Make peace with dangerous unicorns. The Desert Home

Bird flu is a fraud and Dr. Spike Ball is getting into the game as he cons the public at ever turn. Beware these cons all may be planning another shut down for bird flu "jumping to humans". All it will take is declarations after the WHO treatee is signed, and all the TV networks doing what they did in 2020, regurgitating (throwing up) what they are told by these hustlers all over the public once again. TV is a marketing department of pHARMa. Maybe the public is too smart this time though. Maybe not. They love their drama.

If government UK was sincerely militant about people's hellth they would ban the sale of sugar sodas that also contain carbon dioxide evil entities and anything containing sugar like sweet cereals starting at the age of birth starting January 1, 2024. Instead of doing what it takes to accomplish that delusionary science goal knowing that no one would put up with that hellth policy which would ban birthday cakes and ice cream they go after smokers as they know most of the public does not smoke so they have a smaller group to deal with and tyrranize for their financial gain and while smoking can help people breathe and live better the new policy just adopted from a policy shelter is no one born after 2009 is allowed to buy tobacco products. Even Boris Johnson the militant penetrator of vaccine junk science pushing is against it as it's nonsensical, tyrranical, stupid ass governing. Imagine stores having to discriminate by year born now. That ban for only the pre 2009's would include vaping as they call that and vaporizors a tobacco product now. Soon they will include kitchen sinks. This is all called "government over reach" but it's better termed manipulation for financial gain and hall monitoring obsessive compulsive nonsense and Napoleon complexes.

There's no viruses. There's only unicorns.

Gravity is believed to be real. It's also believed to be not real. Can it be both absolutely? No. Gravity is not absolute science it's relative science. When the Hustlers In Virology (HIV) said safe and effective which was nothing more than a marketing mantra like "Where's the beef?" and "I'd like to teach the world to sing and drink liquid sugar all day which they would never do without carbon and watch their teeth rot then sell their cities poison fluoride as a way to fake prevent cavities caused by Sugar Rot Disease (SRD) to get rid of toxic chemical factory waste" they didn't say the science was absolute they used relative junk yard science. When absolute science was used it showed us that their vaccines had zero effectiveness.

map of Mister NA made by gravity

Democrats are telling their base "they have got to vote for Joe Biden or they are throwing away their vote". This party is always ranting their mantras about the "threat of losing our democracy" and at every turn of the bandwagoneering they tell their cult members to do that very action on their personal selves, to go out and lose their democracy, only do what the cult leaders there say. It's total lunacy. Their actions not only speak louder than their words, their actions are screaming wake the fuck up already and see how you are being manipulated.  

Con gress needs to re peel old fashioned quarantine laws that are based on ancient lie$, misunderstandings, junk Hustles In Virology (HIV). Learn more at James Roguski and i N T E R N E T M A T T E R .com

Latest version of the global misgoverning PAN demic TREATee that treats humans like ratees is malgarbage.

Pan is the god of debauchery and mischief. No wonder MODErn a medi SIN called on this ancient god for his power to lead the demic in 2020 hindsight.

Take 2 minutes to enjoy Gerrard Conley's research on Colonial GAYNESS and watch the film that is based on his conversion therapy adventures BOY ERASED a film opened to the public in 2018.

The Holocaust (TH) denial at Encyclopedia Britannica 1968


TH is not mentioned in Webster's 1957 unabridged dictionary either.


The word "holocaustic" is there.

There is Foreskin Holocaust (FH) denial.

Stand with the American poor and foreskinless.


An0maly asks: "Is calling someone a witch hate speech now?" Obviously it is hate to call someone a witch or a Christian or a Nazi symbol of love, or are there only hate speech laws set up inequitably to protect one religion or belief systemetic schematic over another? If not is the Jesus dick cutting cult runs the show and they hate witches? It's unfair if so as is 40 years of denying equal treatment of gay blood. At the start of AIDS drug holocaustic denial river the gays were claimed to have inferior blood. Continues to this day. They suffered being told they are insignificant for an eternity then told even their blood is insignificant. What a pile of medi SIN waste corporate pushing product sepsis piled on them. The HIV claim viruses prefer gay sex over straight. Obviously all viruses are gay then using their junk science to prove nothing they say is logical.  Much of MODErn a medi sin now is based on corporate politics now not valid science.

SARS-CoV-2 never was proved 2b a real object even the CDC the Controlled Delusion Center admitted that early on, none-the-less 4 years after the fraud started the easily cond gress still thinks it escaped from a lab in China's chemical waste district, hopped on jet stream, and circled the flat Errth making it's way into every lung and staying there. The reality is it escaped from a laptop. It's a computer model. It is not real. You did realize the Santa Bunny isn't real right? Ok then it's now time to grow up and realize that the virus bunny is also not real.

The hazard mat outfits with blue painting tape found at Home Depot was thrown together by the prop department at warp speed last nano mill a seconds for special effects to make you think they are being protected from floaty violent unicorns they call "viruses". You thought viruses were real? ROFL

Eraceism is becoming a big problem. Eracing entire groups of people from inclusion. Germans are asking to stop saying "Nazi" and to stop handing money to never forget charities. This is becoming a trend as the many forget charities are running cash dry.

Flat Errth song by Missa. Flat Errth meetup May 23, 2024 in Southern New York Alabama country folk understand city folk lies when they heerem. The Errth is a planette. Plane-ette. Flat Errth plane-ette. It's like a baguette, it's small but there's zillions of baguettes where that came from. No space just planettes. Look sideways far as you can see that's only the beginning. Calms the mind. No neet to focus up into "infinity". No we are not insignificant dots floating in nanospace.

Biofield tuning – Dr. Tomas Cowan & Eileen McKusick (Polish Subtitles)

Alkaline water. This used to be called "eat your vegetables".

Another pristine area to be destroyed by handicapped energy as part of DIE policies.

Hocus Pocus Fluid .com

Carbon Zero is a psychosis. It's like Norman Bates gets a new job.

What's missing in Virology? Science.

Has any TV asked how long they wear these props? All day? Yea right. This looks like a tech services department where they fix your computers and blow the dust off the dusty components, notice the spiraly's in blue and the padding in the suits to make it look like filtered air is being blown inside and how they ALWAYS show them with syringes in action for subliminal programming of the mind to accept behavior modification or reinFORCE what's modified already.

Ok after watching this can we say that NASA never sent a man to the moon or are we going to still believe in Santa Wabbit being the first one there with his sleigh and red flashing cotton tail dressed up as space men.

The ambulance was vaccinated thus it was no surprise when it caught fire as vaccines are not a protection for it's body. Hellth care thought it didn't matter if it was a body of a living being the junk science told them that like how they believe viruses are living things because they move like dust and ambulances move like air that the transport device could benefit using artificial intelligence that was provided. So when it caught fire it because obvious no fire extinguishers that are proven 100% safe and effective at putting out fires had been installed. What the hell kind of hellth care system that is relied on to put out fires all the time when people get sick cannot even carry fire extinguishers in it's vehicles? Government run! A system that relies on votes and your cash cows that used to mow the lawn and provide you sustinence, now providing it for big corporate.

Bird brains will believe the next flu scam. Looking at the statements being installed by the medi cult to it's members one outside the cult might notice the repetition of saying "avian bird flu" which is like saying bird bird flu or bird brain flu. This prepping the public for the name change to human bird flu. If we pay a bit more attention to the word games they play and cult brainwashing tactics these junk science drug pushers use, this infers humans have bird brains and will be led into factory farms to be slaughtered once again, teaching them to accept penetrants of repurposed chemical waste in the most violent of methods, similar to a snake injecting venom directly with it's bite. Some try their best to avoid such bites. Is this why we see snakes in the medi cult's symbols?

Ask a con fused gender what gender I should call my accelerator pedal after it felt it it's terminal gender was female instead of male. Should I accept the change? Did it absolutely change or did it pretend to change? Who wants to place bets on auto parts going trans gender making things work properly? And when government gets involved and forces its gender lunacy on the auto parts industry to be inclusive of confused identify parts and cars stop working what will they blame it on, a virus, the weather, governing? Hell no, not governing.

Modern A Doctoring (MAD) does not even ask the patient if they drink purified water all day. The most fundamental building block for all life, water, not considered by the medi SIN profession. In contrast Dr. Tom Cowan makes it a priority to understand water such as found in his book "Cancer And The New Biology Of Water".

Roseanne Barr talks about the hourglass flip with Russell Brand uncensored.

"Man sets himself on fire" in NYC? Was it real or Memorex AI?

Why is there 5 people on stage standing there? Couldn't the other 4 be solving crimes? Even catching up on paperwork would be helpful. Why are these things always such a show? In California they did this too, with 5 standing behind the sheriff talking about crime problems beginning with statement on "corrupt politicians" making insane rules. What about stupid theatrics. He speaks about Prop 47, 57, which are disasters.

He sayz "Hello my enemies". Rules of war in and around the European Kingdom (EK) always be polite.

Engineers For Houses Of Cards all agree that the cards fell because of a controlled demolition of balsa wood planes flying into them, physics of gravity, and lack of TV coverage.

There was never any virus proven to exist called HIV. Later we realized it stands for Hustle In Virology.

Why does Coachella Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District keep spreading lie$*. Is the truck doing the talking or are they using AI now with a script saying "Hello! I will be spraying chemicals to kill what does not exist, dangerous unicorns, and as bird food will be poisoned as well with our treatments thus when the canaries all die from the fumigation inside buildings don't call us we will call you"?

*lei$ is pronounced laydollars

Disease cannot be spread by any insect, disease is a condition of an unhealthy body. Conditions of the body are not spread by vectors of air, bugs, flying unicorns, or mosquitoes that SUCK blood. A pin prick by a mosquito to draw super SWEET tasty sugar filled blood which is their favorite food like nectar to hummingbirds can be CREATED by a mosquito but it cannot vaccinate you with viruses like modern A medi sin does. There is no valid science showing any real thing on a mosquito knitting needle that fits the description of "virus". It could fit the description of a dangerous unicorn but not a virus. Viruses have NEVER been proven to exist by any absolute measure. There simply is no such object on the planet. We live in a virus free world where we really should be thinking of mosquitoes as being tiny hummingbirds and not erradicating them as humming birds will eat mosquitoes and starve without them as they are nectar of the gods.

They keep claiming mosquitoes carry viruses that are "spread" which is a term we associate with peanut butter yum, but the health departments in California and institutions world wide have already admitted they have no proof any virus actually exists. And now the di$$trict is adding more bug$ to their list of $care tactic$ calling them "imposter mosquitoes". What a fucking joke. Or is it a busine$$ model? All their scary viruses are merely models. How do they keep up with 60 million variants and viruses? It's all lies.

No mention about all the good bacteria they kill as well that "treatment" is upsetting the eco system. Ever buy probiotics for your health? What is the environment going to be like without probiotics? Hey where did all the ants go? Did you know bacteria's job is to break down poisons? How does the poisons being sprayed get broken down then? It doesn't rain in the desert all summer long. They will sell you another product for that! Kaching ring up another cash cow! These scams are what's bugging us and they are getting out of control. Fortunately with governing bodies we can use words and educate the public to stop the spread of their lies they use to make themselves rich and their companies they invest in and are patting on the back and washing each others hands while telling the public to spread even more chemicals over their hands they falsely claim will protect them from dangerous unicorns. All these chemicals are becoming a major problem. They say a vector is a any animal capable of transmitting a disease or causing discomfort and they add that insects are also capable. These claims do not follow the scientific method and are extremely broad and again no disease can be transmitted if the claim is they are caused by what they cannot prove exists. They suggest avoiding "the bite" by staying indoors during early hours and in the evening. The desert can reach 120 degrees in summer, the only times to get outside safely is in those hours. Nothing they say makes any sense. If we want to avoid bug bites wearing long sleeves can help that makes sense I suppose if we go outside in those hours when it drops down to a cool 100 degrees. Wearing chemicals can "help" as the bugs will avoid those knowing they are toxic for both humans, animals, and bugs. They are not stupid and do not rely on artificial fruit or artificial intelligence like humans do during the warp speed misinformation age.

Beware the next lockdowns might be claimed to be caused by vectors you can see based on lies claiming these vectors carry viruses which these institutions have NEVER proven exist. Like spraying fruit trees for flies to keep the trees from being eaten by flies, they might just try to claim a new species and variant is being carried by flies and try to terrorize the public again. Will they fall for another hustle like with Kovid introducing us to Oxygen Deprivation Devices (ODD) in fashionable plaid in 2019?

MODE rn a medi sin does not care how much toxins it adds to the planet nor does industry and capitalism. Stop the poisoning of everything. Church food is some of the worst food anywhere says Mike Adams. Talks about using laundry and personal care products that don't contain poisons and so I go to his store and what does he have as first item in shampoo, 24k gold facial care at over $100 per 50 grams and some colloidal silver liquid soap at $20 for 12 oz. Liquid soaps and detergents are over 90% salt. 40 pounds of salt is $7.

The Scamerican Century reports on sick bird brains injecting 33 billion chickens so humans can all be poisoned regularly as they eat the meet, I guess because fluoride isn't working as well as they hoped. And once again as always McCullough that sleasy spike salesman is involved with hustling on this lucrative multi-level marketing campaign selling kits.

You can bet it will be declared a pandemic, it's voting season and dangerous unicorn hunting season coming up during a big presidential election year.

The dangerous unicorn cult is planning for roll out of 2x their sick pleasures in the fall.

Christians get bothered about pagan rituals, mentioning there might be some honoring Zeus and Apollo and they don't participate. They threw that caution to the wind though when they honored Pan the god of debaucery accepting his penetration into them, some gladly and some feeling like they were just raped when they realized 19 forms of Pan demic were involved in holding their lives ransom.

Michael Moore calls out the delusionals who follow imaginary entities and who cannot see who real enemies are that are tangible.

Being smugfunny makes more $en$e.

Mr. Smugfunny has held WHO on high for the last 40 years ignoring the science of poisoning people with Hustle In Virology drugs.

Why is US/EU/HIV government lobbying against the Georgia Empire wanting TRANSPARENCY in governing? Same people who lobbied to make sure no one knew that what HIV actually stands for is Hustles In Virology so they could scam the public out of so much money for testing and rerereresearch over and over again getting the same results you get when you study unicorns and Santa Bunny.

Pink eye now claimed to be caused by dodo bird flu.

Dr. Jane Ruby learns that the "spike protein" is a lie.

She also talks about cancer and the relationship to parasites. "Somebody else is eating your nutrients". Parasites renamed to "viruses" to sell new concoctions also known as Patented Poison$ (PP).

Learn about Dr. McSpikey's "spike ball cure" he promote$ as he travels the world appearing at governing committee meetings spreading his multi-level marketing lie$ to your representatives so they represent him and his company selling junk science multi-level marketing virology that chases around what does not exist. This guy is such a sleasy huslter lying scum or if we GiTBOD* maybe he's stupid but I don't think that's it. He now is doin' all the circuits riding the current wave of mRNA kovid fraud PAN hate while out of the other side of his slime hustle mouth is shooting up pesticides up little kids noses in his practice not perfect "for their health" and on this show he's acting like he knever new in his whole life that childhood vaccine schedule was a HIV. He's such a liar. Note his mention of "in papers by Mawson, Hooker, Miller, Thomas, and an older Amish study" all 5 studies show if children go natural and no vaccines ever they have the best outcomes, again, while the other side says he shoots up the children's noses PESTICIDES aka viricides to kill what does NOT EXIST. On Del Bigtree's show The High Wire he again repeats these same authors. Claims now he couldn't in good conscience recommend to parents any vaccines, while adding them to his kits, such as now with bird flu sticking it's beak up our asses again, Tamiflu is now in his emergency kit. Again it's that nose thing, keeps growing and growing. There's no business like show busine$$.


*Give The Benefit Of Doubt

Then there is guy calls out the lies and hypocricy and doesn't call out the lies and hypocricy of his sponsor, Peter McCullough's company, so once again wherever you turn it's the same ol same ol. This guy is doing exactly what pHARMa does in marketing! Who does he think owns all the vitamin companies.

He also praised that tennis star who bucked the shots. Did not notice that the tennis star was all in with Modern A Medi Sin (MAMS) behind the net and multiple play scenes. It's how it's all set up. The game was how do we get the public to accept having their genetics allegedly MANIPULATED by big business. CEO of Bayer talked about this candidly.

Centers Of Disease Control And Prevention works hard to make people HELL thee. As long as CON gress keeps shoveling your money into it's accounts you can count on them spreading HELL thee ways of disposing of chemical waste in your body.

Raise your hand if you want endless declarations of FAKE/ASS hellth department emergencies. Peggy Hall's lawsuit update challenging Orange County NOT FOLLOWING LAW. Do we want our governing bodies hell thee or do we want them following the rules? Endless emergencies are not healthy except for portfolios that drain our cash. These fake emergencies have been hustled on the public for decades at least starting in San Francisco with fake new killer unicorn presented by the Hustlers In Virology (HIV) the governing boards just did what they were told to do by the hustlers on top. Never ending emergency, every two weeks would redesignate it. They must have changed that by now to only once every four score and 7 years.

For the 5th time in a row of ducks geese and dodos the US voted no on Palestine becoming a state, instead it prefers the look of Palestine being circumcised thus removing part of it from where it's always been. Russia speaks its mind on this atrocity. 12 world powers voted yes to Palestine becoming state. 2 obstained. 1 voted no.

The United Planets couldn't get their vote straight on Pluto. One year it was a rock, then next it was a planet, then next it was a rock again. They were following the science that went in circles as most science involving belief systems does. Voting on land we know is absolutely real becoming a state or not? Did any Palestinian human being living there vote or were they just mismal represented by the USA again and again expecting a different result?

The Empire of 3 City States? British rule America? Repirations to the King of England? The USA is not a country it is a corporation? Roman Empire never fell! It changed it's identity. Same thing really just more entertaining. They made up Jesus just like how they made up viruses, neither exist.

Dubai Empire massive flooding because of a massive air and gum drop of seeds? The world keeps putting up so many solar panels and wind turbines they are causing changes in the climate? Whoops! They "goofed" again. Conspiracy theorists tried to warn going to indu$trialist$ for solutions to what the industrial world cau$e$, your money pipelined directly to them.

Carbon dioxide is the gas of life. It often farts on the junk science of virology and climate.


Gasses of life, that's the absolute science. The science fiction is that man or woman can control the weather by controlling the gas supply and ultimately be super heroes and retire in style and fake save the planet from itself so we are all entertained in our cozy seats. It's like that lunatic that constantly butts in to everything you do and they don't know shit then you realize it's all a scam and he knows exactly what he's doing to get what he wants from you. Indian Tribes were better at controlling the weather than all these conniving climate hustlers.

Dodd/Frank was the biggest land grab in history. You thought it was about you. ROFL.

Dodocrats banned violence and it still occurs. To divert attention from that blunder they now blame guns instead of violence. They even create violence free zones and violence still occurs. They even banned dangerous unicorns to solve problems caused by violent unicorns and those problems caused by dangerous unicorns keeps happening. Some wonder if the solution is to ban Dodocrats but that's a bad idea they are kept in a controlled environment.

Another hotel in United Kingdom closes and empolyees all out of job to make way for ILLEGALS. You see this is the real plan started with Kovid falling off the runway and everyone catching him they shut businesses down so they can install new indoor air systems that will spray pesticides all day making indoor air identify as hellthy gas chambers and then when people and canaries and bumble bees die they blame it on a virus, and kaching away those cash cows are being milked 'till the cows come home and count the till overflowing with cash and it's never called a hellocaust even though that is what's happening and to prevent healthy chickees from catching disease they murder them and send you the bill.

Did anyone get stronger after injecting 19 forms of Wuhan chemical waste?


Argan oil, natural, helps small cooperatives, added to cosmetics like moustache wax. It takes 88 lb of dried argan fruit to produce one litre of oil. Main place of growing these and harvesting is Essaouira Morrocan region of Africa Atlantic upper coast at the Mediterranean sea. It's a very rich region dating back as a port with much trade for thousands of years. Record high in July 118 degrees sometime between now and 1966 so hold your climate horses the mean daily in July is 71 the world is not on fire.

If you ever look at ingredient labels keep in mind that the first ingredient listed is supposed to by law be the item with the biggest quantity. Looking at moustache wax we might want one with strong hold thus it should have more beeswax. One might list beeswax as #1 ingredient but it may not actually be that it's the highest quantity. Look at this label for a moustache wax that should be called moustache oil and count the many oils it contains.

Fisticuffs Strong Hold Mustache Wax Gentlemen's Blend 1 OZ. Tin - Picture 3 of 3

Yes beeswax is #1 BUT then there's 6 types of oil, which includes pine sap which is oily, and essential oils that contain fragrance. Here's how this can actually break down:

23% beeswax
20% tee tree oil
19% jojoba oil
18% coconut oil
17% petroleum jelly (oil)
2% pine sap (oil)
1% essential oil

So you get 23% beeswax and 77% oil. They typically will not ever explain the amounts so on this one I'm guessing the amounts, it could start with 99% beeswax but that's unlikely. The scenario I presented is more likely. Beeswax is expensive. Oils are cheap. Beeswax in hair is a disaster so there may be a reason for all that oil.

Speaking of deceit in marketing Peter McCullough gets virology all wrong again and again and again like a scratchy broken record of multi-level marketing hustle. He's quite the CON/MAN.


more detailed analysis here

Why would I need any treatment for what does not exist? PrEP is now handed out to the sexuals like prescribed candy. Makes no sense as there are no viruses to prevent. The Hustlers In Virology (HIV) never showed their imaginary friends to be a real object. The Hustle In Virology continues anyway.

Remember this PITA? Like the Roman Empire that never fell this obsessive compulsive "helper" too merely changed identities.

It's two thousand twenty four years after Jesus was clipped and it's celebrated every year on New Clip Day. Rumor has it and it's only rumor as no one has seen Clippy in the wrong locker room that Clippy had a sexy identity change, became a transclipual, has multiple identities now like "Sybil" a 1970's movie that showed us the horrors of having more than one identifying crisis and now Clippy is called AI. Put all the makeup on AI and it's still Clippy before the identity change though more entertaining as AI is a song and dance. Some say his new identity thinks he's a rainbow pen. Remember those? They had 12 colors in one pen. The pen was so fat you could barely hold it. It sellebrated diversity claiming it was the most diverse writing device and was it's strength yet people kept on with their racist pen color behaviors choosing one color, usually blue, and it made Diversity Equity Inclusion (DIE) policies angry. It was so fat it couldn't get through the door and the fat protectors demanded it be treated equally so they tore out 1/2 the world's doorways at substantial cost of energy they claim they are trying to save by installing a lower wattage plastic and mercury poison light bulb so as always it's about saving cash cows.

There are two parties and one noisy neighborhood.

One party keeps clammoring like it's New Jesus Foreskin Cutting Celebration Eve (NJFCCE) saying that The Second Coming Of Jesus Trump (TSCOJT) will be the ticket to saving the planet of humans.

Tom Rosenthal is an English actor and comedian. In 2019 he exposed himself to the world saying he was unhappy with being circumcised. The thing that is sin about this procedure is the doctors put the blame on the parents for it being done after they con them into thinking it's for the greater good of the body as a hole. In 2019, Rosenthal began to speak out about his negative experience with circumcision and his opposition to it,[24] as well as speaking about how the experience intersected with his struggles with obsessive-compulsive disorder.[24] He stated, "The truth is that my parents were put in charge of my welfare and they did something to me that can never be remedied. [...] The last proper Jew in our family was four generations back. My dad was circumcised for medical reasons, which is another bloody rabbit hole because a lot of those cases are misdiagnosed. [...] The aim is to recognise that if this has happened to you and you feel fine about it, that's great. But if you don't feel fine, which I don't, then you're justified."[24]

This is also a problem with those who are against circumcising life in the womb before it's ready to be born into being a human life as they oddly celebrate a similar cutting ritual after birth as if the dick is an umbilical cord they think needs to be removed.

Jesus has a look on his face as scissors guy approaches.

This is yet another of many many aspects of ancient & modern A medi SIN that are disingenuous and obscene to put the weight of this horror show on the parents. It's like Jason walks into a room identifying as a house cleaner but has a sausage slicer in hand and everyone just stands around thinking there's nothing odd and no danger to anyone as they hear the motor whirr they stick their fingers in their ears so they can't hear Jesus scream in pain.

If God is who impregnated the Blessed Virgin Mary than does that not make him a sinner? Wasn't Joseph and Marry married? The story is falling apart. The story tale of Jesus is an invention of the Roman Empire that obviously never fell.

The communications networks today claim they own your data if you use the telephone. This is like circumcision, they feel they own parts of your body. They circumcise your mind. Then they take the brain's connection to the foreskin and add it to AI pitches for sellebrity face cream.

An amputated limb due to disease atrophy the patient says he can still feel like his limb is there. If you try pinching the limb, he won't feel it as it's not there. The brain is connected to every part of the body. That is absolute science. When a huge section of the sexual organ of a man is amputated the brain remembers it being there but it CAN NO LONGER FEEL THE SEXUAL SENSATIONS FROM THAT ORGAN THAT IS REMOVED and la la la la the perpetrators of this amputation horror go on their merry way knowing they "pleased their god"? What the hell is that?

A eulogy for the Teddy Bear Blues song that would have been 102 years old today would make sure it changes the words of the song to meet current misexpectations as what is quoted in the tune "might offend" other woke analists who used to be labeled prohibitionists and puritans. "Way down in Alabama there's a colored man, he plays a wicked piano in a style so grand, he'll toodle your shoes and all your troubles you'll lose....he'll make you dance he'll make you prance he plays the Teddy Bear Blues." Sheet music for this 1922 vintage music is on ebay suitable for framing. View some of the words here and vintage tune in!


By the way the Earth spins a fraction of the speed of 78 RPM records and thus we don't fly off the Earth like people fly off the handle over the stupidest most meaningless of things as they identify with drama. If you put a cotton ball on the outer edge of a 78 Rotations Per Minute (RPM) record it will fly off because of centrifugal force. That can't happen on Earth at the Equator to a human that is 78 thousand million times heavier not because of the weight but because there is NO FORCE and it will never happen at the north and south pole SPINDLES you just go in circles like we do any where in the modern A world of medi SIN. Now here's a thought, if the ERRth is a sphere and it spins on an axis then there would be a small measurable amount of centrifugal force at the Equator and zero on the North and South pole and in between it would be greater than at the poles and less than at the Equator and that force would be throwing it's weight (not tantrums) at an angle greater near the pole and lesser near the Equator. Where is the science on that I wonder. Can't find it on TV. Let's ask Bill Nye The Science Guy (BNTSG)!

Beeswax, in cosmetics, bee pollen supplements and powders, how do we know these bees don't carry viruses? Because we know bees also don't carry Santa Claus and his sleigh. Beeswax is formed by worker bees, which secrete it from eight wax-producing mirror glands on the inner sides of the sternites (the ventral shield or plate of each segment of the body) on abdominal segments 4 to 7.[2] The sizes of these wax glands depend on the age of the worker, and after many daily flights, these glands gradually begin to atrophy.

Oh oh, the science discovered HIV has sex with dust. Now what? Condoms on dust? No of course not that would be stupid so they put condoms on your face as if that's not is stupider.

EPA said in 2020 that citric acid kills the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus. So next time you want to disinfect the gym equipment bring these. They are a popular antacid in Mexico. Surely would wipe out viruses in the body as well. $1.25 at Dollar Tree.

Might ask your gym how much they pay for QUAT poison sprays made of repurposed chemical waste that escaped out of the raw sewage pipelines at a Wuhan lab. Might ask your doctor why he doe$n't prescribe these to prevent HIV. Prevents Hustlers In Virology (HIV) from infecting me, anyone can do it, stop standing there mesmerized by their sales pitch and instead go about your life as if you realized it's all a hustle and that viruses are dangerous unicorns.

Actually laughter is not the best medicine. I laughed my ass off a friend who was sick because he was taking pHARMa drugs. He did not get better. At least my laughter was not the cause of his illness though, it was the drugs and Gulp Oil Slick Hell (GOSH) and carbon infused mega dose sugar water that was causing it along with dust that wasn't wearing condoms. Fret not dear friends the Hustlers In Virology are working on coating not just your fresh fruit with chemical spill derived protection they are working on covering every molecule on the planet with polymer coatings to protect you from viruses infecting every molecule there is.

HELLth agencie$ all said go with the poison chemical approach saying we are in a war.

The Good Doctorate Tom Cowan discusses nerves and biological matters today 4-17-24. Identifying as an illness. People will identify as a disease having them while they say they have a disease. Heart function and disfunction.

Guest on Alex Stein 4-17-2024 says her grandfather "got polio" in his throat. In his throat. In his throat. And got over it. And got over it. And got over it. Polio is slang for "paralysis". Blamed a dangerous unicorn. The medi SIN system should not offend us by using slang.

Have you herd? Any time someone calls you part of a herd make sure they have taken off their herd view glasses. Immunity does not exist thus herd immunity does not exist. It's a con game for modern A medi sin to keep using that phrase to make you think you are a cow or sheep and they use it to herd you into corralls where you get penetrated/raped with modern A medi SIN.

The world's greatest heroes remain unnamed and unpublicized and are greater in quantity than those who are named.

Starting around 6:55 am on The David Knight Show he outlines a summary of how exactly those who are the puppeteers in governing and world domination had controlled the entire process of getting humanity to submit to experimental penetrations of chemical waste products branded as a new treatment for what was previously called NOT BEING SICK and being sick with the flu so that they could exponentially grow their portfolios in modern A medi SIN. He also mentions in this climate of wokeanity Norman Bates would not be red flagged.

Need a kick in the ass to get going in the morning?

Donkey Kick Coffee!

Woman turns into a man using wokecraft. In the boxing ring the wokecrafted man gets brutally knocked out. The woke sports committee deletes all of the video as it that's what committees always do. The transformer says always thought of self as a boy but born with female private biology. Knocked out in 21 seconds. Could be just did not practice enough. Competed against a man who started fighting the moment the doctor tried to cut off part of his dick and knocked out the doctor who then stopped doing circumcisions after that so that would be many more years of fighting practice. Let's chalk it up to that. Sure looks like a dude.

Dr. Scott Jensen wears the lab coat prop. Tells us about immunity which does not exist. Acts as if he hasn't been part of the problem for decades. Claims government and pHARMa coverup. OMG it's all out there it's always been out there there's no cover up. More fear porn. Oh baby! It's his profession, he professes it has a big problem. Well then show us the money, allllllllllllllllthe money you made from it and give it back to the people. Quit your profession like the better Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Sam Bailey and Dr. Mark Bailey, Dr. Stefan Lanka, and many others have to show us your not another insincere prop eller.

What happens when an old somewhat seniling buzzed actor is asked a question on stage and kinda forgets the script? Watch Buzz go off script for a change.

Hey peopleoids big news, it's safe and effective to joke without woke again.



Stixyhexyhammer666 is guilty. He did it.

Why should we forgive those who pushed the public into dungeons-19 when they don't forgive us for telling them the truth ahead of time? The worst were the former California governors actors that said "screw your freedom" trying to force the public into drug dealer gulags. We don't apologize for trying to warn everyone that there is no new diseases and that all treatments for these fake diseases is junk science. Just a guy in Sweden. Not just a guy an artist too!

Scientific presentation by Doug Zonker from 2002 just getting the airtime it deserves

view info on his work here and some video on this when he presented it to the American Association For The Advancement Of Science And Acronyms (AAFTAOSAA) two thousand years and seven after the bloody circumcision of Oh Christ what the fuck did they do to my dick. Today's Date? sponsor can be heard here. Doug Zongker contributed more to science than all science combined since that date as he pointed out laughingly what real science consists of, realizing what is a joke. Unfortunately it's only gotten worse for most of science, people think the more acronyms and word salads that are covered in Gulp Oil Spills means that they know more than dodo birds. This science presented is similar to everything presented in virology, it's nonsense, and just because something is patented like a new warped drug, it doesn't mean it does anything is making any sense of it nor does a patent make it do what it claims nor does using modified acronyms. mRNA junk science technology is basically like this but they use more words, same net result. Podcast of flower eaters discusses this in theme of paracitic political corporate and virus nonsense. Here's one of the charts he presented to associate his work with the work of all other scientific nonsense in trying to see things that cannot be seen.

This presentation also might have the world's record for being the best medicine as the audience could not stop laughing for the longest time I ever heard, even beating an I Love Lucy episode that had won that award. Someone should do a study on how laughter laughter laughter created wellness wellness wellness with all who were in the audience. Won a nobel prize for best medicine the audience roared in applause. Then stay tuned to the end where he's asked questions and how he responds and the formulas he presents.

If I am wearing a beanie like Tim Pool because I want to stay warm or have a certain look if a doctor says I don't need it does he have a right to take it off my head? That's what I was wearing at birth, a beanie, but it was attached to my body. The doctor cut if off saying it was unacceptable to wear in his hospital, his world, his universe, and the world around me went along with his findings. I find that offensive. It was my special beanie. They all just told me to get over it, be a man but they cut off 1/2 my man beanie hood.

It is unacceptable to take candy and private beanies from children. If I report the theft of my beanie public officials will take it seriously, say it's a crime. If I tell them my beanie hood that was a part of me, literally a part of me, was robbed they look at me weird, scoff, say there's nothing they can do, blame the parents saying it's up to them to decide what body parts they can cut off you as it's protected by the constitution. If I point out it's not allowed to steal body parts from females and put those in face creams or use for medi sin experiments they look at the ceiling or their stupid phones. If I call or text them will they lisen?

Cutting off the foreskin is a sick disgusting painful self centered ritual of a violation of rights to have our bodies our whole life as it was given us by mother god, it's a sick horror show done only in the 3rd world countries and those that are sadistically devoted to their deluded religions. It is a violation of the US constitution and civil rights. Seems many in governing don't care! They cannot deal with this atrocity that is their responsibility to stop. They will go party hearty at all their functions and find 666 hundred other things to do that make them diverted better like horseshit like 14.666 minute cities, carbonated air tracking and taxation which is as much theft as stealing the male beanie off their body.

Game over! There are no viruses thus no lab leaks no need for treatment for viruses no need for world HELLth, wait, why are news stations still in the FEAR/PORN business. They're all on this lab leak bandwagon now. Brains keep malfunctioning jumping on. There is no physical object called viruses it's all just calculations of how much smoke and where to place the mirrors. On and on and on it goes. No smoking guns either. It's all a big game like PONG/SCIENCE.

Virology is a religion. It's a belief system. It's like consulting with experts in Santa Clause to prepare what to do if he ever falls and can't get up by asking the adults what should we do. Watch Alec Zeck on "The End Of Covid" explain this and other nonsense presented by this religious cult and it's not the end of this religion. It's the biggest religious following on the planet. Bigger than Catholicism. No virus ever proven to exist. The religion never uses just the fluid of an "infected" person or animal it makes a mad science brew of chemicals and body parts and fluids and shows the world the breakdown mess to the world saying this is a virus! It's no such thing, it's medi sin side shows all of it. All of modern A virology is a fraud. It does not adhere to the scientific method. The other clue that it's an entire fraud is the constant contradictions. See if you spot their contradictions that make no sense:

a) they say a virus is a submicroscopic particle thus cannot be seen
b) they use a microscope to find it
c) then they say the only thing that can be done is to treat you with medi SIN even when you are not sick so that you don't get sick but you get sick and sick of their nonsense

If it's sub microscopic then it can't be seen in any microscope. They claim they have a new improved one, a "microscope" they use instead is one that treats the virus with chemo and radiation to try to make it be seen. This creates a junkyard mess of cellular misfunction. They point to the image and say look here we have the virus. It's nonsense. It's dog and pony show acting like it's a top billed headline act in Las Vegas.

Modern A medi SIN is no different at it's core than when those who understood an eclipse thousands of years ago and could measure it's date of arrival would convince the people they were the ones that called in the gods and sold their wares including magic potions now known as pharmaceuticals. Watch the boot.

More attacks on the constitution in the news as if it's not strong enough to protect itself they present more fear porn than ever which is why good comedy like heard above is making a comeback as everyone is sick of the lies.

The democrat party is like an old shoe that you loved as you hiked with it you met your sex buddy wearing it your life was saved by it, but now it's just worth memories. The dodo birdocrats are struggling to have a purpose but it's really only value is memories. It helped with civil rights, gay marriage, and making sure all in congress are treated equally to inside traders that get away with it because to make it equal they exempt themselves, but now it's just a mess. It's like that spoiled child that has everything and wants more but they have everything so they become psychos. Have to turn over tables like Jesus did just to get attention. Keep scraping the bottom of the barrell of issues all that's left is sex change delusionary science fiction manias. It's failed completely with medi SIN. It's given more rich people more riches than ever and made the poor who have no home even less homes as they use good tax $ to make their friends able to order extra champagne.

Pelosi not hops on the anti-Israel horrorfest bandwagon saying to stop selling weapons to Israel. What about saying to stop selling knives to doctors who massacre foreskins for fun, fake salvation, and face cream$. No one does anything in congress to stop that horror. Many of the men were probably subject to that disgusting ritual stuffing down the trauma buried deep in the mind, they lie and say it's for the greater good of the body, keep them clean, prevents viruses that don't exist, endless list of lies. Astonishingly Nancy Pelosi said in 2018 "if the capital burned to the ground" the one thing these nuts in con gress would be committed to is another country, Israel which rhymes with is this hell? Pelosi is a delusional self centered con. That's why it's called con gress. Then again she's not all bad she's representing a very liberal state area of San Francisco Bay which was the best gay mecca of the world in the 1970's and 1980's until a.faucidae infected the science.

Protesters shut down the Golden Gate Bridge with message "Stop The World For Gaza".

The congress shut down the world for pHARMa seems fair to ask that we do the same for those people. Protester at a college says his family in Gaza is killed and calls out her and "genocide Joe" and that's what was what Pelosi called out as the horror "I will not accept you saying genicide Joe". That's why these mismal representatives want every word you say subject to having you banned from their dream state. When you talk about reality their minds short circuit from waters flowing under  troubled bridges. San Francisco is a most wonderful city! Some of the best people anywhere. Some of the best food, museums, views, culture, but they need more public toilets.

Like with the "security" act that failed by only one vote which when the hysteria of 9/11 happened it passed with only 3 votes against insecurity, the claims that there are terrorist unicorns called "viruse" which have never been proven to exist continues to befuddle the public but it's starting to move away from supporting the dangerous unicorn hunting expeditions that are futile and don't make us safe and are merely pipelines to your cash and sticking pacifiers in the public's mouths. It's time we all grow up and understand the deep state of virus hunting expeditions is mostly presented by masters at propoganda and lies. 

Better news reporting RIGHT HERE..........others are getting this wrong.......probably because they hire artificial sensationalism as their king.....

Lumberton, North Carolina in front of a Burger King it looks like an accident involving a couple of cars and maybe a truck maybe stopped to help maybe it was a tow truck? Someone decided they would hijack the truck. The man with the fluorescent vest from the truck fought back by shooting a gun at the jacker multiple times likely striking him. Hijacker backed up to get a running start and then ran the truck into the man killing him. Analysis of this video we see that the truck owner clearly did NOT SHOOT AT THE hijacker, he would point at the man and then point his gun at the pavement, shoot there, then raise it up again toward the driver, then point it down and shoot again at the pavement. This photo is one of the many times he was pointing it to the ground.

he shot at pavement

The next was when he then quickly would point it at the hijacker not shooting.

Then he was mowed down.

A bystander had tried to warn him that the hijacker was going to run him over but he was not able to get out in time. Analysis shows that he let his guard down. Some might after being carjacked ran away to better safety seeing the truck was being backed up. After the truck was taken seconds later he casually started walking across the street. He did not act as if there was any more threat but he should have. In this analysis video as it's claimed "he shoots at the man" but he did not, he clearly shot at the pavement but it does show what happened for analysis. The hijacker may have run over 2 people it's not clear, there was another man running away from the approaching truck may have been who was warning him to get out of the way "he's gonna run you over". Other news reports only listed this man as dead. 

By design it lowers your "immune" system. Trust Your Doctor (TYD) which was a cult mantra of the pan flu era means Trust Your Doctor Who Trusts Your Politician Who Trusts The Cash Flow Cows Leading The Herd (TYDWTYPWTTCFCLTH) have you herd there is no "immune" system unless you understand it to be immunity from harm for drug dealers they are immune to harm they can make all the sickness and poisons they like and they are immune to being sued companies like pFizer which has the biggest criminal fine in US governing history over 3 billion of your $$$. Maybe next time listen to the conspiracies more carefully and be more thoughtful of those who care about you more than government and politicians and drug dealers when they spot lies.

The trust the science mantra goes like this: in virology they look at this flat errth map of fires world wide and determine that the only place there are fires is in North America.

This map only shows fires in those areas but virology yells fire in crowded theatricks to get you scared. The science used to study what the virolgy crowd says cannot be seen as it is "submicroscopic" yet they claim they see it using microscopes (red flag) is based on calculations of what they cannot see. Good luck with that. It turns out it's all make believe, guesses, and more make believe, Santa Clause is more real than viruses.

Remember when government promised to keep medical and financial records private? Canada was used as a model design of hellth care when Barrycare came to USAmerica. Promises promises. Well hon in Canada they changed their minds on this Bill 419 threw that promissory note in the trash and public HELLth everywhere except in Germany keeps throwing the memo that Dr. Stefan Lanka proved in court in Germany that viruses do not exist. Invest in memo shredders it's big busness now as that is what hellth care is using your money for mostly.

I think we are getting closer to fully understanding our Flaterth. Even a child could do it. It's easy to understand.

Warning: cell phones are dangerous, it's not 5G, it's not what you think because you don't think you just act you jump on bandwagons and trust the technology. The science is claimed will save us! It is our new god. Old gods like PAN have been ignored. Pan is the god of mischief, debauchery, he made a brief reappearance held on high in the 2020 hindsight crusades as they named the fake-a-demic after him. It was used to upsell new computer printout technology to cut processing time of new fake virus strains down by a whopping 99.666% and thus instead of refunding the public all the money saved, they just funnelled it into their Bitcoins and other portfolios for themselves. Public HELLth is just an extention of these portfolios.

Jewish Family Services is bringing in illegals at San Ysidro?

Aldi foods contain bio engineered crap?

Where's Waldo and Free Speech in this video?

Man talks to solutionaries about banning words and banning chambers to solve the problem.

Gas chambers were real, they were used for training, protection from being gassed in World War One. Ok now that is settled, let's talk about the Holocaust Of Foreskin (HOF) now at 666,666,666 foreskins murdered. Claim was by the circuminterference and foreskin harvesting regime was it made society better how that is remains a mystery, claims like it stops the spread of illusions and such. The regime remains in power to this day. Instead of tearing it down people rather bicker about selfies being circumcised by emojis.

It's easy to end shelterlessness. It's not easy afterwards as lawyers and agencies that are there to protect you from keeping their portfolios healthy then get in the way after it's fixed which then brings back the problem.

Oxygen Deprivator Cult chants some weird stuff. Another cult leader wants to eliminate Iran population 89 million, Iraq 47 million, Libya 7 million that's a total of 143 million people to build back better a "regime change" which is another way of saying installing a religion that likes to hack off half of a baby or young man's phallus skin for some bizarre religious ritual purpose. So is this farming of foreskin the intention? Maybe they want oil too? How would that fly with intactist religions and those who worship oxygen? What the fuck is wrong with minds to want to do this torturous horror on others? There is something wrong with anyone who would say such child abuse was ok. Who are the ones calling for war and what are the real reasons? Are they all circumcised? Private body part removal didn't become a thing in the states until the 1950's after the horrible IInd world war and who spear scissor headed it? What are the CIRCUMstances surrounding circumference incision torture of males to give them their lives and their intact oxygen levels back?

Idaho looking to ban medi Sin Rape A (mSRA) chemical waste sold the public as a cure for everything including getting back lost lives formerly known as resurrection, gee I wonder why could it be because of people getting tired of the Satan in the details, just as the church lady would say on decades old Saturday Night Live skits with Dana Carvey.

Next time we have a bunch of idiots in public HELLth just doing their job tell us are we need to stop what we are doing and go to war with the invisible nothing are we going to realize it makes more sense to shadow box with ourselves than it does to measurably become more insane and take orders to take 666 steps away from dangerous unicorns inching backward as we fall off cliffs and wander into traffic and get thrown under electric busses that catch fire or are we going to take the former governator of California the capital of endless drama and go the screw your freedom route?

During the drug hustle regime this immigrant said as a former governor "Screw your freedom" promoting forcing all humans on planet Earth to be medi sin's injection roaming lab rats in order to obtain freedom.

Never forget movie stars do not make great leaders they make great drama.

Subliminal programming every night in the 1960's. Probably said "Believe that we put a man on the moon and not a moon on man".

Charges Dropped Against Restaurant Owner Who Sold The Unvaccinated Pizza During "Health Measures". Who was so stupid to support those who provide HELLth measureing cups? Raise your hand. Go to the back of the bus and stay there and wait, we are still working on healing all those who you all threw under the bus.

Look back at how the pan-19 fraud was set up by the a.faucidae and g.bright strains of Hustles In Virology (HIV).

Puzzling how satellite got caught in a weather baloon and fell to Errth.

Interesting comments on following the bible at the end of this weeks Jim Fetzer show April 13 2024 actually rather profound by one of the callers. King James was a homo. Christians love their King James Bible. ROFL.

pHARM a suit i cals are a farming system, they plant seeds in the mind, they water them, they watch them grow, then pick the fruit. RFK jr calls out who owns all these companies, Blackrock and Vanguard, the biggest portfolios in the world. Thing not said much is who owns Blackrock, the public. RFK dude certainly has benefitted by drug stocks almost all wealth has ties to drug stocks. His family was rich from drug stocks and political maneuvering. I find him rather disingenuous as he never points this out. The poor town in Alabama may have those who have drug stocks, they make money, they run small business or feed families from the profits that pour into the portfolios, people lifted up from that drug stock gain where otherwise they'd be left out completely. This happens world wide. He makes it appear as though there is one owner. Junk politics yet again.

Look at the name pharma suiticals. Compare "farmacy" to "pharmacy" to "pharma see" do you see how they are farming you. They like playing these word games. Board meeting 100 years ago "well yea we're farming big bucks here.....that's it, we'll call it farma" then the CEO corrects him, "we now spell it pHARMa". Medical school originates from "medicine cull" first presented as "well yea we cull the virus wink wink" to teach so they don't notice that we have a vested interest in Sickness In Perpetuity Syndrome (SIPS).

We often see imagery of businessmen with a champagne glass with bubbly over flowing in sellebrations of all the money they hoarde. Many times it's shown as men as that is history many men worked outside the home in these companies. Wokipedia redirects us to another department calling itself Buisiness Person relations. They refuse to reuse that long standing general term "businessman" which like how the term "gay" always included both sexes in homo expressional endeavors includes both sexes and the gay community became the annyoying separatist acronymist never ending pile of letter mess, the Wokipedias do not understand that. They can't even see that "woman" contains "man". They never even suggested nor demanded the use of "businesswoman" as an all inclusive replacement that then would have both the words woman and man included, no they have to go with the GENERIC BRAND which if they went into the store to buy stuff they would not pick, they would pick the product that has the glitz behind the brand. How much oil is burned to satisfy the whims of these languist purists who falsely claim that language is what creates equality and then says diversity (not equality) is our strength as they shun generica brands at the store?

Now it's not cool to be vaccinated as we see it was all a performance to create a new system of scamming you to be raped by medi sin, so to get sex dudes and dudettes will lie to the purebloods saying they were not stupid enough to believe anything that drug dealers would sell them as being for their health when it's only for their wealth saying no I was never raped by medi sin when they were as that's the S&M that gets them off.

Proof of the flat errth is presented in the etherial map shown to us in the abovement we can see almost every night. Errth is an electromagnetic visual phenomena made with fluorescense. Map of the errth is the moon. There was no man on the moon the moon landed on us. The presentation of the PLASMA MOON shows the electromagnetic sun energy below coming up through errth like how cell phone signals go through walls. What if the errth is only a small part of the flat universe. Objects reflected in the moon map are closer than they appear or farther? When we realize we live on a flat and there is no infinite space, think about this, where does our imaginations then go? How about sideways instead of up. Imagine what can be done with imaginations that only look all around us. Watch what happens.

한국어: 교통 사각 거울
Source Own work
Author Park taeho

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

If you have a better explanation of what the moon is that has a claimed spin that matches exactly the Errth so we never see any other side of it which is odds of 1 in 666,666,666,666,666 chance that could ever occur in nature please submit to a new theory that actually is more logical.

In the 1990's OJ was found not guilty. In other words he was not the killer. Most of the public could not accept that verdict. In each decade since the start of accusing a virus for complex diseases and even simple common colds and flu verdicts have been handed down that the virus is not guilty and same thing, the public cannot accept it.

The a.faucidae strain of junk science presents Remdesivir to grandma in the hospital. It's a poison like other drugs that strain approved of. Poisons do not build heart muscles they tear it apart. Kidneys fail. Heart fails. Drug dealers portfolios get healthy. Dr. Bryan Ardis testifies against pumping poisons into sick people. Seems to make sense why doesn't HELLth care understand what makes sense? I watched my friends die of the aids poison drugs. It was obvious to those around them what was causing it, not a dangerous unicorn, it was drugs, prescribed drugs handed them by those that came direct from hell to create their heavenly profits off others suffering. They were called aids drug COCKTAILS. Made people feel like they were hanging with their friends having great conversations over a few drinks. It was poison. They called it "Hit Hard Hit Early". Hitting people who are sick hard is abuse.

American Disabilities Act is handicapping business while propping up portfolios using your money as 2x4's. The 19-fraud gave rise to much more ADA compliance scruitiny for the most nit picky of things. In San Francisco it's killing a landmark burger joint. Outside Palm Springs in a mountain town it killed a villiage market. In Indio a town named after native Indians east of Los Angeles by about 150 miles, a big restaurant that serves breakfast lunch and dinner got slammed with a $100k cost to upgrade to new handicapped ramps that were just not good enough the way it all was before because of one lone wheel chair. Yucca Valley in California there is a business where they created the most bizarre of handicapped ramps that directs both someone is in a wheel chair and all pedestrians to use the same ramp that goes off into the parking lot to avoid steps which cannot be used any more.

On the roadways in the country they install curbs that are most bizarre in design. Where they used to have a wide graduated ramp down to the street they are replaced with narrow ones where the wheel chair could be caused to tip over or run into the sharp corner of the curb it's just awful. Many just go no where as in just to a pile of dirt. I saw a person in a wheel chair have to go in the street to get access to the corner of the road where they had installed these goofy curbed areas amidst areas that were dirt and it and it was a busy road. Much of what they are doing to improve makes no sense. It's like in piece meal. Imagine building an office building that way, install toilets eventually then pipes after that. In the country the requirements closed down a community theater, they can't afford the upgrades which are actually downgrades as THE BUSINESS NOW IS CLOSED. This is happening to small businesses everywhere. It's a nice idea to be "inclusive" of those with disabilities but there needs to be a balance and governing on this has become militant like that Catholic school teacher that abuses students with a measured piece of biofuel. Even handicapped people are calling out this used horse hay. At the entrance of Palm Springs they created the ADA compliant handicapped energy parking zone that spreads out for miles all around.

Seems there should be grandfathering in businesses don't cha think. In a sane world that would be considered. Outcry by the public but no outcry from retirement and current portfolios owned by all the public officials involved though. Those have all the access necessary provided by the public.

The latest INTERNET CENSORSHIP attempt is slithering it's way through CON gress. The Strangle The Internet Act (STIA) claims it's all about protecting the children while this same congress ignores the routine dick amputation rituals in hospitals. Sexysticksandhammer666 has some thoughts. Another thought is that it's the Puritans that are always up to this censor crap for their own religious self righteous lying agendas.

They keep pressing on to censor gas stoves with lies. GFY. Meanwhile all these $ focused endeavors ignore CHEMICAL FUMES from pesticides like the new dangerous fumes from quaternary amonium cat ions (qaci) used to kill dangerous unicorns and those nano ions and what they do to lungs. Public HELLth calls these "disinfectants" but there is no infection as there is no virus. Viruses have NEVER been proven to exist.

The welcomist and inclusionists decide to give 30 day notice for all the illegals they welcomed to get the fuck out of their city now and go home. Families get homes. Single men thrown to the busses. How inclusive is that! DEI pronounced "die" needs to die it's a lie. You get what your TV and AI vote for!

It was 2000 plus twenty years after Jesus had part of his dick cut the fuck off by maniacs and that still happens to innocent gods coming to Errth through the womb vortex trying to make the world a better place and still we see lunatics doing stupid stuff like forcing Oxygen Deprivation Devices (ODD) on people who insist unlike the slaves that they need to breath better without them for their health and not HELLth. It's an Orwellian world just as he predicted, even worse it's clearly 666 times worse.

The Roman Empire never fell, it became tranny. It created Christ like how modern a medi sin created viruses both are illusions. It transformed itself like a drag queen pretends to be a man.

Traffic routes catch the common cold so they treat it with a "congestion charge" in Cambridge UK not moving ahead as it's stuck in committee.

Canada court case for Coutts trial senior officer breaks down and cries on the stand. Perspective claims it was orchestrated and biased. Always be wary of those pulling heart strings, it can make you into a puppet.

Smart Ass Train (SAT) in Russia forgets which code is for pressing the artificial intelligence brakes runs over a crowd while it's artificial driver eats artificial meat sandwich and people who buy this crap think it's all good because they only listen to the cash flow. Please let us know when artificial fruit is safe and effective before giving us any more of this AI crap would you please Sir, no we don't want more.

Fashion in Miami on the runway wow sexy!


Viva Frei on stage discussion on internet content regulation nonsense. Note how these presentations some will insist on using "flesh colored" microphones to blend in and not be seen yet they stand out like a pimple. A side view makes it a floating in space pimple. Black stands out less as if you look at this picture of Viva you notice many black areas thus it blends with over all composure.

Viva Frei is an intelligent independent journalist exposing, analyzing, critiquing in his regular podcasts on Canadian and world politics. One of the points presented by one of the panelists is that things are moving in a certain direction implying that it's best to go with the flow. Tell that to a man in a kayak that got swept into a current that headed for Niagara Falls. There are many things that happen where groups of people start heading toward danger and too many nit picky regulations is one of those things. Frei is one of those paying attention that sees the danger ahead.

Dr. McSpikey is smiling again as he's presenting dodo bird flu dangerous unicorns as real kaching! He's wearing his white  TWC money counting lab bib again. Smiled when he said "monkey pox" of which the religious cult of medi SIN belief in makes monkeys out of the public.

Watch how he slips in his products as the fix. He won't admit that the science never proved any virus exists. Perpetuates "weaponized strains" and claims "in silico" science is valid (it's computer Garbage In Garbage Aout (GIGA).) Says shooting up insecticides up the nose kills dangerous unicorns. Claims gain of function research is real, viruses are real, but it's not. Says they already have a dodo bird flu vaccine in 2020. Watch out folks they will see how many bird brains they can vaccinate for this Same Ol' Hustle (SOH) theys with all the money will claim jumped to humans WITH NO PROOF as dangerous unicorns don't jump. Clowns keep clowning u$ with their medi SIN hustles in these cash flow cults. Honestly they see us as cash cows and golden geese. TRUTH is we live in a virus free world.

When you visit Indonesia for the first time.

Orenthal died of cancer in his 70's. We don't know the health status of his former wife's killer. Society grabbed onto the TV media hustles and believes what it told them to believe in the 1990's and in 2020 we saw it's power grow exponentially to get them to beleive there was a boogy virus under everyone's breath.

Why do people keep saying "people of color" while being dismismal inclusive? White is a color that is always left out of that statement "people of color" it only refers to a collage of pigments that reflect light different ways thus causing a perception change. That is not inclusive. White contains all the colors of the disinclusive rainbow.

Make America Genetically Altered (MAGA)

Climate change surgery it cuts off natural fuels to be replaced with impotent energy making itelf and it's work disabled. What's that sign say over there? Oh it says stay clear of the delusion zone of climate engineering.

 Sex "change" surgery paid for by tax payers in the Unintact States Of Miltary (USOM) is sellfish. Coming soon species change surgery as well to complete the country's psychosis to an average of 99.666%. Episode 367 Del Bigtree's The Highwire explained in detail as yet another medical hustle. Why are they letting mentally ill for any other reason than to keep feeding the machines. Surgery denied. 95% will never be able to serve. Disgusting. Meanwhile homeless problem still not fixed, no, it's more important to spend $100k on this horseshit to make all those in this medi cult system multi-level homefull.  And his guest is at which makes us wonder why the medi cult didn't choose to call circumcision UNCOVERED.

This picture of "spike protein" in action is no less fantasy than Santa Clause delivering presents then taking them back. A cartoon is all we see in the science fiction world of dangerous unicorn hunting. The system uses a broad selection of props and facades to entertain and like Christmas and many religions gets you sucked into shopping and playing their game. There is no proof of any such "spike protein". The props of electron microscope photgraphs some claim are a "virus" are horseshit being presented as a chocolate snack bar loaded with fiber. It was only after eating one of those that I realized I was being hustled by multi-level marketing once again and with virology it was when the text book said that the ACE-2 receptor is made to match and mirror junk science, latch on to it, consume it, digest it, and eliminate it. There is no copy machine there of "the virus" that is the Horseshit In Virology (HIV).

They Hustlers In Virology (HIV) never got to the first step of PROOF any physical object "enters the cell and makes copies of itself" with the copy machine of the cell that only makes copies of official sequences of ITSELF in it's imagination not of "viruses". It's all smoke, mirrors, song, dance and the ticket prices you pay are are at the pump you up theatricks pulling in your cash from many sources all influenced by this massive hustle game of HELLth care space invaders.

Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) in the "coronavirus" vaccines. It's in laxatives. Gee why don't they INJECT laxatives? Makes no sense. Natural body process. It is not natural to inject anything except a dick into a body or inject food in your mouth. Penetration with metal parts is rape. Since these are circular and cut a hole in the body to penetrate it's fluids we could call this circumcision. Making a fluid get stuck in muscle tissue is insanely not natural. A polyethylene glycol petroleum based oily bubbles contain the imaginary mRNA patent molecules for fraud virus vaccines. Yummy. PEG is used as a wood preservative, it will protect all those blood cells made of wood. It is a component of missle fuel. Although polyethylene glycol is considered biologically inert, it can form non-covalent complexes with monovalent cations such as Na+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+, affecting equilibrium constants of biochemical reactions.[21][22]

PEG is used to fuse two different types of cells, most often B-cells and myelomas in order to create hybridomas. César Milstein and Georges J. F. Köhler originated this technique, which they used for antibody production, winning a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1984.[5]

  • In microbiology, PEG precipitation is used to concentrate viruses. PEG is also used to induce complete fusion (mixing of both inner and outer leaflets) in liposomes reconstituted in vitro.
  • Gene therapy vectors (such as viruses) can be PEG-coated to shield them from inactivation by the immune system and to de-target them from organs where they may build up and have a toxic effect.[23] The size of the PEG polymer has been shown to be important, with larger polymers achieving the best immune protection.
  • PEG is the basis of many skin creams (as cetomacrogol) and personal lubricants with or without foreskins stolen from baby men.

    Dimethyl ethers of PEG are the key ingredient of Selexol, a solvent used by coal-burning, integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plants to remove carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide from the syngas stream.

    So they use oil based products to clean carbon so we can get off oil. ROFL.

    PEG is the main ingredient in paintballs.

    PEG makes those very large fun soap bubbles to not break.

    PEG is the main ingredient in most personal lubricants (sex). Gee maybe the fact that these stay stuck like glue on the skin has something to do with skin eruption syndrome (MOPO) ya think. So to fix the problem of pox disease they tell you to inject what causes pox disease. That only makes sense to delusionists but that is what they sell the public inject PEG to save you from monkey pox or just avoid all homosexuals which is what the Fund-a-Mentalist Christians did to save themselves from monkey pox after they saved themselves from Kovid by not catching him when he fell off the world's a stage.

    Now if you think the old fashioned vaccines were safe and reflective know that those gleefully contained propylene glycol, that's anti freeze. Let's see this explained by the clown science vs. the absolute science here.

    Dr. Judy Mikovitz though she still believes in viruses she's spot on a bout vaccines and all the products pHarm a sells on TV is a cult. It's like witch craft but dangerous as it hunts dangerous unicorns using powerful chemical weapons. You thought that penetrant was food for your cells? ROFL, they are poisons. Judy calls viruses poison. She called out the a.faucidae strain long long time ago as poison way back in the 1980's daze of aids. They named it aids as they used your money to aids their portfolios. She says every human and animal has ENDOGENOUS VIRUSES that is that the body CREATES THEM. That's part of the science that the HIV tell you about then they make up the story that the virus is sent to you in a sneeze of by being in the same room with someone, the poison enters the body, it enters blood cells and "the" cells, and hijacks the tree through the forest and makes more of it'self and then buds out of the forest and the science then looks at a truck with logs and says see it hijjacked the machinery and killed all those trees. Virology is story telling based on imaginary c onstructs. No scientist has ever shrunken themselves down small enough to take a journey inside that cell along side that cell invading vehicle called virus called poison. AZT is poison. The cult fed that to my friends in a ceremony. They all died.

    The above photo is not isolation of any virus it's just a big mess of "cells" where is the virus? Is it the black blob in the middle? How did they prove any virus exists anywhere in this photo? It's nonsense. They make claims to SELL you poisons.

    What does the scientist with an ELECTRON microscope see that the Hustlers In Virology don't see when he looks for HIV? Anslwer: He sees that interpreters of the imagery see what they want to see.

    The science had a break through moment. It's now looking for a way to circumcise viruses as a method of making replication of the virus less pleasurable so they don't make copies of itself so much in the imagination. The problem they still face though is making a circumcision knife small enough and to actually get in each cell with the nanoknife to slice in just the right spot so as to trans form the viruses dick so that it only experiences the reproductive pleasures in black and white instead of color just like what happens to men as they grow up without a foreskin.

    Sex and dick hacking child abuse then and now.

    Here's another rediculous mess to confuse you and that's how they sell you stuff, dazzle you with bullshit.

    Did China which exported it's chemical waste in the vaccines give it to their military? LOL doubtful. Why are people in the United Networks of America so stupid?

    Climate cult klaims change is knocking down wind spinners so why build more, they want more, they are psychotic spoiled rich kids and lunatics. El Nino makes the waters warmer on it's surface, brought rain to California, natural score cycles, they can't hear you! Build more that will fix it they klaim. Follow the money they are all cons.

    Who's this Negroid wearing a turben? He's said to be black. It's Canada's King!

    Sheila is a hypocrite as he/she/me/they/thou bashes the Trudeau out of one side of the reports on Rebel News and on the other side dribbles on about how trans formed genitals should not be allowed to speak in grade schools nor should printed paper and as usual never does any of these Fund A Mentalistchristian Insensitive Liar Yous (FAMILY) call out the child abuse of circumcising little baby men as it's IN THEIR BIBLES and they are devoted to that piece of crap novel and it's too sensitive an issue and denial is not just a river in Egypt. Rebel News group is always begging for donations just like those mega churches.

    Dr. Vernon Coleman on "euthanasia" a fancy name for Jonestown. He's another clown. Claims 1/6th of the world died from the 2020-2023 Dangerous Unicorn Hunting (DUH) expedition. They are all bad shots. 1/6th is 1 billion people. Over three years that's 333.666 million each year. Highly exaggerated. Never a mention as to how many were replaced because of sharing body fluids. So much fear porn who has time to have sex with it all. So many get off on it.

    Coersive Demanding Controlling (CDC)

    If you are going to buy a car don't look into it don't do any research trust the science. If you are going to buy a home don't have it inspected, trust the science. The science only comes from those selling it. That you can trust.

    Canada's multi-level climate cult works to make it illegal to promote "fossil fuels". Fossil fuels save lives and makes these lying politicians richer. Buy some today! Kits are available. Unlimited nonsense!

    NPR is wholly run and owned by Democrats. Bills itself as the science.

    Cattle prods are dangerous to our democracy.

    Foreskin holocaust denial

    Oprah and Sandra Bullock like to just put foreskin on their face to "look pretty" it's an expensive face it cream and they think the whole child abuse of circumcision is funny while in part Oprah built her wealth on pulling heart strings over child abuse. Yea it's funny to destroy part of man's sexual function so funny. They are sick and disingenuous liars. When I heard them laugh about it my stomach turned. Whatta wake up call the phone would not stop ringing. They parade around women's rights and call out child abuse and then make fun of the most horrific child abuse that goes on in hospitals every day. Are they just that stupid? They can't be that stupid they are very intelligent they just make themselves feel better by putting down others when the audience likes that kind of thing. So that whole Ellen thing of having a little fun each day was inclusive of laughing at about 1/2 of the baby boy's dick skin being sliced off and used for "better reasons" and everyone in this delusional cutting cult seems to think this makes the victims whole as they just ify their laughter saying "it's just a little snip" and "it prevents Dangerous Unicorn Disease (DUD)" and "it makes th victim clean". If a man was on their shows and said this about putting body parts from the femal circumcision what would happen? They are lying deceitful hypocrites. Never was there an apology there nor anywhere in congress or in churches that do this torture and permanent physical and mental scarring, that changes sexual experience forever, in fact most men can't even compare to what it's supposed to be as they were held down and tortured soon after birth, no instead there's just laughter everywhere from these sellebrities. One man shared his experience though after having been suckered in by these hustlers to have 1/2 of his dick skin chopped off when he was 18 years old, said it made sex go from color to black and white and I would add making it into a silent film from the 1800's after realizing what the fuck was done to me as a baby boy soon after birth. Congress does nothing while it funds other wars that mame and kill good humans then defund things that don't bring a return for their portfolios, they all keep getting richer off your green $$$ energy. Then they put lip gloss on everything. Imagine a doctor cutting off the child's lips with the excuse that it keeps the mouth clean, that's the horror of whats being to the lips on baby men's dicks. It's an important covering of protection and very sensitive natural body part. Imagine never experiencing the feeling of kissing someone you love on the lips. That's what these religiousists and medicalists are doing to those they amputate the foreskin. For the history books: political promises, going shopping on eBay, nor did consulting with AI fix this either. The cutting cult circumcised too many parts of the thinking process for many to realize and respond to stopping this and providing repirations for all who were so violently painfully and horrifically abused by this cult. Many men can feel it every day. Amputation of a most sacred private body part. Amputees almost always report noticing that in their brains they feel like there is something gone though with a limb it's more obvious. Why was this done to me they ask? The mind is traumatized in the most brutal fashion. What is that scar? Why was part of my body cut off? Why was I abused by a stranger? Why did no one protect me? The mind of a child feels and thinks these things automatically. There are two areas of the body only that have this feeling of kissing, the lips on the mouth and the lips on the private part. Cutting such as sensitive part of the body completely removing it is an S&M relationship and sick torturous abuse of power. In the 1980's the TV exploded with rants about child abuse even Roseanne got into the discussion, never was circumcision part of the discussion in that same excitement and intrigue. Talk show hosts jumped in leaving this part on the cutting room floor. They routinely circumcised this topic cutting it completely off. They circumcised a lot of things including cutting off those who told the truth about virology and it's lies. They would go around and around the truth with scissor guy and cut off what they thought was ugly news topics in quest for ad revenues which would have been cut off had they delved into this topic. The brave would continue on to warn those they could. Mom's and dad's started paying attention and told doctors to fuck the fuck off and get the hell away from their kids. Many more young men and older are intact and so appreciative for those who PROTECTED THEM.

    Charlotte Tilbury big lip pumpgasm.

    What is a sub meter?

    Hear at THE DESERT HOME after we kick up some dust which causes colds we use new books to pound nails in the coffin of the dead contagion theory such as "Can You Catch A Cold?" a best seller at Amazon. Some people though will not let it go. They keep pulling out the nails and make this dead theory of viral contagion look like it's alive. Viruses are not even living things!

    The science in the dead contagion theory does not ever consider the contaigion of Gulp Oil Slicks from hands to mouths. They only want to look at what has no physical form, a virus, which because it has no physical form, it does not exist in our world. Similarly many will claim there is a physical form of The Devil or an "entity" that causes problems in the world, yet the reality is there is no such thing and certainly no absolute proof of such. If we are going to continue building a world of health endeavors based on believing in things that don't exist we harm ourselves with physical forms of "treatment" that are all lew crative and that is why this dead theory of contaigion keeps haunting us.

    I caught a cold the other day so this book is nonsense. I was in the house then went outside to weed which stirs up dust and pollens. Suddenly started sniffling. The a.faucidae strain of science told me it was a novel fiction virus that caused it, insisted on testing the soil, and to spray the air with chemicals made from China's factory waste that makes plastics the US uses to package everything while it boasts how it's saving the planet by fake banning plastic. I was told to allow my self to be further raped by the chemical pHARMa process. Grandma said it was the dust and the Gulp Oil Slick not a virus, she pointed to her recipe on how to make the common cold. The ingredients were right there. No one ever asks her for her recipe yet they use it all the time!

    Last time theys made a prediction about how many people would die from bird brain dodo flu they were/are off by 469 thousand per sent. Theys are hustler$.

    Pile of horseshit on a wall. Build the wall.


    Image by Peng This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

    Going green is horse shit. Piss on it.

    Politician reported for "hate crime" as Scotland installed "hate crime" bill, he racistingly disparaged and offends those who have race as they were born or are transraced. He calls them out for being either white or black. Said condescendingly there were too many whites there. They need more decorators then. Listen to this horse shit head.

    My name is Racist and my sirnoun is Iamaster please refer to me properly with my preferred pronoun as is required by law.

    Here's how to proNOUNce it, "I am master racist".

    Why are you not laughing? Are jokes banned now? Only your interpretations of words matter? You then are a wordist.

    Yes I am racist, a Mongoloid mixed with Caucasoid 50.666/49.334 and I only like other races. Do you have a problem with that? A friend is a Uncertain and only likes other races do you have a problem with that? If not then you are a racist.

    If someone is disparagingly and routinely condescendly labeled and circumcised as "anti semetic" show them this chart on Wikipedia and with a Lazer Induction Precision Pointer (LIPP) give them a lesson. Semetic regions are in green where the Arabians are now. The term is always misused and abused like how they always abuse the male private part foreskin.

    Also take note the Aryans are a minority they are not a threat that race does not exist. Facts and reality matter. There are only 4 races. Also take note, the category Caucasoid includes Aryans, Semetic, Hamitic sub races. So to be accused of being anti Semetic you are being accused of being anti Caucasoid. The offensive slang for Caucasoid is "white". And there are no American Indians as a race nor are there Native Americans there are Mongoloid Americans. If you think that is a disparaging term then you are racist. Similar to not is there are Negroid Khoikhois and Uncertain Dravidas along with Uncertain sinhalese. It's certain that words matter but few wordists ever actually look at the science.

    There are no races called black, browns, blues, yellos, greens, orange, pinks, violets, or whites. It is insulting to use colors to describe race especially stupid to use colors in quest to become "color blind" as seems to be the goal. It's pure insanity and those with cattle prods do this for a reason usually to sell you gut rotting sweetism it coats every commercial enterprise.

    The Uncertains of Dravida and Sinhalese are races. They don't seem to fit into any group. If you notice certain reasons why this is then you are racist, you cannot make distinctions unless you are racist. Similarly if you are a changed sexual or a costumed sexual you are sexist if you claim there are differences in sex. This happens quite often in discussions about sexual transformation where they claim they can change their biological sex which is as stupid as claiming you can change your race to racisim by just practicing more.

    Flat earth is not new, it's been known for thousands of years.

    This is the tiny section of Semitian culture they claim you are anti against while they keep ignoring the whole Semite region of Saudi Arabia are Semitians. This area is near the Polynatians and the Africaitians.

    Woke agendaism claims the term Negroid and Caucazoid are obsolete terms with it's woke nonsense statements such as "differences in human beings are not biological, they don't exist." These are the same people that tell us that viruses are real when they have no physical form, they are dangerous unicorns. At this point it's safe and effective to say that TV news and anti social media is basically a cattle prod. We can prove humans are different and they are real. No one on earth has proven viruses are real. To prove something real you have to show it has a physical form. It has not been done in virology no virus has been isolated to prove it is a real thing. It's imaginary. The Hustlers In Virology (HIV) have the world chasing rainbows, waterfalls, and dangerous unicorns.

    California homelessness audit says $24 billion spent over 5 years on about 118k "homeless" where during that time the homeless almost doubled. That's about $40k on each person each year. So they are now unhomeless right? That could be possible. With rude teen circumcision it's not possible to become uncircumcised, a cutsey term to describe hacking the fuck off about 1/2 the baby man's skin on his dick. It's not possible to become uncircumcised, yet many refer to INTACT men and boys as uncircumcised. Foreskin does not grow back either. It's a sick religious ritual. Bastardizes routine normal sexual function FOR LIFE. Like going back to typewriters and playing 1970's video PONG before electricity was invented. Talk about sexual abuse. No they don't talk about this as that but they should. I think it's because it's just SO INCREDIBLY TRAUMATIC to even think about. Do they count those who are homeless for only a week? Do they cound the foreskinless? Is there a charity and GoFundMe page set up for the foreskinless so they can become uncircumcised which is not possible? They are permanently TRANS formed. That makes them trans sexual, a protected class. They way these government programs work and often how charities work for themselves is administration costs eat up most of the money. There are better ways of restoring homefulness. There is no way to restore foreskin. Once it's cut off and put into Oprah's or Sandra Bullocks face cream it's gone. No one in congress does anything about this. They are all drama queen$ too. Administrators who if you look at those who administrate at the top have great pension plans and are making a million dollars a year. If your heart strings are pulled for any of these charities you are a puppet. The moment we see charities set up for the 1/2 of their dick skin less let me us know.

    The religious colonists in the mid 1800's tried to get the indiginous Cayuse at Walla Walla to abandon their ritual of leaving each winter, claiming that the colonist way of farming land and stying in one place was "better". Doctors were blamed for disease. Measles. Poisons. Whitman massacre renamed to "Tragedy At Waiilatpu" gee why don't they really make sure it doesn't offend even the fruit flies buzzing about call it "An Exciting Event (AEE)". So here we are a hundred 70 years later and it's interesting to look at how much "better" things are today. The religious colonists children's children's children's misbehaving children's children's descendants have colonized and roamed to and fro Florida, Arizona, Texas, Mexico, Bahamas, San Juan, and California to routinely escape winter claiming that is "better".

    ON WITH THE SHOW 1929 Warner Brothers musical lobby card sold for $271. This card would not exist if it were not for a dog.

    Earthquake in the mountains of Taiwan in March 2024 was like this. Driving with dash cam on they heard the warning signal broadcast and slowed down stayed in short tunnel covering as the mountains dropped everything it had all around. Good idea to have a supply of food and water when ever you journey out by car or carriage but the carriagists know this it's the carists that don't have a clue.

    Scottish PM defends HCL and immediately the public reports him for HC. View the JP Sears catalogue.

    Demo cRAT$ truly do want you to eat bug$ to $ave their illu$ion$ from drained portfolio change.

    We are being gassed everywhere. Worst is in stores and doctor$ office$. Farmer explains beef in the stores is artifically red. They gas the meat for 10 minutes to make it that bright red. It's not that it's fresher it's that it's gassed with of all things what makes climate in understanding reality change. These gasses are PRESERVATIVES. So you avoid preservatives by buying fresh meat. ROFL. The meat can have sat for a month and remain bright red whereas real fresh beef is frozen quick yet it is not bright red turns more brownish which people have been brainwashed to believe is indication of totally fresh. Well there's another way the corporate maching has been lubing us up for the last 100 years. They don't have to tell the public this on the package and they don't have to put on the package that they have been using mRNA junk science vaccine rape of meat for the last 10 years on there either. Who are these liars and deceivers running this show business of food and drug administrations? It's a big industrialist party and they're all in this corporate cruise ship together and you ain't invited, or maybe you are invited and saving the planet from reality that the electric car you plug in to use clean energy is made of wasted energy from RRRth based fuels not handicapped energy movie sets that when you look behind the facade you see it's just held up by toothpicks and branches from trees they now won't let you pick up because "that would upset the environment" then you point at all the machines there in the forest collecting them that are upsetting the environment and they say "this is biofuel" and charge you carbon tax on everything for it when they burn that for fuel to make electricity to entertain you and keep you sitting in front of screens all day and you think you are free.

    Remember when the internet was going to save us and fix everything. ROFL. Before that it was computers would fix everything. Before that it was moving to California would fix everything. Before that it was moving to the Americas would fix everything. Seeing a pattern.

    The Panara Bill is accused of Un Rivaled Labor Surpluses (URLS) otherwise known as Un Employment (UE) which is a literally correct term as one can only be UE when they are first E but in contrast the term Un Circumcised (UC) is not possible as that would define someone as who was C to have then been U which is not possible.

    X's Musk defies Brazil Supreme Court on speech

    14.666 minute city marketing garbage does not consider how stores are all closing in cities it just presents illusions. In San Francisco the Board of Supervisors are looking at making law requiring food stores which are som wat essential to life provide 6 month notice before they vacate. Even if they were successful at enforcing this what happens when in what is already been for decades a 14.666 minute city all the food stores leave because of rampant theft? The people travel out side for 2 hours one way just to get to a suburban food store. "Houston, New York, Miami, San Francisco we have a problem." Funny, there was not this problem when it was ILLEGAL to steal candy bars, food, make up, etc. Theives can gleefully each day steal up to $950 dollars worth of items and not be pro see lectrocuted. That's $28,500. So in theory they can be making as much as $14,000 per month selling those items at half price on the streets. Selling them at 1/4th that would be a tax free income of $7,000 per month. Meanwhile over the years the blinder business has been very profitable. Politicians, especially Democrats, were buying those up like pet rocks using your taxes. They also invested in stock options on these blinder companies and made fortunes. America is the best country in the world? Who keeps telling us this, politicians and their greedy friends? America is not a country it is a continent. When did we fall through the looking glass?

    Tim Pool on the Brazil matter

    Dr. Suzanne Humphries on the rape shots. May you suggest to your doctors no more rape? No more penetrating my sacred space. She used to BERATE her patients into being raped by vaccines no more. Now she calls out the lies of that entire rape industry.

    It was plumbers and trash collectors that cured polio not rape with medi SIN. It is a cult. Safe and effective brainwashing people to be penetrated with junk science. Her book "Dissolving Illusions". Un fortunately sheeeee believes viruses exist. We recommend she study the works of Dr. Tom Cowan and get together with him for some discussion on why we already live in a world FREE OF VIRUSES.

    If it's true then the science would show how we can see it from multiple vantage points. Problem is vantage points don't exist. The have been banned. Try to get a public debate with the HIV. They refuse.

    When the science looks for what is invisible they find it just like looking for salvation, redemption, and all of what other religions offer. They see what they want to see. Dr. Hans Gelderblom pointed this out in House Of Numbers 2012. The view of what they claim they found is a thin slice looked at under a microscope after it's hit with massive doses of RADIATION. Gee ya think that distorts anything like putting a muffin in the microwave to warm it up for 20 seconds and it's there for 20 minutes and it becomes unedible? The Medical Doctor sin (MDs) industry is a horrible cult.

    At the Indian Apolis speedway the crowds watched the e-clips while wearing dark glasses to protect themselves from being infected by solar sells. Excuse me the science what are the odds that the moon is the exact size of the sun here I mean the sun is billions of miles away from RRRth and the moon is 250k miles away and it's like the moon is in the absolute perfect position so they look the same size, what are the odds? Astronomical. It's not possible. Something is wrong with the science. And why did this e-clips occur 1 hour later than on the west coast which is merely less than 2k miles away?

    1st in line to watch Peggy Hall survival of doomsday e-clips. Got addicted to fear? Remember Y2K? ROFL. It's all fear monger propoganda. High Jack'd by fear!

    California a model for the nation, yes, of what not to do.

    Theys laughed at me when I said I like the flat RRRth as it feels more real, normal, balanced, observable, noticing water always seeks level makes sense it's flat, at least were we live. I don't like this idea we are spinning in space, makes my head go in circles. Theys believe in things like Jesus and Santa because it makes them feel better. Maybe it's because their heads keep spinning. Who's better off? At least I believe in what's tangible.

    Falling off the flat RRRth is another science fiction tall tale, sail ships of old were not afraid they knew the world is flat.

    The world hurricane naming committee retires names Otis and sensitivities to the name Dora to "save lives". They claim it was the hottest year ever in the solar system of which there are trillions of solar systems and then says that the cold ocean water year played it's part in making it hotter. Cold makes hot. Let that sink in. Warm up your tea with ice. The ongoing banning of everything until there's no way to communicate but say "ugh" like transcave mens is insane. In this article April 7 it says Dora means "gift". So I guess because one person interprets hurricane Dora that decimated part of Maui though it was the recipe of both wind and fire that was the real cause and about 100 people died not thousands and not many children not many hundreds as slime stream medias embedded into brains as being a bad gift that means the name is no good any more. How does that make anyone named Dora feel? They don't care. So destructive hurricanes are only named with people names that are good? Sure that makes sense like never. Other names in this article suggests Afternoon, Abra, or Cadabra but the feminists rose up against those while burning their bras.

    Correction: El Nino is the warming phase of the surface water which goes on for years La Nina when when she comes in after an argument and on the surface cools things down while she's still hot underneath the collar. Note too there is an air gap as seen in this NOAA/PMEL/TAO copyright free diagram between the warming surfaces of the ocean and the Thermocline below the air gap showing the water below is angled once we get past that gap in understanding each other. Note the warm air makes moisture that rises and then cools, where's that carbon blanket? Cooling was banned by the climate cult retard cons.


    La Niña events have been observed for hundreds of years, and occurred on a regular basis during the early parts of both the 17th and 19th centuries.[63] Since the start of the 20th century, La Niña events have occurred during the following years:[64]

    1. 1903–04
    2. 1906–07
    3. 1909–11
    4. 1916–18
    5. 1924–25
    6. 1928–30
    7. 1938–39
    8. 1942–43
    9. 1949–51
    10. 1954–57
    11. 1964–65
    12. 1970–72
    13. 1973–76
    14. 1983–85
    15. 1988–89
    16. 1995–96
    17. 1998–2001
    18. 2005–06
    19. 2007–08
    20. 2008–09
    21. 2010–12
    22. 2016
    23. 2017–18
    24. 2020–23 in California it was very dry in those cooling years causing drought that put politicians in a panic and making stupid decisions it's as if they don't know the science has already been done and they need to just wait

    Well well well look What's Playing summer 2024 in theaters exclusively at the beginning of time Fly Me To The Moon about NASA movie set "in case they don't make it to the moon" ROFL. The science says conspiracy theory's inspire better theatricks!!! Plenty of conspiracy found on internet matter everywhere!

    Democrats chase eagles off cliffs. Theys fail their screen tests for big Hollywood and Apple movies so they go to Washington. Notice how the science tells us there's no green screen here.

    Scottish late crime law is late in realizing how stupid it is. Granny speeks! 8,000 reports in the first week of lateness. 5 year olds are reporting their class mates for hate schools are overwhelmed. A gender changerist is not a woman by wearing long hair and a dress, gender is sex. It's illogical and disingenuous to claim a body that has a dick is legally a woman. If one man can claim that than anyone can in any situation and change those claims as much as they like. This used to be called lying. Granny talks about this.

    What if we don't have to KILL the bacteria or dangerous unicorn (virus) at all and just need to clean it out? Do you kill dust? Viruses are not even living things they are like dust. That's why we say they don't exist as theys explain them as living monsters, they are not living things any more than dust. They can only enter a cell like they enter your home. They replicate themselves about as much as dust replicates itself, not at all. In the case of bacteria it's the toxins these living creatures excrete that is the big problem. Clean out the toxins and dust with soap and water. Fiber works well like a scrub brush. Wash out the mouths of those who keep cussing at us saying "get tested" and "trust the science". I find their cussing like that extremely offensive.

    I guess I'm in the minority I think this guy's rapping in the airport is great. People should have just joined in. I would have. So many are soooooo uptight, what else is there to do while waiting for a plane ERRth, well some are, some thought it was great and watched the performance live instead of putting their heads in their stupid cell phones or getting mad. After a while some party pooper repeats the cult chant "puuuttt urrrrr maaaaaskkk onnnn" as they follow their leaders instruct shuns. For skin the history books: this was a period of time when people were terrified of dangerous unicorns and did what Dr. Simon Sayz told them to do not thinking and to never think just trust the science which is always drinking too much with lies.

    Not one mention in the news there was an e-clips of the moon by a space ship.

    Fore skin the history books: On April 8 2024 there was about 666 trillion e-clips posted on the internet.

    NOOOOOO. Station wagons are NOT BACK! They remain vintage and will never come back. They will be appreciated as vintage. These "best selling wagons" are different. They need a different name. Station wagon doesn't even make sense. What station is being wagoned? Are they horseless wagons? Calling them carriages would make more sense and be more sophistocated. Wagon is for children's toys that don't even run on horsepower though they sometimes run on dog power.

    OMG the world is not ending the e-clips a-dud. Now we have to blame our selves and get back to work for a while there we thought the internet would be correct as it always is. Niagara Falls the home of Authentic Clean Energy (ACE) in New York had clouds cold just a little dim California barely noticed a dim the only way to effectively see anything was the pin hole trick learned in nursery school. The golden shower state locked it's kids inside it's learning prisons to be safe from looking at the sun warning them to never go outside again and to prevent them from seeing the Kovid side show to be safe and wear condoms over your eyes for protection.

    The science warns the latest dodo bird flu could be a pandemic 100 trillion times worse than "kovid". Doing the math that would come out to ZERO. There was no pandemic it was a fraud. Zero times 100 trillion is zero and viruses do not exist in this world it's all science FICTION thus the term "novel virus". Remember the internet never lies only the science lies.

    e-day non-emergency de-clared!

    California 54% maximum coverage at 11 thirteen amplitude modulation.

    At they show the moon moving in the way when it should be the other way around. I guess it's a Palms Spring vacation thing, everything revolves around the sun there. Notice the 1113 time of maximum 111 is 3 that's 33 as Peggy Hall would dig into the number nonsense and ask if this was a planned event by government.

    The science says we can hop on a plane from California minutes prior and get there in time. Also notice there's not a 3 hour tour from California to New York.

    Don't Buy My Book

    Non-emergency declared over fake e-clips. Prepare now!

    Whenever theys say "proactive" replace that with "hyperactive". Theys just made up a new word that in marketing their wares just sounded better. Pro is defined as a prefix meaning priority so it would be like saying priority active. Hyper is a prefix meaning above and beyond ordinary so it would be like saying above and beyond active. How does one go beyond being active? That's like saying you will go prosailing but you either sail through life or you don't.

    The PCR test was the "starting gun" for the PAN scam aka "pandemic". Study the GOD named PAN then look up "demic". Demi is inferior, in curtailed or shortened form, having half the characteristics of the full form. Pan is known for mischief, debauchery aka con-tra-verse-yall.

    The a.faucidae strain of the science for 40 years has been too fussy where it's obsessive compulsive anal retentive "cleaning" and "sanitizing" using dangerous chemicals and not fussy enough when it comes to using magnification procedures erroneously called "tests" that don't even find what they are looking for as PCR cannot prove any virus is found which is in part because viruses have NEVER been proven to exist. Not fussy when it comes to being careful the poisons used to "treat" are absolutely safe, instead leaning on "relatively" safe. Some of my friends died in this poisoning holocaust in the 1980's to 1990's. The a.faucidae strain of the science was not fussy about that at all. Doctors started becoming horrified their patients were getting very very ill with the poison AZT.

    David Knight Show talks about 4/8/24 insurance companies flying drones over homes to "inspect" them. They cancel policy over nit picky assertions. He's funny, sometimes all against government intrusion then is all in. Crapitalism.

    You think your vaccine is pure? ROFL. There's probably cricket flour in there. Prove me wrong. They won't provide ingredient lists. To fake find "a virus" they blend up a septic chemical stew and say "look ma there's a virus there". It's garbage. You trust the science? The science is a used car salesman, products that were picked out of floods of sales pitch rivering flows pouring out of your TV and doctor's offices. Oh this just in, many experimental vaccines were salt water. You shunned your friends thinking you were protected with salt water placebo.

    If you had $1 million to buy blankets to cover your house in insulation how many could you buy? Enough to maybe insulate your whole town. If you had $419 to buy blankets how many could you buy, enough for your family? Maybe enough to keep each other warm when the grid fails because it relies on handicapped energy schitzo wind farms. It's no secret that carbon floaters comprise in ratio of 419/1,000,000 in the air that's all the carbon in the air baby that's 1/2500th the science from NOAA shows this. Can we pull those climate loons out of the clouds now or will they still be lost in their delusional weather cult. Does the math matter to them at all? It is not possible by any stretch for particles that are invisible and in that miniscule qty could assemble, make a blanket, and insulate RRRth. If you doubt this try breathing for an hour on your open front door in winter. Have your family join in even invite all the neighbors for a party and keep exhaling out all that blanket material see how well that works. Let us know when you made a carbon blanket that makes prints on your opening of your home to the outside reality.

    E A R T H Q U A K E ! view from Statue of Liberty of Manhattan. Shake it baby!

    China is a mess not a threat.

    Oh my your propoganda! Damon Imani is at it again.

    They went to space in 3 layers of Reynolds Wrap. It's official. I decided I'm going to the moon to prove it. My craft will be made of tin foil. Why does everyone keep calling me crazy. Alt-theory is NASA went to the moon using the same foil except in gold to symbolize all the gold you pay them to entertain you. Obviously only movie sets went to space.

    Who's this guy talking about the a.faucidae fungus? Inventor of PCR.

    Why does the science not understand the science is crap.

    The science is a sleasy lemon salesman tells you AI fruit is healthy and effective. The science looks at this photo of a 1920 silent film when movies were in their babycy and says the fish are real. It was made in Hollywood. They are props like wind farms to make a presentation.

    Help me find the ethics in the medical profession.

    Some of us knew the fraud of-19 back in 2012 and the 1980's. House Of Numbers interviewed many ex perts in the business of Hustles In Virology to clue us in. See if you notice who's hustleing and who's victimized if you understand German.

    Dr. Andrew Kaufman has been pointing this out for the last 4 years of fraud-19.

    How that solar welfare check working out? Why do you keep writing checks for all this GREED energy nonsense?

    Ezra Levant covers the case in Canada where a police officer donated to a peaceful lovely protest in Ottowa a mere $50 a protest that after 2 years of nonsense fraud based government demands that made no sense people were tired of the lies and protested. The officer faced discreditable conduct. The protest was so peaceful, streets were cleaned constantly by the people there, there was no crime, there were bouncy houses set up safely to temporarily provide fun for kids.

    When the air plane was imagined flying over a plane ERRth blue prints were drawn that made sense in logic and physics as well as mathematics. It worked. There is no plan to make air planes fly using batteries as it does not work. That is because the entire base of wind and solar does not work. They consume energy in an industrial form. They rely on natural robust fuels to even be built and then provide at times trickles of handicapped parking energy. They cannot function in any application with out ERRth fuels. Anyone ever ask how much wind is that farm growing? Don't we have ample supplies without growing more wind? Seems contra indicationary as growing more wind causes climate change climate change climate change ohhhhhmmmmmmmm CULT.

    Fake station launching into imagination again. Beeee leeeeve!

    The satellite was supposedly circleing the ERRth and taking photos and it makes no sense. The satellite of CGI fake moonery is traveling around the ERRth at the same speed the ERRth is rotating in this CGI and the dark side of the moon is not lit up as it should as the sun is not in between ERRth and moon is it? In real life this would then be a moon that always stays in the same position above you. Moon said to be 250k miles from your home. Hubble Tinfoil Wrap used on one of these in competition with Renolyds Rap. "Many communications satellites are in geostationary orbit 222k miles above the equator". That would put many of them between RRRth and Moon. This CGI photo that was sent Satellite Mail Express using your money would not be possible. The ISS is said to be at 250 miles above RRRth.

    When Bill Gates speaks about wind and solar and vaccines he's always smirking now. Telling. He clearly pointed out the push to "clean energy" was impossible as the industrial world cannot function on disabled trickle energy some years back.

    Measles virus, bird flu virus, none of it exists. Flu is a condition. The body overwhelmed. Gulp oil slicks. Stress. Yes even chickens get stressed. The a.faucidae strain of intervention even ignores an extra cold winter with lots of frigidizing winds. Blame the virus their junk science tests say. Even the dangerous unicorn in the room says they are off base.

    Judus Christist principles are what makes for successful business? What part of business is circumcised to make it successful and does it leave an ugly scar on business and leave it working in black and white instead of color like what happens when they destroy babie men's dicks that way?

    Circumcision then and now, it's more torturous than ever! Even pipes are up in arms and they are used to getting cut to pieces.

    David Knight talks about dodo bird flu which is not contagious and the holocaust of 1.666 million dodos in the Unintact States Of America's largest bird brain farm. The birds will recover in 2 weeks if we care for them properly. The a.faucidae strain of intervention demands they be put on ventilators and remdesivir which is a more profitable way of cullting them instead of letting them heal. John's Hopkins junk scientist claims it's a virus that's always changing but it's better described as a dangerous unicorn that's always telling stories. Are dodos going to register their birds, hamsters, crickets, bugs in their yards like they fell for the other lies of registering each other in order to have their life back these HELL thauthors stole from them with their ongoing Hustles In Virology? Word is they will mandate you track and trace every mosquito which sucks blood like these vampire agencies do to you.

    First they came for the J word then they came for the C word? And that was after the JC word came after all other words for billions of years and remain dodofounded.

    Russia has it's rusting belt towns too you know.

    Why don't we see the rainbow derangement syndrome that prefaced this display of an angry woman in a rainbow crossing. The preacher surely picked a fight over a rainbow.

    Air filters for your face, it was all a mask charade! We got punk'd. Air filters for a car trap dirt no matter where they travel the dirt is trapped. In humans they trap them in one place then expell them in another place. Think this through, your breathing tubes are also a tailpipe. Modern a medi SIN is ill.

    God makes man in his image and the man asks, How can I design a benevolent, all-powerful deity, and still have a society with day-to-day issues?

    A Soldier's Diary 1923 "The only way to stop war is to tell these facts in the school history books and cut out the rot about the gallant charges, the victorious returns, and the blushing damsels who scatter roses under the conquering heros' feet."

    97% of all scientists agree with the science presented by those funding them.

    Amazing Polly vindicated as she calls out Peter McCullough's spike cure company as based on fraud, lies, missed information, ignorance, and deceit. Mark Bailey and Gemma O'Dohtery also comment. They were there at the start calling out this fraud while McCullough perpetuates the lies for business model gain.

    Watch Dr. Spike Protein illusion pusher smirk and smile as he asks if those like Amazing Polly are just "operatives for the pharmaceutical companies". Touch his white lab coat costume to watch his testimony and hear from Dr. Tom Cowan and his analysis as to why virology is nonsense.

    This is so laughable but it's sad and dangerous medi SIN as he promotes viruscides that are poison pesticides and homicides causing suicides on cellular functions and many other pharmaceuticals. He seems to model a used car con man selling cars that were at one time submerged in a tidal wave. Understanding how he constantly scams the public is important as for the last 4 years of the scamdemic he's spoken as an "authority" figure to many a governing representative body in rule making. In one episode of appearing before a governing committee he actually pointed out there are no viruses, while at the same time perpetuating the lie of viruses being real and not just dangerous unicorns. The method he mentions in the hearing merely spits out computer data, just models based on imaginations of what a "virus" could be, no virus needed, they just use computers "in silico" to create their Hustles In Virology (HIV). This science is so deceitful it's like they have the public believing the ping pong ball in the 1970's game of video PONG is a real ball. He's been called out on this in particular by Christine Massey who asked for evidence, he quickly scurried off like a rat ignoring any further questions and fails to present evidence of any virus PROVEN by absolute measure and proper science to exist.

    A climate toligist says changes are caused by ERRth's poles and Equator. Sailors crossed the Equator and dressed in drag to celebrate and cause climate of understanding of Drag Time Sailing Hour (DTSH) to reset. I have a question for the ex perts in governing like fools, if carbon is a blanket in the sky how long does it remain there as in insulant, and if it's years, keeping heat from escaping, how many, is it 30 years, that would be long enough for me to re-insulate my home with carbon blankets.

    Matt Walsh on hate crime anomaly laws and An0maly critique of his 5 year late calling out of Republican hypocrites suddenly carving out exceptions in the 1st amendment protections of speech. Matt asks why not fore skin every group. An0maly points out how fake it all is. Matt is such a hypocrite. Suddenly realizes he could be victim of speech spoken. Ignores victims of torture rituals at birth that slice off part of their God given body if they are a baby man. An0maly points out Ted Cruz and Trump have violated their own declarations of unconstitutional speech laws already. He goes through what the laws actually state. Great analysis.

    Why I will not be watching the e-clips this time, for one it's not where I live and I'm not an e-cyclops chasing swan, and for  2.666 it's more important to scour the world's information systems to find a logical explanation that makes sense on how this alignment of imaginary planets casting shadows in exact size is possible as it makes no sense or as many are doing examining alternate explanations based on living on an infinite flat plane with bubble space above and electric energy systems creating light and no light with refractions from the bubble and exact correlations of angles that make sense at no expense. Here's one example of reflections from a crystal ball see if you see anything in your future as every day we are alive is a good day.

    This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

    8" diameter crystal ball
    Source Own work
    Author PLBechly

    Notice the two reflections at the top, one in a square the other a rectangle of the SAME light source above. Do you understand why this occurs? Depending on the placement of this ball of crystal the two reflections of this same source can change shapes and position. What if the ERRth's atmospheric dome is like this crystal ball in either this shape or others that would cause an appearance of an eclipse/shadowing of "planets". This seems to make more sense. Another fun note is that this is called by the photographer "a crystal ball at work". Does that mean it's gone to work that day and is taking a break having a cup of coffee? If we asked NASA it might say yes if it got them more funding for work exploration.

    From Baltimore's 9/11ish fallen bridge to Connecticut to New York City everyone felt the earthquake today.

    The USGS map is a representation of the science of collecting data from multiple locations typically people who have a computer and log into earthquake zone and submit their reports of feeling shaking. It is very close to being absolutely reliable data as there is no incentive for people to fake reports and the data is simple, can be verified by real people asking real people if they indeed filed a report. It's not necessary to provide such precise verification though in this situation. In virology (the study of dangerous unicorns and suggesting treatments for such illusions) the science tends to be not even relatively reliable and the data cannot be verified, replicated, or even understood as it's all hustle based on lies. The science never even got past the first step of about 5 steps in proving that any virus exists in physical form. Tom Cowan has covered this precisely calling out the nonsense of virology and it's religious belief systems. 

    So as the climate science of 97% money chasers agree it's caused by carbon some new science is emerging that theorizes that it's because the carbon never stays in the air it comes back to ERRth and causes ERRth change and thus ERRthquakes. It's unlike most lofty policial claims of fixing the weather that always stay stuck in the ozone. These loftists don't even want climate to exist anymore in their fake quest to save humanity when it's really allabout saving thier cash moos. It might be better to start using that money to research why there are ERRthquakes in places now that never had  them before. The carbon falls to the ground in clumps and shakes things up.

    Dodo Bird Flu. Newly discovered stupid bird flu is creating another panic as per methodologies of Central Delusion Control "pre vention" which is a venting process. CDC is considering declaring another 4.666 year emergency (rounded up from 3.666). Killing off 666 million dodo birds. Birds are target now for track and trace making anyone with one or more in a back or side effect be registered so they can get their life back David Knight Show April 5, 2024.

    Woman in Japan high rise more worried about saving her cup of coffee in 7.5 shaker? Why is there a Christmas tree? It occured in March 2024? Apparently this is old footage.

    Notice how clear this image is, can't be too old, then compare to bridge falling in Baltimore which looks fake, made with a 1980's cell phone. How do we know a bridge actually fell. Oh you say because you can actually see it during the day sitting all crumpled up? Makes sense. Too bad the do nothing so precise in fake finding variant viruses that do not exist by such reasonable and measurable observations such as seeing things in real life. They just make up stories and use many movie props. The photo of course does not absolutely prove it was the Holiday Theatricks Tree Pine Season (HTTPS) but it does present yet another example of how virology would see the tree and claim there is a forest of trees to the right side as that's how bad their analysis of electron micrography is by those with an agenda.

    They don't even know the cloud cover for the eclipse on April 8th and yet they say they know the temperature change for 100 years from now. All the energy wasted on climate change garbage science, reports, endless waste of energy, if used better would provide the planet enough plastic grocery bags for 10,000 years.

    Remember these shakey DAZE where they danced in the streets to get their test subjects to buy into the lie that you "get your life back" and can be free to roam once again if they go to drive thru penetration centers. It's a very sick cult.

    To Catch A Cold - just try it, even the CDC admits it has no proof of "catching a cold" as viruses were never proven to exist

    CDC can’t find any studies demonstrating contagion of colds/flu/fake-covid… because they don’t exist

    Latest in long string of CDC “germ” FOI failures

    November 25, 2023 newsletter:

    CDC has no scientific evidence that pox or measles symptoms are contagious

    Just irrelevant webpages… once again

    January 28 2024 newsletter:

    India’s Council of Medical Research – no records showing contagion of “covid-19”!

    April / June 2021:
    India’s Council of Medical Research twice failed to provide or cite any record proving contagion of “COVID-19” or causation by “the virus”, for the requester:

    Department of Health and Social Care, Isle of Man – no records showing contagion of “covid-19” involving alleged “Omicron” or “Kent Strain”!

    January 19, 2022:
    Department of Health and Social Care, Isle of Man (British Isles) confirmed for Courtenay Adam-Lawrence that they have no record of the following for either the alleged “Omicron” or “Kent Strain” of the imaginary “SARS-COV-2”:
    – unique whole genome sequence
    – test procedures
    – isolation/purification
    – contagion
    – confirmation that “it’ is not simply an in-silico computer made-up model of a strain of a virus:

    Argentina’s Ministry of Health has no scientific evidence that “COVID-19” is contagious

    June 18, 2021: Argentina’s Ministry of Health strongly suggested in an FOI response to Ana Maria Daverede re the meaningless “COVID-19” PCR tests that they too have no record of “the virus” having been purified.

    In point 4 they mention:
    “by not having viral isolates available …” 

    And in point 9:  
    “does not serve to discriminate carriage, infection, disease, contagiousness, transmissibility …”

    VIDEO: Admiten que no existe el coronavirus: Develan la gran farsa

    CDC admits: no scientific evidence of cowpox or Alaskapox “virus”… or contagion of symptoms

    Here's some of the hundreds of institutions world wide flat that can't provide evidence by proper ISOLATION that any virus exists. In the theme of using the English language correctly isolating misuse of acronyms, I went through the liberty process of providing the correct acronyms on some of them.

    Arizona Department Of Health Services (ADOHS)
    California Office Of The Governor (COOTG)
    California Department Of PublicHellth (CDOP)
    Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CFDCAP)
    Unintact States Of America Department Of Hellth And Human Services (USOADOHAHS)
    Department of Labor / Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
    Florida Department Of Health (FDOH)
    Food And Drug Administration (FADA)
    Los Angeles County Department Of Public Health (LACDOPH)
    New York City Department of Health and Hospitals (NYCDOHAH)
    New York City Department Of Health And Mental Hygiene (NYCDOHAMH) that's a scary one how to cults clean your mind? It's called brainwashing and the state wants the legal power to do that to anyone they deem offensive.
    New York State Department Of Hellth (NYSDOH)
    Oregon Health Authority (OHA)
    Washington DC Department Of Hellth (WDCDOH)
    Washington Department Of Hellth (WDOH)


    California gets massive storms. Brings more snow to mountains to resupply water systems. Some flooding and land slides. Nothing new, El Nino does this every 7 to 15 years. Climate retards and governing cons claim it's because of climate change rather than an effect of normal weather pattern energy and they have to make it stop by covering all open space in The Wildism West with pinwheels and black heat panels.

    Gee look what happened Sept 2019. Whatta set up. And during this time they arranged new garbage energy transmission lines in The Adam West. See further down about SunZia.

    David Knight talks about it. Read more on this set up here.

    Clown show 2.666ist Ryan Cole who thinks Santa Clause is real and imaginary particles too small for any microscope to see have the power to kill entire civilizations unless you buy his products that are not guaranteed to work and he has no liability if they kill you, so he can enjoy many visits with Santa, it's like he never grew up and is still playing with his toys.

    Kovid inquiry in the other King dumb of other Uniteds correlates the clown ship of Cole who has vested interest in keeping dangerous unicorn hustles alive with his companies that push the same old worthless biological crap on the public. Then there's these clowns who all so push the virus nonsense.

    Cole on his high horse in the talk gets into fight with the host of the clown show who the clown upper right claims he was never at her stage show yet he's seen there on stage, liar pants on fire, and Cole says he's looked through microscopes for 25 years but she's talking about particles that can't be seen under any microscope that a doctor would have. Meanwhile kaching kaching all the bio scam and drug stocks keep stealing your cash like traveling medi SIN shows of daze past.

    Watch this clown show these are some of the lunatics that keep pushing this stupid fear porn of what does not exist.

    The other dude babbles on about excess deaths from the vaccines but that's delusion or lies probably lies as none of these people ever bring up PLACEBOS of salt water or meningitis vaccine used in the experiment. They are likely all acting to keep this drug theater in business. On with the show!

    Then there's David Martin on one of the panels with his bow tie who's another clown and Robert Malone clown. How much money are they all making from these performances. Where's the RNA they claim is in there? No proof of that either, a patent is not proof. Hustles.

    Wind farms are usually placed in wilderness and vast open untouched spaces where we go hiking and camping to recharge and get away from all the industrialization of where we live and work. There is a saying to take the trash out with you not leaving anything behind. This should apply to wind farms. It does not. These systems are trash energy. They should not even be allowed to hike themselves in ever.


    SUNZIA TEN BILLION $$$ TRANNY PROJECT runs on your tax dollar subsidies

    San Francisco based Pattern Energy is owned by a Canadian pension fund, a massive one at that named Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board which oversees investments by Canadian Pension Fund established in 1997. That happens to be the year an investment broker told me that wind farms are scams, they do not function as an investment without subsidies as they are net losses of energy. In July 2022, Pattern Energy acquired the SunZia Transmission line project from SouthWestern Power Group, through private funding that is totally propped up with your money from tax subsidies so it's interesting to read the Indian Tribes and environmental groups are fighting to not allow wind turbines to hike into pristine areas that Pattern Energy wants to hike in with their gargantuan ugly movie sets that provide reliable pension fund energy provided by you to ship off to Canada without packing it out. Some details on this found here. Press release from Archeology Southwest court filing found here. It includes statements "years of Pattern Energy and BLM disregarding the concerns raised by tribes" and the past ten years the tribes have been raising concerns, BLM authorized work without notifying tribes. The lawsuit has been file in U.S. District Court, District of Arizona, Case 4:24-cv-00034-JGZ shows Hunter Armistead as board member in Texas. Hunter is CEO of Pattern Energy. That is in San Francisco. Lots of fossil fuel guzziling Cadillac energy hogging to fake save the planet as usual.

    The chant of the climate cult is weather events keep getting more extreme. If that were true then why haven't these nuts and cons fixed it yet? 666 trillion has been spent so far and the climate keeps getting worse they say as seen for the billionth time 666 twelve thousandth regurgitated climate article this mentioned by AP Sept 1, 2023, even though it's because of 7 year long weather patterns of La Nina and El Nino deep ocean current change warming and cooling why aren't they fixing the real cause? Carbon dioxide does not change weather patterns nor just keep building up into blankets that's lunacy sales pitch. What if all the wind farms are solar panels are causing PATTERN CHANGE. Gee maybe that's why they call it Pattern Energy. Bingo. To make a dress we use a pattern. They adress climate. It goes in the private room to change.

    In that article they state he pointed to Europe and China, where billions of dollars are being invested in new high-voltage lines to connect power plants to cities where demand is high. They all recognize the need to build out bulk transmission, to create inter-regional transfer points in order to create greater reliability waz what Hunter stated and It also creates diversity in resources and diversity in dealing with weather, which is now the new most important factor driving both our load and our generation. What a rotting pile of word salad. He left out mention that China builds NUCLEAR power plants every few months, and coal power plants, and Navajo Indians sell their coal to China, and China is a massive fossil fuel polluter and chemical waste dumper and will keep doing so as everything is made in China China China, and also uses natural gas from the United States which all create electricity that is sent through those lines they build at cost of billions and there's only a tiny trickle from wind and solar, funny how he leaves that out. Note he did not say "to connect to wind and solar farms" he said "to connect to power plants" which down stream is the bigger plan to be ready to connect up many new NuClear power plants and import a billion people in to the US from all the 3rd world countries for cheap labor and reforge the US into China 2.0 like Enron 2.0 that currently is being powered by movie set energy. Must be rich living high off those robust fuels that are trying their hardest to be #1 at causing climate patterns and keep losing that game to the sun and frigid space causing oceanic change with wind and solar which keep coming in at #1 in wasting money instead.

    Uglifying the west one project at a time at warped speed because someone has to count the patterns.

    Image snapshot of the BLM website showing how clean energy frauds make it harder to find places to recharge. Here we see the e-planning portion of BLM where the public posts comments. Here's a map of the tranny making it's way from Tucson to the east then up all the way to New Mexico north uglyfying vast unspoiled open spaces in the wild west.

    And of course none of this goes through the elite neighborhoods like Santa Fe, Taos, just the poor, to be inequitably same old industrailist favoritist patterns.

    The article stated developers say it will be capable of transporting more than 3,500 megawatts of new wind power to 3 million people in the West. That may be enough to keep the night lights on. Note the term "capable". There is skyscrapers that are owned by a China builder smack dab in the center of Los Angeles that are capable of housing hundreds of families, couples, CEO's, and single men and women, it is only capable, it sits empty, not finished, and became an canvas for graffiti artists because it's only CAPABLE as the project is bankrupt.

     Public comments in 2021 were a mere 186 submissions. Gee what was going on right then, oh yes, it was the Kovid runway performance produced by all the globalist corporate clowns where people were forced into going to drive thrus to get their warped penetrants of Wuhan's chemical waste. The public was so wrapped up in it's fear porn shows it never had time or even a business to draw checks from to buy a stamp and write a comment on why this tranny change $10 billion dollar project is not what they wanted or were even told about in the dangerous unicorn hunting adventures of modern medias all owned by modern medi SIN. 


  • Still don't know who to cast your worthless vote for President? Scratch off Shiva. Lady was Caroline Chang quickly cut off from an online video meeting with Dr. Shiva who's running for president. She was introducing herself and got cut off. She says he realized she was one of those who think for her self and he wants SHEEPLE, those who easily follow with the herds. I don't like the guy. Says he was robbed of the senate race in 2020. I doubt it. No one wants him as president. He's arrogant. Always claiming he invented email as if no one ever did anything before him to set the stage for email. This lady was a threat to him. This is great. She's nice.

    California businesses did not learn from the covid fraud set up to make them fail. While smart business told HELL departments to fuck off with their lunatic driven mad delusional fake viral science shut down business approach to hunting dangerou$ unicorn$ they have NEVER EVER PROVEN EXIST ANY MORE THAN THE EASTER BUNNY and Newsom signed executive as in exectute as in kill business, he signed a bill that must be illegal to raise minimum wage that kicked in while he goes and ignores that and payes his employees $16. So whe have businesses already closing up saying they can't afford $20. How about they just tell him to fuck off like smart business did during the dangerous unicorn hustle that fed Newsom and family and friends portfolios making them even fatter and unhealthier. Portfolios should be lean and trim. Oh wait, it's gotta be part of the month long April FOOLS celebration. Only fools keep taking orders from fools.

    The new law applies to those restaurants that are part of a chain of 60 or more venues nationwide and which offer limited or no table service.

    Well they hypsters in all forms of media didn't mention that very much.

    Depressed in Canada? Death cult will assist in suicide and of course MAKE GOBS OF MONEY FROM IT. She's 28 years old. Father is trying to save his daughters life. Modern a medi SIN of course is all in the cult. Tiebreakers. Hellth kare by vote. Insane. Father says she is autistic and not able to make this heavy decision. Privacy rights don't even allow father to get her medical data. Secret society. Kaching. Abuse. Think twice when you hear the chant that medi SIN is saving lives or maybe 666 times.

    DIE is about to DIE. It needed MAID in Canada years ago. What's Tim Pool going to talk about as all the world's drama goes to hand basket? Tim also has a thought on saving lives.


    Provocateurs try to save lives and make new ones.

    Can we catch colds? No.

     Doubt it? Throw me one. Keep throwing. I can't catch it no matter how hard you throw, or how you curve the cold. Word is getting out how retarded modern a medi $IN is and has been for the last 100 years. Cold and flu is created not caught unless what you mean by "caught" is like baseball and catching all the junk foods and Gulp Oil Spills thrown at you at every turn at every moment of the day and you catch this ball of goo and eat it and it tried to escape when it's stuck, common cold. Pimple disease same problem, toxic mess trying to escape. A billion new names for the same crap, Tom Cowan and others keep explaining this name game. Disease is a recipie. "Can You Catch A Cold?" the book is #3 on Amazon "communicable disease" category. And in the New 2020 Hindsight Era (N2020-HE) era of post virus hunting mania what's this book on the list "Amoxicillin Unveiled:: Your Guide to Respiratory Infection Treatment, Pneumonia, Urinary Tract Infection using Antibiotics". No one during the Kovid runway years told us about that.

    How can they play with "dangerous diseases" when it's all based on dangerous unicorns. Lab leaks are another psycho illogical operation on you. This is where the "virus" comes from. It's a Fukin Wu computer print out. There is no real virus. The only thing that escapes the lab is data and trash.

    reference also study

    Other conspiracy absolutists were again correct saying if you force business to pay $2000 million per our to employees they will not come after the business closes the next day because the boss says it can't stay in business while fuckinwu Panera Bread gets a free ride and the Newsom para site empire feeds all his friends with delicious favors laughing his pompous hat off at all the common people he screws over. Ready to go Republican yet California?

    Resurrection Monday is April Fools Day in 2024 and Jeff Berwick reports on his dog Lucy. She was very sick vet said kill it. Jeff decided he did not "want to put her our of her misery". That was a week prior. Vet was penetrating some pHARMa cysts in Lucy repeatedly "for her health" as every vaccine is "fake and reflective". She started doing better after he stopped having chemical penetrants. Says he has to look into that. I can't believe Jeff even allowed her to be penetrated by pHARMa after 4 years of calling the 2020-flu shot a killer. Enjoy this weeks resurrection of ideas and thoughts that take us places like ERRth on heaven.

    Good Friday? They were glad? Nothing makes sense. 5 planets and the cycle of the sun and moon are all in alignment. That makes no sense. Really think this drive thru, if spaces is as vast as is claimed and their's all these planets circling the sun what are the odds that they all are in the same plane orbit? Pretty much zero.

    Flat ERRth e-clips. "The globe earth model is not without its problems including problems with the horizon distance not matching its predictions". This not matching problem is like that bolt that doesn't match the hole thread on that item you are trying to reassemble and you have some screws loose. Then you tell people who believe all bolts fit in all holes that it doesn't fit and they call you a square hole denier.

    Canada taxes the air you exhale now. Started on AFD. Some are repurposing their carbon dioxide AIR into blankets and insulation for their home to get around that tax. There's always a loophole. This one is kinda cool as they then give you tax credits for adding carbon blanket insulation in your home that is nothing more than air with 1 part of carbon dioxide to 2499 other parts of air.

    Your home is your castle. Gets a little dusty. What if this home was your castle. Balmora, it's a real big castle opening to the public for tours. $289 Australian dollars. No discounts for inclusion and equity for the homeless who might like to tour what they might like to work toward owning some day their own castle they can call home.

    A lot of solar energy is being wasted. Why would this be? If they build the triple wide transmission freeways handicapped energy of wind and solar will come and be treated by strong robust fossil fuel energy equally? So the cult has said for decades to save energy and yet solar and wind wastes energy. They all know this they are cons, and we can't even go back to the drawing board, those were banned as they were an existential threat to portfolio lives.

    EPA said citric acid kills viruses. They said this smak dab in the middle in the fake-a-demic. It's used for cleaning. It's used for canning foods. It's rather on the natural side of things. It has other uses. It's not a danger to your health like QUAT. So what do HELL thdepartments tell you to use? QUAT. They eat tile, they eat bedding, they are corrosive also to lungs.

    Eclipse of sun, then 7.5 mag in Japan, the cult is worried now about shadows of planets and shadows of people that can spread disaster from person to person and from bird brain to person. Tim mentions he was overweight when he got the bird flu and Kovid fell off the runway and he caught him mask and all and said "I kaut Kovid". Many people claim this but there is only a handful of people who can say they kaut Kovid honestly. Many times people like to join the grope mentality by saying things that just go with the flow into ditches while they act like bitches and say things like "Screw your freedoms" having come into America because of freedoms and then becoming a famous movie star.

    The world's not a stage it's a green screen.

    The HELL thocaust was a fake pandemic as exposed by freedom of information requests responses by German government. Hospitals were empty as were promises and respiratory problems were no different. Mortality only increased as modern a medi SIN penetrated bodies more with warped chemicants. People who died were mostly around 83. Sweden free of masks was healthier. Well duh. Cutting off oxygen ruins health. Has immediate effects. Never again will we submit to such HELL care abuse and deranged commands.

    pHARMa's next big little big $$$ thing will be no more injections, just wear a band-aid that rapes you without realizing it, hardly noticed, no pain no gain that was their motto when they painfully put you through torture for 4 years to plandemically change the way they make vaccines to save boatloads of cash and make tanker fulls more. It's another of their scams as viruses do not exist over 222 institutions world wide including San Bernardino County Hellth Department, Los Angeles County Hellth Department, State of California Hellth all can't provide absolute evidence of what they claim exists, if they can't isolate if from raw sewage, blood, or a brew of chemicals they use in their hocus pocustry how can they study it? It's all lies.

    Doctor Tom Cowan webinar April 3 2024 on "measles" another blame the wrong thing misdiagnosis based on the fraud of junk science virology. Measles has OTHER causes no virus ever proven to exist. Stefan Lanka proved in court in Germany no virus of any kind exists. Modern medi SIN keeps shredding the memos, does not want anyone to realize they have been lied to for 100 years. Fake bird flu "caused by viruses" 1.6 million hen HOLOCAUST due to this VIRUS FAKERY. Follow the money to the portfolios. There is no avian flu as described as "caused by viruses" an assault on food system. Reference Mike Stone's Measles Magic at his website to learn more about this HIV stage show. Tom Talks about cancer and shaga tea and focuses a lot on the body process of cancer being a storage of toxins and DNA not involved and the illusion of cancer spreading.

    Danish “experts” with no scientific evidence that "HPV" exists let alone causes cancer adding to the list of institutions that spread lies about the powers of dangerous unicorns but there's plenty of evidence that spreading and creating new acronyms for the same old medi SIN con game crap is spreading and causing delusions.

    "In a move akin to reintroducing lead paint or leaded gasoline, the Albany, New York Common Council voted 12-0 to fluoridate its drinking water on February 22, after months of lobbying behind the scenes by dental interest groups." Dental groups want less business? What's wrong with THAT picture!

    Episode with Tom and Daniel Roytas who realized everything he was teaching at university was hogwash, presented 4/2/2024 on Can You Catch A Cold #1 book on in category "communicable diseases" which is laughable category as there are no communicable diseases, we create health problems we don't catch them unless maybe you are saying you caught a poison or caught an oil spill by what you consume. Disease is created not caught. Often by toxins and body attempts to repair and eliminate poorly for various reasons. Contagion is an illusion. They blame dangerous unicorns like people blame The Devil for their problems. Tom always talks a long time before his guest gets a chance to talk. LOL. Daniel leans on the idea that when we are around others and we catch a cold or something they have it's psychological, he fails to highlight food and alcohol, like at the December Holiday Season (DHS) where everyone is over eating a lot of sugar, fats, etc. in cold weather season. In 1918 the science took the runny nose snot from 40 people mixed it in a blender then injected it into their medihumadae test subjects and some got sick. Well duh they are bypassing nature no one injects the common cold from someones house. That's the bizarre junk science basis for modern medi SIN to do things that are illogical and not natural to fake prove their claim$.

    JK Rowliing dares Scottish governing to "arrest her" for speaking on transvestite issues honestly as balanced rules are raped making it a crime to "insult". The fundamental problem with this inequitable set of rules that unequally favor some forms of expression over others and newly established "preferred" classes of people is that an "insult" is relative and subjective to interpretation. The person that claims they were "insulted" is the one doing the harm to themself. Read the report on the Ron Paul Institute. Thing is she knows they will never do this so it's a bit disingenuous high horsingness media jerkusaroundess as provided routinely by sellebrities. People will say she's a hero, bla bla bla, it would be different is she wasn't royalty, if she wasn't famous, if she didn't have about 1 billion people with her on this, had no army, only sold a few books, worked at a factory, went to the pub after work and smoke and drank booze, they'd lock her up and no one would care. So I find her antics boring. Another part of this that is disingenuous, these areas of Europe are known for their polite behavior, protests and issues that cause people to scream at each other like about fake chaning ones sex they were born as is not something they are used to. Americans are but they demand prim and properness in certain matters of respecting one another, so news reports are always bringing up "free speech" but that's not what Europe is built on. Let's see how her words match up to her travel plans to where she claims she was born.

    Cowboy rancher warns of mRNA junk science garbage fluids (JSGF) penetrating meat supply. Says "live virus" is in the product. That is not what the patents say. Even if it was "live" it would be a live unicorn, viruses do not exist so they are injecting a chemical sludge witch doctor's bizarre brew. Doctor Tom Cowan has covered this extensively in his talks since 2020. He also has pointed out that WE LIVE IN A WORLD FREE OF VIRUSES.

    The debt of California is 1.6 trillion $ that's $40k debt for each living Californian regardless of age. David Knight Show March 3 2024. That's $40k debt each to have scoundrels hunt dangerous unicorns, shut you in, cut your oxygen and food supply, crash your business with nuclear weaponized fake emergency, it is like watching 9/11 again and again and thinking it was just a movie. We could say that debt financed for everyone in California governing pay and retirement fund refuled and being that they are all in it together their stocks all did the same. And what will Californians do about it? They will keep doing the same things over and over again thinking it's the sane people that are in the pharmaceuticullt. WHO is another money laundering scheme dressed as a Trojan Horse and the soldiers come out in drag and dance in hospitals while they kill your male child's foreskin and sell that to beauty cream companies and everyone in delusion land says it's all good. California imposes $20 minumum wage at fast junk food industry. The dollar menu if it still exists will octuple in price. Hamburger will be $25. They will fire workers. They will install robots. These will all close. Good riddance. Learn how to eat good food, carry a sandwich you make from home.

    Kovid was not a lie it was real did you catch it?

    Damon Imani announces he's retiring "we had a good run".

    his previous videos here

    Check Today's Date in Middle Mongolian

    Peggy Hall talks about clues but often she's clueless

    A message from Joan Rivers on TGVD presented by Fetzer starts 3 min 42 sec about wearing skirts makes the man

    They had this same transwear problem in the 1700's when generals of armies declared Trans Gender Visibility Day on a traditionally less colorful but colorful Corona.varidae in April. There's also talk about Trans Foremed Phalluskin Day.

    Vintage “THE ETUDE” Music Magazine" May 1932, Great Ads, Sheet Music, Articles - Picture 16 of 17

    THE ETUDE Music Magazine May 1932, Great Ads, Sheet Music, Articles on ebay $10

    Corona eclipse of THE/SUN on April 8 in many places will look like this.

    Search the internet for Today's Date leads us here

    CORONACISION was a popular practice of the medisin with it's cult practivism mid century. It acclaimed itself to be a fanstasic modernist style of the male phallus but it was a horrible design just gawd awful. More on the weird world of coronas and their misdangers can be found here here and here and here we see scissors guy trying this mid century style 2024 years ago on Jesus when he was less than one week old. No wonder he's never come back to ERRth we treated him like he was fabric.

    Government is now the biggest medicare frauder ever. David Knight Show

    And you thought your meats were now healthy being anti-biotic free, get this, "About 12 years ago the poultry industry began using mRNA. About 5 years ago the pork industry joined and about 2 years ago cattle followed. Have you noticed the antibiotic free messaging from the industry lately? They don’t say substitute mRNA for antibiotics. They just say antibiotic free." Since 2014 they have been using mRNA injections on chickens. We have had no clue. Then Trump comes along and others on their bandwagon$$$ when they planed their fear game blaming it on PAN the god of mischief claiming there's a new pandemic dude in town and telling us mRNA is new technology. It was not new at all. It was clearly a hustle to replace failing flu shots with more junk science for money. The Hustles never end now do they. This is an EXCELLENT article written by Joel Salatin on April Fools Day showing us what fools we all are.

    Big advertistment runs on big oil. They should put their horsepower where thier promises lie in greener dollar funded pasteures of your energy. It's a big pile of horse maneure to waste money on websites that tell you fairy tales of a weather patterns that change like the climate where they claim they can control it all. It's like they claim Santa is in danger and we need to allocate 666 million dollars to create websites to save him or her. No one cares about big money climate change most know it's a lie but these hustlers present it as a threat to human life which is like what a lot of religious cults do with your soul making you follow their lead into evengelicalicious hell. Television and internet goon boxes just keep presenting what Santa and the Easter bunny watch in their off hours to entertain.

    Big insurance runs on oil and likes to destroy small towns that resist big wind that also runs on oil to make them run on more oil. To fix this problem wind and solar industry destroy small towns that resist big wind and hot air to make them run on more oil.

     April is full of fools jokes

    Happy Today is another great day as always! No Easter Egg Hunting (EEH) for the kiddies this year so they will of course make Trump vote the priority as he wouldn't call for an end of normal life 2x would he we don't have a country if we don't have Rabbit Egg Values (REV) so as the story goes the Newly Elected Unintact States of Mind Prez (NEUSOMP) who believes dangerous unicorns exist so small and so imaginary one of them can carry with them such power it can bring down a human being FASTER than pixels are sent through how we are all connected by staring at a Pixel Changing Device (PCD) along with the rest of the UNICORNS and dodo birds a "thing" that weighs a mere 666 trillion times smaller than a bacteria and a ruler that peddled magic potions by decree making demand-aids a long hollow rod penetrate directly through your skin to transmit Chemical Harms Under Mandatory Penetration (CHUMP) in order to FAKE save the body not to suck more of your blood like a mosquito does for nutrition rather push chemical waste in there for your HELLth of course now declares war on a similar unicorn category in rabbitism that is as equally imaginary as fake ass viruses and Jesus so of course the Jesusians )pronounced Geez-us-arians( are having fits.

    colorfull beliefs get scrambled

     It's not just because of their mental illness it's because of their commitment to what only works for themselves inequalify treatment usee if the Christians whose imaginary friend was imaginarily murdered brutally and then imaginarily came to life again on spring sunday though not in a human body where we can prove it actually the same person are going to ban gay flags in government owned places then it's fair to ban religious rituals by all other cults in or on the people's other mental institutions have a nice Sunday as that's all it is any thing more is just imagined immagine there no religion John Lennon once said boring for a moment then we all then got busy fixing everything we complain it's the government's job to fix so were all the eggs guaranteed to be unicorn free this year or were they sprayed with pesticides that crucify these imaginary things which of course too rise again on the 2nd day Friday to Saturday is one day Saturday to Sunday is a 2nd day. Apparently the whole thing was a test created by the Roman Empire who created imaginary Jesus to see who was paying attention like other institutions does with man going to the laughable movie set.

    It's safer to have a white crosswalk than a gay one. It's sadly entertaining to watch all these hall monitor idiots get all high on painting rainbows on crosswalks and high on bandwagons of injecting chemicals "to be safe from Kovid" while throwing safety to the wind when it comes to absolute and proven public safety crossing a road. Painting them in ugly rainbows makes these more dangerous to pedestrians and drivers. Here we see somewhere rainbow activisim like what was done in the 1980's that created demands for poison aids pills which led to the 2020 lockdowns. In those daze activism was at times breaking laws and it was sellebrated. In this white paint brigade effort they too are breaking laws but at least they are making public more safe. Aids activism created the NO LIABILITY total immunity for drug dealers. Ronald Regan signed it into law. That made the gay community especially unsafe while the term safe was painted on every one's brutally circumcised dicks. It was a time where securing legal rights to not be discriminated for Being Sexual (BS) how ever that felt best was forging ahead which was a good thing while those who fell in to the trap of testing for what does not exist and claims it finds dangerous unicorns exploded and became a cult mantra. Many of us move through life having just come out of wars then forced into others so it's a tricky matter. How do we balance out proven safety with decorating needs to feel safe and included when we cross or get crossed? Those who value absolute safety that is well proven don't feel like they are walking on straight clouds when they cross the street what will the city do to make them feel included because of their sexual behavior?

    Why do Abrahamic religions think it's ok to cut off baby body part that makes his phallic symbol safe and protected? Makes no sense. It's a horrible thing to do to any human being. Imagine circumcising any one or all of these religious symbols. It would be Holy Hell. Forexampl here we see an artists rendering of an aborted circumcision that would have off the foreskin of popular religious symbols leaving a visible scar. This should be used to symbolize those religions that adhere to this practice of unadhereing foreskin a necessary body part that without it changes the man's sexual experience from living color to black & white silent film made in the first decade of the 1900's.


    If a city is going to paint rainbows on cross walks then it can paint 666 thousand other symbols of groups as well so it's pretty stupid to demand rainbows that symbolize a sexual community that demands equality and expensive aids drugs that harm not help while it leaves out straightsexuals from these painting parties. I will include them here.

    LGBTS or we could make it HLGBT or to make letters who are always at the back of the line feel better we will arrange it as Bisexual Gay Heterosexual Transformed Lesbian (TLHGB). To be Diverse Inclusive Equitable (DIE) be sure to include heterosexuals. Thank you. Oh we might add Untact and Intact so it's adding some fun vowels making it LUGBITS. Used in a sentence "the LUGBITS community has now accepted that straights need inclusion too". When exactly did sex become a community? Makes no sense. Oh yes it does like religions.

    "What kind of moron demands you vaccinate somebody with the disease they already have"? Oh pick me I know the answer it's any one or more of the a.faucidae strain of parasites that graduated from annoying halls in grade schools to annoying halls of governing BODIES after they were bullied in school and strove for equal treatment making sure they then too bullied like dangerous unicorns do with their imaginary spikes.

    This image represents a mutated a.gargantua virus floating around a flooded Washington District of Columbia where climate change apathy prevented preventing the world to be submerge when after people realized Jesus was not real his daddy and bud Satan made it rain for 666 days and 666,000 nights. It started when bluing that used to be added to the laundry to make whites whiter spilled out of homes and ended up in all the water world wide. People were quick to blame each other for this representation of the end of the world to cause the end of the world before it actually happend. Of course much of imagery in all it's forms it does not represent reality.

    No one in the a.fraudae strain of science fiction story telling has actually explained exactly how that spike ball nonsense supposedly invades the cell does it use those spikes to dig or do they drill? No one answers the door, helloooo? It's all warped sleasy sales pitch to penatrize you with billing chemicals no one needs penetrating their thick skulls so they grab your arm like a Jesusist teacher does raping you with the truth. "There has to be an agenda when you have this many people override common sense principles."

    This image represents Betty Boop. It's not called a cliche it is called a cartoon. Similary virus imagery is all cartoons. No one in real life has ever seen one. Betty Boop has also never been seen in real life. Santa Clause has been seen in real life rather obviously and multiple versions and virology thinks that proves he or she Clause is real.

    this version of Betty is considered OOAK and this image of Betty Boop and of humming birds does exist in the real world on eBay for sale.

    We can see a cache' of her being attacked by hummingbirds for her sweetness. It is artwork. It is signed by the artist Janet Hobbs who creates variant artwork like this with different themes. This image belongs copyright to her and presented here under fair use principles it is assumed and with hope you will buy her works and highlight her majestic talents. It is artwork with a real previously known as USA postage stamp. There is a humming bird on the stamp depicted though it is not real it's an image of what is real. Thre are two stamps. One is ink forming a corona around a date of March 16 2024. We know the hummingbirds are real as we have seen them in real life in our faces looking for nectar. We know nectar as is it is real because we can pour some in our coffee. Sometimes like rainbows we hold humming birds in our hand.

    It's a unique version of Ms. or Mr. Boop. I won't say which as I don't know without being pronoun injected or corrected these daze. In virology they call something unique and a bit different a variant. It's still representing the same thing as in art and faces expressions change. We could study Betty and that would be science. If we just enjoy the view we don't call that science. If we think art has value we might think it could be a hedge against inflation. We cannot prove that though until the inflation hedges are cut down and we can see over it. That takes time.

    Now they penetrate your air space everywhere with positive ion chemicals to keep you safe from dangerous unicorns. Ions that get tested for aids in door air and are positive are not healthy and could spread more positive ions. They also may cause heart problems bandwagoneered now as Kyo Mar Ditis (KMD). You are better off breathing in negative ions. The row of hedges exhales negative ions. These get cut down when they install wind turbines and solar panels thus causing more positive ions. Instead of positivizing indoor air those who are fake looking out for us should be spraying rain water in a mist to charge the air with negative ions like after a rain and installing more plants that absorb viruses and destroy them. In stead these institutions will spray chemicals as nothing HELLth institutions do makes any $en$e. If we suggest spending another 666 billion dollars on studying this it will make $en$e to them as that is all that makes $en$e to these Hustlers In Volumizing (HIV) their greasy unhealthy canola oil portfolios.

    In Wuthering Heights a 1955 movie a promotional image shows a dog which we know is real holding a man's arm which we know is real or is it real it's more likely a dummy arm. Who would let the dog bit him this way like hellth care routinely bites? Producers of theatrics in film often will stage part of the movie and set up a scene that would reflect the general theme of the film and it's players but not be exactly what was seen in the film. Virology is so similar to movie making.

    this is a close up of the lobby card promoting the film is available on eBay

    If you buy the Horseshit In Virology (HIV) and accept the lie that floating things infect you someone has a bridge to sell you in Baltimore and owner will finance it with no money down if you use Bitcoin to pay for it, cash not accepted. Every disease claimed to be caused by a virus fits under this category AIDS. When did we get so duped we couldn't see the forest right in front of us? I did not even realize this until today as we see the illusion of Jesus coming back to life with acquired 2020 hindsight when it all started becoming rather clear. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome they/say is caused by Human Immune Deficiency Virus. What does that make corona virus then? It's HIV. Corona virus fits, it's acquired. Immune deficiency fits. It's all human. It all fits. Kovid was and it's 19 strains are yet another label under the broader category AIDS/HIV. Label makers in HELLth treatment and pre-invention has got a good gig going albeit rather konniving. More to cum on this matter of mislanguage. There are no new diseases but there is at least 666 trillion new labels available. The lies of virology are tumbling down.

    What the hell kind of retard system of alleged health will not admit your "sick with kovid" mom into the hospital unless they are first vaccinated? That is so fucking retarded it's not funny. Yet starting in 2021 that is exactly what mentally retarded HELLth Kare infected with the a.faucidae strain of 40 long years of vomitous drug pushing did to humanity while demanding to be treated equally to sane health care it got it's way for 4 years. His mom died he thinks from Fauci's pet money generator patented killer drug Remdesivir forced on people in hospitals. This sick system is nothing new they did this to my friends under that psychopathic virus hunting regime in the aids daze of hunting unicorn viruses which hundreds of thousands of gays got killed off because of POISON pills while the hysterians preached their gospel of the same nonsense of a virus is to blame. Poison treats to healthy people and sick ones to stay safe and become well even though we watched them get sicker from the poisons was that mantra. Never made any sense. Lowered the dosages of the poison so people lived longer and took credit.

    The word "immune" and "immunity" are rather misused and abused in English language under the Dangerous Unicorns Hunting (DUH) regimes world wide. We have response systems we don't have immune systems. No one is ever immune to body problems any more than someone cooking something else up in a kitchen is immune from dropping a plate or a dozen eggs or misfollowing a recipie. It's a set of actions and ingredients that keep people healthy as their response, rebuild, eliminate systems do their work. The whole concept of injecting poisons that are alleged to be magic cloaks into the body to make one immune to dangerous unicorns that have infinite strains of imaginary horns that poke you and make you sick is insane. Either that or it's a hustle to sell you drugs you don't need. Actually it's both in a nice tasty aromatic blend of greasy artificial herbs and spiked spices with added fear mongering and kicks in the head while spinning you in circles so you are so dizzy you don't know what's happening. It's a con game. It's about protecting cash cows not you. People were not interested in flu shots any more as they don't work, they had to find something to keep those cows providing you milked. Watch how they terrorize children and babies for money in this delusional world created by this system of science fiction virus hunting. That is abuse.

    A quick 1 minute to understand what modern medisin is based on. It's greed.

    Kids book from a million years ago is a fun little read

    Millions of Cats : Gág, Wanda, 1928 read it here in the archive for free

    Billie Jean's boxing buddy

    Don't beat a dead horse instead enjoy each day each of Today's Date 1920s US NAVY HANDSOME MAN Photo Album 39 Photos Handwritten, Ships, Dead Horse

    Inner city Chicago residents chant at city meeting "Go red no more blue no matter who!"

    The Horseshit In Virology pushing FDA will by Court Case Win Force (CCWF) remove it's posts on it's website telling humanity they are not a horse.

    Christine Massey explains virus science is not valid. She and others started asking Canadian health institutions where's the virus? Look at all these that responded saying they have none. No proof it exists. WHAT THE FUCK. Now we know what that sucking sound is all our money being poured into the hellth system drainage ditch.

    Restrictions based on invalid science. It's like claiming Santa exists, then we see presents under the tree that proves Santa exists, the circular reasoning is that retarded. Virology is bamboozleology.

    New York State governor Hochul receives applause when she left the slain officer's funeral. She was in vited but not welcome. The widow told her off. And to fake fix crime the city is going to install body scanners in the subways rather than punish criminals in order to make portfolios of the company that sells them safe and effective cash moos.

    Once again the ancient artifact Bill "duh" Maher smugly asserts his lack of knowledge. Since the 1980's has held WHO on high and still believes in Santa Virus. TV is such a pile of crap. He's such a retard. Sometimes funny though. Has a great delivery. Still does comedy right.

    The other plastic industry has pushed the recycling lies for decades.

    We are not anti vax we are anti chemical waste.

    The junkyard called virus hunting open house today on Good Friday where our savior virology dies and will rise again to teach us about unicorns like the Devil in the details rose on the 3rd day.

    In other words CMVAMCG-EHIVT-1P is raw sewage and the scientist is told see if you can find a lemon in there or it's parts. At least in normal science they have isolated a lemon from other things and know what a lemon is so if there is one in a septic tank that got flushed down the toilet they might find it. In getting "tested for viruses" they have never isolated any "virus" from other things thus their science is merely a hustle. When vesicles are part of the blended mix of a HIV preparation it's merely just a pile of junk and there is no way to filter out what has never been shown to be anywhere on the planet.

    Watch Tom Cowan and Mark Bailey explain why everything virology is CONTAMINATED and they don't isolate the thing so if you don't isolate the thing you can't study the thing. So when they say they studied the thing they are liars and notice how much you are being billed nefariously. Foreskin example if you have a tool and it's in a box and someone looks at the box how do they know the tool is in there? Virology claims it can see what's in the box. It claims it can open it up and look in side. It's a big joke on intelligence. It claims and proclaims like an actor on stage claiming he is Caesar. These things they claim exist are smaller than Santa Unicorns. Where are these surgical instruments that are smaller than nanometers? How the hell do they open it up to look in side? If you listen carefully you notice they talk like a multi-level marketing sales pitcheroo. It's all HIV, Horseshit In Virology.

    We also trusted the science that water would attach itself to a globe when we were children. Some adults never let go of the EEEster bunny either even though their kids say it's stupid. Here's a little test you can do yourself without having any knowledge of science. Sit and think about the room you are in, it's a square box with straight lines, imagine the world nice and flat like that, ahhh peaceful, now think of it spinning, different feeling, standing on a ball, you and your room are spinning and spinning and spinning your head. Which makes more sense? If you believe in god or god or something other than yourself would that creator make you live somewhere that goes in circles or might that entity place a mobile on the ceiling to keep you entertained?

    NBC should cut ties with Damon Imani but like how medias can't get enough of Trump, well.....there's no business like show business.

    Words can kill because words have influence? That is a stupid argument. Then say influence can kill. That is a retarded argument. Influence causes influence or it causes nothing. If words and influence kills then ban words and influence. Oh some words and some influence kills? Double stupid. Which word? The word kill? Kill kills. Now it's triple retarded. Viruses kill? Why don't they all the time then if viruses kill? Guns kill and knives kill? They why do they so often sit around not killing? If they kill they kill. Guns sit and do nothing. Words dont influence. Assault words kill? If words kill then they could not influence.

    Congress keeps doing the same things repeatedly while expecting a different result.

    "Tendering has begun to build two new wind farms off the coast at IJmuiden, which should produce enough electricity for four million households. However, Eneco said on Thursday, it is not taking part." When they say for 4 million households, that means it will occasionally power a night light in the garage. Ask they for specifics in writing, they will entertain you with vaudeville. DeFlaGov is investing in smart energy, no wind mills allowed. In Scotland to get grotesque windmill parts through the historic town they are demolishing Hansel & Gretta's little cottage that is about 700 years old.

    How does one sell their soul to the Devil when it's not theirs to sell?

     DIE rules are killing business again.

    Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante is distraught as his doggie pal LUCY is very sick very touching tries do do one of his usual walk and talks and you can hear the pain in his voice, sorry my friend. Says he might wanted to commit suicide before he met Lucy, his wife, daughter. Tries to do a show. Pets are such wonderful people.

    Tamara Lich: 'Here to support' remaining Coutts 4 defendants

    Fighting dangerous unicorns called viridae is like fighting with The Devil, neither exist, but those who beeleeve will fight to the death to prove they are real.

    Virology is science fiction but spikes are real

    Cars in ogen. Car sin oma generator.

    Christine Massey a boistatistician who compiled about 222 FOIA responses from world wide medical and governing systems of instutions that have documents piled high as the moon claiming viruses exist, all stated they do not have any data proving proper isolation of any virus thus they have never been proven to exist as to prove something exists you must be able to isolate it from other things otherwise it is merely a theory, an assertion, a sales pitch. She speaks with a guest on virology and it's illusion based science FICTION. Courtney lives on Isle Of Man and spoke against using humans as roaming lab rats in the experi-mental penetrants. In the real world of logic and proper scientific analysis virology has never even reached to the level of THEORY it is that bad. WATCH

    The sickness of the portfolio industry struggles of penetrating chemical waste into young children, babies, young adults, and middle age grapplers, and especially Later In Fullfilled Experience (LIFE) and the poor and the weak and the vulnerable to their junk science toxin supply causes some might look at the image of The Devil which equally to other dangerous unicorns was never proven to exist and is only a belief system and cult and notice the penetration of it's spear into something though in this electron micrograph that magnifies the size of The Devil 666 trillion times it's actual size so we don't actually see what's being jabbed which is about how well virology functions it only guesses based on artistic and religious expression.

    Modern A medi sin now has more labels, there's a Smoking Lung Cancer (SLC) and a Non Smoking Lung Cancer (NSLC). So all this time there's been lung cancer not caused by smoking? Then how do they know that only cigarettes caused the lung cancer they based taxing cigarettes to death by? They don't. They assert. They can't prove smoking caused it. They don't study the full body's functions and don't study the full daily intake of foods, oils, chemicals etc. ingested over period of time. They ask if you smoke. If you say yes that tips the scales of their junk science analysis.

    The sick media influencers made shopping carts full of cash when they hopped on the penetrant bandwagon in Kovid's runway years. Notice how slime stream medias are all giddy reporting it, that is because they are all in it together, they also are owned by big pHARMaceutical companies. When this all started in 2020 I was horrified, I saw the plan and couldn't warn anyone that the whole thing was a fraud to sell new junk science garbage at a new speed faster than Superman could ejaculate while flying more rapid testing than a bullet not obeying traffic laws. Same problem in the aids daze people only would listen to their TV.

    At this point in the Kovid runaway scare 44 colleges of alleged learning are mostly teaching OBEY curriculums. They still have man dates to be pierced with pharmaceutical poisons and placebos. Obviously they get their grants from the chemical waste disposal pushers.

    After being penetrated with 2 doses of pHarma's experimental junk science product the young girl experienced electric shocks up and down her spine. Supreme Court in 2024 agrees with Conspiracy Theorists (CT) and Conspiracy Absolut Proofers (CAP) who know how pHARMa operates On The Public (OTP) and those CT tried so hard to tell all their friends who would only listen to their trusty television PUKE all over them as they are into that so they would go to drive thrus to get their doses of junk science chemical waste and be all happy and go back to their cult friends and when those who would not subject themselves to being speared they spear headed banishing them from their Koviddom going so far as hope and pray that they die from the dangerous unicorn they were all told by their cult leaders they needed to aviod AT ALL COSTS and did that cost! These are the same peple that tell you to avoid Kults at all cost.

    A new pHARMa company did some market research. They wanted to call their new untested vaccine "Viperide". No one would line up for the test ride around the block in circles at warped nonsense like they did with the Coldnflu-19 injections, 2 were required, just like snake bites. The shots contained the same chemical formulas as the other experimental pierce. The public said they would accept penetration with Coldnflu-19 chemical waste product gleefully not understanding that penetration with poisons is still penetration with poisons no matter what you call it and a thinking different approach is letting the body push out viridustae. The parents were asked if they'd give "Viperide" to their babies. They said "Heil no I'm not allowing any of my children to get bit by big business. The Unionized Vipers (UV) were not pleased. It ruined their pension plans. That is also a problem with shunning clean camouflaged energy.

    Snake coiled on a stick in Eastern Oklahoma. It was hibernating in a large pile of wood chips, found by this landscaper after he bulldozed the pile in late October 2018. Image by Geo Lightspeed7 used with permission Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. Use does not indicate author endorses any of the artistic expression elswhere in whatever appears in front of you that does or does not lunge at you.

    There is an infinite naming of viruses and snakes in science. The most dangerous snake in the science is the a. faucidae version which is found to be slathered in itself to slither smoothly everywhere it can go. The big difference in naming things in the real world is we see them and can prove they exist. Virology cannot do that. It pretends. It is a relgious practice. It studies science fiction. That science lies to the public with claims it can see what goes on inside a dangerous unicorn's mind. The psychologist is better prepared to do that, it's patient has already been quoted in therapy as saying "why do they keep hunting me down I'm just an illusion". Yes that was supposed to be private and confidential information protected by law which was caugtht in the boys room smoking during recess. It was easily found on the devilnet. When the science in that field looks at a dangerous unicorn in an electron microscope what they are really looking at is their portfolios and how better to fill them. 

    Remembering the cult's "Build Back Better" mantra, ohhhhhhhhmmmmmmm.

    The "inevitable transition to clean energy" is a marketing construct based on lies and false promises, it's used to generater power for porfolios. Green energy is like a green screen in videos it's fakery made to appear real. "As I noted in these pages in October, in Michael Bloomberg’s $1 Billion Assault On The Grid, three big climate NGOs, League of Conservation Voters, Sierra Club, and Earthjustice, will likely get tens of millions of dollars from Bloomberg Philanthropies" said someone not involved in the Klimate Kult Konniving (KKK).

    Massive damage from hail destroys entire solar farm in Texas. ROFL. This is the problem with disabled energy it just sits there in it's handicapped spot as they never build shelters for them. Obviously they need to all be covered. Government should build covers so they don't get damaged. Fighting Jays solar farm couldn't fight off the hail. Blue Jays laughed hysterically with hyenias under cover. Who pays for all this? You the rate payer, the tax payer, the brainwashed TV viewer that gets sucked into the clean camouflage energy scam.

    Before the storm there was only trickles of schizophrenic disabled handicapped power! This is what their website presented.



    And now there's no power look at the carbon footprint it's bigfoot!

    For decades this was a nuclear factory. Small carbon footprint. The elderly nuclear power plant that in human years would have been 100 years old and a pack a day smoker was the clean energy Ignalina NuClear robust energy system that reliably energized the grids until 2009 twenty four hours a day non stop.



    Swiss NuClear energy reliable robust saves lives

    image of a Swiss nuclear power plant is copyright by Hansueli Krapf this file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license and it's use does not indicate author endorses anything on this website. NuClear provides endless constant reliable energy saving power that is robust, saves trees, saves openspace, saves wildlife, saves lives. It provides about 100,000 times the energy that a huge solar farm can even dream of creating.

    Actually carbon cannot make foot prints it is not human. It doesn't have feet. It's a poor analogy that is used to make climate cons rich.


    The "black box" on the tanker in Baltimore stopped recording when the power went out? Why no battery backup?

    There's more race iZm in the Unintact States Theater Of American Delusions (USTOAD) than ever, follow the money to get to where this is all going the land of oZm. More on this problem by those fighting it.

    Kovid was a bigger medicare scam than all past ones combined and the public is clueless. Analysis of Debrah Birx on David Knight show without David who is of all things getting medical tests! In the discussion "no one knows where the 6 foot distance thing came from". Really? How much money, like trillions, spent on governing and ObamaHELL thcare and defense and wars and no one can determine where 6.666 foot distancing came from. Brilliant. And the public trusted all these fools on TV and the panic reports. What a scam it all is. If you want to save the planet, cut all spending on HELL thcare by 99.666%.

    Have you been called names disparagingly like "anti-vax"? What exactly is wrong with being "anti-vax"? It's like being called queer, the gays adopted it and had fun with it. I'm anti-vax as dangerous unicorns have never been proven to be anything more than imaginary and that's the foundations of silly vaccines. Dangerous Dames talk about this, cancer, health and healing, supplements, medi-sins, more on March 25 2024.

    Lee Merritt clarifies nasty rumors that doctors get paid $30,000 for this or that treatment.

    If you haven't isolated THE/THING you can't study it. How would you know it has a certain genome or other property like envelopes, coatings, spikes, etc. Tom Cowan and Mark Bailey who wrote "Farewell To Virology" this webcast is dated March 28 2024. Trying to engage with the cult it's amazing how they don't more personally take the effort to recruit new members, oh, it's because the cult does not want those who so easily can call them out on the lies. In other cults they often will try no matter what the person says or believes. Those are more genuine than modern A medi SIN and virus OLOGY. Quotes from some famous virologists are also offered in this webcast. There are two kinds of MICROSCOPE IMAGERY, #1 is optical, #2 is electron. They are not the same kind of visuals explained yet modern A medi SIN almost always confuses themselves and mostly the public with these imageries. You can't honestly say you found the hair of a dangerous unicorn when you haven't proven first that the dangerous unicorn exists. Critiques of Mary Hausers claims. She states she can isolate it directly later says it's too difficult to isolate them directly. Contradictions by people like her abound in this industry proving it's junk science, it's not even science, it's marketing. You cannot do a valid "scientific experiment" with a HYPOTHECIAL ENTITY and claim you proved a real entity did this or that such as "cause disease" or it's junk science and this is what virology does all the time. Basic logic: if the science has claim that either or both an owl in a tree or a robin in a tree is infected with a penny, and they grind up the owls, tree, spins it down like they do in "finding viruses" in a lab, first they have to prove a penny exists, which fortunately is easy, it's real, then you have to look at the mess and make up stories and claims as THERE IS NO WAY TO DETERMINE WHETHER ONE OR BOTH HAD BEEN INFECTED WITH THE PENNY NOR DO THEY HAVE PROOF THERE EVEN WAS A PENNY THERE AS IT'S ALL A BIG MESS NOW. Since the penny is a real thing that either was there or not in the bird brains there might be a proven way to sort through the mess and find COPPER but this analogy is about showing how they never even proved there is such a thing as a virus. That is how mode rn A medi sin operates on you to get you to be afraid and buy their hustles. In the 1980's acquired immune deficiency fraud they are only finding cellular proteins but they claim they found "hiv". Mary needs to present proof of how virus was "isolated" in 1901 as she claims. Tom calls it a bizarre theory after having once again going through the proper science. Tom's microphone gets quiet again like yesterdays show. This happens about 50 minutes in then gets fixed after 5 minutes. Concludes with saying "CAN YOU CATCH A COLD". Answer is no you cannot, no virus involved, you create colds, it is a response of your body to what you eat and the general body processes of elimination and generating heat and energy and maintaining temperature. We transmit toxins not viruses. If there is any "contagion" explains Tom Cowan it's because of toxin exposures. Arsenic gassing in a room mentioned regarding chicken pox as a cause rather than a "virus". WATCH

    When seconds count call your polished dishians to demand robust energy and emergency vehicles that use is as we see after a short time the all electri junk emergency vehicle shorts out and waits for help. ROFL. The Public Official's TRU Dough (POTRUD) claims are as belivable as the Horseshit In Virology (HIV) they throwded at us for the last 100 years, they say it was a water leak "the batteries were fine".

    Virology is truly mad science.

    Scare Tactic Mongers (STaM) include the CDC which uses conjuring methods to scare people, issues alert, look for measles cases, Tom Cowan references study on these STaM goes over the HIV that goes in circles. There was a sound problem in this live broadcast clears up later.

    David Knight has a lot to say about THERE NEVER WAS A PANDEMIC

    Slash & Burn: The Cult Hates Coal-Fired Power But Loves Whole Forest-Fired Power

    Public service message, don't carry paint and drive and don't tag along and remember to not save the planet like you are doing. Saving the planet looks like this.

    Camouflage energy destroys fairy tale forests to create a fake ass farcey tale dizzying wokeass deluded topia.

    "The German wind industry has ruthlessly clear-felled dozens of ancient forests, once considered out of bounds, to help make way for over 30,000 of these things."

    National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) plans to look at traffic safety through the rose and rainbow colored lens. Says only zero traffic fatalities are acceptable. Centered Delusion Control (CDC) data in 2021 when the psycho killer vaccine penetrated the mind claims that heart disease was #1 killer, cancer #2, Kovid Falling Off The Runaway 19 times Syndrome (KFOTR-19-S) the rebranded flu and lumping in of every other cause of death like car and motorcycle accidents as #3, and unintentional injury which used to be called accidents of all kinds as #4. This another federal obsessive compulsive dollare grabbing for their friends game to be wary of, it's going to create another system and sets of incredibly complex systems and attempt to monitor and control everyone like those vaccine passport schemes. If you have a commoncold-19 you could be told you are not allowed to drive as your cold could cause unintentional injury, you would be told by your employer to stay home because you could cause unintentional injury to others. You won't even have to do anything to be monitored, they already know when you are sleeping, when you are awake, if you have been bad or good, so be good for creepy Uncle Sam's sake and yours or you will be fined by the minute. This is going to be a replay of all the other games but they are moving away from the overextended Hustle In Virology (HIV) to include everything. In fact they diverted the world by that while they put a lot of these systems for this next phase up of mad power grabs. They will make you have to see doctors every month to keep your driving "privledges" up to date (previously known as fully vaccinated) to fake keep you safe when it's all about keeping their cash flows safe.

    if you can't see the fine print in this image of their announcement they will tell you not to drive or you are putting the public at risk and they are doing what ever it takes to make injury and death from transportation zero as that is now a public health emergency matter kaching, including the destruction of bridges and roads and your business so they can "manage it all better" and end all trasnportation and not even allowing horse and buggy or carrier pigeons and they poop all over the place that that's a PHI of course now this is claimed to be a public health crisis, everything is about "public health" and everything is a "crisis" according to these hustlers. They spelled it wrong, it's Public HELLth. These are the lenses they looked through when the declared war on a dangerous unicorn they never had seen before and starting in 2020 they did what ever was necessary to control that. Those lenses are warped, distorted, change colors, and add things that are not there.

    March 28 2024 @ ET 1 - 2:45 pm

    Traffic Safety Through a Public Health Lens

    ​​​On Thursday, March 28th, 2024 from 1:00 PM – 2:45 PM, the NTSB will partner with the American Public Health Association to host a webinar: “Traffic Safety Through a Public Health Lens.”

    The joint NTSB/APHA webinar is in advance of the APHA’s National Public Health Week (NPHW) the first full week of April. NPHW is a time to recognize the importance of public health and highlight issues that are important to improving our nation's health.

    The Webinar will highlight traffic safety as a public health issue. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that an estimated 42,795 were killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2022. 

    The latest Centers for Disease Control data place unintentional injury fourth on the list of causes of death, behind Heart Disease, Cancer, and COVID-19 (the latest data are from 2021.) The NTSB’s position is that the only acceptable number of traffic deaths is zero, and many in the road safety community consider roadway deaths, a leading cause of unintentional injury, a public health crisis. This panel will provide a glimpse into the nexus between public health and road safety.

    Panelists will provide an understanding of basic public health principles and how they apply to traffic safety. They will examine traffic safety through a public health lens, present the public health approach to injury prevention, and address the need for equity in efforts to improve traffic safety. 


    • ​Mighty Fine, APHA, Associate Executive Director, Division of Public Health Policy & Practice
    • David Ederer, CDC, Epidemiologist, Physical Activity and Health Branch
    • T. Bella Dinh-Zarr, FIA Foundation, TIRF, Senior Advisor, Public Health & Transportation
    • Kathleen Carlson, Professor of Epidemiology OHSU-PSU School of Public Health and Core Investigator at Portland VA

    Sophia Peerzada, an NTSB Safety Advocate, will moderate.

    Read the panelist bios

    This will be a Zoom meeting. 

    Some of the other problems we can see without the warped lenses of public HELLth butting in and acting like a spoiled bratbully is how because of slant for corporate and portfolio gains the public hellth glasses caused them mandated diode lights on all day all night any time the car is on. This is more dangerous to public health, they did not care in the final VOTES, all it takes is votes. That's democracy, you can just have one more vote, tons more absoulute science doesn't win when portfolios are the squeakiest wheel.

    Problems with the US postal service? Pete Buttegieg was a consultant, probably why, now we have more bridges falling and trains flying off tracks, while he nurses his baby but he's a man to be clear men cannot nurse nor bear replacement humans but what does he care about seeing his world through his female lens. Now we also know why God and the Devil got together to make replacements. Some people are born with rose lenses, others rainbows, others see clearly with their own eyes what the hell is going on around them.

    National Hellth Service in UK upgrades it's ambulances to electric battery power. They were told they have a 160 mile range in the marketing hype world. They have 70 mile range in the real world. So if you lived 35 miles from a hospital would you feel safe and effectively transported all the way to the medical center? That 70 miles is only in optimal conditions, no use of air conditioning, no up hills, no stuck in traffic, only on a fair weather day, no high winds and you ride on the wing of a prayer that the made in China garbage battery isn't defective and doesn't just crap out. ELECTRIFYING EVERYTHING IS A TOTAL JOKE, NO, IT'S NOT FUNNY, IT'S A FUCKING SCAM. Wake up dodos. Oh wait, those don't exist any more than Fake Ass Viruses (FAV) which remains humanities Favorite illusion.

    Alex Stein is one great human being. Speaks in NYC council meeting trying to help bring attention to solving the homeless matters and difficulties these good people face all day every day.

    Baltimore bridge collapse may be linked to Diversity, and Inclusion of bridges to be in rivers to be treated Equally to water.

    A safe and effective view. Here's why they don't want you smoking. It destroys portfolios. Nicotine. Found in foods. A corrective nutrient. Bryan Ardis uncovered amazing research about this miracle cure of Parkinson's (P) and Alzheimer's (A) formerly known as Nervousness (N) and Brain Fog (B).

    The Hustlers In Virology (HIV) have new names for old conditions. Heart disease is now bandwagoneered as myocarditis. Bryan Ardis as seen above clarifies it's MYO (muscle) CARD (as in cardiac as in heart) ITIS as in inflammation or condition. Heart inflammation. Heart condition. Dr. Peter McCullough is always using this hardly known to the public term "myocarditis" to sell his emergency spike unicorn kits as seen here suffering from corona virus telling us all how we stay well when he can't himself.

    Once again the Dr. Spike "curve" ball tells nods when asked about what has not been proven to exist, the question is about "catching cooties" from sex. We have watched this performance before. If you were just a glimmer in someone's eye at that time here's what happened, gays were flocking to big cities and sexual revolution was in full force and so were the drugs and drugs and alcohol and more drugs. Some wore themselves down so much they got sick. No virus needed. It's called Toxicity Orand Wear (TOW). Then the story tellers in Med I Sin Salespitch Energy Developments (MISSED) did the same garbage hustle analysis, claiming there was a virus and it was only transmitted by dicks entering holes and exising the sperm bank. FF and there were more drugs handed by the drug dealers in white coats calling themselves mediSinists. FF to current Hustles In Virology (HIV) spikey says "messenger rna is in the blood for 30 days" he has no evidence of this he babbles someone elses work "and colleigues" his hustle always uses that phraze to put us in a days "messenger rna is stuck in lymph nodes for 2 months" more junk claims with no proof next scare is with "it's in breast milk" no proof of that as no one has proven rna is real either, it is only supposed to be real like aliens. McSpikey goes on with "if it's in breast milk it's in sweat, means it's in saliva, it also means it's in your genital secretions....almost certain". Wait what happened to certain? Now it's uncertain but it's certainly almost certainly certain. Hustle. 600 base pairs coding bla bla bla. Here's where base pairs come from, a computer, they are not real.

    Says "they were able to stablize it in an exosome, basically a saliva bubble" rofl, hey there overschooled in hustling dude is that like blowing bubbles? Sure it is. Pop. Unstable. Good thing this good man is not designing cars to be safe and effective. So he goes on to say "if anyone is going to continue to take these shots maybe refrain from close contact" bla bla bla perpetuating the lies. The host is dumbfounded. He did not expect to hear that, he's being duped, watch how he got sucked right into this good doctors hustle. McCullough is a creep. Claims he doesn't want to get the vaccine through saliva. OMG old fashioned traveling side shows were more honest. Notice what's for sale displayed in the lower right corner, his elixers. Laughable to watch yet sad how this guy is deceiving people to sell his magic imaginary spike ball cures. Click on the above image of the Illumina MiniSeq system to visit better information on virology and it's wacked out claims in a more balanced logical approach that calls out the absurdity in believing that these things they call viruses are anything more than dangerous illusions and hustles to sell products.

    In 2020 leeders in mismal governing declared what is basically like saying "FIRE!!!" in a crowded theater that could create a panic. In most theaters the patrons would likely not panic though if they don't see any fire as they have brains because they know fire does not exist when you can't prove it's real but the public did panic as many of those in mismal dismal governing created that panic over a fake ass virus that does not exist. Kovid was not panicking a year prior though. He knew it was all show business.

    Ron DeFlaGov signed a law banning kids from being social using devices like telephones so he and others can ex claim they are now because of their deeds free to be safe from words. The old nursery rhyme "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me" has been banned. This is a reflection of the dismal part of society that thinks information and photographs is dangerous to the species.

    Benedict Donald as a P resident of the reTrumplican party of lavishing in itself ripped off "non essense" businesses in the PAN/ICK like the cut people off from low society plan, not high society, like how theys and their friends have for thousands of hundreds of years ripped off a part of many a man's dick slicing it the fuck off, bloody sick ritual and all, lavishing in their claim that it's not essential and a great sacrifice to the imaginary gods, when all parts of men's dicks is essential as it's what they think with, so we say go a head take his NOT ESSENTIAL buildings cut them off, it's what he thinks with. DNK

    Here's where your fake smart 15 minute cities are going, just like NYCity's Westfield mall. It has public transit right there as part of the design. Smart smart smart stupid. Why is it closing, theft, that is making smart business stop paying their rent, breaking their leases, as it's UNSUSTAINABLE. So gee what will the sustainable carbon free air cheerleaders do as they promote smart cities? Go full steam ahead and hit the bridge supports. They will Thema & Louise it. Smart people say.

    San Diego "cracks up" over luxury picnics at the beach. Will this be stopped at parks too? Why would they be so uppity about luxury? Oh they are concerned they follow the rules. Funny thing, those who lived here 200 years ago were also concerned about their rules being broken and colonists broke them all. In the report from the stunning views at Crown Point notice they never build these wind spinner energy disabled energy crap there and look at all the open space they could install ugly solar panels, they only dump it on rural poor areas.

    Clotting agent in making cheese? Maybe that's why the doctor says the blood vessels are now clot free after leaving cheese behind to clot on it's own.

    Talking about colored votes is eraseist.

    To "save the planet" the Kly-mate Kult dictates cut nitrogen. The farmer cannot plant tomatoes anymore. As people die from lack of food and lack of money to buy food, the Kult only pays attention to the Kly-mate.

    Well is not yes this is interesting. "Rejuvinate the world"? David Martin's new gig! The covid gig fissled out. Helped build the spike illusion. Now the performance requires wearing lab coat. We know men who wear lab coats never lie. This guy can talk for an hour and not say anything. Notice how he just goes round and round and round. Whoops we fall in the trap again, spin heads with colorful language and formulas of language and whoops, we start thinking the lab coat knows. This could have been explained in 5 minutes. I think this another hustle in the Kly-mate Kult Klan (KKK) family of companies. He has discovered miraculously (notice the cough) perpetual motion. Mito con dria atp xodi zation blaaaaaaaaaa. Stored energy. His sermon finally says something! Emancipation of a log. Pay attention kiddies. Arbitors. Measuring. Imprecise. Going to a Y. YMCA? It used to be fund to go there. This nice cleaver lab coat is so cleverly pushing biofuel management. These will rape the forests to once again feed monster portfoilos. No body bothered. Answering that question. Industrial condition. Create fields where the model discerns itself. ROFL. Poor host is lost. That's the purpose. This is what cults do.

    Bill and I have been working ..... since Russia in the 90's. Says his communication can be incryption instead. ROFL. Keeps talking in circles. Clever. This is the giant breakthrough of our invention! Ding we have a winner. 20,523.666 hours later we learn what the invention is. Trans HEsion effect TRANNNNS in side systems ocillating. Polar shifts. Store data. Life's a stage. Talks about liver toxicity and how pHarma has to figure out not creating drugs that poison the liver. Many friends of mine had livers deterioriate from pHarmas "aids" treet meants to fuel portfolio growth organically. Ferra magnetics in blood cells, that's talking about iron as a vital mineral in blood. Growing a liver in the lab? How about growing a liver in the human. No body ever thought about that? OMG livers don't just grow in a regular shape they grow because of field effects. CULT. Story decoded by the liver. OMG. I think I am going to start going to church again and dump all this internet cult crap. At least there's real people there instead of pixels. Promethius could have a new liver every single day "Do you know how long you would live if you had a brand new liver every day?" Oh oh oh, Mr. Kotter please pick me I know the answer, as long as that socket wrench made in China lasts, 1/2 a day." We have a shortage of livers now. SOS. So are we paddling down the stream with a rowboat to bio-engineering. Bingo! Lottery is at 999 billion $ you win! Humanity today may be the neanderthal and the neanderthalls were more skilled so the answer will be to call in the neanderthals to create new biology. Environmental toxins, ton of places we can clean up. Bingo! You win again this time the 666 million $ lottery. Specialty materials imbed intelligence into things in other words AI artificial fruit. Antenna. Everything turned into an antenna. Recharge your car by antenna. Intelligent sensors and antennas in trees and dirt and biologics. Refrigerators run using an antenna. Better catch it. If you have fully engaged humans in the AI there would be a great outcome. Run headlong into it. Like running into a well built wall. Unless we give up. Give down. Say ahhhhh men. Men are great. Vikings better.

    Dollar General stores are not a symptom of economic distress, they are causing it the lady says. "It uses a sinister business model" that of course is government approved like movie sets that pretend to be providing us free energy. The lady noticed she kept being overcharged from what the price was posted on the shelf. Corporate big stores like this never put their prices on each item anymore.

    David Knight show 25 March 2024

    David Martin talks about the WHO treatee that treats globalist portfolios to your money.

    In the 21st century the humans thought that being penetrated with industrial waste repurposed into treetments and prevention was healthy and not hellthy. We experienced a condemic. Pan led the way. He is a god of debauchery, mischief, and slease. That is why they called it a Pan demic but it really was spearheded by Con.

    HPV vaccine linked to automatic transmission disease syndrome utopia.

    San Bernardino County house rep Jay Obernolte reports the "California Air Resources Board (CARB) has proposed a new regulation that will require all freight locomotives to be zero-emission by 2035, even though replacement zero-emission locomotives don’t even exist. To replace a single diesel locomotive, a battery would need to have a capacity of almost 100 MWh of energy, but the largest batteries being built today store less than 5MWh of energy." Could we please mandate that governments use the scientific method? We already cleaned up the air using methods that use clean energy that rely on the clean energy they call dirty. Funny thing they did not care about any of this when they were building California and these rules will make it even more necessary to have China create more factories that POLLUTE THE WORLD as they do not practice what the Unintact States of America (USA) does hypocritially to keep the portfolios flowing with your energy.

    Public service messenger please don't kill it >: Touchscreen And Drive only on Pluto only when the committes of things that are far out decide if Pluto is really a planet or a rock as if science can't still figure that out ABSOLUTELY IF IT EVEN EXISTS what good it spending any of our money on it where it's safe doing so as there is no one there and you go about 1.666MPH fast and the Tesla cars in space just keep orbiting things, mostly human heads that were left there in the last revolution, that means the very last revolution, no more spinning, meaning we go nowhere like we did before.

    Lunar Eclipse Palm Springs What A Dud (LEPSWAD) – March 24, 10pm to 2am details here it was a no brainer. No brains figured out that it was not a full eclipse, not one. Did you see it? I was a nothing event. It's a PRENUMBRAL. It darkened the moon by 1.666%. Have to wait one full year before we can test out polaroid filter. Test it to prove what? Look at how a shadow on a ball and a shadow on a flat plate are different! See just how different! You will be shocked! Your head will stop spinning!

    Here's a map from that shows where this nothing happened. Ok so we are to know next time that this only indicates one of 27 things, it could be that it's showing the gradient of how the moon will appear or it's other things as seen in the shadowing of other galaxies. So when there's a full eclipse of the moon in 2025 darkening it totally will the smart Mappy the grandson of Clippy show this pink translucent band in black? ROFLSTWBH (Realizing Onlineity Flabbergastingly Lostus Sure That Would Be Helpful) well that would make the map of the Americas not even seen so knowing how smart things work to make our lives Clippy that's a possibility, notice how the small moon at left box looks quite dark. It did not look like that. It looked like this white page with some smudging on the monitor in front of you that you can smartly monitor world events using smart technology that can't even be clear what's happening right in front of you.

    Here's their presentation for next year, shows on the left the fully darkened eclipse partial area in the west, the map to the right is confusing, shows band of orange like the sun trying to tell us that is where the full fully darkened sun will be, but that looks more like it's saying to us that the sun will look like on the left but no it will be blacked out. Notice the point showing on the right where Joshua Tree and that band is light orangy yellow. Some of these mapping systems are so absurd.

    Also notice this is proof of a flat earth and the science is more valid to make that claim than anything said in virology.
    This is reflective of Virology And It's Hustles (VAIH) as they imagine a big event and it's always nothing. In the case of the moon and a prenumbral shadow of nothing. When they claim they look at viruses they aren't even looking at them they are looking at a stew. It's like we'd hear someone in astronomy say they discovered a new universe and within that new universe (which makes no sense already) they dicovered people like us don't like us and new viruses and we are baffled by fear of those who would threaten to not like us like us. It's all a universe of heliocentric fear inducing pacifying gaming of chess played only with pawns. Discovering a universe beyond or within a universe is a rediculous statement, it's like saying they found a desert home within a desert home that is just as universally impossible.

    This shows an antumbra which "always appears before a prenumbra" as seen in a room here on ERRth using windows and shutters and light blocking drapes. Image credit Barraki
    Can someone please fully explain this shadowing and how it relates to fake space? Why is there a dim shadow, a dimmer shadow, and a no shadow, and a dark shadow? What are these shadows of? If we look at this carefully I think we are seeing shadows of different things, PLUS reflections of the sun causing the shadow to lighten. The middle darkest area is getting ZERO sun. The other areas have reflections involved plus shadows. Prove me wrong? What are these shadows of exactly? Something is not adding up and I'm using a calculator. Is this a reflection of the sun lining up with a moon and Earth getting shadow banned?

    What is a prenumbra in law? In the Unintact States Of America (USOA) In United States constitutional law, the penumbra includes a group of rights derived, by implication, from other rights explicitly protected in the Bill of Rights.[2]

    The prenumba in shadowing would similary be shadows derived from other shadows or something like that.
    Wars have ended because of accurate prediction of lunar eclipse based on a proven flat ERRth.

    So you think you are having a bad day when every day is a good day when we can see Today's Date on the calendar. We might even compare notes to this guy in a tight squeeze from the movie "The Mask of Fu Manchu" a 1972 film where we see a press photo. Movie featured Boris Karloff. Is that him?

    If equal treatment was being equal then there would be no age requirements for anything. Chidren fresh out of the womb can be given the keys to dad's car to drive them to work, and a child can identify as an adult and fly a plane. Anyone claiming that women's sports should include men who are absoulutely throughout history a different body structure at the core, is being a big fat liar or delusional or just looking at things through rose and rainbow glasses. Females are getting hurt by males in sports. A bigger man and a smaller woman. Same age, they compete, the man claiming "I'm a woman  hon". They are born males, their body structure is male, they are bigger than women, it's sick and selfish and manipulative to demand to be treated the same. Feelings being hurt is not the priority when bodies are getting hurt, it does not trump safety nor does fake equality trump real equality, you don't treat a frog like an elephant and if you do you are lying to yourself or others. The frog competes with the elephant that crushes it, these loons, it's like they are saying they are equal. Grow up and get over this nonsense.

    Peter McSpikey, one of the world's most popular Dangerous Unicorn Hunters (DUH) appearing at many a misgoverning committe hearing is now touting his wares by using the Princess of Wales who is a very Big Bank Account (BBA) person named Kate Middleton's doctors claims that "she has cancer" and the world of course has jumped onto that bandwagon to keep pushing this ludicrous claim that "spike proteins" and Badvax Sindrome (BS) are causing many illnesses and now cancer is the big push. Cancer has other causes but hustlers are always jumping on the cancer bandwagons as there's always money there except in the 1970's that was drying up as nothing they did back then worked, so HIV took over, those cash calves got well milked. So McSpikey says she publicly stated she took covid vaccines doesn't tell you they could have been placebos and we are always led to trust that no one who's a celebrity or has extra education ever lies. Says princess Kate's in the poisoning phase of chemicals which is part of modern a medi SIN's war mentality, poison the cancer to make you well as if the poison doesn't poison EVERYTHING in the body and when they do tell you that they claim it's worth it while their bank accounts don't suffer and rather say to their masters hey how about spreading me around more buy that new luxury car, take another trip.

    Why does Dr. Spikey get all giddy for in his presentation, creepy.

    Talks about the surgery that is very expensive. Listen carefully after all his dribble then he brings up SPIKE PROTEIN which leads down the path either here or elsewhere to his miracle cures for spike protein baby kaching kures! offered up by his company which has some rather interesting associations. Amazing Polly has some amazing reports on this and amazingly she's not funded by pHARMa nor his company so she isn't gagged and bound like most medias massive cash flows so she freely points out the many questionable tactics of what he keeps presenting and what he offers in what he calls an "emergency wellness kit" of vitamins not proven to cure spike protein disease nonsense. Leaves us here with it's questionable if the vaccine is involved in her cancer or not while he's babbled on and on with his repetition of the junk science of virology's claims that are absolute junk and he has been asked to prove his assertions that any virus exists, any spike protein exists, and he simply walks away from the discussion when he can't provide proof of his assertions saying it's silly to not believe in viruses.

    Tom Cowan would love to hear from you Mister McCullough. He's been calling out all of virology's lies for the last 4 years and decade earlier. He's recently asked all who tout this illusion and out right lie of virus isolation to present their evidence of their assertions. Without having isolated it you cannot ascribe properties to it. He makes a simple and firm and absolute case against viruses even ever been proven to exist and that the science used in virology is a FRAUD. No one is taking him up on this. I'm sure McCullough will not but if he's so certain why wouldn't he go there for even more publicity? Because he knows he would not come out on top. He only goes to places that won't question him, like government committees though occasionally he's made the mistake of going on a podcast that asks some good questions that he can't answer or like in one he made the mistake of looking like a fool as he had a common holiday season cold now called "covid" yet he's THE MAN to go buy the "wellness kit" that stops "covid" in it's tracks which was so laughable to watch him sniffle and look so obviously tired and worn out when he could have simply used his own magical elixer? Lying Fauci did this same thing in the 1980's and for 40 years after when his lie about a virus causing it was called out, he avoided all debate, all questioning for proper isolation proof to show it's real and not imaginary. It's the same old game, they can't prove any virus actually exists, they would look like fools trying. They make up stories and excuses. Virology is sales pitch selling you products based on illusions. If they were honest they would admit disease has many causes and many natural solutions based on the body healing itself not going to war with Dangerous Unicorns. McCullough when he talked with Christine Massey in an email exchange bowed out as he couldn't hustle her. She is a biostatistician saw the numbers did not add up and collected at last count 222 responses by many official agencies world wide, none have evidence any virus is propery isolated to prove they are anything more than dangerous unicorns. At this point all these doctors who keep pushing the junk science of virology would all look really really stupid to take up the challenge and I'm sure they know this as Dr. Stefan Lanka proved in court viruses do not exist at all, not any of them, the whole industry is based on lies of junk science.

    I see sales pitches when they are thrown at me with a curve now after decades of studying deceit. McCullough has been at this hustle from the start first all in on vaccine$, then suddenly shifted to being all against these ones while pushing nasal "virus insecticides" sprayed the fuck up kids noses as if shooting poisons up noses will kill these dangerous unicorns called viruses that DO NOT EXIST in the real world. Like many lost in this utopia of hunting virus illusions he does not want to hear it. There is no money in that. They would lose their practice in medi SIN practice licensing if they called it out. pHARMa wouldn't have anything to do with him then and he's very much married to that cash flow as he presents all the chemical formulas they make as treatments. Modern a medi SIN is a dangerous cult. He touches lightly on that idea without saying it outright but I think he does that more so to disingenuously move people to what he has to sell. Hey maybe it's a step but it reminds me of Amway distributors or Herbalife distributors selling kits, sounds good but it never works out like they present it so after you get sucked into these scams later you start becoming a bit more savvy. So he highlights his view at the end his belief that vaccine "complication" awareness with cancers could be washed over, but seeing his methods I would bet he repeats this over and over again to his audiences and comes out with another "emergency kit" that protects from cancer, especially when sales of his spike cure spike, while none of these ex perts ever discuss SUGAR and it's affect of causing cancer. Perts please step to the front of the line, we are tired of ex perts that can't even hit the ball. It seems he'd rather use the terror induced by all this propoganda about the spike protein illusion, while never once saying that placebos were used which could calm people down, and because of that likely most people never even got a real vaccine none of these fear pushers attention getters do, and again in the end notice how he penetrates that sales pitch into you for his products in every presentation he makes. I would not buy his vitamin formulas, they are expensive and their claims of curing "spike proteins" is not based on sound science. Remember the practice of medi SIN is just that, they are practicing. Practice until perfect. Let me know when they get to perfect. A symphony of perfect, what we often get is chopsticks  though this rendition is rather good almost everything in virology is like playing it on a nursery school piano bought and Toys R Us. Chopsticks Waltz (1877), by Euphemia Allen, date 5 April 2022, by Michael Bednarek
     Peter "spikey" McCullough is oddly very animated in his latest adventure in dangerous unicorn hunting.

    On the high seas we see sailors from the sea shore. We call them sailors to this day even though they are not sailing. They used to sail as boats all had sails. Sometimes these were bought on sale. These days we have motor boats powered by nuclear or fossil fuel energy not sail boats when it comes to military service yet they are still called sailors. Most people understand the difference even though you use the term sailors to mean basically men who are on boats that are part of the crew in military. There is a glaring problem though in virology though as they sail the high seas of surfing to fill up their bank accounts with your money. In the old days of virus theory the science tried to prove there was a virus. The science always needs to prove it's claims, so it's necessary to isolate their "virus" from other materials that they would look at in the body and say "look ma there's a virus in there". Ma couldn't see it so they make up stories about isolating it as they were never able to isolate it. We think of isolation as separating one thing from another, like how they isolated grandma when she was a prisoner in the HELLth care system due to wacky fears that a virus would kill her. They never isolated any virus though the way they isolated grandma. She died alone, isolated. We knew she was isolated as we could SEE IT FOR REAL. There was no doubt. She was not in a stadium filled with people where a satellite was looking down from above and could not isolate her from everyone else as they all look the same from that distance. In virology they fraudulently use the word isolation to claim they have seen a virus. THAT IS A BIG FAT LIE AND FRAUD. The public knows a sailor on any ship is a man who rides on a ship and has duties in the military. The term "sailor" is secondary to what is obvious, it's just a standard label to describe that military man on ships. The public knows that isolating a hammer from a toolbox filled with stuff proves a hammer is real as they already know what a hammer is as it's a real thing and they have seen what it does. The way virology claims it knows a "virus" did damage is like throwing a toolbox at a wall to hammer in a nail, seeing the damage to the wall, claiming it isolated the hammer, and it was the hammer that did that. The public does not know that in virology their use of the same word "isolate" (compared to using the word sailor) is not any thing near the normal meaning of the word. Isolation is separation. In virology they would claim they isolated a hammer from a toolbox proving a nail can be driven into the wall with a hammer by throwing the toobox at the wall. They can't find the hammer as the thing is locked, they can't see if a hammer is in there, they claim they see hammers at hardware stores so they know it's real and they have seen hammers in toolboxes but they can't even claim that with viruses as they CANNOT SEE THEM in any virus and they cannot see them in action. It's like they claim "we isolated the hammer and thus proved it was the hammer that caused the nail to fasten to the wall" but they never once did that. They claim they have "isolated" a virus from a big pile of body fluids after they spill paint and baby cow aborted fluids and monkey parts in and blend it all up. It's the biggest pile of scientific Horseshit In Virology (HIV) there is and it's a BIG FAT FRAUD ON THE PUBLIC to steal your cash through nefarious means of deceit to make you believe in something that is not true. They never isolate any virus to prove it's real. Again it's like they throw a toolbox at a wall and claim that is the hammer that caused the damage. I stand corrected, it's like they thew the tool box against the wall and claiming an the it was the Man on the Moon that did it.

    FDA admits higher risk of "seizure" in toddlers after "covid" vaccination. If you had the option of preventing an unproven danger going one way or a higher risk of not being able to brake well enough to stop your car in an emergency after a doctor or service technician vaccinated your brakes to keep your travel "safe and effective" knowing that installing brakes that are used from a junk yard are proven not 100% safe as would be vaccinating with new brake pads, and going the other way which fork in the road would you take?

    I would go the way of not having modern a medi SIN get involved in my ability of my body to brake for danger. If there even was a virus that existed we have a response system but there's not even any such thing that they ever proved existed so how on ERRth can they design some thing that fights it off unless it's all just guessing games and hustles. Penetrating the skin with poisons like anti-freeze and other garbage is not how modern a man was designed. It's like the hustler at the used vaccine lot tells you to brake for booster brakes and he sells you pads that are worn down to the steel that's how effective they are. The science is so stupid we have clowns telling us these vaccines prevent bacteria. It's all nonsense.

    You can't see it but we discovered it now have con gress give us more of your money.

    Worried about prices hitting the man in the moon in the eye? Try this.

    Jimmy Dore amazed MSNBC reporter would expose the money trails.

    Wikipedia states the following about the Southern California Indian Tribes: "In 1834 the Mexican Alta California government forcibly relocated many Serrano to the missions." So no this relocation was not due to European colonists that formed the United States, it wasn't part of it yet. Study Alta California and look at the map. The California we know now did not join the union until 1850.

    Contrary to modern wokeism's claims about Indiginous there was much commerce between Indians and Spanish, Europeans, and Mexicans. At Mill Creek the Serrano helped build a canal to create more abundant crops which helped out everyone in these areas. It's all very facinating how cultures evolve. Notice the letters C-U-L-T in culture.

    In a building that is new and grand and symphonically endears to fully serve and masterpiece the public there was no sprinkler system? Sounds rather odd the building looks rather new. 3 men with guns. No security? How'd those "security" cameras work out? They just sit there and watch like peeping Toms. Was this another "gun free zone" why were guns there? Why did the cameras not shout "GUNS!" in the crowded theater? Why did everyone feel so insecure with so much "security"? Did people not yell "FIRE!" in a crowded theater because it's illegal to create a panic which is only legal for Fauci and Rick Bright to create? Maybe they were trying to figure out if they need to put their Oxygen Deprivation Device (ODD) used on faces so that viruses don't recognize who they are back on and thought well maybe they shouldn't maybe they should maybe not as that might make them look suspect. Maybe it was because if they yelled "FIRE!" in that crowded theater it would have been considered misinformation. How that for safety now, we are afraid of being safe as it will make us less safe. How is it even possible for any of this to be real? Now we trust our enemy? What a jokeonus. Another made for TV movie seems to make more sense like all the other lying flags. Yes movies often destroyed good things for effect. Ever notice when the service man that trys to fix all this reaches in his toobox and all he can find is confusion so he uses that as best he can until he has a sex change illusion affect all the confusion?

    Governing by corporation sells you "security" ahhhh we all feel so safe now being watched and penetrated everywhere? Some call this getting grouped. In the UK they scan everyone on the streets using Barely Facial Accurate Recognition Syndromes (BFARS) computers and cameras that have many errors, data can be hacked? Fined now if you wear a face mask. Before they wanted you to hide your identity. Something is wrong here. Something is psychotic in this techify everything to be fake safe. Gee could it be more sales PITCH? Maybe let the ball fly past rather than catch it? Why were we safer in the 1940's without all that? What you can't heeeerrrrr me over all the Kachings! Video report on this ends with "TicTok". Ah yes, shut that down to be "safe" as it exposes the contradictions. Truly at the bottom of the stew after the water is boiled away we see it's most about portfolio safety. All it takes is one man to say "theres a new virus in town" and they can shut you down if you take orders well, ruin your life, make themselves and their friends rich by taking your money. Didn't the gangsters act this way in the movies? Life's a wobbly stage. Actors get paid. Directors get their cut. Castles are built. The homeless increase in value. Gold drops. Panic ensues. To protect their portfolios they make them wear face it masks.

    We checked the impaedia and did not find anything that made the world less odd except when humans all war ODD plastic bags over their heads and expected that would make them healthy. What a time for the impaedia books to present history as ODDly looking back using 2020 Horses Ass Sight (HAS) glasses.

    Licence Cancelled: Top French Court Strikes Down Unlawful Wind Farm Planning Rules

    New builds would be forced to meet stringent new noise rules and "existing operations will be forced to shut down until they can demonstrate that they are capable of satisfying a new and stricter noise standard; one which allows neighbours to sleep comfortably in their own home at night." So how much more of your green $ energy will that use up? Billions. Why would any of these hustlers care, they just add it to your bills. Enron 2.0666 baby. All legal this time.

    NET ZERO IS A BIG FAT LIE funny how liars sleep at night, because, they don't live next to this disabled handicapped garbage fake energy.