today's date & weather power outage maps silent era West Camp Wind Farm roof top solar sucks energy historical reference 9/11 politics monkey business visit the Kovid fashion district New Biology with Dr. Tom Cowan going in coronas Fuzzy Bear! whoz a Mad Villan
Going to war with disease makes no sense. End the war.
i N T E R N E T M A T T E R . C O M M U N I T Y
"The world's a stage, we live in an orchestrated pit, this is the script."
imagery belongs to it's creators allegedly viewed absolutely in fair use principle of teaching, commentary, reference as part, some images are public domain provided free to use shutch as the peace symbol amongst greenery that loves humans holding peace down keeping it grounded and as they rise above fear & misblight as that's the way the world works and nothing presented here is medical legal or any kind of advice only in formation & entertainment
when someone "accuses" you of spreading disinformation know that it's another trick to keep playing you as when the people are informationed with lies and junk science, absolute disinformation is good, welcome, and necessary
used in a sentence "yes I am pleased to disinform you of the lies you were told about dangerous unicorns"
for example people have been informationed on choosing one President or another when it's clear the only good choice now is Walmart
consumer product recalls unicornology STOP clean energy flat earth timepiece