom, nor the problem with our vision that when there's brighter light in the sky what's underneath looks darker so this is also containing elements of optical illusions that the clown act with non dancing dog who's obviously bored with his master always doing this did not address.

Hanvy explains the moon in the Freedom conference is concave not a sphere with an explanation that makes sense in regards to "impacts" and whose trails of impact material as is the popluar science. I say the moon is a pit.

around 45 min, also notice the led lights that act like lasers causing more blinding glare as they are in car headlights, these leds are on the fake tesla x rockets for special effect to see if anyone notices that it's placed exactly where the flames shoot out of the computer graphic image thus indicating it's real because it looks so fake.

Lengthly explain of the "sun" seen 24 hour days in anti-arc-ica. AS this home presentation starts watch the half dome glass paperweight imagery of his hands his red sleeve compared to the direct view of his hands and red sleeve. It's not even a dome he thinks it's more like a crystal gemstone.

Here he calls out Duffy for his intellectual (if there is any) dishonesty.

Solar and lunar eclipses are a lensing effect. Joseph Hanvy presents proper science and explains flat earth principles well.

Duffy vs. Flatzoid

Flatzo requires independent variables. There are billions of those. The science cannot be proven of either globe or flat. This is like the pseudo science of virology EXCEPT we are dealing with real provable objects in globeism and flatism. Virology had never first proven their "virus" was real. At it's most sciencific all it ever does is look at particles of waste, debris, junkyards and says "look ma there's a virus". It can call anything in a land fill a virus and it can call any particle it can magnify into imagery a virus or make up cartoons and call that a virus. Both globeologists and flaturthists can point to "the sun" and agree that is "the sun" and both use that in their more valid science. Flatzoid says Duffy has the burdon of proving his claim, he shakes his head. This is what virologists and it's panners do, deflect, instead of following the scientific methods. So this is another sign of him hustling. "We'll get there", condescending, another sales tactic. More "we'll get there" to avoid the point Flatzoid makes trying to bring Duffy back to the science. Duffy sales tactics become more obvious. This is what preachers do too especially fundamentalists. He's using this same tactic of funamentalism to "prove" complex matters that cannot be proven with just one simple observation yet his method of pitch gets attention and like with all preachers it is used for an agenda.

 It's great where Duffy deflects where Flatzo said Duffy's "experiment" is not science and it's misleading to call it an experiment then Duffy responds with more deflection to at one time Flatzoid called himself doctor which was a joke and Flatzoid points out the difference between joking around about being one who has a doctor ate a degree and someone claiming they are doing the last "experiment" needed to settle "the flat earth debate", it's a big huge massive difference and Duffy calmly smiles and smirks. Duffy then makes up this "3rd option" of a dichotomy, cunning connery. Duffy starts laughing and smirking, annoying twerp. He obviously likes panning people. Flatzoid says Duffy is off the topic and attacking his character. Duffy claims he caught him editing a video. What has that got to do with Duffy proving his assertions? Keeps asking Flatzoid to provide his method to determine 24 hour sun as if that is proof or not but Flatzoid already has said many times it is not proof. This is what people do to manipulate and try to find weak spots to "catch them" in little glitches out of context then use those later disingenuously. This Duffy is doing this tactic constantly. More smirks. Flatzoid makes sense. He is the genuine one. Duffy is nauseating. His name is now Smirkzoid. Has to pause and think this through. Has to find some other deflection into editing and claims of. It's becoming obvious Smirkzoid is a manipulative little fuck like Fauci. After Flatzoid explains properly and addresses his questions properly he states again that Smirkzoid is misrepresenting what he says and has said after Smirkzoid played video clips of Flatzoid speaking and repeatedly playing one clip over and over again ad nauseazoid which is a disingenuous tactic that is used in marketing and misleading people. Once was enough but they do this as a tactic, like hearing a song repeatedly then can't get it out of your head so that's all you hear. Hustle. Flatzoid clarifies perfectly in response. Smirkzoid finally breaks out a scornful face.

Clever little guy then goes back into Smirkface character says "will you admit you were wrong on flat earth if we see a 24 hour sun in antarctica and you said yes". Flatzoid did not say yes to that in the video but because it was played out of context at least 5 times that is what will be in many people's minds. CUNNING TWERP. Has years of practice at this obviously. Says 24 hour sun is not possible on flat earth "is what i'm stating then 24 hour sun falsifies flat earth". Flatzoid has repeatedly tried to tell him that IT DOES NOT PROVE or disprove. Again Smirkzoid sayd "i don't believe flat earth exists". Duffy keeps trying to get him to make predictions. Disingenuous. Flatzoid is there to present that his adventure to antarctica is a false dichotomy and he's doing that well. Again this twerp then gets condescending, "lets go back to square one, in your mind....." like he's talking to a child. Go away. I could not stand a trip to antarctica or anywhere with this Smirkface preacher. "Ok perfect". Yuck. Flatzoid's repeated statement is going to antarctica will not prove or disprove flat earth or globe. Smirkzoid likes all the attention. Smirkzoid "flat earthers claim to be researchers, they're not"....." because you think all the videos are fake" lousy argument and again he distorts. OMG discussion of the bible bla bla bla bla bla religious nonsense. Let's talk what happened to Jesus foreskin and why if he's such a healer he never restored it. Smirkzoid gets stuck in the mud of fundamentalism again with it's either flat or globe based on one thing 24 hour sun. Flatzoid approaches it yet again using proper science but that contradicts his fundamentalism. Smirkzoid laughs when Flatzoid answers his question how 24 hour sun can work on flat earth "REFLECTION". Why is that laughable? Prove globe by showing gas pressure without containment. Share my screen. Here we go. Shows this.

Claims that shows gas pressure without containment. This isn't even a real picture it's CGI, a model, a representation of a theory never proven absolutely. Smirkzoid admits playing games. Is this a total waste of time? Says "i set you up" but this is again another tactic of a chronic manipulator and another condescending play using attempts of confusion, deflection, going all over the map so to speak tactics manipulators use all the time. "I'm getting there I promise". The Smirkzoid fundamentalist gets on the so called proof by pictures but the Flatzoid scientist that follows proper logica, method keeps asking Smirkzoid to prove there is gas pressure without containment which the globe model theory of spinning in space violates according to well proven fundamentals of science of physics. Smirkzoid believes in velcroed air. The scientist explains what is real in response. The preacher says he'd never block anyone no matter how much they swear or whatever they say and post which is utter horseshit. Who's issues are who's, childish. Egomania displayed in response to quesiton about all the money spent that could help local community, "people don't realize how much i will be helping the community worldwide in the final experiment". What a hustle AND delusion, Smirkzoid claims he will help free the flat earthers from their obsession that he claims they all say are broke as they can't go on a trip that costs $32,000 just from tip of south america to get to Anti Arctica. Preacher feels if he can free flat earthers from their addiction that's a good thing. His logic which is junk science would dictate then the globe earthers are all doing well and not poor. What a con man. He can't be that stupid. No you can't watch rockets land because the planetX ones are CGI. Satelloons. He saw starlink at night. Talk about modeling an ass as "earth" and can make it work by a glober. That's another diversion tactic, make a joke instead of using logic and real science. Flatzoid keeps winning. Globe model can predict the path of totality in Orlando in 2025 Smirkzoid says and goes on to smirk-i-claim "the globe predicts things in the future". Oh that's funny, let's ask the globe things now instead of a psychic. Path of totality has no cycling. LOL. Smirkzoid is hilarious he thinks he knows what he's saying is real. Duffy again tries to distort what Flatzoid said about 100x now about the 24 hour sun not proving either and forcefully commands audience listen to his bogus claim "to prepare you" that "no one has shown how a 24 hour sun can prove a flat earth" again hustle, it's not proving it as Flatzoid JUST SAID. Claims we have a way to test if the sun is a reflection or not and will be taking pictures of sunspots around the world to prove earth is a blob. Flatzoid cheers debating professer dave. Duffy "will you accept an unedited video" Flatzoid says he will. Duffy will use this later and distort his response. He's showing in this debate that he's not interested in the science he's interested in proving his position yet the Flatzoid presents a scientific argument at every turn admits he's willing to look at what ever is presented that's not from trolls and so far nothing presented in globe earth model is absolute in proving it's claims. Flatzoid had asked if there's an unedited 24 hour sun video as Duffy insists then why does he need to go to Antarctica to film a 24 hour sun. That was the best question all discussion. There is no reason that would make any sense as it's already been done as he asserts, what would make sense is shilling for notariety and a free trip to the south pole. I think notariety is high on his main goal list and the wealth that some obtain by achieving that such as those religious evangelists who have mega churches and become multi millionaires. Duffy shakes his head with question about curved windshield and distortion when Flatzoid says there can be distortion if it's curved enough. Wow. Flatzoid is correct and Duffy is either stupid on this or he's playing this game of responding how he thinks most people think as a way to play them, anyone looking at a curved windshield can see distortion where a curve is just as easily as looking at a curved glass of water. Flatzoid explains proper science of such distortion. Flatzoid is hot during a heatwave no fan?

Duffy makes bizarre claim that flat errthers are not familiar with NASA. That's entirely stupid and another con job. JPL models a curved earth model THEORY dude not a model. Duffy is not familar with what models are. He thinks they are on project Runway where in March 2019 Kovid Kapoor appeared wearing a plaid face diaper which people staunchly claim was just a coincidence that exactly one year after air date the model's idea was shoved into everyone's faces everywhere when a PAN demic was declared with no proper science behind it. Duffy believes there is only one south pole location. Flatzo tries to explain there could be multiple locations short distance. Duffy obviously believes what he's told by those who "know" there is only one south pole location with buildings even though it's off limits to the public unless authorized by government of which all governments have agreed to keep it off limits to the public. Flatzoid makes better observation of Duffy's belief based on what he was told is not proof of globe. Duffy believes reality is never distorted when you drive. ROFL. The scientist in the room says it is distorted. Of course it is, you look through a windshield it distortes light. How much might be a nother question, of cours it's a small amount but that was not presented as the question. The scientist in the room again answered the question properly.

So Duffy wants to stop the waste of time on flat earth once and for all with this trip to do what was already done as he wastes more time. You see it's not a waste of time at all he's using it for publicity. Note the fancy background with possible trademarked logos. If he is still an insurance salesman and even also a pastor which is what he claims he knows he's going to get a whole new batch of clients interested in what he has to sell. Here he pitches pitch from airplanes as part of his junk science proof that there's a globe earth. Brings in his grandfather was in the airline industry. He does not say he was a pilot but then he infers rather slick like that he was a pilot. I bet he was a ticket agent or ground crew.

The closing statement by Duffy is laughable on pitching pitch but he nails it on virology without knowing it, you can't model something that does not exist and that is exactly what the Hustlers In Virology (HIV) do is offer models and variants of models of what HAS NEVER BEEN PROVEN TO EXIST. Flatzoid had to hold back bursting out in hysterical laughter.

All very intertaining. Modern-Day Debate on YT and podcast. Flatzoid on Rumble.

CON spira see theory. Drones. Next fake-a-demic will be the release of fake viruses allowing the public to speculate how they were fake released into the air and of course plenty of blame that "it was" due to drones. Viruses do not exist. Start there. Many will not. They like their drama.

The Final Experiment by Will Duffy is not an experiment it is just an observation, analyzed by Eric Dubay who is one of the longest well known analysts of flat earth science which like ball earth science remains not absolute yet facinating.

Here's the 24 hour sun "proof". I noticed a mistake in the CGI used. There are no shadows moving in some lower spots from footprints in the snow like the obvious tripod and table shadows. Why would they care, it's got 115,625 views in one day, as of December 17, 2024 posted online December 16, 2024 for the world to see after much hype. Unfortunately most of those views are repeated ones by people looking to spot the CGI but again who cares!

Chemtrails in Anti Arctica? More like somewhere in Colorado where Duffy lives and preaches the gospel. In the time lapse memory lapse video he presents the sun changes from oval to round to triangular. Sign of computer generated garbage.

The table is most laughable. The angles do not match by any degree of reality of the legs. It does not even look real. The sun is oval in this image. Another anomaly is size of the mountains in distance. Camera is placed by the circular section of snow same disance.

view biggerer

Blue thing on top of barrel creates blue shadow. Man has blue shadow. Pose is just like always seen in gaming characters HYPER masculine. Must be a blue sun or, oh, of course, it's LED sun or the camera lens needs to see an optometrist as it's getting old and seeing stars in daytime. Mandated by the universe to save energy. There's a directors chair does not look real. Nor does the dude in the blue jacket. So much blue everywhere in shadows just not right.

Sun in Anti Arcia is cisfluid and changes shapes. This looks more like an LED flashlight but of course the sermon might point out we never know what God is capable of doing with his creation his Sun who came to Earth to give us everlasting light.

Another anomaly is size of the mountains and isn't this a 24 hour sun that is claimed? Why all the snow? Oh of course silly me, in Anti Arc Tica everything is backwards so when the sun is out it gets colder thus it's always winter with a 24 hour sun there and summer is when there's no sun.

Maybe this is another test of the who's noticing what system as with the Apollo fakecraft that featured gold foil lame and particleboard sides that look as if they were scrap that had water damage and we were told to believe that piece of junk went to "the moon" which we really now need to start calling the imagination. I think Duffy is an actor playing out a script and roles if Shakespear is correct and Anti Arcia is a stage too.

Easy to see the table is fake added CGI even from this perspective but look closer. Look at the blue shadow of the blue jacket guy here so obviously botched computer graphics. The shadow of the barrel lost weight, slim and trim at waist. What a waste. Could be a rise in the snow at the shadow waist though but still, who has ever seen sky blue shadows except in the movies.

Areas to the either side of these fake legs have a haze around them that does not match the snow they are "in front of" same with the shadows that are at two wildly different angles those would be almost exactly the same if real. Another problem with the legs, left side is angled different than the right and the left is longer yet table is level. Oh sooooo baaaadd. This is graphic manipulation that must have been done by AI.

The last time anyone has to ever travel to see the sun. LOL.

The above sequence appears to be real video captured in Blair Witch Project 1999 camera shake all over the place style done on purpose of course. Shadows normal gray tone. The quality is so poor must have only been able to afford a 1999 flip fone. So we are to believe the clearer one of the time lapse which is still real bad quality for 2024 is the best camera they could find. You know where this looks like, South Park at the 9 mile lake or 7 mile Anti Arctic lake or whatever it's called or somewhere in the Andes near but not on the flat earth ice wall. I place bets on Colorado.

So we have a guy who's wealthy with the gig as a pastor of a small church (what is that of 2 or 3 people) saying all he wants out of this is to end the flat earth debate, prove earth is a sphere with one form of proof that is so lame it's laughable, that says people are wasting too much time on all this flat earth nonsense instead of fixing the world around them. I have a question, why don't he give up his wealth like Jesus said was needed to find the kingdom of heaven? Is part of helping solve the problems around us part of that kingdom? Did he not read that part, imaginary Jesus saying it's harder to go through eye of needle than rich man to enter kingdom of heaven. Illusions are lucrative.

No footprints on Anti Arctica 

In this analysis they point out how there were no footprints in the snow from the "live" hustlers there.

What other illusions are there that need to be ended with one simple thing oh here's one. This happens to have about one billion forms of proof of it all being an illusion to go along with this one of proving the earth is a globe by visiting the snow somwhere on earth.

CDC & FDA fail to provide evidence that viruses exist when pressed. WTF?

Monkey Pox Business (MPB)


Amazing man in Syria clued us in how it all works in the Unintact States of America where CON gress and re gress still hasn't figured out how to build homes for everyone but they are masters at making many for the homefull. Homelss ness has reached record levels. 78 RPM dizzying.

Live portfolio aids sang the medical hustle tune of AIDS in the DAZE of being afraid of dangerous unicorns around that day imaginary Jesus was not born in 1985. It was called LIVE AIDS. David Bowie on the left. George Michael on the omg right. Freddie Mercury is there. Many other sell-e-brities. All are quite hung with portfolio wealth. Some keep telling me to put a sock in it.

 Jesus turned water into wine. Miracle worker! So why didn't he turn his bastardized private part after he was sexually abused as a baby by a priest into an intact one again if he was such a miracle worker?

Yea what about all the Barbary slaves? Circumcision makes men slaves. The United States only pretended to end slavery.

Pronoun aggressives (progressives) defend movie making. Endless bla bla.

News Years News Adjectives (NYNA) - soggy, crustashun, demon, scrumbler, garb, let him know if you want HIM to do any more.

Why does California hellth department have no record of any virus ever being proven to exist?

5 issues of The Illustrated Police News 1888 which is the year the first wind turbine was built. There are 5 editions in this set for a mere $7,000 on ebay. Features Jack The Ripper case but wait there's one for about $25 bucks. The more expensive one must be offered by US government.

More hustle. "Bitcoin is stable it's the dollar that's not stable" and "measure Bitcoin in energy".

Dr. Multi Millioniare Yellow Piss Roadster as seen on TV now an appointee for CMS by TRONald billionaire. Now behind the curtain of Oz there's millions of these hustlers.

Carbon dioxide is like glass. That's what they tell you when they say it causes a greenhouse effect. Think about this. It's barely in the air, concentration in air at 1/2500 it moves freely with the wind. A green house is glass panels solid material. There is no glass panels made in the sky by carbon dioxide. Look at this bull presented by shit TV in 1980 used to brainwash people. Ice caps could melt and "goodbye Miami....we could enjoy boating at the capital". To enter the minds of the Jesus crowd they bring up the novel Noah virus where all those animals spread the glass variant.

If all the ice caps melted because of warmth believe me there would be no rise in water level. To easily test this out fill a bathtub of water. Throw in a tray of ice. Watch it melt. See how the water level remains the same. That's the proper proportion to do the science at home. Hustlers like the Gore U With Hustle Variant (GUWHV) just spread marketing bullshit to steal your money with their carbon credit scheme which is Enron 2.0666.

Trust which doctor's diagnosis? It's all relative. Prescription for lithium batteries?

Poor guy.

EVERYONE but one is regretting their vote for Trump.

Why did the programmer make it Crtl-U to send the page to the server? Oh of course, to control you. The old rein force meant hat trick. powering the world with clean reliable information

View of special needs handicapped drunken sailor trickle part time negative energy at Palm Springs California where one day the Lone Wind Ranger was spotted!

A climate socialist always wants everything from you except your job.

David Knight show 12 months and 16 days and 2 thousand and 24 years after the priest sexually abused Jesus with routine ruining of a man's sexual experience for life.

The medical system that kares about your hellth now asks you if you had a corona prevention shot. This is one that is an optical illusion. Does this portfolio filling $y$tem also ask you provide a full list of all the pHARMa rape you have endured? Never asks how much pesticide exposure you had from indoor commercial spaces due to "disinfectant" chemcical quaternary ammonium cat ions (QuaCQi) nor how much sugar you consumed which circumcises blood cells nor how big that GULP OIL SLICK was coated in syrup for lunch nor how many destructive to blood cells alcohol spritzers were injected.

Ed Dow'd makes bizarre claims about vaccines killing everyone. He's been doing this circuit four years now. No mention of stress causing death, no it's always the vaccines, no mention of pesticide sprays called QUATs sprayed indoors all day long in public places, just vaccines. Always preaching collapsing economy crap. The christian Fundamentalist Underdog Channels (cFUC) all worship him making appearances everwhere. He worked for Blackrock decades ago. He said he'd take clients out to get them drunk. You think he's not getting them drunk today on the internet? It's the world's biggest bar.

Not one of the show biz people like Dr. Peter McCullough or Dr. Robert Malone who both are rarely if ever seen without their stage dress and staged sets bring up all the deaths from having no income no food no home and plenty of freezing cold heat to keep them warm in the cold. No, they blabber their Horseshit In Medi Sins (HIMS) that the worthless vaccines did it, to fund them again and again so they can keep getting it right someday, and to finance their horse ranches as Malone cries the blues of not having contracts any more after he claims to be calling out how his invention is killing people. Hustlers always are caught in contradictions. Stress is #1 killer not vaccines. NONE OF THEM BLAME NOT ENOUGH INCOME as causing death and disease. No it's always a virus, something that is smaller in size than a human body by a ratio of close to 1/666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666,666. Prove me wrong with their junk science it's all junk. Prove me wrong with proper science, you can't, there is no proper science in virology. ZERO. NADA.

New website GoGetCaughtUpInFundingMe.scam

A wind farm at Arizona's Little Grand Canyon the size of a French Island? At Chevelon Canyon Ranch it's almost the size of Mayotte located in the Indian Ocean which was hit by a cyclone which is an alternate name for hurricane. Alternate names for the same thing are prevalent in the Hustle In Virology (HIV).

Analisys Of Crooks (AOC).

Lizzy the Senator Warden hides behind staffer when getting off private jet to not be photographed. She's such a liar. Always hustling fake ass climate scams to get your energy. Uses your money to push these lies. Smirk ass hustler Bill Gates says HE TAKES THE CARBON CREDITS. This is like using your credit card to go shopping. Jimmy Dore makes fun of these sick liar filthy filled with rich foams.

Davos is in Switzerland home of Swiss bank accounts.

The religious doctrine of recycling exposed! It's another fraud but like all frauds in California it goes to the head of the line while you spend your free time sorting through all it's trash politics and medical scams like corona video distease and notice all the receipts showing how much of your money keeps flowing into their portfolios.

Dr. Lee Merrit points out "they've been poisoning us since ancient times thousands of years ago and blaming a virus" which by the way is a word derived from the word poison. They play this game with us Disease Whack A Mole. They have been poisoning us forever and telling us it's an infectious disease. Viruses proven fully to not exist. Poisons well proven to exist in syringes called RAPE/SHOTS. Problem is NONE of these accusors EVER say the exact measure of how much "poison" is in there. Never do they point out the pesticide spray poisons in stores and offices now being used all day long.

Dr. William Bay victory. He was first of many that gave a big fuck you to modern medi SIN lies om Australia about novels about dangerous unicorns. Next time you hear the liars at the CDC say there's a novel virus go to the library to read the NOVEL.

"Israel will steal the gas in the Mediterrenenean that belongs to Palestine, Syria and Lebanon. The US will continue stealing Syria's oil in the East, and block the New Silk Road for China" says Richard Medhurst in costume. Where's Lizzy, Gates, all the climate goons? They should be explaining how breeze and solar dust energy will be powering everything there, not pipelines of natural gas. Point of clarity it's not stealing once they steal the land.

Black sun heat emitting panels that will "stop global warming" somehow by adding heat are planned for beautiful Wyoming countrysides. The response time for a fire is 30 minutes. Shouldn't a fire station be built in the middle of these ugly things? Yes. EG Haystack solar waste of energy project. Trump should kill all wind and solar projects.

It's impossible to even make this crap without mining and destroying more lands and using coal! These systems are Enron 2.0666 ponzi schemes. Natrona County board meetings. December may be postponed? Because Trump won? Day 1.666 he promised to kill all this garbage disabled energy theater set building. Haystack located 24 miles northwest of Casper.

EG Haystacks LLC is a shell company for Enfinity Global of Miami with multiple international owners. Source: page 6

Judy Jones stated her concern that ANTI-FREEZE is used in winter on blades and will leech into ground, aquifer at 45 feet. There is no website for this company EG Haystacks! Trying to find them online is like trying to find a dangerous unicorn in a haystack which is what scientists in the Hustles In Virology (HIV) always tell you they can do with finding imaginary viruses so you will lavish them with endless piles of gold and myrrh and other ancient gifts.

Today's Date & weather  power outage maps  West Camp wind farm will not change climate & roof top solar is misefficient  New Biology with Dr. Tom Cowan avoids going in coronas with same ol' same ol' monkey business  FDA vaccine committee meeting on biologics makes more sense to the tune of Mad Villan & today we visit a lovely fashion & fortune district project

 unicornology  STOP  clean energy  historical reference 9/11  Fuzzy Bear


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