The Infectious Myth

A Book Project by David Crowe

Why I Think Viruses Might Not Exist

Viruses were claimed to exist and to be the cause of disease through negative evidence. When materials could be forced through a filter so fine that bacteria could not get through, yet still cause disease when injected into an animal (often directly into the brain), it was claimed that a “filterable virus“ was present.

Prior to the invention of the Electron Microscope in the 1930s it was not possible to see particles this small. With the electron microscope the new breed of virologists started to look at impure materials and claim that they could spot the viruses. The problem is that just by looking at a particle you cannot tell what it is or what it does without fulfilling Koch’s postulates.

Koch’s postulates were developed by the great 19th century German bacteriologist Robert Koch. Stated simply:

  1. Purify the virus (you can use an electron microscope to verify that your sample is pure – all particles should look very similar).
  2. Inject the virus into a vulnerable animal.
  3. Verify that the symptoms of the disease arise.
  4. Repurify the virus.

It is very important to note that these are logical postulates, not scientific laws. They are, in other words, just simple, straightforward, every day logic. Koch’s brilliance was putting them into simple words and forcing those who promoted infectious disease theories (most of which were wrong) into a corner. Fulfill these simple logical postulates, or go home.

The problem for viruses was that, even into the electron microscope era, a top virologist was forced to admit that, “It is obvious that Koch's postulates have not been satisfied in viral diseases” (Rivers TM. Viruses and Koch's Postulates. J Bacteriol. 1937 Jan; 33(1): 1-12). So, instead of satisfying these simple logical postulates, he just proposed two new ones

These are obvious nonsense, but even today this paper is still referenced as seminal, and virologists spend more effort trying to rewrite Koch’s postulates than to fulfil them.

It helps to know a little bit about how virologists work, getting past all the high-tech, sophisticated equipment, and into the logic. This is the approximate sequence of events, you will find repeated thousands of times in the virology literature:

  1. Get a sample from a diseased person or animal. Blood, semen, urine.
  2. Purify it a little bit (e.g. spin the blood to get the serum). This is called the ‘isolate’, even though nothing has been isolated.
  3. Possibly put it through a filter (to remove bacteria and whole cells).
  4. Add to a culture of cancerous cells (often the HeLa from a woman with cancer or Vero cells from monkeys).
  5. Add a number of stimulating and toxic chemicals, as well as nutrients for the cells.
  6. Leave for a while (a week or two).
  7. Check for signs of a virus including:

On this basis virologists claim ‘isolation’ of a virus, even though they have not logically proven that a virus is present, let alone a specific virus.

If anyone believes that Koch’s postulates have been fulfilled for any virus, I would love to hear from you.

Copyright December, 2014 by David Crowe.


David died in July 2020 after the covid fraud started. He called out some of the lies right at the start. By summer he had been in the hospital not for corona virus but something else. He expained they kept insisting on CAT scans. He had 3 of them. Went down hill after that. Many people even doctors warn the CAT scans produce 100x radiation of normal x-ray. David for decades presented information on the Hustles In Virology (HIV) and the false claims of a new disease AIDS which technically is 68 different diseases under one new broader name with a former website called which no longer functions but way back machine has most of it there. RIP my dear friend. He was a noble player in getting the truth out to people.


This was the page July 14 2007

The Infectious Myth
A Book Project by David Crowe
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Most people believe that every disease on the following list has an infectious cause:
  • SARS (timeline)
  • West Nile
  • Mad Cow, CJD and other Spongiform Encephalopathies
  • Foot and Mouth
  • Hepatitis C
  • Polio (timeline)
  • Avian Flu
  • the 1918 ‘Spanish’ Flu

There is considerable scientific evidence that these disease do not just have non-infectious co-factors, but that they are almost entirely non-infectious.

The book “The Infectious Myth” will investigate most of these diseases, providing the scientific evidence that they are not infectious and, in most cases, identifying more plausible causes.

The book will be edited by David Crowe. Some chapters will be written by David Crowe and some will have other authors.

Stay tuned for updates. The project is starting in September, 2006 and hopefully will be finished about one year later.

For more information on David Crowe, including his extensive writing on medical topics, please see