Written by Kenneth Wegorowski December 23, 2023


'Twas the 2nd millennium and months before Christmas and the sugar plums saw, 150 square miles of turbines at Chevelon' draw, installing themselves near that hidden grand canyon, from west to east, the energy gods are seen now having a feast, surrounding humble parcels born of virgin beginnings, with no power lines bringing even a single watt of wind farm energy to watch superbowl innings, the city folk did not care, they were treated with overabundance of fair, as the eagles that soar saw them being surrounded by white colonist giants at 750 feet tall, would massacre them all, and as only one ranching family there, that owns half that region will share, how good energy is to savor, it's the cities they favor, as not 1 watt of power will be delivered to to any nearby ranchette flower, the power lines and spinning wind sticks abound, and now there's no birds around.

The season and year, is soon to make clear, a gentle reminder of where life’s most precious wealth lies – in the Kingdom Of Heaven here on Earth and it's ties – that those who prioritize, seek out, manipulate, and acquire the tangible mostly for themselves never ever acquire, a new wealth of journeys so it turns into mire. It’s just not possible for them to get it as the universe and the Heavens sees no room, without first giving them a broom, when there’s so much stuff in the way of the truth, and the life of precious open space as proof. Jesus was an example, some say is just a story, some say he’s The Son Of God, both interpretations have a common golden thread and glory.

As many celebrate Jesus birth and being with those we love, will we see those who were born like Jesus only betotten son as angels here amongst us from above – perfect in God’s image – not even get a troth (manger) to sleep in, and ask what about getting even 1 watt to inn keep in?

Will those who live near these monster “energy providers” even get some from their new masters that above them now tower, there’s no electric lines to any of the parcels there for their power, while there’s now an an invasion surrounding them in energy sin, it's costing you billions you invested in, to make it appear as though there's redemption they say, the main grid trunk lines are a mile away, yet none of these saviors say "What about getting electric to them hey?"

In the Bible story the 3 wise men came back, and gave gifts knowing Jesus was special and for that they got some serious flack, it’s like the energy of hot air is being treated as if it's the the Son of Earth, focusing only on it's birth, and it’s still known as mortal and intact, and that's now a matter of fact, that the whole thing is a performance, and the producers and it's crew just say "On with the show" featuring many adornments.

The turbines are made out to be Saviors looking down at us as if they are Father God and the virgin Mother Nature herself looking down at their Sons & Daughters some of whom have been CRUCIFIED for speaking up and against these things.


postcard from 1910 called "The Christmas Visit" author unknown