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NASA discovered a cotton candy planet. Look there's a Tesla there!

Stupid liberl-o-crats like that AYOK bobble head in congress never bothered to check the wind supply before signing onto those green dollar sucking new deals. Remember they also never checked the carbon in the air supply which is, are you sitting down, .04% of the atmosphere. Yes kiddies we are fighting with .04% of the air supply with delusional claims that it's bigger than nitrogen which is 78% and clouds which are 40%. Yes, your electric bills keep soaring because these scams are pipelines to it. That is what these hustlers and delusionists mean by saving energy, saving your $ energy for themselves by doing nothing more than entertaining you with their song, dance, mirrors, smoke, show business energy.

LED aka light emitting diodes plastic bulbs are ruining everything. The light is GLARING. They are now on headlights on all day. They forced it through mandate illegally based on greed for money like everything. Watch a movie 25 years ago. No cell phones everywhere. Emergency lights did not slam you in the head.

"Let's be clear" the man said "the doctor abused me at birth leaving me amputated and sexually mutilated for life and you want me to come to a ceremony that puts the medical profession on a pedestal? I will never give such lavishing of praise until the entire medical system admits their SINS, make repirations, and admit what they have done is a terrible sin, and call out themselves on how they CONTINUE TO TORTURE BABY MEN SEXUALY cutting the fuck off a huge section of their dick wrapper that GOD put there for protection and thus stop cutting off the skin of baby men's dicks. They are a very sick cult and no one in congress stops them is this because they are part of this cult or they can't get a grip on what was done to them? Europe does not do this to it's baby men nor does Australia or Mexico or most any country that is not stupid, nor is it done to women why is this not stopped in the USA on males? Doctors present themselves as saviors, oh, I see that's where the problem lies. Lies and more lies. Who would trust such people?"

Eric Clopper did a wonderful presentation on this matter on a Harvard stage in 2018 Sex and Circumcision - An American Love Story - by Eric Clopper

The real reason you're circumcised short film is not funny but it's presented that way to take the cutting edge of this real life horror off.

In 2021 a whopping 2/3rds the public was deluded by so much bombardment by tv advertising and goverment propoganda on vaccines over the decades where the corporations that are only interested in building healthy portfolios that use junk science marketing that claimed you needed to be injected with chemical waste (vaccines) to be healthy, now it's a little more than 1/3rd the population that is still stupid. For decades these portfolios where holding children hostage to "the childhood vaccine schedule" and right on schedule after these monsters in portfolio preference created another fake new disease this time to change flu shot technology so it would make them 666x what they made before the people are waking up at warp speed to their lies at a brisk real speed pace. Viruses do not exist. Proven by Dr. Stefan Lanka in a courtroom. The medias all get their money from big chemical as they have no liability for their products causing harm. The never tell the public about this. They keep preaching the dangerous unicorns are out to get you as fear sells. Not quite as much now with 2020 hindsight.

During the kovid falling off the runway and everyone caught it debaucle some people practiced being contact friendly knowing how portfolios operate as others practiced 666 illusion hugging with no distancing to be safe from email known to spread viruses.

The sick disgusting covid cult is a stain on history of humanity. It's no different than what happened in Branch Dividians and other sick cults. Mental derangement through TV and declarations by kings and queens by appointment. Never forget how they 9-11d the brains of so many to get injected with chemical waste. Never forget the stupidity of public officials who are easily duped by junk science. Viruses are a marketing tool. They are unicorns. They don't exist. This virus is looking for you. WHAT A FUCKING JOKE.

Terrible wilderness fires in California mountains near Big Bear, Running Springs and Forest Falls evacuated resource links here

Ukrop disses his country's own queer battalions.

RFK/JR explains the process of his discovery that Bill Gates knows exactly what he's doing.

Humans fight fires with branches and leaves in Peru. Is it safe and effective. RT shows us.

Mammography is not a very good tool for diagnosing cancer, do you really have cancer. Pam Popper explains. Diet is a big factor but she promotes chemicals used in therapy. See the chemical rapist? Therapist. The rapist. Therapy. The rapee. Wrong turn! Slow down. She has a large company with a big staff.

The future is NuClear energy not disabled energy.

Smuggy Billy mary now pretends he's never been part of the problem of putting the medical system up on a pedestal. He should show his old shit comedy clips where he says "com'on it's the WHO" putting them up on the mountain top. He helped usher in the whole shit science of aids and hustles in virology in the 1980's and 1990's that prescribed poisons that killed the gays. Sorry Billy you are junk science to us. People should not learn from comedian alcoholics.

Rome Empire never fell. Roman law enslaved modern a man.

They sit up there in suits and do nothing. Springfield city council public comment period the dude states,

"Haitians are in the park grabbing ducks, cutting the heads off & eating them"

Now if he said Jews were doing this you know his micro phone would have been circumcised in a snap!

Here's how to spot manipulators.

Democrats are all sick lying fucks. Now they boldly exclaim they are ready to take guns, that is theft. Years ago they were more crafty about it. It's like they are those sock puppets in front of the used car store flailing their arms around for attention. They lack substance. They don't care they are theives all the time. The European Union has become a woke hell hole. Youtube is forced to limit fitness videos to "protect" those who might have their feelings and self image hurt looking at fit people. Nano micro mis dis mal warped management on 666 times the caffeine and steroids. To be clear the term democrats is a broad generalization.

Hollywood Bowl closed due to power outages from loony climate change management that after 20 years of this horseshit in climate stupidity performed by dodocrats still they haven't fixed it like they said they would, they never will because they are idiots following the lead of hustlers in Enron energy 2.666.

Never forget 1/2 a million strong at WOODSTOCK look at all the people

One guess
what movie they were all there to watch in the theater in 1925.

The CN Tower is a space ship.
NASA, SpaceX, are just rockettes puttin on a show.

Vaccines inject peanut oil to create peanut allergies Dr. Jane Ruby

Injecting shit in your body with needles is sick. They do as their sellebrity says.

Peanut oil in a vaccine? Dr. Jane Ruby coffee chat. I doubt it's simply peanut oil as in peanut butter likely more like a processed TRANNY version, may be it's industrial grade as in the quality of motor oil, that's what a lot of cooking oils are, a similar property of motor oil. Notice how they don't wash off your hands or your engine. Even creamer for coffee uses that quality of oil. Quality. ROFL. Avoid for health. "You are being injected to induce food allergy". This is what they call creating immunity. Doctors only create immunity for portfolios that rely on the cash herd flowing into them with no liability for the chemical junk science found in every vaccine and pill. Traveling side shows selling their elixers that were 80% alcohol were more honest than today's modern corporate portfolio filling medi SIN. "It's not for the prevention of disease it's for the promotion of disease". Listen to her explanation how these shots cause peanut allergies. "The entire vaccine thing should be shut down immediately". Since 1986 when government gave IMMUNITY to the corporations this whole thing has gotten out of control. Many young people are so brainwashed into this cult they crave getting that injection.

The internet shows off a scruffy dude in high heels panties and a braw struggling in a liquor store to buy beer. I'm not posting a link. People say he's sick and bla bla bla whatever their egos dictate. Only a few put 2 + 2 together as most don't even know what 2 is when that number is applied to things they don't understand, and say that he's being humiliated by his master told to go get the master beer while looking like his bitch. So what then that means being a woman is degrading? What about being an amputeed man? There's now a total of only 666 people world wide that get it.

EEE is fictional as is Santa, Easter Bunny, and lower taxes and politicians and pHARMa cysts that care more about you than their portfolios.

Corona never found in any sick or healthy person. Confirmed.

Vaccines are all poisons ≈

CDC is a vaccine company and as a company it has it's marketing campaigns like calling colds and flu some new name and pretending it's a new disease. Really now it's not rocket science it's Rockefella science.

When something goes wrong at the circus they send in the clowns.

Wendy's commercial 1984 wow look at all that beef in the burger. Where's the beef now? PETA storage bunkers?

Connected is now disconnected.

NASA is a form of the banking system and entertainment industry. Insects seen in space wearing space suits. Spring for better cameras.

Repirations, one billion $ each for brutally harming baby men and ruining their sex lives for ever.

It's child abuse and sadistic and done by hospitals all the time for profit and congress does nothing to stop it.

Episode of Cheers! woody's girlfriend has to "get her shots" before going to Europe. What is she idetntifying as a bird? Shots for what? To prevent dangerous unicorns? The world is waking up to this scam.

ICAN uncovers scheme to spread "viruses" without informed consent "spreading from person to person without any person's knowledge or consent". Make no mistake the medi SIN industry is concerned abou the health of their bank accounts not you. They literally want to fuck you up your nose with their chemical brews and bill insurance and get your money from goverment grants and they are all in this charade together. Viruses are dangerous unicorns. UNICORNS. Mosquitos cannot carry what does not exist.

The science says the sun exists in a studio. It discards the proper science that say it's artificial light that uses electricity and wires.

David Platt said in 2007 "the iPhone will fail". We were going to trademark that, some guy beat us to it. He got 1/2 a billion from Apple. Prediction 2, "Trump will win, La Kama will lose" even though drama is KING and if La Kama wins there will be lots of it and that's why his second prediction is also going to be wrong as in 2025 drama will be KING and QUEEN depending on which bathroom is available to puke in. When these fancy phones first arrived we said "Who is going to pay $1000 for a cell phone?" We stopped asking questions and making predictions after that.

Never forget this 9/11 denial season that steel beams do melt like they did in the Lahaina fires right there for the world to see on Front Avenue and everywhere on the planet. All that's needed is fuel like plastics and oxygen. All this crap about temperatures not being hot enough is such junk science used make eyeball glue used by the many preachers of the gospel of no collapsism.

4 mour years of La Kama
get ready all you Tronald Dump fools.

Boeing's starliner returns to Urth without it's crew. LOL. People believe this shit. We live on a plane. Pay attention to the word games.

Dr. Full is hustling for big money mental business.

Chemo-the-rapey is poison chemical and the rape by modern a medi SIN. Going to war with disease is not healing it is war.

What TV shows us half the time and what really is going on behind the scenes.

It is impossible to make safe vaccines so congre$$ granted immunity to the makers of the product in 1986 and it's been a cash herd ever since. People do not get immunity to viruses they are unicorns you cannot immunify what is imaginary.

Indoctrination camp science. Wear your "lab" coat prop to give that impression that you have studied something in virology thoroughly using proper science when you haven't. People are so easily fooled by props. The lab coat continues to brand the herd with the lie that viruses exist. Brought to you buy pHARMa. These should be shunned by all districts.

Good luck with getting people to delete HELLth kare apps they are addicted.

Ask your doctor which spindle hole is right for you.

He or they or if it identifies as a monkey in business for itself will be clueless and ask pHARMa advice.

The study of viruses that are better described as dangerous unicorns is like this 78 rpm record. The science of virology and medical treats says the record can be played at any speed even warp speed which of course is only possible in Star Trek and it says it will be worth listening to and dancing about to and it says that placing the record on the spindle using any of the 4 holes will work fine. Keep in mind this is based on their science that says coronas are round and they are also imaginary. Look it up, and look up. By the way for the sake of understanding proper science and understanding language and structure of sentences a 78 rpm record is just a suggested speed to use so that you can understand what is being transferred into sound so that you can understand it and enjoy it. Warp speed is an imaginary speed used in marketing imaginary things such as viruses and what speed they should be played at to dupe the public. If this was played at 10 rpm the science of virus studies would determine that the record caught a corona. 

Corona is an imaginary round shape like a halo. It was a clever little term used to identify a new marketing scheme to rebrand the flu and vaccines. They called it corona virus. Viruses are like halos imaginary whispy ideas. They did not choose to call it the trapezoid halo virus as the public would not have been so easily duped.

pHARMa creates products based on this science as govern MEANT attempt at the illusion of "public health" based on illusions that viruses exist as a real object also bases it's New Years and through-out-the-year's resolutions and declarations not even based in law are based on these deranged warped records left out in the sun then the likes of a.faucidae infections claim it's because you were not vaccinated that the record cannot be played because of the warps while playing it using the 4 holes while ignoring all aspects of mathematics and physics.

Instead of giving homes to all the homeless we give labs to dangerous unicorns so they have a place to point to.
Christianity is a tool. New world order right there one book. What a joke. And the child abuse continues no one in Congress stops it. It's even sellebrated every New Year's Day! Separation of church/state? By condemning free speech that would condemn what a religion does that violates human rights the state is promoting religion.

keeps showing us how stupid it is to use lithium to store energy as a young man's "save the portfolios" skooter batteries explode. At one point the flames were 6 feet tall. It was just a skooter. These things need to be banned. Everything GREED is a waste of energy.

Damon Imani on 74 fake genders. Here he talks to a pack of cigarettes knowing that nicotine is not addictive as if it was we'd all be addicted to vegetables. The internet is addictive.

GREED energy turbine causes brush fire burning 260+ acres east of Tehachapi California watch video dated August 13, 2024.
Fake clean energy is a waste of resources & dangerous. To be clear 260 acres is under 1/2 square mile. It's not a forest fire. In this case it was easy to get to the fire to extinguish it. It is not easy to extinguish GREED.

Tim retart pool reports on bird brain flu jumping to humans. Story goes that having sex with bird brains that believe the lies and Hustles In Virology (HIV) now spreads it from human to human. Why are people having sex with birds? Bird brain pool obviously does not do any research he just blabbers like a talking rag. Tom Cowan had neutralized all claims any virus exists. With no such thing on the planet everything said about viruses is a complete waste of time and marketing hustle. So is the retart pool syndrome going to call for quarantine of all bird brains like this shit did with homos who had sex with monkey brains? Pool just perpetuates more of this Horseshit In Virology HE IS PART OF THE PROBLEM. He and his whole crew is the problem. The are all children who learned all this shit from movies and TV fantasy land. Tim's ego is like Trump he will never get off his high horse.


And what about this Jeff?

Imagine safe and effective brakes made by pHARMa which has no liability for bad braking. It's like their drugs are a cement truck as seen here rolling backwards when they failed nothing can stop it just get out of way. The business of vaccines is like using brakes pulled from junk yards from cars that the brakes were worn and there's no liability. This no liability started in 1986 when the gays bought pHARMa lies and thus demanded government allow experimental drugs. Their lies are wearing thin. Fauci came in and repurposed AZT to kill them off. Prior to the a.faucidae infection the FDA wasn't corrupt, they had in the 1970's put the brakes on that particular killer medi SIN as it killed people. Fauci knew exactly what he was doing. Congress could care le$$.

This would never happen in California, people are too busy waiting in traffic to get where they are going. They don't even stop to help push a car out of the way there. They have their trusted doctors to get to. They don't even have time to read how the CDC confesses their experts never obtained proper scientific evidence of any virus existing. Might make us wonder why do they keep lying then and telling us viruses exist, to get tested, to drop everything and follow their cult and drink the kool aids?

People who don't know what this is probably have no clue how to use a dial phone.

covid-19 is a spell not a disease

Dr. Jane Ruby coffee chat
from her back yard in Florida asking about stopping war to go to war with dangerous unicorns in side children's bodies. Kinda makes it clear where the priorities are, money. They can say "we stopped the war for humanitarian reasons" using chemical poisons. Warns about how these games are played in the USA. There is no polio. If they want to create the corona of it growing they can and will. "You know who's related to the Salk institute, Robert Malone! Connect your dots!" Kaching kaching! For 2 weeks they claim the "live polio virus" makes you contagious for 2 weeks. This is like scaring the child with a unicorn in their imagination said to be dangerous. Viruses do not exist hon. Made in Canada where Trudeau and family make royalties every injection as these products are patented. Conflict of interest? Yea they are all in.

Surgery is essential medi SIN. Most medi SIN is not. Medi SIN is not healing. Ardis, Merritt, and others.

Obviously the problem is not enough swimming pools filled with safe and effective water as we see so many internet retards doing deep dives into ones and zeros thinking they will be boyant.

A piano presents pictures from it's photo album of Twin Towers in their glory days.

The perpetually smug Bill Maher now presents himself as calling out pHARMa. For decades he held the WHO on high and pushed for AIDS research which killed my friends with killer AZT poisons as prescribed by Fauci. He was all in on the AIDS/Hustle In Virology so shut the fuck up you stupid comedy shit. Same with Rogan and all the others the yall were on the hiv/aids bandwagons in the 1980's and 90's and just now they are learning that drug companies have no liability as in those days all these stupid sellebrity retards went on the bandwagons flailing their arms around saying look at me and counting all the money they got from being famouse all helping with their fucking retardation and narcissism establishing those laws  that immunized pHARMa. Shut the fuck up already unless you ADMIT you were and are part of the problem and beg beg beg for forgiveness. They all were told way back when and made fun of all those who called out the Hustle In Virology so don't expect any apologies unless they can use that to keep smugging along their merry way.

Old rich man with a smirk confirms what we predicted in 2020 hingsight demia that they are shifting from injections of pHARMa love juice to just arm hugs. The industry will increase their profits another 666% this way as the manufacturing costs drop like a rock. The old man that lives on your perpetual energy calls the arm rape advance in marketing hustle "innovations". The plandemic was used as part of this whole plan to hustle the public with endless lies. Viruses do not exist so no hugs needed. Paracites do exist they are seen shoveling your cash into their portfolios attached to greed. The good doctorate Tom Cowan will be talking about these parasites on 9/11/2024.
Aron Siri of Del Bigtree's ICAN testifies at New Hampshire house committee on "covid response efficacy"

Wood preservative is what makes up most of those new virus injection products (VIP)
soon those will all be thrown in the trash as people realize they are not wood.

"Government doesn't come in to protect you they protect the company" that sells the injection of waterlogged wood preservative sold as a vaccine. Look up PEG, poly ethelene glycol "used in pHARMaceuticals". That is the bulk of what is in those vaccines. It's obscene. Call them obscenes.

Key West in 2014 and how it will be as it becomes a 14.666 minute city in 2030.

Maybe if we tell congress we want better crisis actors they will listen.

Former Democrat Majority Leader of the California State Senate Gloria Romero is joining the Republican Party. Newsom called a special session to raise gas prices which have by market forces gone down. This ss was called because he and his buddies all live on tax revenues, they are literally parasites, lower gas price means lower tax revenue. The senate just blew him off like a speck of dust that carries disease everywhere the wind blows all day every day so to prevent it the state will be dumping ten trillion gallons of pesticide on dust and murder more free range chickens after they were so concerned in California about hen's lives they made sure by law they would not be cooped up as we saw what Newsome illegally declared be done to humans and learning mental institutions. This of course is about building portfolio immunty to harm and death of equity and has everything to do with making people sicker so medical billing continues to thrive. Legislature passed a bill that forbids any local government from requiring voter ID. This comes just two years after many Californians were required to present both an ID and personal medical documents to get coffee at Starbucks during the Kovid fashion show that started in March 2019 on the runway when Kovid made a plaid gas mask to make what was planned for next years performance seem rather fashionable and to solve the imaginary problem of dangerous unicorns ready to poke everyone they declared by the king that all it's subjects be injected with pHARMa love that may have just been a placebo of salt water in order to fake be safe in public venues.

Forcing themselves on children for 150 years don't call it rape/though, call it injecting love.

Drs. are so deluded
when it comes to guidelining you onto windy roads of pHARMa products. It's like they give you a car to drive that cannot steer and tell you to meet them on the top of the mountain while they take a helicopter. Trusting doctors is retarded. It's like trusting anyone who has a college degree.

Doctors who stole baby men's foreskin owe them royalties and damages forever.

Doctor Paul Thomas files $75 million defamation suit in Oregon medical board for violations of liberty after "taking his licence" to practice. He was practicing medicine working toward perfecting it and studied groups who did not get vaccinated, published his findings that they all were healthier without being penetrated with wood preservatives and anti-freeze. He calls out the lies of modern a medi SINNERS after in 2020 under the sinister mad scientist of a.faudicae variant of evilism the mythical god PAN was told to head redevelopment of flu shot technology that saves pHARMa billions every year. He was told to not talk bad about vaccines even though they contain chemicals that harm humans. Avoided kangaroo court. California wants doctors to say what simple Simon CDC a vaccine company says to say or they want the doctor's license. This is like telling the employees of road guideline company to do whatever the debaucherous lying drunk bosses only son says to do that loves seeing roads built that guide people off cliffs. The medical systems marriage to pHARMa cysts worship and devotion to chemical poisoning and junk yard science is a sick money grubbing dangerous cult. Look no further than at birth how it enjoys slicing off part of manhood and resells that for profit ruining the man's sex life for his entire life. Why the fuck are those people not in jail? They have a religious exemption.

Bacteria are not making you sick. Tom Cowan speaks about this in response to viewers questions on September 4, 2024. Also an interesting take on Vietnam war which we actually won. So much of what we are told is upside down. Let's right side up. Symptoms are the body's attempt to heal. Made up plagues. People get sick from poisons in vaccines. There is no virus in a live virus vaccine. Allowable boxes. Proper analysis of tromps ass. He will do a show on September 11 to talk about parasites!

Getting ya ready for September 11z yearly rememberance blitz
used to sell you stuff you don't need such as injections of poly ethelyne glycol claimed to help make you healthy via TV brainwashing Jim Fetzer explains his examination of the REAL evidence and the theory that it was a hoax using holograms which do exist as real as coronas exist also as holograms and what's in the wonderful world of story telling and creative expressions such as "It's just an expression".

Is this even remotely possible what are the odds catching photo at this moment, zero, big fat ZERO just like those corona injections of PEG that give the viewer ZERO protection as they watch their body be preserved like waterlogged wood which is what PEG is used for similar to how formaldehyde preserves frogs for dissection in science class a time in schooling that sujects students to breathing in those toxic fumes. Speed of the plane was faster than 767 says Jim a real person. Pilots for 9 eleven truth provide official claims of speed of these corona jets was stated to be 500 knots at this low level would rip the wings off as the air is too thick with moisture.

Twin towers were built using proper science and engineering with real steel and cement and light switches. It's mostly safe and effective 99.666% of the time. Imagine what happens when virologists use improper science as they always do within a que$t to prevent a 9.11 in the human body trying to protect it from airplane variant viruses that like all viruses are merely holonanograms. The way these Hustlers In Virology (HIV) talk it's like these impossible to see even with a microscope "critters" are crashing into us and will blow us up. It's an absurd concept and well proven to be junk science yet the marketing departments of drug companies have much of the public wrapped around their little finger so to speak believing they have the magic fingers.

In videos showing "entry of the plane" there is an explosion outward of the building both at entry point and at exit, AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. That makes no sense unless it was an explosion from inside. If a plane sliced through steel beams at 400 mph which pilots say is impossible speed at that low level as in landing a plane at 200 mph for the plane to not break apart while landing due to the thick air the force of the air and fuel is moving so fast it would exit first out the other end thus indicating controlled explosion for effect and damage and use to cover up the real process of demolition as we see each floor later explode outward in fashion seen in controlled demolitions. The time of the outward fireballs would be different.

The speed of the ditched plane that in 2009 was landed safely in the Hudson river after it took off from La Guardia and hit a flock of geese was cruising at 213 mph moments after it hit those birds. The air is thick lower to the ground these planes cannot fly double that speed as it would in thin air at 35,000 feet so there's an anomaly as it's claimed the 9/11 planes were going at speeds of much higher in the sky, it's said they would break up at such low levels due to the heavy air.

In the US Airways Hudson River landing event "In an effort to prevent similar accidents, officials captured and exterminated 1,235 Canada geese at 17 locations across New York City in mid-2009 and coated 1,739 goose eggs with oil to smother the developing goslings.[72] As of 2017, 70,000 birds had been intentionally killed in New York City as a result of the ditching.[73]

So as the modern corona of industrialization spins to "save lives" it routinely kills them. We can thank "humane" societies for providing directions on how to suffocate the egg embryos. Where are those abortion freak fund-a-mentalist xristians on this abortion process that are always protecting eggs that are developing in women, not men, women, not men who mentalie illdetify as women? Also note oil smothers them meaning they can't breathe. We are never told this happens to cells developing in the body in all those TV commercials touting the fake ass health benefits of cooking with Wesson Motor Oil and Canadian Motor Oil (canola).

When in computer space please "Do not notice the shadows being different. In space shadows act different. Do not notice the CGI. Do not notice everything is fake. Do not notice humans stuck in a vitamin capsule can not survive on vitamins in computer space without water unless they are CGI in which case the water can only be imaginary like viruses or it will short out the viewer's circuits of understanding reality is not what is on a flat screen."

Do notice the curve of fish eye lens, and the size of clouds, this earth and water body view is about 100 miles across, there is no way this is an accurate presentation of any real curve that might be there of a globe and the shadowing of the globe on the left is angled different the lower red arrow shows how the sun should be if it was a real image from 100 miles into "space". Notice on the vitamin capsule that there are a few points of reflection of sun in concentrated spots, those do not reflect a real sun it reflects stage lighting and CGI. An alternate theory is that the man in the moon snapped this photo. Most people today have never seen the man there as they just stare at blew them away screens they never stare at the real moon. There's also an A there. That was placed there by illegal aliens as A markes the spot. We also might ask why is the sky always blue in day light but from "space" above the clouds it's black. This is because on Urth we are looking up into the swimming pool.

Everyone must check in.

The rotten branch of science called virology ignores this "smothering" effect of the real causes of disease. These virus HUNTERS are not healers or healthers they are marketing arms for pHARMa. Corn oil, Canola oil, and other "motor oils" have a smothering coating effect and deprive cells of oxygen and nutrients that like beaches and birds after the Deep Horizon spill of oil coated living creatures and deprived them of nutritents and oxygen. When we eat Gulp Oil Spills it's a disaster like that happened in the Gulf Of Mexico two thousand and 9 years after scissors guy sliced off half jesus dick skin to improve on "god's only son made in his perfect image". Then we go to the doctor or pharmacy for treat MEANTS made of chemicals that adds more burden to the body's cleansing and healing and energy burning mechanisms. Then as the body burns the oil slicks off as was done in the Gulf of Mexico (isn't that also the Gulf of America?) residue as seen here in black smoke also has to be cleared away by the body's PROCESSES not it's "immune system". In this case this is all in the air which has to first respond to that problem. Environments are never immune to such events. Same with the environments of our body. Immunity is a fake marketing construct. We don't have immune systems any more than the Gulf of Meximerica is now immune to any more Gulf Oil Spill Horrors (GOSH). We have response systems. The sick branch of science called virology knows this, it designs an oil based product (PEG) to rape the human body injected into it like deep below the water the earth injected the oil into the gulf, claiming that it needs to do this to create an "immune response". It's like politicians going on TV telling the public that the Gulf Oil Spill was what the oil companies did to immunize the gulf from oil spill disasters from ever happening again. As years go by they might also claim then if the gulf appears healthy that it was that treatment of all that oil that created immunity. In the case of vaccines they claim this "immunization" has to be done on a regular basis which if anyone could notice that is a contradiction in terms, if one is immunized they are immune right? There would be no need to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Yet that is what the public does as it watches TV and lips move at the doctors office where they all are drug pushers.

No $150,000 home loans for the homeless just continued abuse of humans that homed themselves best they could like all govern MEANTS do on a pad of sidewalk they were resting on has been declared unhomelessable by the authors of homeability, so where did these homeless go are they being sprayed for Northwest Sanfrancisco Nile Unicorn (SCAM) as they are pests? While she steals cash as all in con GRESS does with inside trades she waves her hand casting spells on the audience discussing this lovely gift that of course helps PORTFOLIOS with Bill Maher who has always held the World Hustler Org (WHO) on high horse and never once read Christine Maggiorie's book "What if everything you thought you knew about AIDS was wrong?" Tell-a-vision is spell-a-vision!

Beverly Hills driving east in 1935 while filming it looks like a nice suburb look at all the beautiful old cars!

Everything in the CVS in Oakland in California is locked up as if they are the criminals. This is how bass ackwards governing is in this state. To the Newsom governor's credit though when he was mayor of San Francisco a decade or so back he did outlaw circumcision which is the brutal torture and amputation of a necessary private protective part of sheath of skin on the GOD given phallus on men and boys, but then the Jews or maybe it was the Devilists Inthe Details aka DID had fits and got their way to continue this horrific bloody torture and amputation of children's sacred body parts.

Dr. Jane Ruby coffee chat on pre Labor Day 2024 her cup took the slings and arrows of life literally talks on how labor day is a mockery of freedom. The hummingbird study of poisons on humans how sweet they will be poked like nectar. "You still think it's public health? It's an operation."

Charity hustlers in clude foreskin face TV talk $how ho$t that conjure illusions for their own financial benefit.

Desperate for money as most of the world rejects the SCUM/WHO and declares they have absolutely no authority over their countries, the World Hustle Organization goes in to Gaza to push their poisons on innocent kids in war zones. They are child abusers.

Is it safe and effective to say the world's an orchestrated pit yet? "Staging area" and other An0maly's! Media glue!

As usual those who have homes never want "the homeless" to have homes anywhere near their homes so they hire their lawyers who have homes some have many homes and stay in others B&B homes that causes more not to have homes to "fix the problem". It's happening in West Los Angeles a very rich area so once again it's a class matter not an internet matter let's all go to class.

Take a look at the ingenious ways the "homeless" have figured out how to make sure they don't offend those who go to class and to make sure they honor their masters of medi SIN they will stand in lines for many hours to be injected with Poly Ethlyene Glycol (PEG) which is a waterlogged wood preservative so they can preserve themselves. You didn't realize in those TV ads that "safe and effective" was referring to preserving wood? ROFL. Wikipedia entry on PEG.

14.666 minute cities are evil. They are taking out roads and putting in windy nutzy cookoo bike lanes all throughout Leeds in England. Just waiting to see when they ban cars then everyone who can ride a bike is forced onto these lanes and there's traffic jams and they ride up on the sidewalks and run over pedestrians and it takes 5 hours to get to work.

Here's how America gets rid of the homeless, declare a fake virus discovery and spray poisons. Mosquitoes who have a home will not die they will stay indoors. Mosquitoes who don't have a home will die or get sick and have chronic disease caused by chemical pesticides. Disabled homeless mosquitoes first to fall ill. Then the authors of all this science fiction blame the virus instead of THE/POISONS. Blaming mosquitoes for carrying disease is the biggest FRAUD/EVER. A. Thony Fauxi the actor and Hustler In Virology FAKE GETS SICK aka HIV/FGS) from river air using fake tests then immediately the need to once again blame what does not exist. Tests are tired of being used by people. Safe and effective at causing death with immunity.

Immunization is a bastardization of the word immune which does not exist except in law. We have response systems not immune systems if we are referring to how the human body works. The delusion continues that diseases spread by viruses. Not one institution that spreads the lie of dangerous unicorns aka viruses has proof any virus exists. "Polio is highly infectious" the scare monger TV news reportdrrrrr says. Polio is a medi SIN marketing term to describe a junk science claim of a nano particle of dangerous unicorn horns infects and mames. "There is no treatment for polio" they say. So get this, the very thing they say they don't want the kids to be infected by is what they put in their mouths. That is oral rape. That is psychotic. It's about filling up portfolios and spreading lies. The virus industry is a complete fraud. Congress just keeps approving and appoiting so their portfolios stay healthy.

AI speaks with the gory climate cult leader. Jim Fetzer news of the week September 1, 2024.

Coming Soon: Repeated viewing and analysis of the Twin No Towers (TNT) movie that captivates every 9/11.666 so here's an ALT/ANAL ysist explaining his version and that of many others. The problem with ALL these tipes of conspiracy videos is every single one of them claim the plane is like paper and the steel beams could not have possibly broken from a plane. None say the plane's wings were SOLID mass of liquid fuel. None ever talk about this MASS OF SOLID LIQUID have such massive force traveling at 666 trillion MPH about as fast as the globe earth spins minds that can bend and break steel beams. Ever get hit by a water baloon in the f ace? Ever get hit by a baloon of air? A face is stronger than steel in comparison of forces so the baloon bursts and the water disperses. A plane carrying all that mass of fuel is like cement flying at warp speed and hitting an erector set. Even the videos that have all these references from engineers and pilots none mention this big oversight in analysis. Maybe watch this instead of 2 hours of TV commercials? While watching regurgitation on TV? He claims these are pieces of steel structure being thrown, these are lightweight steel framing of windows. "This is not a gravity collapse" he says. OMG/FUNNY. "Pull it" also refers to pulling fire response out of the building. Theories abound that the term was used to command using dyna mite not ther mite to make them come down. Reclaiming a mine is merely dumping old soft drink machines in there for disposal, it's a land fill, that's where the plane landed in Pennsylvania. If you want sensationalism turn on your shit TV box this ain't it.

Now this is very odd. Box column at the base looks charred only where it looks like it was sliced with thermite or may be a thermister. Thermisters are often seen on patios in Palm Springs in the summer they offer a constant spray of water in a fogging effect to help keep patrons on patios cool when it's 111 thermals outside. The word thermister derived by combining thermometer and misters to the shortened version thermisters as they help lower temperatures where thers is the fogging. Clouds have this same effect in the sky. That's why when there's too much climate change they kick in and cool the planet to a stable temperature that over all never varies no matter what stupid things man does to save the planet.

HARMONY survives every war every war every war aka planned demos on prime real estate as does survival of blueprints to build another mega lopo lis like Dubai built with and running on oil as the mirage of wind and solar are realized to not be there. Goo goo gaa zaa will be a destination like no other.

"Trump could ruin the evil plans of the globalists". What a retarded thing to say, he's all in. He's a billionaire helloooo? UN army in NYC proof because an Uber driver was told this by an illegal alien while going for a ride? ROFL.

Gas chambers return to the cities of America. Started in 2020 with making all indoor public spaces gas chambers now it's expanded to outdoors, the whole world is their oyster and pesticide chambers. Now they are spraying cyclon LIGBTAq in the air to drop carriers of dangerous unicorns out of the sky. Sick money grubber psychopaths behind the curtain in this new land of Ooz. Virsus do not exist. "Oh they do exist these mosquitoes are cangerous carriers, we need to poison the world." Keep being brainwashed by that drug dealing TV box owned by all the chemical rape pushers, rape of your arms, rape of you lungs with poisons, rape of your body's cells all of them they are rapists. Yea trust the HELLth departments they are your therapist. They don't care about your health. These are psychopaths. All they care about is money and their delusions. Pause in war to rape the children with poisons to fake prevent paralysis. Paralysis aka pole-eieio caused by poison chemicals not dangerous unicorns. The sickest time of humanities existence. Yea and more TV and internet just made it worse.

Going to war with mosquitos and insects that spread unicorns that drill their pointy horn into you and spread dis ease mis ease and mal ease of your mind while you trust the sickformation malformation and misformation govern MEANT spreads to infect the thinking makes no sense.

How many casualties of these wars are never reported? Instead they blame "the virus" when people die of POISONING. Poison spreading center Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector control district takes in millions to perpetuate these lies of bugs spreading disease. Disease is a construct of the body, a mosquito cannot carry disease. They can barely carry themselves in a breeze. Notice they disappear when the wind blows. TV shit news is garbage junk science spreading. Internet ain't much betterer. Viruses do not exist. They are science fiction stories used by drug dealers and chemical pushers. They only care about the health of their portfolios. Where does this poison go? Water supplies, lungs, dog paws, etc. it doesn't just disappear.

EPA said citric acid kills viruses. No need to kill mosquitoes. Drink lemon water. Citric acid spray the air? There was a lemon grove at the San Andreas Earthquake Fault (SAEF) that naturally did that, trees are all dead now, they let them die as they were going to improve the planet with more homes that power wind and solar milling of your cash. Those homes never got built.

Indoctrination is addictive not nicotine. Nicotine is in your food. Nicotine is a healing substance. Smokers couoldn't smoke in the hospital the doctor put a nicotine patch on them and they were cured. Now we know why these hustlers in medi SIN rampage against tobacco. How many doctors ask you first "did you have your apple a day this last 30 days?" None of course. Red tomatoes have nicotine. Eggplant. Califlower. Zucchini. Potatoes. Celery. Nicotine is not addictive. Itis is inflammation. Subscribe steroids. Modern a medi SIN + pHARMa = infections of HELLth govern MEANT such as the ooozing shmooze of FDA that approves chemicals to be ADDED to food and tobacco as it's a big fat money club. Ardis keeps pushing the belief in viruses so this is for those who haven't gotten the app that explains how we live in a world free of dangerous unicorns. Laura looks bored and frustrated. She thinks only homos get homopox. Threw the gays under the bus like all the other fundmees. Both she and Ardis seem like nice people.

Let's be clear we are living in an epidemic of bad research and dangerous unicorns floating everywhere. Antibodies schmantibodies they don't determine IMMUNE levels as immunity does not exist. We do not have immune systems, that was a marketing pitch designed during the 1980's. We have RESPONSE systems. To follow guidelines of CDC is like following guidelines painted by crews of drunk artists and class clowns always pulling stunts on highways. Even this explanation of antibodies is a bit bogus as it leaves out how cleaning crews come in and sweep all the crap away. These jantorial services never get the credit they deserve.

Here's a perfect example of how the study of "viruses" tricks the public and is science fiction. A man shows us how the color red catches fire quickly but the color white does not but the science he uses is junk pseudo science which is exactly the way the Hustles In Virology (HIV) work on the minds of those who like magic shows.

Understanding that viruses are science fiction novel story telling is one of the most important things humanity has to come to grips with THAT along with relizing Jesus and Devils are only in the details.

Intergalax Sea Liner has human imaginations on board.

Wind turbines are kept from freezing SOLID in cold weather and in the winter by BURNING DIESEL FUEL. To keep you doped up on their fantasies of green energy they use your green $$$ to keep you mesmerized with the illusions with TV ads and such including requiring schools to teach only this use of your green $$$ as a way to chant with us now SAFE THE PLANET.

What is corona? Life sometimes takes us in circles. If your quest in being well is taking you in coronas it's a good time to realize FDA nor CDC has any document showing any virus actually exists any more than in the Hustlers In Virology (HIV) imagination as we actually live in a world free of harmful viruses.

Covid was a planned disruption to force a change in flu prevention technology that saves trillion$ with a $ for pHARMa and all it's $eedy players including CON gress that tends to put portfolios first. Kovid was a runaway success where gas masks were introduced as fashionable one year prior to Covid being introduced on the runway.

Bill Nye "with stye in his science eye" and the honorable Del Bigtree discuss what's in vaccines notice how billy boy reads the script. He is an actor. He should show the audience how big his clown shoes are some time.

Logic is a science. Deals with the validity and criteria in thought and demonstration. Virology fails at this science. It cannot demonstrate it's claims and uses criteria that is not even valid. Anyone repeating the claims of virology are repeating junk science. Virology does not fit in with logic. It's an outcast of logic. There are many forms of science. We look for those that can be described as proper science and logic. Until virology can use valid controls, valid claims, valid proof of it's assertions on things not seen, and demonstrate it's claims, it's not going to be part of our club. It may be part of Bill Nye's club but not ours.

Small round virus peg goes easily into large square fabric hole as it latches on to oxygen for the ride that is if viruses were something more than dangerous unicorns.

"Folks there's not been a pandemic" unless you mean in a staged performance which means it's a play, theatre, not real, just show busine$$. There is no such thing as no symptom transmission of what does not exist. Corona virus is a stage name. It used to act as the common cold. Better gig in 2020 paid well.

The new monkey hoax test is as worthless as ever! More made in China crap! Selection bias plague. World Hustle Organization nor any other has ever proven the letter M causes poX. None of these Hustlers In Virology (HIV) have proof any virus exists. shows how testing for viruses is not a diagnostic tool for infectious diseases and therefore the mpox data cannot be trusted. Here's a discussion. Study the Houdini Information Variant (HIV).

Humans are sugar mines. Mosquitoes are mining equipment. They do not carry disease they carry sugary blood for food for their tribes to feast on. Why can't hellth departments and mosquito controllers explain this to the public? Oh that's right they have chemicals to sell. THAT is the corona of their busine$$ model.

Militant smokernots are forcing their stale breath on others. 2 mile long beach not allowed to smoke? Not even on pub patios? These self righteous militant$ want tobacco banned as an available product anywhere on the planette and smoking inside one's own home banned. They are ban freaks on power trip$. I am a chemicalfumenot. I want chemicals banned. That means all those sprays and poisons used in stores that now are massively fumigating all day long spray spray spray everywhere fumes of CHEMICALS. They eat up the oxygen in the room 666x more than these people who want to ban things. Then there's the poison pesticides spraying neighborhoods that needs to be banned. Isn't the issue with smoke one of chemicals? Used to only see people like this preaching in religions. The self righteou$ne$$ party is taking over or are they? Ban all chemicals then. Let's get this all fixed. BAN ALL CHEMICALS. They won't do that. They are bullies. They pick on the minorities.

Tedros of the World Hustle misOrganization (WHO) thinks if he puts on a bigger clown nose people will pay more attention to his acting and be more believable. He is another actor director in the performance in general.


Enron 2.666 hustlers are ruining Austrailia's ancient forests by creating handicapped energy parking spaces.

When the fierce desert winds kick up here at the wash these huge poles with fans on top cause turbulence thus more sand piles up on Indian Canyon Road here in Palm Springs.

The power needed for electric trucks is so massive cities say "is this some kind of joke" to those saying they need to develop charging facilities. The retard who don't understand energy and their green cult leaders all just say "well build more TRANS mission lines so the LGBQWERTY community jumps all in. Junk science everywhere.

You can vacuum your car and home which is an action. U can't travel in nor live in a vacuum except in a fakeuum.

Alleged environmental protection seems to have a hypocricy and corona illusion problem. Cars had at one time 100 years ago a few shreds of plastic. Now they have 100,000 times more plastic. Plastic is made from petroleum not wind fans flailing their arms all over the place occasionally pretending to be someone they are not and sometimes identifying as NuClear energy. Plastic is bad for the air we breathe emitting toxic fumes in the manufacturing and stabilization process. Stores and warehouses wreak of these fumes then HELLth department stores sell us the wacky idea to spray more plastic fumes in the air leaning on their corona illusion that it's "even healthier" that way. To "fix the problem" of plastics and the environment they go after reusable straws. This past summer I used one over 1000x mmmmmm fruit smoothies and it's still intact and working exactly as it was designed unlike my dick the child abusors hacked a huge section of it's PROTECTIVE skin off it as part of the doctor's sick child abuse religious rituals for it's pleasure and profit. I am now an amputee and it TRANS formed my sex life since birth and they don't care they keep doing it to innocent kids and all the idiots of the world just keep preaching and pretending they care about children and keep shoveling truckloads of cash their way. Whenever these chemical shill agencies in govern MEANT tell us it only affects a target species they are spreading toxic lies.

Fire ant poisoning program that uses TOXINS yea that makes sense, spray those lawns. Kids and pets play on it. It was the virus. Wake up people the gas chambers are here. So is the opportunity to support KENNEDY who calls out these chemical pushers and fights against these unnecessary chemical poisoning programs. What if FIRE ANTS are showing up because of toxins? What if they are nature's crew that digests toxins? Spray more toxins then? Then as the many survivors living in bunkers underground come out when it's safe they eat those toxins and more fire ants appear more than ever. Cycle continues.

"Sarah McGuire from Stop The Toxic Fire Ant Program speaks about the POISONING EVENTS dangers of the blanket treatment the govern MEANT are conducting of people's properties with the Toxic chemicals Pyriproxyfen and S Methoprene, both of which are considered very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
There's also been reports from doctors and vets of people, pets, livestock and native animals becoming sick and dying from these poison."

Shill for pHarma claims we already have an antibody for polyethelyne glycol aka PEG which is in vaccines. He has his own biologics company. He gets this right though that PEG is meant for use in research yet he FAILS to say that's exactly what pHarma is doing with it's vaccines, using people as roaming lab rats in research.

"The hospital is the medical cartel" says Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. as does the many foreskins that end up in sellebrity beauty creams saying "get me outta here I want to be where I belong". Yea it's all kinda sick.

Disabled wind & solar
trickle power sources actually needs 3x that amount to be able to walk anywhere on it's own and then it still needs a walker and can't go far. How many times we drive by "wind farms" that really only farm your cash and they are not producing, they are sitting there outside having a break, some sit there and have a smoke. They are movie sets. They provide coronas.

Watch the full analysis and presentation of "the task at hand to achieve net zero"

Instead of installing one energy factory ON A SMALL PLOT OF LAND that uses NuClear technologies and provides massive amounts of free energy industrialists and retirement portfolio management hustle systems keep installing handicapped parking lots for disabled energy based on when the wind blows occasionally. These factories muck up landscapes for miles all around cause destruction and death to wild life. These ugly disgusting dirty energy factories burn power from grids to even function at all hardly producing any energy, they waste energy. Visit for details AND VISIT to see naked full exposure of this junk energy that pretends to be something it is not. These are movie sets presenting illusions and pacifiers.

Self checkouts at stores that are 24/7 fumigated with chemical poisons is causing rise in shoplifting. Only idiots didn't see that coming. No mention to the rise in cancer and respiratory problems for shoppers and workers.

Most podcasts that ask for tips remind us of walking by people on the sidewalk playing a harmonica or guitar or doing little speeches and such entertain us. That's basically what they are no matter what any scientist of junk fake virus hunting science fiction methodologies determine using gobs of your cash they pick pocket from you as you watch these amateur and professional informative entertainers on the internet.

 In Act 2.666 of corona wonderland actor Robert Redfield's script writers now have him acting out that "it was a mistake". Fauci called this scum a virologist in early 2024 hearing which is incorrect, and a blatant lie as he was caught off guard when asked. Redfield is corporate administrator. He has no degree in virology. Everything was and is scripted in these orchestration$. It was a unique way to force new flu shots on us based on the warped concept of genetically engineering our bodies. The whole thing is marketing horseshit. We caught a glimpse of how they operate on the mind in this performance.

In October 2019 the a.faucidae strain of acting was there with HHS Rick Bright and we hear them say how and why they will create a pandemic and shut your lives down to force pseudoscience flu shot technology branded as PAN the mythical god of mischief and debauchery. The governing bodies in HELLth purposely created PanDEMONium. Panic. Pandemic.
WATCH these hustlers sit on stage talking about their plan

Apollo 11.666 analysis of men who moon us with rediculous rambles in response to questions like "Err, the sky is black, err, there were no stars on the moon, err.....(I can't remember my lines)"

There's information and there's outformation and there's misformation and malformation and disformation. There is no disinformation that makes no sense. It's as stupid as saying uncut dicks. For a baby man's private phallus part to be uncut it first has to be cut. No dick has been uncut. Uncutting a dick is not possible nor is understanding that what is being done to so far 666,666,666 baby men is horrific torture, pain, bloody child abuse.

In 2020 hindsight when people warned others who were stopped in the middle of the information super highway NOT TO STAND THERE IN TRAFFIC as people were screaming "there's a dangerous virus out there once again" people went nuts but there was no unicorn as those are not real so they later calmed down knowing that treatments to protect them from what is not real would help and what just happened and who's fault it was and what to do when they claimed there was a load of viruses that fell off the truck on the highway and people started avoiding them and that led to a pile up. Then all those idiots that piled up would blame the messenger and claim they were spreading conspiracy theories. No they were just telling you to not be stupid way ahead of the pile up. They saw how stupid everyone was being by stopping in the middle of the busy road and arguing about which variant unicorn was whizzing by.

By 2022 we saw the worst pile up of injuries of real businesses and real injuries of people caused by stupidity by some and manipulation by other$ ever seen on TV. And people continue to keep doing the same stupid processes of stopping in the middle of the information super highway to argue about who's fault all that was. Please when these things happen, go to the side of the highway and up the hill where the protection is actually safe and effective.

Remember "warp speed" does not exist. That is a Star Trek thing. It's imaginary. It's a script for a movie and TV show. Hustler billionaires used that imaginary CON septic truck to con people into becoming roming lab rats so all their buddies in portfolio management aka Acquiring Others Cash (AOC) with assistance from Hustlerss In Virology (HIV) all based on pseudoscience and marketing schemes.

Dow Jones Industrialed - DOW'D

This is weird. Sure look similar. Coincidence of course. Couldn't be part of any staged performance.

Both work'd for Blackrock. Dowd said he would take financial clients out and get them drunk when he was younger. Why would he do that? The last 4 years Dowd shas been getting people drunk on fear of market crash and vaccines. If we had a dollar for every time we heard fear porn of market crashes by those in medias and fear of harm full viruses that public HELLth agencies cannot provide proof they exist and their experimental products forced on the public we'd be millionaires.

Be safe. Don't katch a corona borealis virus falling star.
Wear a plaid gas mask designed by the one and only Kovid Kapoor!

click on the corona to see what coronas really are

Corona virus is not new it's the common cold
and you don't catch a cold you create it. Gulp oil slicks often the cause. Ever hear of pHARMa marketing departments? Yea they are pretty sleasy. Even get govern MEANTs involved in their sales pitches. Viruses don't exist hon. Ohhhhh we just got it. Corona virus the imaginary cold and flu virus. Now we know why they never cured it. Now we know why they just give us treats. Modern a medi SIN treats us like their farm animals.

Here's an example of junk science similar to what is used to find and study imaginary viruses.

Man "shows us" by scientific experiment that white paper "does not burn" but red paper does.

First, the focus of the magnified sun dot is bigger less intense heat on the white paper a disingenuous little trick by the scientist here. The focus of the magnified sun dot is intense and smaller on the red blotched paper. The red is made using a marker of red coloring which has volitile organic chemicals that BURN EASILY added to the paper. It's basically like placing a few drops of lighter fluid there in red. Thus it catches fire easily with the added heat from the more intense magnified sun dot. Basically this is the kind of science used in virology to trick people even some of the scientists and doctors, especially the public and politicians. They can't find "viruses" as they describe them so they add chemicals to a biological sample of blood or snot to make make it burn so to speak. Then they say "look that's what viruses do to the cells, it's right there we can see what they are doing" as they are pointing to a biological mess of burnt particles of what came out of bodily fluids. It's Hustle In Virology. HIV. This is the kind of science that is being hustled on the public world wide by drug companies, public institutions like the CDC, FDA, NIAID, all of them who continue to spread the lies of pseudo science. They are all full of it. The inventor of the very technology these hustlers are using to "test for corona viruses" said Fauci is a liar, he has no problem looking into the camera and lying. They are all Hustlers In Virology (HIV).

PAN de Moneyium PAN the vintage god of mischief and debauchery.

 Rulers of this world 2,020 years after a huge section of Jesus dick skin was brutally sliced the fuck off as a new born Savior and is celebrated by Christians every New Years Day in "The Feast of the Circumcision of Christ" (SICK) introduced PAN as our new god. They called on him to lead a PAN demic. Pan is an imaginary creature but the public believed him to be real. They also believe in dangerous viruses that are imaginary. The cult leaders of today leading their flocks tell the sheeple "in order to get your life back" aka salvation "you need to be raped by chemical waste products" branded with new song and dance most often as seen on TV. Arms tell the brain "this aint right" tries to say "NO". The rapists don't care. As rapists always do they keep pushing for what THEY want.

The evils behind the mischief and debauchery played on the world in PAN demoneyium acting as if they are GOD & SATAN knows no bounds except to bind humans to their slave agendas. May the internet remind you that both JESUS & the Devil are imaginary constructs lest you believe they are real and be coronaed.

How now pox cow eating the grass noticing the medical community's monkey business over there in the bushes.

Going to war with disease makes no sense. End the war.

i N T E R N E T M A T T E R . C O M M U N I T Y

The Dessert Home & Homo


"The world's a stage, we live in an orchestrated pit, this is the script."


imagery belongs to it's creators allegedly viewed absolutely in fair use principle of teaching, commentary, reference as part, some images are public domain provided free to use shutch as the peace symbol amongst greenery that loves humans holding peace down below and themselves above as that's the way the world works and nothing presented here is medical legal or any kind of advice only information

consumer product recalls  unicornology  STOP  clean energy  flat earth timepiece