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    The Navajo Indian Tribe in Arizona has massive reserves of coal on the land they own fully as a Federally recognized nation and have mineral rights. Look at how much land they have.

    Arizona land mass 113,998 square miles
    Navajo Nation land mass 27,413 square miles

    Navajo coal used to be regularly powering local coal based energy facility that efficiently and effectively and reliably and cheaply 24/7 created power but the state shut that down to favor disabled handicapped parking for hundreds of square miles of fake clean energy wind sticks and solar chunks of paneling that relies on massive quantities of coal to produce.

    Small plots of land do not have mineral rights at Chevelon Canyon where West Camp Wind Farm, Chevelon Butte Wind Farm, and solar installations are sprouting their unicorn wings of illusions of free energy AND these landowners do not have electricity lines while they pour billions into these wind and solar farms with wiring everywhere underground at great expense.

    We should feel sorry for Native Americans who are shipping off their coal to China as portfolios are filling up? These costs will appear in electric bills and taxes for decades.

    It’s becoming clear there’s a big ol’ hustle a happenin’. Enron was kids toys in comparison. They are filling up portfolios like that of Canadian Pension Plan Investment Board with green $$$ energy that those living in the USA are pouring in by paying their electric bills. They own Pattern Energy based in San Francisco where there are no wind propellers blocking their views. In fact the amount of wind farming south of I-40 at Winslow now is going to cover the size of 2 San Franciscos.

    Also consider that Cloud Peak Mines in Wyoming went bankrupt and was sold to Navajo Transitional Energy Company (NTEC).

    “October 01, 2021 NTEC assumes full operations at Navajo Mine, thus becoming the first tribally owned coal mining company to operate a coal mine on tribal land. Navajo Mine employs approximately 370 people, with 86% being enrolled as Navajo members” and “We are a leading US coal producer, supplying essential products to power our world” meaning China.

    August 21, 2020—Over the past week, news in the southwest and California has been dominated by record demand for power and the threat of blackouts. Navajo Transitional Energy Company (NTEC) is helping ensure a steady supply of reliable power, while also reducing their own power demand.

    Note also DIESEL is used to transport the coal where the coal powered trains are not connected to the coal plant and distribution they have to reliably power their Navajo Nation residents while again wind and solar farms connect to the main trunk lines some of which are less than a mile from properties with no electric power available.

    What’s that glare? Oh it’s the usual FLAWS and contradictions of claims made about disabled wind and solar trickle energy that is mostly powering portfolios so those the likes of Canadian teachers can all retire and live in luxurious style.

    So here’s a thought to consider, prior to the “clean energy” push, Navajo coal was limited in it’s markets more local. The energy was cheap and clean as carbon cleans the air like carbon does in water filters, and efficient. The move to push wind and solar and it’s illusions worldwide creating new markets and creating more manufacturing for most of the worlds solar and wind systems, and thus relying on more Navajo coal than produced before, which if we look at the spread sheets might indicate their sales SOARED and thus Wall Street massive gains as well and gains for Canadian teachers to retire in style so they can have their estates in Canada and buy second homes in Scottsdale, third homes elsewhere, where they don’t have to see ugly solar and wind farms, travel the world using massive quantities of fossil fuels, while boasting their theatricks of “saving the world” with their expensive coal consuming solar panels and wind turbines seen only in the open spaces while also waving with PRIDE their green energy flags in the faces of the ever expansive tented populations as if they aren’t creating that problem too.

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