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The Lord Satan heals.

Yes the world's a stage look who's orchestrating.

Step right up get your VINTAGE ONE OF A KIND carnival cat knock down doll midway game punk 1930s from Sylvan Beach carnival RARE! Life's a carnival, we are all knock down dolls to those that keep throwing things at us like look at this second contrail. Almost hits the photo shoppe next door.

Things made with photo editing on a computer like the above image that added a contrail and then another contrail are easily proven fake using the same tools.

Digital cameras are also not good at catching things like Superman flying by faster than a speeding bull but they didn't add him or her into the photo as no one would believe it. They believe slow bullshits that fly by even though it's a one in 666 million chance any FILM CAMERA would catch the shot. A digital camera has a one in 666 trillion dollar chance of catching the virus. Digits are catchy. That's all they ever use to find viruses these daze as they are merely computer allegorythms basically like finding a ping pong ball on a TV screen in the 1970's, yea, that's the science. We been punk'd.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. statement on Biden hitting the EXIT sign as he was leaving office. Remember if Kennedy was president in 2020 hindsight you wouldn't have ever had to beg for your life back the other two had stolen. Makes this year the easiest choice ever.

Climate Sewer Report July 26 2024 notices we are being sprayed with contrails like bugs in ocean fog. Another report for retards only.

Gay TRANS portation secretary who doesn't even take shorthand pledges allegiance to the flag that pledges allegiance to the pHARMa poison flag. My friends died because they were devoted to the poison flag. I'm sorry, nothing against colorful expression you go Girl Boy Cis Queer Transformed Dickhoodless Etc's. (GBCQTDE) the problem is the militant sea to shining sea of putrid pHARMa drug pushing and sadistic cutting rituals that make baby men amputees for life. Every every every gay group pushes pHARMa poisons pHARMa junk science tests to indoctrinate all into the fake virus belief system. HIV drugs all contain chemotherapy drugs. High doses in the old daze they killed off who they could until the doctors finally got a brain and said "Omg the drug is killing them". Fauci of course said they were good treats and to make more of them. Now the flag represents being so indoctrinated with delusions that the one nation under the gay flag is only accepted if they ingest poisons each day in order to have sex again. It's sick. Try to talk the devotees to the flag they won't listen.

Who would go to a cancer society? Do people go to leper societies? Puke warning: only hightlight the following if you have a strong stomach. The Cancer Society which never did find that cure for cancer but they did like all these other portfolio filling devices manage to take the needed vacations they deserved apologizes to the whatever community for not referring to the standard scientific expression of language to describe a body part of females as a FRONT HOLE. They mistakenly referred to the cervix with it's proper scientific term. You see this is also the problem with pledging allegience to the whatever flag that distorts science when ever it feels it doesn't fit FRONT LOBES. It's also a problem with pledging allegience to internet matter as without the internet we'd mostly be spared all this horseshit.

The 2020s is the decade for 2020 hindsight and foresight to not keep doing the same stupid things of the past and everyone is guilty of it. We wouldn't circumcise foresight so why does doctor keep doing it to baby man in hindsight as we look at his ruined sex life for life as an amputee.

Climate retards in California tried to make white clouds whiter, yes that is a clinical sign of retardation but that's ok as retardation is equal in this state, so they would reflect sunlight better thus save the planet from it's changing climate. The really bizarre thing is the people at the local level stopped it. Alameda city council and the public was concerned about the pink Himilayan salt spray might kill them. They are still retards! At least they're saving energy. Wind farms went on strike when they were mandated to provide the power for the sailboats that would do all the spraying of the salt water off the ocean ship that was abandoned. Imagine that salt sprayed into the air off the salty sea where the she sea identity was selling see shells on the see shore to a sea whore. WATCH HERE shut off the pharma powered tele sludge tubbie tv over there or throw the thing into the sea to provide homes for coral and fish. It's just a never ending stream of putrid raw sewage.

OFFENSE/DEFENSE department of stealing your cash will review possibley recinding medals of honor from honorable soldiers in Wounded Knee of 1890. Those soldiers are all dead now and cannot defend themselves will they be defended? No word yet when congress will look at recinding honors to Hustlers In Virology (HIV) who through their drug massacres killed millions. No word yet when congress will review the Forehood Massacre that continues to this day and has claimed 666,666,666 foreskinned lives no one cares in government to stop those torturous holocausts that continue to TRANS form healthy baby men made in GOD's perfect image and design into TRANS sexuals and amputees.

Dr. Stefan Lanka who proved more recently in court that viruses do not exist has spoken for decades on antibiotic over dosing by hospitals utterly killing patients from it and the hi virus non existence and for decades the pharma RUN television news networks have shunned his work as it would KILL THEIR AD REVENUES. WATCH 22 minutes

"They wouldn't care if there wasn't any clinical meaning behind those measurements". They had patented products to sell. They were blaming retroviruses for cancer then when that was the laughing stock of real science they applied that to the gay community that was duped into believing cancers being found that were actually caused by chemical exposure in the drug fueled party scene were caused by a virus instead so they took all this cancer junk science and applied it there as it was an new market and new threat perception and medias all jumped on that bandwagon and then the public demanded congress give pharma a free ride with unlimited freedom from legal liability for harm. Those freedoms for pHARMa to harm and not be held responsible remain today and congress makes fortunes off it so why would they ever kill their cash cows that are calfing golden gooses that lay free range solid gold eggs. The system is all completely corrupted now and it keeps killing people. Trust an industry that routinely makes baby men amputees? Fuck no. They are all sick. They suck all the publics money and lie constantly.

Chemotherapy. Chemical. Therapy. Chemo. Therapist. The rapist. Therapist. The rapist. Chemical rape. That's modern medi SIN.

"It's not possible to measure immune function with a blood test. It's like counting the police cars going by every day sometimes 3 sometimes more then not seeing them and saying that 7 of those men were killed by the virus mafia in the Bronx. It's absurd they are probably doing their job somewhere else." That is how absurd modern medi SIN is when it makes it's analysis of what is a very complex body functioning system.

Blood oxidized? Blood needs oxygen? Well isn't that what oxidizing is, oxygenation?

"Cancer uses fermentation for it's energy."

Stefan Lanka as seen here stated that "Fauci knew in the 1970's what stress does to supressing body's response systems" yet the slithering snake dug his teeth into pushing the poison AIDS pills for big money. Pills that killed my friends.

At 20 min watch how the loony toons science of virology gets funny showing the cartoon bumble ball sticking it's thingy into the other cartoon ball's thingys and supposedly vaccinate the cell so it can make copies of it's vaccinated self to spread these vaccines to the world. That's all these Hustlers In Virology have is cartoons. No virus has been shown as a real object in the real world.

go to 20 min

Antibiotics. Sulfa drugs. Danger! Inhibits nucleeic acid which is claimed to be dna and rna synthesis. OMG that's what is called in the 2020 holocaust modified ribo nucleic acid inhibitors fed the public BY DIRECT RAPE of the body by injection of these horrible chemicals. They are all liars. If anyone in congress has a brain sell left how about they sell each other on ripping legal immunity from these disgusting putrid killer pharma companies.

Modern medi SIN is cruel to animals. What does it do to humans? We know it sprays chemicals to kill mosquitoes which is bird food besides the seeds they eat that also get sprayed with these toxins but did you know that it kills mosquitoes in a box that is inside a building as well that is how strong these chemicals are causing harm? Then again maybe the mosquitoes suffocated in the box. Or maybe they both suffocated and were breathing in the fumes. We noticed fumes in stores and doctors offices that were putrid after they started spraying every indoor space there was to fake kill viruses that do not exist and even in their own science fiction says they are not living things. It's like spraying Endust all over the room all day long to kill dust. Aron Siri of the ICAN organization that's working on legal cases to protect humans from chemical injections in particular covers this topic. To kill viruses is the same silly science as we would use to kill dust. The home is like your body. The silly science of virus hunting says to spray chemicals into your arm and it will travel to the rest of the body. This is like injecting Endust into the bathroom so it will then travel to the rest of the house and thus kill all the dust.

The Camouflage green energy crowd is actually helping oil companies not hurting them. Don't tell these idiots though. It's gotten fun watching them run around like bird brains telling everyone they are saving the world from a threat that does not exist. Isn't Chicken Little mandatory reading in school? Yes it is. Proof that mandates never work. Now-a-Daze this bizarre obsession cult seeks to have latched onto a a net zero industrial taxable output of food for trees (CO2) which is impossible. Hey give them a break they are a cult. Cults always employ idiots. Their leaders know how to manipulate them. The net zero goal* is as obsessive compulsive as a child told that if you skip a stone on perfectly still lake that the ripples will kill all the fish. Siblings often play tricks like this on each other. When done at school we call this bullying. In the bigger world what should we call it when governments do this? Being that the child like those in these cults are impressionable and have no solid frame of reference of reality of this claim which is similar to what is done in virology the child no longer takes pleasure in skipping stones on the water surface and thinks it's saving all the fish. Then it goes to great lengths to stop others. Then when it becomes a politician it makes rules to save the fish. Notice in the illustration the FOX is there helping the HENS save the planet. This article is brought to you by Fuzzy TV.

*Mother Nature already has net zero in place always had always will anything man does is net profit for portfolios and uses more energy

"Perhaps, the biggest indication of a global conspiracy is that Big Oil & Gas interests rarely mention the low reductions in natural gas usage caused by wind and solar energy, probably because it is great for their business. They often call wind and solar a pipe dream while opposing the supposed transition with relatively minor criticisms, such as land and mineral usage, capacity factors, reliability and blackouts."

On one handicapped energy parking lot the Save The Unicorn Planet Illusion Device (STUPID) snaps in half. Lucky the service technician was not inside the spinning breeze farm pod when it crashed.

A few daze of storage needed to prop up this disabled energy? That's an insane claim. It's 1000. The energy storage needed to trans HEX-YOU-ALL ition from robust Earth based energy to lofty goals of green camouflage disabled energy mostly of wind or sunshine black heat generated panels in the deserts powering a 24/7 grid needs to be 333 times what they say. Actually the amount they claim initially was 1.5 days but when the green energy cult realized that number was 666 times what was really needed they decided to drop that AFTER the marketing department pointed out some things about public perceptions.

Official California "greenhouse gas" tracking report April 2024. Notice lack of major "greenhouse" gasses listed in the report such as nitrogen which is 78% of all air whereas CO2 is always stable at a mere .0004th of the air and the real climate changer is water vapor which if anyone is concerned about climate change that is what needs to be controlled as the fox discusses it with all the bird brains in the room.

Damon Imani asks WTHIAW?

Poland erected a monument.

Little squirrel ramps up new marketing term "antivaxx aggression". Dr. Jane Ruby talks about who to trust and who not to trust no one in HELLth that pushes the lie of viruses they are all deception. Schmovid the new feather dust. Get vaxxed for dust. Never clean house again. Test for dust. Daily. Ask your doctor if dust contains viruses. They are all dumb shits.

Joan Crawford and husband she married in 1935 Franchot Tone in stunning portrait.

LEARN MORE about this great movie legend

Champ Butler had many a gold record! 6 to be exact.

Here he sings "Reaching For The Moon"
"He also worked as a security guard for the Manhattan Project, which researched and developed the first atomic bombs."

Here's a swing tune of his that's real up beat!

This is a great blender for smoothies. $22 at Walmart.

2 poison filled giants. How else could they be taken down? Life's an orchestrated pit.

Virology is such stupid science it would look at this and claim the model is a gas bubble and the lightning was real and struck 2.666 times. When it could not explain why no one died they would insist every one be vaccinated for preventing being struck again. What strickes us is how they get away with their pseudo science nonsense. Nothing virology says makes any sense.

WATCH (CGI of course)

Smart ass cell pFonies are more important than shoes on hot streets in Gaza.

The lies of the world's religions need to be circumcised. They are an ugly unnecessary part of the body of Christ made incorrectly in the image of GOD. It just hangs there covering things up and offering protection from harm and irritation often caused by the cloth of men. Nevermind how the amputation of religion and beliefs will change the pleasure of religious expression for it's entire life and that it's a torture ritual to do such amputation, to be close to GOD lies need to be circumcised.

"Ya gotta love this apocalypse" says Jeff Berwick. Fake Trump shot. People think he's trying to stop the "deep state". Thing he is part of the show. Tronald is an actor. Dump is a sleasy salesman. Has a long list of acting credits and assetts. Also loves the goo. Dried blood is dark not bright red. Fake ear. Hype for the magic show. Staged performance. The script said "blood pouring everywhere" not a drop on his white shirt. The messiah. Mind control. Fools. Analysis of Austin Private Wealth "short" on stock. Remember if Kennedy was president in 2020 you wouldn't ever have been crawling on your knees begging for your life back nor would you have been raped by pHARMa.

People are stupid. They will vote for what wow's them with drama. The magicians will do their show. The people will think it's real yet again and again thinking there will be different results. Already we see how the CDC aka Controlled Delusions Corporation is pulling it's latest rabbit variant out of it's beanie. It's made a long list of "bass ackward" countries that are a fake danger to the rest of us, scaring us with fake rabies virus which does not exist, to play this same game of scaring people into submission. They could only shut down the public with it's fake passport scheme to fake control viruses which do not exist for so long so now the dangerous animal card is being played again. It's all lies all they do is lie. Vaccines are 100.666% lies. It's another of many chemical waste disposal schemes like fluoride. It's all hustle.

LOL/WWE takes on Kovid. They got the wrong one. Kovid was on a runway not at a press conference. People really need to start paying attention.

It was 1995 and the public was terrified and it opportunified the country.

David Knight on 7/24/24 looks at whether viruses might exist or not exist at all rather being an imaginary place holder for blame when the real causes of disease are recipies not feather dust. A "virus" CANNOT be observed in nature. If anyone tells you different they are spreading lie jam. Thus any "modified" virus is only in the imagination. The inventor of the PCR magnification "in silico" technology stated it's not possible to see any virus. It's even more accurate to say that they cannot see unicorns as that's what they are looking for. There is no proven "HIV" other than Hustlers In Virology. It is a facade of science. Their system of fake finding viruses basically uses a blender to mix up liquid blood from cows, monkey kidneys, chemical waste from China, and Alka-Seltzer and seeing all the bubbles and weird changes caused by the breakdown of the tissues and falsely claim they found a virus. That is actually what they do. Virology is a big fat fraud. Dr. Jane Ruby made a guest appearance about half way through the 3 hour show. Had you been listening to David Knight starting in 2020 hindsight you wouldn't have had to get your life back. Instead many just kept tuning into shit TV news and all the other players in their shit games of drama and lies.

When does it become absurdly obvious injecting chemicals in the body is insane when it's to do what the body does on it's own better and more effectively. Maybe when the CDC recommends a life schedule of 666 vaccines "to be safe" yea maybe that will get it to sink in. We are getting close to that number already. Then when the public finally realizes that injections of pHARMa goo into the skin is sick and is rape they'll pull out their other rabbit of pills and sprays and patches. THERE ARE NO VIRUSES ON PLANET EARTH. The whole thing is Horseshit In Virology (HIV).

Socialized insecurity writes, "If you don't sign up now for Medicare drug coverage, you'll have to pay a late enrollment penalty if you aren't covered by creditable prescription drug coverage (like from an employer or union). This penalty goes up the longer you wait to enroll." What the hell is that? Penalties? Bullshit. This is about PORTFOLIO CARE. The whole system of hellth kare in the Unintact States of America is horseshit based on lies and greed and filling up on stock profits and billing schemes and drug pushing for MASSIVE MASSIVE PROFITS. There should not be PENALTIES for not doing anything wrong. Congress NEVER FIXES THESE PROBLEMS. They are all in on it. image credit Fan Railer
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Trains cannot travel underground. It would not move under ground. Look at this train it is above ground when there is ground above it. It is still and always traveling above ground. They always travel above ground. Always. It cannot function any other way. The Big Boy Union Pacific No. 4014 departing Las Vegas, Nevada bound for the Greater Los Angeles Area on October 8th, 2019 is a powerful train. The "small boy" made by the camouflage green electric energy elementary school that sputters about on batteries and is made of plastic which requires oil to manufacture and causes much toxic waste often recycled into arms by pHARMa rape products is more of a disabled loco motive to fake save the planet from what basically does not exist, carbon dioxide that comprises .0004th of the air when the real gas is learning nitrogen comprises 78%.

Speaking of other shows the producer with a backpack directs the "shooting" DRILL response. Remember FIRE drills in school? Those also were not real events as in real fires they were drills. The news did not show up at fire drills at school. They always show up at other drills. Makes that gravy train pull all those cash cows up the hill with the big engine powered not by disabled wind and solar but rather your energy. 

Remember when the drug dealer pushed the FDA like they have never been pushed by an egomaniac ever before? If you are still afraid of catching a virus or afraid you took the Trump shot and will die from it drop your fears, 99.666% of them were pink Himilayan saline placebos, the other .334% was feather dust as the active ingredient. Vaccines are 100% scam. Viruses do not exist in the world we live in. They are imaginary.

Centerd Deluded Coersion (CDC) has new serving suggestions about bringing in dogs from allegedly unsafe rabies racket countries such as from Morrocco. The list is huge now. Must have been the plan for decades, horrify the world with fake corona "killer" threat while assembling this Horseshit In Virology scam. Rabies virus nor any virus exists and they keep throwing out the memos how Dr. Stefan Lanka proved in German courts that no virus exists anywhere on the planet. Many others are talking about it and cluing us all in why this is reality, no virus exists. No surprise the Hustlers In Virology keep pushing the lie as it's their racket, all the players in this scam are making billion$. Peggy Hall covers this matter rather well. The CDC has zero authority in between states. Who gives them authority outside of states? It's junk science. The junk science of virology claims feather unicorn dust kills people if it travels 6 feet. It travels 666 thousand miles circling the Earth all day every day anywhere air goes, thus, even kindergarten science proves if deadly viruses were real we'd all be dead. People didn't know that but people went along with that. Some airlines went along with that kicking people off planes without proof of a non existent virus vaccine. Vaccines are shit medi SIN money laundering and raqueteering using people as tennis balls. Forms forms forms, Peggy where's the form that CDC needs to fill out proving any virus exists using proper science and not the standard pseudo science. Also note, in one of her prior shows she pointed out CDC had a page saying there is no rabies and then after her report the page disappeared. This is how they operate on the public. Lying cons in busine$$ to promote chemical waste from China repurposed into treats.

The cult of space. Like all cults it's about money and the pleasure of controlling people to do what the leader wants and pacifying. These are the same leaders that told us the shot was warped and speed was flat. Believing men went to the moon as it it's a big rock that can be walked on is the same phenomena as what happened in the 1980's where the gays got snookered into believing there was a new disease and it was caused by one thing the size of one particle of Ground Up Feather Dust (GUFD) acrononym pronounced guffed. No one in the science ever even proved the GUFD was a real particle but that did not matter they needed to blame something. People believe what they want to believe even when the solid evidence tugs in another direction.

Vote for Tronald Jesus Dump and you get more of this shit. No worries the AI customer "service" reps will no worrie u and type out your no worriez in the chat box that doesn't listen nor think like humand so. Democrats won't let this happen. They are magicians. They have a whole treasure trove of bargain thrift store finds they will wow the public with in the last days. We predict 2 female presidents will appear, well one is named Mike but is female as the public holds on to it's vices because IT WATCHES TOO MUCH TELEVISION BRAINWASHING.

 WATCH THE CULT IN ACTION look at the podium of JD Chance why are people not getting it they openly say they are according to delusions of all cults the "chosen people" and everyone else should die. Surely like all cults only leaders or some in the cult would feel that way. Fetzer and guests Russell Winter and Victor Hugo discuss and exercise language to stay healthy.

Any leeder who pushed injecting China's factories chemical waste into arms rebranded as protecting you from viruses that are all imaginary is an idiot lost in the cult.

People are getting fed up with those who bulldoze through their communities paving over them with disabled energy parking lots. Carbon dioxide is not what traps heat. They are all lying. Water vapor is a GAS that traps heat. They won't tell you that as that would make their scam too obvious, how would they stop water vapor!


Instead of thinking we have to choose between attorneys......wise old man has a point.

Where was the line of busses? Professor James Fetzer and Sarah Westall.

Noise everywhere. Too much talking. Social me deya. It's on his mind. So he wants to talk about it. Isn't that the same problem? Be more stoic.

We are already at NET ZERO. Hello. Anyone with a brain listening to Dr. Math? No they only listen to Dr. Drama and the prescription always watch more TV news. WATCH the math. Watch the other mathers aka political scum drain your money with carbon tax used to get us to NET ZERO which we as a world are already at. Trees baby. Not at NET ZERO in Los Angeles. No worries. The air moves it to Canada, Russia, the ocean plankton, fields of grain, no energy needed Mother Nature handles it THERE IS NO WAY TO NOT BE AT NET ZERO ever.

Office space conversion to housing is the next wave. Wave bye bye to your tax payments going direct to corporatists, politicians, and the other players who hand the homeless new homes for free.

Apparently government imitates art.

Is government an insane asylum? ROFL. The evidence is there take a cab, no not literally, yes literally, I mean don't take it.

We are not caucasian. The correct term is caucasusan. We are from the Caucasus region between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea. Now do you see? Stop being anti-caucasusan. There's also so many who are anti-intactic who preach amputation as the way to Christ. He, that is Jesus, the man of GOD, is also an amputee as the preist quickly sliced off a massive section of skin of Jesus dick when he TRANS sexually formed from being GOD to MAN to make man aware of all the stupid shit they were doing to babies and of course they still didn't learn so the murdered Him too and sold off the huge section of skin from Jesus dick to a pawn shop in Henderson. What the fuck did the priest do with Jesus dick part? What? He ate it? That is the blood and body of Christ? OH MY GOD.

Who's testing the tests? Getting tested with a PCR or RAT is stupid. Trusting therapist is stupid. The rapists of pHARMa will do it over and over again. Senator Gerard Rennick presents questions to the authors of the cachoovid scam. Turns out they have yet another bureucracy that is NOT INTERESTED in obtaining accurate diagnosis data. None of these pieces of shit in Financially Underpinned Corporate Care (FUCC) are interested in accuracy they are built on a foundation of greed, lies, misinterpretations that are ONLY going to fit their model of wealth, always pushing patented drugs that are marked up 666 trillion %. These bureaucracies could care less about anyone's vitality. She says "there will be no research like that". No validation at all just endless supplie$ of HORSESHIT IN VIROLOGY (HIV).

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news which will end all the drama, we already live in a virus free world but the retardation gets worse.

That word originated in the colonial language in the late 1,300s of years after the sick cutting society hacked off a massive section of sheath skin off Jesus' dick a word written on the Dead See Scrolls to express the concept of poison, sap of plants, a slimy liquid potent juice. So Canadian maple syrup is a virus. You can treat a virus with pancakes and butter.

So when you say you caught Kovid you are saying you caught a poison or saying you caught a model that fell off the runway and then projected your beliefs onto others. There is no NATURALLY OBSERVED particle of matter that fits the description of virus as most of humanity now understands it's warped interpretation from it's original very broad term meaning of being merely a poison like saying we live in a universe. The misuse of broad terms in the rotting branch of biology called virology is rampant in that field and makes it all pseudo science, junk science, and invalid. Dr. Sam Bailey can explain this better than we.

The controlled opposition David somethingorother is an annoying        bla bla bla bla bla bla. He's been preaching fear porn for 4 years now apparently part of the psychological operation on the public that made them all look like surgeons wearing the masks to make it appear like the public puppets were all doing it to each other. Crafty little trick they came up with. Here's his latest horseshit, he claims "pseudo uridine" as in endless supplie$ of pseudo science shuts down the body bla bla bla no evidence just slick sleasy sales pitches. Hey David you stupid lying fuck how much exactly is in that shot? You never provide any math to support your hustles. Is it a pound, one liter, a gram, a milligram, no, it's in the micrograms. He never takes time to explain to the public how absolutely miniscule a microgram is as that would ruin the gig. It's like being afraid of breathing in dust you can't even see. In fact that scary new word pseudo Euro Dine is a place where you could catch it on the patio in Paris during riots as the waiter takes your order and waits for you to make up your FUCCin mind. These hustlers reminds me of that Amway sales hustle that also promised endless streams of "unlimited potential" just buy a kit pyramid schemes and all the others like it in the unlimited-never-ending-scheming-multi-level-marketing-horseshit-hustle-industry.

June 2024, Dr. David Martin: "We actually introduced a thing called pseudouridine. And pseudouridine in 2018 was published to be a pro cancer agent. It actually shuts down the body's natural response to how we actually recognize tumors and suppress tumors. And we actually included pseudouridine in every single on of the mRNA shots to stabilize the mRNA so that it actually stayed in the human body longer to achieve its effect."

Sounds like pseudo uridine is the new gig. There's always a new gig with these hustlers in virology.

Pseudo- (from Greek: ψευδής, pseudés 'false') is a prefix used in a number of languages, often to mark something as a fake or insincere version.[1]

So it's fake uridine. Real uridine is in tomatoes, meat, yeast, bread, beer, sugar, milk, broccoli, food.

So we are being conned into believing what's in food will kill us. The David identity could try to prove his shit claims of pseudo science and how it affects the KOVIDIANINATED but we guess it will always be more hype and fear instead. All that identity does is hype up misfounded fear which is used as a tool to keep people running around like idiots in fear and thus stumbling over all sorts of nonsense. Must be a lucrative gig. Is he paid by our taxes? Back room deals? Money laundered underwear? He claims to have been part of the Unintact States of America's system of lies "prior" one of those "agencies". Always hyping up the asserted NOT PROVEN ABSOLUTELY "modified ribo nucleac acid" injection of patents which do not prove it's what is claimed and NEVER ONCE EVER presents that placebos of saline were used in the experiment from 2021 to 2023 whereas for all the public is told as it's all kept a secret in the service of humanity the Pink Himilayan Infusions Of Salt (pHIOS) were 99.666% placebo.

"Intra muscular injections of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb" says Jay. To make this easier to say for the lazy linguisticals we have acronymized this as IMIOACOSWTIOATISID as it never ends. Dr. Lee Merrit having been an orthopaedic surgeon in the military speaks with Dr. Jay Couey specialist in neurological biology and the many scams of biology. Robert Malone has patents! Beware the patent owners. Beware the acronym makers they use those to redefine language. They have a vested interest. Again where's David's money all coming from, patents? Investments in these biotech firms? Probably making bundles. Malone's a multi millionaire. He had his feelings hurt so he sued Dr. Jane Ruby for calling out his hustle. She won. These public figures must be called out when they spread nonsense.

Bacteria eaters (fags) or phages are found in nature, they can be categorized and ISOLATED. No invisible viruse ever has.

Notice the SCALE of size. 100 nanometers. That is 100/1,000,000th of a meter. Super tiny. Only can be seen in microscope. No virus has ever been seen in a microscope. A virus is claimed to have a size 100x smaller than what you see there. If any virus even existed it would go right through the square holes in a surgical diaper placed on ones face in fact they go right through condoms. It's on par with how electronic signals for your cell phone go through walls.

Vaccine safety is a gimmick. It's not done. It's not what you think. Del Bigtree was explaining this to Jimmy Dore July 22, 2,024 years after a priest sliced off 1/2 the protective barrier on baby Jesus dick for the priests coffee instead of creamer. Plotkin is now sliming this nonsense of "we need to do more expensive studies than ever to see if these chemical waste products work." The whole industry is a scam. Where are there no scams? Show notes:

Del Bigtree was going to sue FDA, they then did not give the meningitis vaccine as a placebo along with saline in the experiment of common cold virus vaccine terror campaign mislabled kovid.

250 micrograms of illuminum in baby hep b vax

250/1,000,000th of a gram


tricking your immune system 54 times by the age of 18

Dr. Jane Ruby makes a better presentation with her hair back. Frames her beautiful face better.

She's very knowledgeable in health matters. In this episode she analyzes current president Biden cognitive decline.

Trump will not be elected. Who the hell would vote for such a piece of shit he pushed the country into medi SIN tyrrany hell. It was his shot. He was daddy shot pusher but the oddest thing, the redard-o-crats then knew he was their shot daddy and not only took the Trump shots they promoted them so hard they needed hard on antidotes they couldn't stop erecting barriers between the shotted and the unshotted. The idiots in the Republican MAGA cult OF COURSE will vote for Tronald though he's a sickening egomaniac. Democrats same pile of shit. Pay attention though they are up to something. We predict it will be Michael O'bamma & Newsome screw some. They will win because people are stupid. Too bad as if Kennedy was president in 2020 we would not have had to beg for our lives back. If he was president starting 2025 we'd have a world that would last and man would be alive until 2525. We would not have been tortured with GASSING our kids in schools and our families in stores. GASSING with toxic disinfectant chemicals to kill what does not exist and their businesses. You think vaccines are the real problem, that's a gas, it's so laughable. These industries are all owned by the same people, the magamillionaires and billionaires and trillionaires that are not publicized. Micrograms of dose. Del Bigtree babbles on and on about microdose of aluminum. Claims that causes a wheel barrow of illnesses. What about mega doses of disinfectant poisons in the air. Now they are being sprayed all day long in Walmart and everywhere. Enclosed spaces like in gas chambers. Not enough oxygen. Food in the stores absorb the fumes and these poisons and we ingest it all. The amounts sold are in the trillions of gallons not micrograms. Chemical industry. Massive profits. Just stop oil might help that's where it's all derived from. PAY ATTENTION. Kennedy has always been against the chemical industry. NuClear waste is not the problem either that's limited and it's NOT PUT IN YOUR FOOD OR YOUR AIR IN YOUR BUSINESS, CHURCH, HOTEL, ETC. For all we know all these toxic chemicals are China's chemical waste repurposed for proper disposal that makes a profit.

Update: We thinks it's now going to be a real whopper slam-in-n-out-head of US president Kamala and vice president Hillary, no, the other way around! Retardicans get ready, we are trying to help stabilize you so you don't fall off the cliff of unbearable disappointment when it happens. Retardocrats get ready for fun and more drama your party knows what it's doin.

the fine print no one reads
the biggest problem of all is processed sugar

Cold and flu is not transmissible. Why are we studying virology if there is no TRANS mission.

Vinyard wind save the planet trickle handicapped energy project
has been shut down by Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement after blade breaks showering the beach with shards of glass. Beach closed for swimming. Recommend walking with shoes not bare feet to protect from being cut with clean garbage Hustlepower Unreliable Freak Farms (HUFF) camouflage energy where Mother Nature gets into wolf mode sometimes and huffs and puffs and blows down these delusional made in China pylons that think they are NuClear power plants. SEE PHOTOS and more on this story.

Missocial media is all full of shit. They dropped Damon Imani into the pit of banning hell. It's the same crap that most of these retards did when they all hopped on the bandwagon of shitting on all their "friends" and family who would not drink the Jonestown Trump Kovaids Injection Of China's Chemical Waste (JTKIOCCW).

The world's orchestrated pit is going back to the moon!

It was 1969 the 3 Apollo astronauts were at a press conference. Starting about 57 min the one furthest from us (closest is Buzz Aldrin) explains the harsh appearances of the moon lighting variations as he responds  to question from member of audience. The astronaut explains the moon has sunrise, high noon, and sunset as the explanation. That is not what astronomy says. WATCH

It's like saying you went camping in the forest and did not see trees. This claim of sunset and sunrise causing different shadows is such obvious proof of the big fat lie of having gone to the moon. THERE IS NO SUNRISE AND SUNSET ON THE MOON EACH DAY. We can see this with our own eyes. It takes 28 days for a full cycle of sunrise, sunset, then sunrise again where on Earth it's 24 hours not 28 days. They were there only 21 hours is the official STORY. The shadows could not change at all in that time.


Gold foil. ROFL. 3rd grade arts project. Every day is Sunday on the moon.

Little Lord Fauntleroy 1921 Mary Pickford classic comedy silent era lobby card

must see over 100 years old

Madonna the singer and performer over forty years tells her audience to "share your light with the world"

And view from patio in RIO outdoors with billions of people

Is there freedom of speech in the unintact states of america where it's free to slice of forehoods of defenseless baby men making them TRANS formed into TRANS sexuals and as amputees or is there not freedom of speech, it's a yes or no question. Does everyone understand what a HOMO nym is? Words are gay. Get used to it. It's all queer. Language is queer. Does not this man have a right to speek? Keeps getting yelled at by Sacramento city council. They cannot sit there for 2 minutes and not be broken by air? 1st amendment they break!

Man who forced conditions on you at science fiction TV show speed "to get your life back" which was the life he stole supports 100.666% illegal occupations. No surprise as he occupied by eminent domain properties in America to build his dirty money empire. His deluded cult follows him everywhere. New Years Resolution 2334.

There are chronical liars and there are spread liers.

Dr. Jane Ruby reports the "global outage" affecting the airlines only affected the big three airlines. She got home to Florida on Southwest.

 Jeff Berwick analysis of the "Trump shot" a week later as the dust settled. We called out the performance within 666 milliseconds. He had a clue soon after. The general public remains clueless in a sea of clues as they are home watching the sea on TV so they can't grasp a single clue.

Anti-Nuclear Cult Should Visit France, Finland, South Korea, Canada & China. NuClear energy is what powers those countries safe and effectively. They then sell off their NuClear and chemical waste to manufacturers of vaccines and disinfectants for disposal.

During the staged performance we see CON trails are real.

Two nice actors "in drag" perform their public comments in front of the library board.

A nice way to honor all fallen gentiles killed in many holocausts.

Undiversity inequity and exclusion make a comeback after the staged Trump shot shows the world that women were not even large enough to shield the next president. Tim Pool and friends tawk.

Trunald Domp comes clean which is like a sewer telling us to trust the science using amplification of pseudoscience.

The Unintact States of America's 666th gay president.

The digitized are still standing in line trying to get their digital food as the systems went down after systems were vaccinated with 15 digits of safe and effective code. Smart fools. They buy all the digital pseudomoney pitches using cash of course. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Cash is King KaChing!

Bad acting is good. Like Elon Musk's fake ass rockets rotating the plane Urth powering Teslas that are real because they look so fake.

It's always recommended to not panic. Here's an example of an actor doing just that.

Social media is a world of fake. It's not like real life. In real world you can not like someone and still talk with them or criticize. Online most of these pseudosocial chat zones they have double standards of what can and can't be said and hyper obsessive prosensitivities. It's not reflective of reality. Then you have bots and fake accounts they can say what they want as there's a fundamental problem, these are owned by shareholders and moderated by govern MEANTs like the psycho hell departments that lied directly to the public everywhere with their cartoons of dangerous unicorns and staged theater of what Kovid first introduced on Project Runway in March 2019. Hell departments presented face/masks with song and dance that they "help protect you from viruses" then that morphed into "it protects others" then that mutated into "it protects the viruses from you" then that got sprayed with pesticides of "wear 666 of them each day changing them every 1.666 minutes in order to be safe, they must always be changed as you wouldn't keep shitting your pants and keep wearing that same diaper all day like your exhaled air shits your face diaper" while no one in goven MEANT protective services provided even one red biohazard bin anywhere to dispose of all the dangerous unicorns collected on these plaid designer face masks which was an indication that the producers of this performance were all in on it.

Here's a more accurate representation of how well face diapers don't protect anyone from any dangerous unicorn.

In the ongoing science fiction of dangerous unicorns catching viruses that do not exist the latest absurd buzz is that bacteria is being infected with the virus that does not exist. And of courses as always the extention cord to this Horseshit In Virology (HIV) is frayed and shocking everyone that gets near it.

Dr. Tronald Dump cultees are all wearing ear diapers now after the show. It's like going to Rocky Horror Picture Show to do the time warp again with rolls of toilet paper in hand and used abused face masks from the picture show of 2020 that ran into 2023 which then had a cash cow and the golden goose in protest stopped laying eggs until it got raised up to equal entertaining Horseshit In Virology (HIV). Viruses don't exist hon.

"Folks there's not been a pandemic" unless you mean in a staged performance which means it's a play, theatre, not real, just show busine$$. There is no such thing as no symptom transmission of what does not exist. Corona virus is a stage name. It used to act as the common cold. Better gig in 2020 paid well.

Save Austrailia's ancient forests from handicapped junk science energy. and other methods of powering the world with clean reliable information points out that disabled wind & solar trickle power sources actually needs 3x that amount to be able to walk anywhere on it's own and then it still needs a walker. STOP THESE THINGS

Watch the full analysis and presentation of "the task at hand to achieve net zero".

Instead of installing one energy factory ON A SMALL PLOT OF LAND that uses NuClear technologies and provides massive amounts of free energy industrialists and retirement portfolio management hustle systems keep installing handicapped parking lots for disabled energy based on when the wind blows occasionally. These factories muck up landscapes for miles all around cause destruction and death to wild life. These ugly disgusting dirty energy factories burn power from grids to even function at all hardly producing any energy, they waste energy. Visit for details AND VISIT to see naked full exposure of this junk energy that pretends to be something it is not. These are movie sets presenting illusions and pacifiers.

 In Act 2.666 actor who mandated Anjections Of Chemicalwaste (AOC) stage name Robert Redfield's script writers now have him acting out that "it was a mistake". Everything was and is scripted in these orchestration$. We caught not "covid" what ever the fuck that is, we caught a glimpse of how they operate on the mind. In October 2019 the a.faucidae strain of acting was there with HHS Rick Bright and we hear them say how and why they will create a pandemic and shut your lives down to force pseudoscience flu shot technology branded as MR.NAPAN the mythical god of mischief and debauchery.

They created. Pandemonium. Panic. Pandemic. WATCH these fucks sit on stage talking about their plan.

Apollo 11.666 analysis of men who moon us with rediculous rambles in response to questions like "Err, the sky is black, err, there were no stars on the moon, err.....(I can't remember my lines)"

DEI evictions soar, it's moving out fast!

Never stand in the middle of a raging river on a small raised spot and argue with someone you just offended.

There's information and there's outformation and there's misformation and malformation and disformation. There is no disinformation that makes no sense. It's as stupid as saying uncut dicks. For a baby man's private phallus part to be uncut it first has to be cut. No dick has been uncut. Uncutting a dick is not possible nor is understanding that what is being done to so far 666,666,666 baby men is horrific torture, pain, bloody child abuse.

So here is what some people would do is if they could they would see this stupidity and warn them if they could just like what happened in 2020 hindsight when people warned others who were stopped in the middle of the information super highway wondering what was going on when told "there's a dangerous virus out there once again" and what just happened and who's fault it was and what to do when they claimed there was a load of viruses that fell off the truck on the highway and people started avoiding them and that led to a pile up. Then all those idiots that piled up would blame the messenger and claim they were spreading conspiracy theories. No they were just telling you to not be stupid way ahead of the pile up. They saw how stupid everyone was being by stopping in the middle of the fucking road and arguing about viruses. By 2022 we saw the worst pile up of injuries of businesses and injuries of people caused by stupidity ever seen in history. And people continue to keep doing the same stupid processes of stopping in the middle of the information super highway to argue about who's fault all that was. Please go to the side of the highway and up the hill where the protection is actually safe and effective.

Remember "warp speed" does not exist. That is a Star Trek thing. It's imaginary. It's a script for a movie and TV show. Hustler billionaires used that imaginary CON septic struck to con people into becoming roming lab rats so all their buddies in portfolio management aka Acquiring Others Cash (AOC) with assistance from Hustlerss In Virology (HIV) all based on pseudoscience and marketing schemes.

This is weird. Sure look similar. Coincidence of course. Couldn't be part of any staged performance.

Both work'd for Blackrock. Dowd said he would take clients out and get them drunk. Dowd sure seems to be pushing a lot of fear porn the last 4 years getting people drunk. If we had a dollar for every time we heard fear porn of market crashes and deadly vaccines we'd be 666 trillionaire$.

Be safe. Don't katch a corona borealis virus falling star.
Wear a plaid mask

Corona virus is not new it's the common cold and you don't catch a cold you create it. Gulp oil slicks often the cause. Ever hear of pHARMa marketing departments? Yea they are pretty sleasy. Even get govern MEANTs involved in their sales pitches. Viruses don't exist hon.

Here's an example of pseudoscience. Man "shows us" by scientific experiment that white paper "does not burn" but red paper does. First, the focus of the magnified sun dot is bigger less intense heat on the white paper a disingenuous little trick by the scientist here. The focus of the magnified sun dot is intense and smaller on the red blotched paper. The red is made using a marker of red coloring which has volitile organic chemicals that BURN EASILY added to the paper. It's basically like placing a few drops of lighter fluid there in red. Thus it catches fire easily with the added heat from the more intense magnified sun dot. Basically this is the kind of science used in virology to trick people even some of the scientists and doctors, especially the public and politicians. They can't find "viruses" as they describe them so they add chemicals to a biological sample of blood or snot to make make it burn so to speak. Then they say "look that's what viruses do to the cells, it's right there we can see what they are doing" as they are pointing to a biological mess of burnt particles of what came out of bodily fluids. It's Hustle In Virology. HIV. This is the kind of science that is being hustled on the public world wide by drug companies, public institutions like the CDC, FDA, NIAID, all of them who continue to spread the lies of pseudoscience. They are all full of it. They are all Hustlers In Virology (HIV).

PAN de Moneyium

PAN the vintage god of mischief and debauchery.

 Rulers of this world 2,020 years after a huge section of Jesus dick skin was brutally sliced the fuck off as a new born Savior and is celebrated by Christians every New Years Day in "The Feast of the Circumcision of Christ" (SICK) introduced PAN as our new god. They called on him to lead a PAN demic. Pan is an imaginary creature but the public believed him to be real. The cult leaders of today leading their flocks tell the sheeple "in order to get your life back" aka salvation "you need to be raped by chemical waste products" branded with new song and dance most often as seen on TV. Arms tell the brain "this aint right" tries to say "NO". The rapists don't care. As rapists do they keep pushing for what THEY want.

The evils behind the mischief and debauchery played on the world in PAN demoneyium acting as if they are GOD & SATAN knows no bounds except to bind humans to their slave agendas. May the internet remind you that both JESUS & the Devil are imaginary constructs lest you believe they are real and be conned.

How now pox cow eating the grass noticing the medical community's monkey business over there in the bushes.

Going to war with disease makes no sense. End the war.

i N T E R N E T M A T T E R . C O M M U N I T Y

The Dessert Home & Homo


"The world's a stage, we live in an orchestrated pit, this is the script."